Wildlife-Unit II

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Wildlife – Unit II

Justification of wildlife conservation, uses, values and negative impact of

Justification of wildlife conservation: Wildlife is a precious gift of God to this
planet. The term ‘wildlife’ not only caters to wild animals but also takes into
account all undomesticated life forms including birds, insects, plants, fungi and
even microscopic organisms.
 For maintaining a healthy ecological balance on this earth, animals, plants
and marine species are as important as humans. Each organism on this
earth has a unique place in food chain that helps contribute to the
ecosystem in its own special way. But, sadly today, many of the animals
and birds are getting endangered.
 The natural habitats of animals and plants are being destroyed for land
development and farming by humans. Poaching and hunting of animals
for fur, jewellery, meat and leather are other great factors contributing to
wildlife extinction.
 If soon, no stringent steps are taken to save wildlife, it would not be long
when they will find a place only on the list of extinct species. And that
would not be all!
 The extinction of wildlife species will certainly have a fatal impact on
human race as well. So, for us as humans, it becomes a great
responsibility to save the wildlife, our planet and most importantly, our
own selves.
Justification of wildlife conservation on the basis of uses
1. For a healthy eco-system:

 The eco-system is all about relationships between different organisms

connected through food webs and food chains. Even if a single wildlife
species gets extinct from the eco-system, it may disturb the whole food
chain ultimately leading to disastrous results.
 Consider a simple example of a bee that is vital for growth of certain
crops due to their pollen carrying roles. If bees get reduced in numbers,
the growth of food crops would definitely lower owing to lack of
 Similarly, if specie gets increased in number, again it can have an adverse
effect on the ecological balance. Consider another simple case of
carnivores which is getting reduced every day due to human poaching
and hunting. The reduction of these carnivores is leading to increase in
the number of herbivores who are dependent on forest vegetation for their
survival. It would not be long, when the number of herbivores in forests
would soar to such a great extent that they would move to agricultural
lands and villages for their food needs. Thus, saving wildlife plays a great
role in ensuring a check on the ecological balance thereby, maintaining a
healthy ecosystem.
2. For their medicinal values:

 A huge number of plants and animal species are used to benefit humans
in one way or the other. Many of the medicines such as aspirin, penicillin,
quinine, morphine and vincristine have been derived from uncultivated
 If we talk about the ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda, it has also
been using extracts and juices from various plants and herbs to cure
problems like blood pressure, diabetes and many other neurological
problems since ages.
 It’s not only the plants which are useful; many of the extracts from
animal species are rich in nutrients and anti-oxidants. For instance, the oil
from lever of Cod fish is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 anti-oxidants that
help fight ageing, chemicals derived from shrimps and lobsters are used
in treating fungal infections, venom of Cobra is used as a cure for leprosy
and the list does not end here.
 Today, various species of animals are also being studied and researched
upon to find cures to deadly diseases like cancers, Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s. If wildlife is not preserved today, there would soon be a time
when human race would also be in great danger.
3. For agriculture and farming:

 Human population largely depends on agricultural crops and plants for its
food needs. Wildlife plays a significant role in growth of these crops.
 The fruits and vegetables that we get from plants are a result of a process
called pollination, a reproduction system in plants wherein the pollen
grains from male flower is transferred to the female flower, resulting in
production of seeds.
 Now, for the pollination to occur, birds, bees and insects, which are few
of the tiniest species on this planet, play an important role.
 It is through these insects and birds that the pollens are transferred
between flowers as they move from one flower to the other.
 The crop growth can be significantly affected if the pollen carrying birds
and insects are reduced in numbers for whatsoever reason. You would be
amazed to know that 90 percent of world’s apple crop is dependent on
honey-bee pollination.
 Besides pollination, many birds also play an important role in controlling
pests by feeding on them.
4. For healthy environment:

 Wildlife also plays a significant role in keeping the environment clean

and healthy. Many micro-organisms, bacteria, slime moulds, fungi and
earthworms feed on plant and animal wastes, decomposing them and
releasing their chemicals back into the soil, thus, replenishing it with
nutrients which in turn, are taken up by roots of plants enabling them to
grow and develop.
 Birds like eagles and vultures that are hated by people, also contribute to
the nature in great ways. These scavengers help to remove the carcasses
and dead bodies of animals thereby, keeping the environment clean. Just
imagine a life surrounded with layers of dead bodies lying near us un-
decayed and un-rotten. Thanks to these species that are helping us to live
in a clean and healthy environment.
5. For preserving rich bio-diversity:

