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SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Program: B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 8101 & B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) Semester: V
Module: Civil Procedure Code Module Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lecture Practical Tutorial Internal Continuous Term End
(Hours (Hours (Hours Credit Assessment (ICA) Examinations (TEE)
per per per week) (Marks - 50) (Marks- 50
week) week) in Question Paper)
4 0 0 4 Marks Scaled to 50 Marks Scaled to 50
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of legal methods.

To teach the Civil Procedure of the Court to secure rights in private law.
While this course progresses, the learners:
1. Will be able comprehend the rules of court procedures in Civil proceedings( PLO1a)
2. Will be able to discern rules for special suits like Summary Suits, Interpleader Suits,
etc.(PLO2a )
3. Will be able draft effectively the plaint and the written statement and other miscellaneous
applications under Court Rules( PLO 2a)
4. Will be able to apply the rules pertaining to appeals ( PLO 2a )
5. Will be able to comprehend the process of execution of decrees( PLO 1a )
Detailed Syllabus: ( per session plan )
Unit Description Duration
1. Introduction to Procedural Laws 2 Hrs.
● Distinction between Civil and Criminal Procedure.
● Substantive and Procedural Law.
● Significance of Procedural Law for a just society.
● History of Civil Procedure in India.
Basic Reading:Mulla’s Key to Practice, Lexis Nexis Chapter I; Civil
Procedure by C K Takwani EBC Chapter I
Case Laws:
● Sangram Singh v Election Tribunal Kota AIR 1955 SC 425
2. Civil Procedure Code, 1908 – An Introduction 3 Hrs.
● Scheme of the Code of Civil Procedure.
● Commercial Courts and Commercial Division
● Court Rules and State Amendments.
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.1;
Case Law:Vareed Jacob v SosammaGreevarghese, (2004) 6 SCC 378
3. Definitions under Civil Procedure Code, 1908 2 Hrs.
● Decree.
● Judgment.
● Order.
● Foreign Court.
● Foreign Judgment.
● Mesne Profits
● Affidavits
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
● Suit.
● Plaint.
● Written Statement.
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani, Ch.2
Case Laws:
● Carew & Co. v UOI , AIR 1975 SC 2260
● Madan Naik v Hansubala Devi AIR 1983 SC 676
● Shankar v Chandrakant AIR 1995 SC 1211
4. Important Concepts under CPC, 1908 3 Hrs.
● Res Sub-Judice.
● Resjudicata.
● Restitution.
● Caveat.
● Inherent Powers of Courts.
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.2
Case Laws :
● SatyadhyanGhosal v Deorjin Debi AIR 1960 SC 941
● Daryao v UP AIR 1961 SC 1457
● Devi Lal Modi v STO AIR 1965 SC 1150
● Nirmal Chandra v GirindraNarayan,AIR 1978Cal 492
● Manoharlal v Seth Hiralal, AIR 1962 SC 527
5. Steps in an institution of Suit 3 Hrs.
● Jurisdiction and place of suing.
● Institution of suits.
● Summons
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch. 1& 4
Case Laws:
● A R Antulay v R S Nayak AIR 1988 SC 1531
● Official Trustee v SachindraNath AIR 1969 SC 823
● Kiran Singh v ChamanPaswan AIR 1954 SC 340
● Premier Automobiles v K. ShantaramAIR 1975 SC 2238
● Dhulabhai v St. of M.P AIR 1969 SC 78
● Patel Roadways Bombay v Prasad Trading Co. AIR 1992
SC 1514
6. Pleadings – Plaint and Written Statement 3 Hrs.
● Meaning, Object, General Rules, Amendments of Pleadings
(Miscellaneous Applications)
● Plaint and written statements.
● Discovery, Inspection and Production of Documents.
● Counter claim and Set off
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.5,6,7 & 10
Case Laws:
