The Right To Information Act, 2005: Obligations of Public Authorities

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[Refer to Chapter II Section 4(1) b of
RTI Act, 2005]

Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Government of Andhra Pradesh
GUNTUR – 522508.
PHONE: 08645295969.08645295696

January - 2021
DT&CP - Right to Information Act – 2005

Chapter 1
DT&CP Back ground & Key objectives:
Chapter 2 DT&CP Functions and Duties

Chapter 3 The Powers and Duties of Officers of DT&CP

Chapter 4 Procedure followed in the decision making

Chapter 5 The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions

Chapter 6 The rules, regulation, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or

under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

Chapter 7 Categories of documents that are held by DT&CP

Chapter 8 The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or
representation by, the members of the public in relation to the
formulation of its policy or implementation thereof:

Chapter 9 A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies

consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the
purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards,
councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the
minutes of such meetings are accessible for public;

Chapter 10 The Directory of its officers and employees

Chapter 11 The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and

employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its

Chapter 12 Budget

Chapter 13 The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts

allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes:

Chapter 14 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted

by it:

Chapter 15 The Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it,

reduced in an electronic form;

Chapter 16 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information,

including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for
public use:

Chapter 17 The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information

Chapter 18 Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update

these publications every year:

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 2


1.1 Back Ground:

In order to setting right to information for Citizens to secure access to information

under the control of public authorities, The Right to Information Act was enacted
by parliament in the Fifty Sixth Year of the Republic India. This Act extends to the
whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Town Planning Department headed by Director was created in the year 1961
under Local Administration and subsequently, 7 Regional Offices, headed by
Regional Deputy Directors, were created in the year 1986. The post of Director of
Town Planning was redesignated as Director of Town and Country Planning.
The Department extends advice to the Local Bodies on Town Planning matters and
exercises powers under the following statutes.
1. Andhra Pradesh Town Planning Act, 1920
2. Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965
3. Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994
4. Andhra Pradesh Cinematorgraph Act, 1952
5. Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975
6. Govt. Orders issued from time to time

 To Promote Transparency and Accountability in the working of O/o Director of
Town and Country Planning and its Regional Offices.
 To provide information to citizens related to Town Planning activities in the State
of Andhra Pradesh.

1.2 Objective and Purpose of the Hand Book:

To publish or discloursure of the following in the process of implementation of the

 Organizational and Procedural system.
 Categories of Documents / Records.
 Rules, Regulations and Manuals.
 Budget and Expenditure.
 Details of Public Information Officers.

1.3 Intended users of the Hand Book:

Citizens, Civil Society Organizations, Public Representatives, Officers and Employees

of Public Authorities including Public Information Officers, APIO, Appellate Officer,
Central and State Information Commissioner etc.,

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 3

1.4 Definitions of key terms:

GTP: General Town Planning Scheme

IDSMT: Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns.
ILUP: Indicative Land Use Plans
Floor:- The lowest surface in a story on which one normally walks in a building.
FAR (Floor Area Ratio):- The quotient obtained by dividing the total built up area on
all floors by the plot area. Floor Area Ration is synonymous with Floor Space Index
Information:- Means any material in any form, including records, documents,
memos, e-mails, opinions, advises, press releases, circulars, orders, log books,
contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material herd in any electronic
Record:- Means any document, manuscript, file any microfilm, microfiche, facsimile
copy of document, any reproduction of image or images embodied in such
microfilm and any other material produced by a computer or any other device.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 4

Chapter 2
Organisation, Functions and Duties
[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

2.1 Particulars of the organization, functions and duties:-


The department looks after the subject of planning and development in urban and rural
areas. The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for the urban centers
and rural areas by way of Master Plans and indicative Land Use Plans. Development
plans for Mandal Headquarters are prepared by the department. The planned
development is achieved through approval of layouts and by regulating the
developments through building rules and zoning regulations and approval of industrial

The Directorate of Town and Country Planning has two distinct functions, one under urban
front and the other on the rural front. In respect of urban area particularly the Municipal
towns are planned and regulated under the provisions of APTP Act,1920 under the
provisions of local body acts, viz., Municipal Corporation Act, Andhra Pradesh
Municipalities act and A.P. Urban Areas (Development) Act and A.P. Cinematography
Act. In respect of Rural Areas, the developments are regulated under the provisions of
Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 in respect of approval layouts and granting
permissions for industries and installations.

The department assists the Government in all Town and Country Planning matters as well
as in coordinating with various departments involved in area development like A.P.
Housing Board, A.P. State Housing and Urban Development Corporations. A.P. Industrial
and infrastructure corporation, Industries Department etc.

The department provides technical assistance to various departments involved in

planning and development.

This department offers technical remarks to the Government in the matters like change of
land use proposals, alienation of lands.

This department is able to achieve a fairly reasonable level of developments in most of

the urban centers and in the rural areas by way of suggesting and implementing layouts
and regulating the industries and other buildings as per the norms.