 Scientists and researchers are aggressively working these days to preserve

plants and animals through ‘Gene Banks’. These gene banks are a store
house of cells and tissues of scores of wildlife species that play an
important role in agriculture and farming.
 With these cells and tissues, not only the original plant varieties and
animal breeds be re-generated in times of wildlife epidemics, climate
changes or any such natural calamities resulting in reduction or extinction
of these species but, also new varieties and breeds with improved genetic
traits be generated thus, increasing a chromosomal diversity within
 Besides cells and tissues, gene banks also store plant seeds, sperms, eggs
and embryos of numerous mammal species. Storing reproductive organs,
such as ovaries and testes is also getting common with the advancement
in science and technology.
 If we talk about what benefits the cross-bred varieties of plant and animal
species can have, there are various. The plant species with improved
genetics tend to be high-yielding, more resistant to diseases & pests and
also contribute to soil improvement.
 Cross breeding has also proved to be highly beneficial in dairy cattle with
improved genetic species yielding more milk, showcasing better health
and fertility.
6. For recreation:

 Wildlife safaris, nature photography and bird watching, fishing are major
components of recreation. But in today’s scenario forests, wildlife,
oceans, rivers and lakes are under major threat.
 With humans disturbing nature at such as fast pace, it would not be long
when we will have only limited options for recreation activities in the lap
of Mother Nature.
 If we do not start thinking about saving the wildlife now, there will soon
be a time when will be not be able to see zoos and biological parks to
have them a glimpse at beautiful animals and birds but, would be
showing them the pictures of these creatures only in books bearing the
tagline of ‘Extinct Species’.
7. For economic value

 Wildlife also plays an important role in improving the economy of the

country. Inviting tourists from all across the globe to witness endemic and
rare species through their offerings for game safaris and birding tours;
wildlife reserves and forests greatly contribute to inflow of foreign
exchange thereby, increasing country’s GDP.
 It is not only wildlife safaris or bird watching that contributes to the
country’s economy, many other activities such as trekking, fishing and
river rafting require government permits and licences, the cost of which
goes into government’s account.
 That is not all; the cost of tourist’s travel, local transportation, food,
accommodation and sight-seeing – all indirectly contributes a significant
amount to the nation’s economy.
 With influx of tourists, seasonal job opportunities for localities also
increase significantly that again adds as a contributing factor to improved
GDP. It is for this reason; many countries are today, promoting wildlife
tourism even if they have to go to an extent of creating artificial habitats
by importing flora and fauna from countries rich in these resources. 
 Singapore is one such great example where the government has taken few
major and unconventional steps of creating and maintaining the wildlife
just to promote tourism in their country.
8. For livelihood of individuals:

 For many, wildlife is the source of income and provides them with their
daily bread and butter. Consider the simple case of fishermen who greatly
rely for their income on their daily catches or the farmers who heavily
depend on a healthy crop yield for their livelihood.
 Similarly, many industries such as textile, paper, timber and rubber
highly depend for their revenue on wildlife. Consider another common
case of hotels and resorts sitting near wildlife parks. These will only earn
if the park and its animals remain conserved and protected thereby,
attracting tourists staying over in their resorts, which would in turn be
contributing to their revenues.
 There are many other people employed in wildlife based ventures such as
the ones supplying fishing gears, snorkelling and scuba-diving
equipment, binoculars for bird-watching, porters, guides, drivers,
mahouts (the list is endless), who are benefited by wildlife tourism.
 There is a great market across the world for exotic animal products such
as leather bags, belts, fur jackets, ivory crafts and jewellery. People
working in these trades also have a significant dependency on wildlife.
 So, if one day, forests, animals, lakes, oceans and birds go missing from
the earth, it will not only have an impact on the livelihoods of these
people who are directly dependent on wildlife industry but, it will also
have a cascading effect on every human being.
9. For aesthetical value

 Lots of greenery, colourful flowers and beautiful birds around us makes

beautiful environment. Obviously, you do and everybody does. So,
wildlife and nature obviously have an important role in imparting
beautiful aesthetics to our planet. Forests, rivers, oceans, birds and
animals; all contribute in beautifying the earth in a major way. If there are
no forests, rivers and animals or birds, earth would turn into a barren land
with no traces of wildlife.
10. For socio-cultural value