● Ramesh Hirachand v MCGM (1992) 2 SCC 424
● Alka Gupta v N K Gupta( 2010) 10 SCC 141
● ProfullaChorone v Satya Chorone AIR 1979 SC 1682
● Kamala v K.T. Eshwara (2008) 12 SCC 661
● Nahar Enterprises v Hyderabad Allwyn Ltd., ( 2007) 9 SCC
● P T Thomas v Thomas Jacob , AIR 2005 SC 3575
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
● BalrajTaneja v Sunil Madan ,AIR 1999 SC 3381
● Ramesh Chand v Anil Panjwani , AIR 2003 SC 2508
● Rani Kusum v Kanchan Devi AIR 2005 SC 2304
7. Hearing 3 Hrs.
● Appearance and non-appearance of parties.
● First hearing.
● Sec. 89 ADR
● Framing of issues.
Basic Reading : Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch. 8,9
Case Laws:
● Mangat Singh v Sat Pal AIR 2003 SC 4300
● Sita Ram v Radha Bai AIR 1968 SC 534
● Hiralal v Badkulal , AIR 1953 SC 225
8. Interim Orders – Sec. 94 3 Hrs.
● Ad interim orders O 38 & 39(Interrogatories O 11)
● Arrest before judgment. O 38
● Attachment before judgment. O38
● Commissions O 26
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.11
Case Laws:
● Padam Sen v U P AIR 1961 SC 218
● Gujarat Bottling Co. Ltd v Coca Cola Co. AIR 1995 SC 2372
● Martin Burn Ltd v R.N.Banerjee AIR 1958 SC 79
9. Interim Orders - Sec. 94 3 Hrs.
● Temporary Injunctions. O39
● Interlocutory orders. O39
● Receiver. O 40
● Security of costs O25
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch. 11
Case Laws:
● Dalpat Kumar v Prahlad Singh AIR 1993 SC 276
● A.V.Naidu v S. Chellappan AIR 2000 SC 3020
● Krishna Kumar v Grindlays Bank PLC AIR 1991 SC 899.
10. Suits in Particular Cases – I 2 Hrs.
● Suits by or against Government. S 79 to 82 O 27
● Suits by indignant persons. O33
Basic Reading:Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.16
Case Laws:
● Bihari Chowdhary v State of Bihar AIR 1984 SC 1043
● State of Punjab v Geeta Iron and Brass Works Ltd., AIR 1978
SC 1608
● UOI v Khader International Construction ( 2001) 5 SCC 22
11. Suits in Particular Cases - II 3 Hrs.
● Interpleader Suit. S 88 O35
● Summary Procedure. O 37
● Suits relating to public nuisance - S 91
● Originating Summons S 90
Basic Reading : Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch. 16
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
Case Laws:
● KamleshKohli v Escotrac F & I Ltd., AIR 1977 SC 577
● KiranmoyeeDassi v Dr. J . Chatterjee AIR 1949 Cal 479
12. Judgment - Section 2(9) and Order 20 3 Hrs.
Judgment: Definition, Essentials, Pronouncement, Contentsand
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.15
Case Laws:
● SwaranLata v H K Banerjee AIR 1969 SC 1167
● A M Mathur v Pramod Kumar Gupta AIR 1990 SC 1937
● Kewal Chand v S K Sen ,AIR 2001 SC 2569
13. Decree - Section 2(2) and Order 20 3 Hrs.
● Decree: Definition, Essentials, Types, Drawing up of a decree,
Contents and Decree in particular cases.
● Interest. S.34
● Costs: S 35
Basic Reading : Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Ch.15
Case Laws:
● P Verma v St. of A P (2010) 13 SCC 158 (188)
● S.Satnam Singh v Surendrer Kaur (2009) 2 SCC 562
● Executive Engineer v Abhaduta Jena AIR 1988 SC 1520
14. Execution – Sec 36 to 67 and Order 21 3 Hrs.
● Courts by which decree may be executed. S 38
● Payment under decree. O 21 R 1& 2
● Application for Execution. O21 R 10
● Mode of Execution. O 21 R 30 to 36
Basic Reading : Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Part IV
Case Laws:
● Ghantesher v Madan Mohan AIR 1997 SC 471
● SurinderNath v UOI AIR 1988 SC 1777
15. Execution – Order 21 3 Hrs.
● Stay of Execution. O 21 R 26
● Questions to be determined by executing court. S 47
● Garnishee Orders O21 R 46 A to I
● Precepts S 46
Basic Reading : Civil Procedure by C K Thakker Part IV
