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CULTURE Sunday, 02.11.


No. 1542 SANTA BARBARA, SUNDAY, MAY 22.2022 Sunday Chronicles

Anime and manga are influencing

North America

The popularity of manga and anime has recently

influenced the bringing of Japanese pop culture to
North America. Jeffrey Klaehn, a doctorate
graduate for communication (University of
Amsterdam) and sociology (University of
Strathclyde) conducts three interviews in the mid
2000s between editors in various manga
distribution and licensing companies. Most
notably, “Viz Media” and “TOKYOPOP”. Two
incredibly notable manga licensing companies in
North America.

What is Japanese pop culture?

So what exactly is Japanese pop culture? To put it simply, Japanese pop culture is the form of
Japanese culture and art that is not limited to just anime, manga, and cosplay but also music,
cinema, and video games. This is not restricted to entertainment.
“If you’re new to comic books and manga, the first
thing I have to tell you is that manga and light novels
are so much more than quick-and-dirty, pulp fiction”
TOKYOPOP has expanded its influence around the West and changed teen’s perception of
culture. Additionally, the company has recently included a UK branch as well as opening offices
in Germany, Australia, and China.

The very first interview was with Kara Allison Stambach, the fiction editor for TOKYOPOP. Her
inspiration to work in such an industry originated from her mother teaching writing at the
college level. Additionally, Stambach explains that her grandmother taking her to the library
further influenced her love for reading and writing. She decided to apply to TOKYOPOP after
her friend recommended the novel positions.

“If you’re new to comic books and manga, the first thing I have to tell you is that manga and
light novels are so much more than quick-and- dirty, pulp fiction,” said Kara.

Her take on the growing influence of

Japanese pop culture

Stambach emphasized how animation,

whether it’s Western or Japanese has a
prolonged effective means of storytelling. She
believes that the growing influence of Japanese
pop culture is through people acknowl- edging
and recognizing good things when they
experience it.
Anime grew in popularity in the West during
the era when the anime, Sailor Moon, was being
broadcast. In Stam- bach's views, anime at the
time such as Sailor Moon burst the bubble and
reached out to many foreign people.

Their medias often overlap American comics and graphic In contrast, Quentin Taran-
one and another. Just as most novels are usually read by the tino’s Kill Bill was influen- ced
movies are created after the male audiences. So the by Japanese media, anime,
books, mangas are serialized influence of Japanese pop and cinema.
after the growing popularity culture through manga has
of a particular light novel. reached out to the female “If you’re one of those people
In regards to manga, the readers. Manga culture in who loves the smell of a new
westernization of manga, and Stambach’s views are recur- book…. who puffs up with pride
it’s reader demographics, rent in North America. Japan- at being called a comic geek or
Stambach emphasizes that ese manga artists take mangaphile….You’re part of
TOKYOPOP is for all ages. inspirations from the West. the comic book culture.”
Stambach believes that Notable writers such as - Kara Stambach
manga has reached out to Osamu Tezuka (Astroboy)
many females in the West. were influenced by Disney’s
“I, personally, believe that the popularity of manga in
North America is both fuelling and fuelled by several
simultaneous cultural occurrences.”
The second interview was conducted with Marc Weidenbaum, the chief of editor for Viz Media in
the LA office branch. During his interview, Weidenbaum believes that manga licensed and
distributed through Viz Media helped increasingly due to some of the most popular mangas being
distributed their. Shonen Jump mangas in Viz Media such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc.
are incredibly popular with many people who do not have an interest in Japanese pop culture
knowing or at least heard of one of them. Shonen Jump’s list of popular mangas have an incredible
impact to their audiences. It’s through these mangas that introduced Japanese pop culture through
many members in the audiences.

“I, personally, believe that the popularity of

manga in North America is both fuelling and
fuelled by several simultaneous cultural
occurrences.” said Marc.

Weidenbaum believes that there are 4 aspects

as to why these form of Japanese pop culture
media has a lasting effect to the Western
audiences. First, the rising popularity of all
things considered or labeled as “Japanese”
including food, culture, and entertainment.
Secondly, the increasing popularity of visual
Shounen Jump Weekly culture as a form of storytelling. Thirdly, the

diminishing popularity of characters. Naruto Uzumaki ●

Western comics. Lastly, the grew up living a lonely life
golden-age of television without having much friends.
drama has created a unique That core “feeling” can be
form of storytelling. shared mutually through some
Weidenbaum also believes that
a manga’s popular char- acter Additionally,Weidenbaum
also plays a significant role to believes the storytelling in
the influence of Japanese pop Shonen Jump is a fresh,
culture. Char- acters such as creative, and fun drama.
Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto Naruto characters such as
and Naruto Shippuden are fan Sasuke Uchiha, Orochimaru,
favorites. This in his belief is and the mentor Kakashi are
due to the audience connection both creative in design and as
with the individual characters.
Naruto Shippuden: Final
Episode (2017)
“Manga, like anime, offered American readers a chance to grow up
with their childhood passion. As we all know, manga is ingrained in
the Japanese mainstream. Kids read it, adults read it. Good golly,
even women read it (someone alert the media!)

The last interview was with Media as a one of the major Searleman like Stambach and
Eric Searleman, an editor for catalyst for expanding Ja- Weidenbaum views the diver-
Viz Media. Searleman des- panese pop culture. sity of manga and anime as a
cribes Viz Media as a flood- great job for opening a new
gate of various popular “Manga, like anime, offered door/window into another
mangas. Series such as American readers a chance to world. Japanese pop culture is
Pokemon and Sailor Moon are grow up with their childhood both very much alike to
perhaps the biggest passion. As we all know, Western-style, yet itw is also
contributors for introducing manga is ingrained in the incredibly different.
the anime and manga culture Japanese mainstream. Kids
to the West. From the editor read it, adults read it. Good
perspective of shounen golly, even women read it
mangas (mangas that are (someone alert the media!),”
generally targeted to the says Eric.
teenagers and young adults)
such as Inuyasha and Naruto,
Searleman views Viz

Why is this important? piration on each other. Manga and anime

distribution companies introduces the “otaku
Understanding how Japanese pop culture culture” or “weeb culture” that is completely
influence their audience is important. The 3 different from the “comic book culture”
interviews from editors in their respectable Americans are familiar with. By better
companies showed that manga and anime understanding why and how Japanese pop
have lasting impacts to our media cultural culture through anime and manga influence
understanding. Thanks to Japanese pop the West, it gives us a stronger perception as
culture and Western influence, both sides have to why it’s popularity is increasing.
equally balanced each other out. Drawing ins-

Yes, the diversity is amazing. But manga and

anime also do a good job of opening a window
into another world. Japanese pop culture is
both different and the same from ours.

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