 Wildlife also has an important role to play in different cultures. Many

animal and plant species actually represent the cultural backbone of the
community. Certain animals are even associated with particular gods and
goddesses, and are often symbolic of a deity’s power.
 For instance, cow is revered as mother in Hindus and therefore, holds a
significant religious value. Similarly hawks and eagles are considered to
be sacred in Native American culture. Because of such species’
contribution to cultural heritage, special cultural preservation acts under
animal protection laws have been formulated in many countries.
 If these cultural associations with wildlife would not have been formed
by our fore-fore ancestors, some of these species that greatly contribute to
human well-being on earth, would have got extinct centuries back.
 Besides the above few reasons, keeping pollution at bay, protecting soil
from erosion, maintaining a healthy weather and climate; all these are
some great reasons for saving the wildlife.
Justification of wildlife conservation on the basis of values
Values of Wildlife: Wildlife is important natural resources that can be put to
various uses by man. These include ethical, cultural, commercial, recreational
and environmental uses. Wild animals are intimately connected with our
society, tradition, culture education, economy, recreation and ecology. They
have made our planet a place of joy, enjoyment, peace and prosperity.
Positive values Negative values
• Ethical Values • Damage to agriculture
• Cultural Values • Competition
• Ecological Values • Diseases
• Scientific Values • Conflict with human
• Aesthetic and Recreational value
• Commercial or Economic values
• Game values

(A) Ethical values: We the human beings proclaim ourselves superior

to wild animals even though they are more ferocious, powerful, swift and
adaptable. The three distinguished features of human beings are the basis
 Capacity to distinguishing between right and wrong,
 Sense of reasoning,
 Love and appreciation of beauty
The ethical values compel us to think that we have no right to kill or destroy the
other living components of the nature that includes wildlife. Our ancients books,
sculptures, religion, rules and philosophers have contributed significantly in the
direction of -
 Protection, conservation and control of wildlife
 Spreading and including the sense of love and co- existence to wild
creatures among us.
The ethical value of wildlife in Indian History:
 Wild animals were afforded protection in Hindu mythology through
religious myths and sentiments viz. tiger is associated with the Goddess
Durga, Snakes decorate the neck of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha is believed
to have the nose of an elephant.

 In the ancient epic Ramayana, an army of monkey and other animals

helped Lord Rama in his war against Ravana, the symbol of injustice.
 The stories of pancha-tantra are full of the love for wild animals and
have a profound impact on the young mind.
 The emperor Ashoka defined the protection of wildlife and forest trees as
a duty of kings and citizens alike.
 The famous philosopher Kautilya in his ‘Arth Shastra’ has given a
comprehensive coverage to the ‘Abhayaranya’ or Forest sanctuary, where
animals could live without any fear of being killed.
 In almost every religion it is wrong to take the life of an animal.
B. Cultural values
 Wild animals have an intimate relationship with human religion, culture
and tradition not only in ancient but also in modern times.
 Examples of bravery and ferocity are cited with respect to the lion and

 The peacock has always been a source of inspiration and grace.

 Killing of insects is forbidden in religions like Budhism and Jainism.

 Wild animals should be preserved because the knowledge which we have

about these animals is part of our culture.
 The wildlife have been source of inspirations for mankind and
contributed significantly towards art, architecture, literature and

 The ultrasonic technique used by bats might be inspiration for human

to invent the radar.
 Animals are inspiration for human for many inventions and designs.

C. Ecological values: Wild animals are as much a part of nature as man

and have a significant role to play in maintaining the dynamics of the
ecosystem. Wild animals occupy the position of consumer in the ecosystem.
 Seasonal migration of birds and mammals help in the development of
vegetation by the dispersal of seeds, which they eat and defecate.