Case Laws:
● Shaukat Hussain v Bhuneshwari Devi AIR 1973 SC 528
● Mahadeo Prasad v Ram Lochan AIR 1981 SC 416.
16. Appeals - Sec 96 3 Hrs.
● Appeals by original decree.
● General provisions as to appeals & cross appeals/objections.
● Appeals by Indigent persons
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Thakker Part III
Case Laws:
● N.N.Dey v S.C.Dey AIR 1932 PC 165
● Anant Mills Co Ltd v State of Gujarat AIR 1975 SC 1234
● Dayawati v Indrajit AIR 1966 SC 1423
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
17. Appeals - Sec 100 and Order 42 2 Hrs.
● Second Appeal (Substantial question of Law).
● Appeals to the Supreme Court.
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Thakker Part III Ch.2
Case Laws:
● Chunnilal v Mehta & Sons v Century Spg.&Mfg.Co. Ltd AIR
1962 SC 1314
● Govindaraju v Mariamman AIR 2005 SC 1008
18. Reference, Review and Revision 3 Hrs.
● Reference to High Court – Section 113 and Order 46
● Review – Section 114 and Order 47
● Revision – Section 115
Basic Reading: Civil Procedure by C K Takwani Part III Ch.7
Case Laws:
● Municipal Corporation v ShivshankarGaurishankar AIR 1999
SC 2874
● Delhi Admin v Gurdip Singh Uban AIR 2000 SC 1500
● Manick Chandra v DebdasNandy AIR 1986 SC 446
19. Process in Commercial Courts Division 2 Hrs.
● Pre suit Mediation S 12A
Basic Reading : The Commercial Courts, Act 2015 (as amended to
20. Limitations Act, 1963 3 Hrs.
● Limitation of Suits, Appeals and Applications
▪ Bar of Limitation.
▪ Extension of Prescribed Period.
Basic Reading: The Limitations Act., Srinivas Gupta, Universal
Case Laws:
● SyndicateBank v Prabha D. Nayak AIR 2001 SC 1968
● Deena v Bharat Singh AIR 2002 SC 2768
● Gopal Sardar v KarunaSardar, AIR 2004 SC 3068
21. Limitations Act,1963 - II 2 Hrs.
● Effect of Legal Disability.
● Suits against Trustees and their Representatives
● Computation of Limitation
▪ Exclusion of Time.
▪ Exclusion of Time for Proceedings bonafide in court
which lacks jurisdiction
Basic Reading: The Limitations Act., Srinivas Gupta, Universal
Case Laws:
● Municipal Council v Shah HyderBeig, AIR 2000 SC 671
● FCI v Babulal Agarwal AIR 2004 SC 2926
● Nasiruddin v Sita Ram Agarwal AIR 2003 SC 1543
22. Limitations Act,1963 – III 3 Hrs.
● Exclusion of Time in Miscellaneous Cases.
● Effect of Fraud or Mistake; Acknowledgement / Payment and
Substituting / Adding party.
● Acquisition of Ownership by Possession.
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
● Miscellaneous Provisions.
Basic Reading: The Limitations Act., Srinivas Gupta, Universal
Case Laws:
● V.C.Pillai v Shivatanu Pillai AIR 1979 SC 1937
● S.F.Mazda v Durga Prasad AIR 1961 SC 1236
Total 60 Hrs.
Text Books:
1. Bare Act. Code of Civil Procedure 1908.
2. C.K. Takwani: Civil Procedure, 9thEd. 2021, Eastern Book Company.

3. Civil Procedure Code, Dr. Avtar Singh, 5th Edition, 2019, Central Law Publications.
4. Mulla’s Key to Indian Practice. Lexis Nexis, 12th Edition 2019
5. Shriniwas Gupta: The Limitations Act Universal, 3rd Edition 2020
Case Laws: Will be cases decided by the Supreme Court/High Courts during the Course.
Reference Books:

1. Mulla: The Code of Civil Procedure. 18th Ed 2011, Lexis Nexis Butterworth Publications.
2. Basu P’s: Law on Limitation Act,, Delhi Law House, 9th Edition (Commentary)

Any other information :

Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): 50 Marks

Research Paper: 20 Marks

Seminar: 10 Marks
Viva: 10 Marks
Class Participation: 10 Marks

Signature Signature
(Prepared by ShrikantM.Aithal) (Approved by Dean)
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

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