 Birds and insects help in cross pollination. It increases the diversity of

genetic recombination and viability of the plant vegetation, the
producer component of the ecosystem.
 Some wild animals and birds are natural scavengers and thereby help
to keep the environment clean and hygienic. Hyenas and jackals are
also eliminators of weak, (useless and unfit) individuals.
 Wild animals and insects also act as a biological controlling agent if
insect pest and diseases.
 Thus, wild animals play an important role in maintaining the ecological
balance, correcting, rehabilitating and preventing further loss to the
D. Scientific values: Research workers are engaged all over the world in
conducting scientific studies on the so as to achieve different scientific
 Whenever any medicine that is to treat various diseases in human beings
is invented, the research on its effect is first tested on animals (such as
apes, monkeys, lemurs, pigs, rats and mice) before it is used for human
consumption and treatment.
 The knowledge of body functions of different animals and their
evolutionary relationship with each other, how they interact with each
other and with nature etc, would have been incomplete without the
animals who are dissected by scientists.
 The Rh factor in human blood was discovered after studying the rhesus
 Chimpanzes have helped human beings in conducting serological protein
 The common long nosed Armadillo has been used for leprosy research,
Black bear has been used for studying kidney diseases, and African
elephants were used as model for research on thrombosis.
 Many studies on the animal behaviors have helped psychiatrist, to
understand the nature of human mind.
 Some of wild animals direct or indirect medicinal values for human
beings, such as:
 Musk pod or musk deer is valued as scent.
 Fat of tiger or hornbill is believed to cure rheumatism.
 Snake venom is used for the preparation of anti-venom for snakebite.
 Eggs of wild pigeon, junglefowl and ducks are helpful
incurring common cold.
 Thus, wild animals have an immense scientific and medicinal value.
Proper awareness can help in earning good will of humanity towards
E. Aesthetic & Recreational values
 Value which pertain to inborn natural beauty and artistic appreciations are
grouped under this.
 Some of the wild animals are simple and beautiful, some are majestic and
powerful, some others are magnificent and colorful; this sheer beauty of
the wildlife has a direct appeal to human spirit and humanity would like
to preserve this splendid form of beauty of nature at all cost.
 This is almost an intangible value which may be difficult to measure or
compare but nevertheless it is important.
 The pleasure which we derive by viewing them may not be quantifiable.

 Wildlife provides recreation to general public.

 People would like to find time, from the busy schedule of their modern
busy life, to share some moments of pleasure and mental happiness with
 Various sanctuaries, national parks, zoos provide place for recreation and
attract public.
 The integration of wildlife with tourism industry, have become a source
of tremendous economic gain.
 Country like India, which are very rich in the variety of wildlife tourism
can be a big source of income, as well as, principle source of foreign
 It is a priceless value which may be popular and widespread in nature and
may be important for generating awareness in public minds for wildlife
F. Commercial or Economical values
 Wildlife as a natural resource has great commercial value.
 Trough out the world many people are earning their livelihood by
carrying trade in wildlife and their products.
 Many industries such as fishing are as big as any other modern industry
as far employment generation, output and income.
 Along with fishing, fur and skin trade has also developed into a
 Trade in certain items like musk, ivory, rhinoceros horn, crocodile
skin, fur from monkey, rabbit and beer etc. has threatened these
animals is now on the verge of extinction.

G. Game values: Wildlife has a greater value for those who hunt for sport.
 Our kings, emperors were famous for creating special reserves for
hunting: Dachigam sanctuary, was exclusive hunting reserve of Maharaja
of Kashmir.
 Bharatpur bird sanctuary formed the reserve of Maharaja Bharatpur.
 Corbett had become a legendary figure for hunting the man-eaters of the
U.P. hills
 Peoples have won large number of trophies by killing the wild animals.
This resulted in the mass killing of some of the majestic wildlife.
 Hunting and fishing clubs have been created in many countries like USA,
as a sport.

H. Positive values

 The positive values of wildlife can further be divided into two:

Non-consumptive or Intangible

Consumptive or tangible

 The ecological and ethical are intangible value, while economic,

scientific and others are of tangible values, as we get direct benefit in the
form of food, money and enjoyment.
I. Negative values: Wildlife has got certain negative values, such as:

a. Destruction of properties

b. Predation

c. Potential role as reservoir or carriers of various diseases

 Wildlife such as dear and other herbivorous animals destroy the crops in
the field and intensity is felt most by those countries whose agriculture is
in the primitive stages and living standard is very poor.
 Carnivores like panther, tiger and lion sometimes lift domestic animals
and create hardships for the rural population.

 There are many instances when loss of human life has been up to a great
extent at hand of man-eaters carnivores.
 Some of wild animals act as a carriers or reservoirs of certain diseases.

 However, the positive values of wildlife far outweigh the negative values.

 Wildlife is an important renewable natural resource at the hard of man

with diverse use.

 The colourful and magnificent wildlife bestowed upon us by the nature

had made tremendous contribution towards:

– our culture, religion, courage and discipline,

– customs, and traditions,

– education and economy,

– entertainment and aesthetic sense,

– maintaining balance of nature

 The list is still lingered making life on this planet full of joy and
enjoyment, peace and prosperity.

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