Apart from the above, the department is also suggesting and getting implemented
various Remunerative Schemes and Road widening Schemes at various levels and helps in
slum notifications in the state.


 Officers working in Directorate, Regional offices, District Offices and various

organizations i.e., VUDA and other Urban Local bodies (ULBs)
 There are 670 Revenue Mandals in 13 Districts of A.P.
 As per presidential order 7 regional offices are reduced to 4 in the State i.e. 1.
Visakhapatnam, 2. Rajahmundry, 3. Guntur and 4. Anantapur headed by Regional
Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 5

 The Government have entrusted the preparation of Indicative Land Use Plans for
Mandal Headquarters and also Gram Panchayats to this department.
 These Regional Offices were also endowed with necessary powers and staff to deal
with public necessities like technical clearance of layouts upto to an extent of 2
hectares and buildings of height below 18 Mts (Stilt + G+4Floors) in an extent of
1000 Sq.Mts in Municipalities etc in addition to preparation of Indicative Land Use
Plans for Mandal Headquarters. Industrial clearances upto 5 crore of plant and
machinery cost.
 The District Offices have powers to deal with technical clearance of layouts upto to
an extent of 1 hectare and buildings of more than 3floors or 9 Mts. height in an
extent of 450 Sq.Mts in Gram Panchayats in addition to preparation of Indicative
Land Use Plans for Gram Panchayats and provides technical assistance to the
Gram Panchayats and industrial clearances upto 1 crore of plant and machinery
 There are separate survey units for preparation of Master Plans. At present Master
Plan Survey Units are working at 3 places headed by Town Planning Assistant and
assisted by surveyors with the supervision of RDDTP of concerned Regional Office.
 At the local level separate Town planning section in each Municipality. Depending
upon the grade of the local body, officers of different cadres are working.

A) In case of GVMC chief city planner in the cadre of Additional Director assisted
by officers in the rank of Deputy Director, Assistant Director and other staff.
B) In case of VMC Chief City Planner in the cadre of Additional Director assisted by
officers in the rank of Assistant Director and other staff.
C) In respect of other Corporations Rajahmundry, Gunturl and Kurnool the City
Planner is in the cadre of Joint Director and in rest of the Corporations City
Planner is in the cadre of Deputy Director & other staff.
D) In case of Selection Grade Municipalities, Assistant Director and supporting staff.
E) Officer In case of Special Grade Municipalities Town Planning Officer, 1st grade
Town Planning, Town Planning Supervisor / Town Planning Building Overseer and
other staff for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Municipalities.


 The Department is having at present four-tier system, one at the Head Quarters for
overall Town Planning Administration of the State and providing policy guidance,
 The second one at Regional level for better coordination and liaison between the
State Level Administration and District level administration.
 The third one is at District level for better coordination and liaison between the
Regional level administration and gross root level Local Bodies.
 The fourth one is the Town Planning Wings of all Urban Local Bodies of the State.


The duties and functions of the Director of Town and Country Planning can be divided into
Technical – Statutory-Non-statutory, advisory and administrative.

The Technical statutory functions

1) Preparation of General Town Planning Schemes (Master Plans),
2) Preparation of Indicative Land Use Plans (Mandal Master Plans),
3) Technical Approval of Layouts,
4) Technical Approval of Buildings Plans. (Group Housing), Commercial complexes,

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 6

5) Preparation and approval of Type Designs for community and public buildings,
6) Technical Clearance of Installations (Industries)
7) Approval of Road Development Plans.
8) NOC for Cinema Theatres / Multiplexes.
9) Suggesting variations to the sanctioned Master Plans.

Advisory Functions.
1) Advisor to Urban Development Authorities, A.P. Housing Board, Andhra Pradesh
Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, A.P. Pollution Control Board, Rajiv Swagruha
Housing Corporation and Government on planning matters.
2) Advises on selection of sites and services of Municipal Councils.


The DT&CP is the appointing authority in respect of the technical and ministerial posts in
the office of the DT&CP (upto 3rd Gazetted)

The authority to transfer Town Planning staff in all the categories under AP Municipal Town
Planning service is DT&CP. The presidential order is applicable to this service from 2006
onwards and transfers are made as presidential orders. However the approval is still
pending in the Central Government.

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DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 8



One of the main functions of the department is to prepare General Town Planning
Scheme (Master plan) for the municipal towns in the state under section (8) of A.P. Town
Planning Act 1920.

There are 110 Urban Local Bodies in the state as on today and out of which 88 Urban
Local Bodies come under the purview of the APTP Act – 1920. The details are as followed.

Total Urban Local Bodies in

110 ULBs
the state
33 92
GIS based Master Plans
0 3
GIS based Master Plans
0 0
formally approved
GIS based Masters Plans
33 78
under preparation
GIS based Masters Plans to
0 1
be taken up

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 9


This department has taken up preparation of ILUP’s (indicative land use plans as per
Government order issued in G.O.Ms.No.569 Revenue (Mandal) Department Dt.22-05-1985.

Total Mandal head quarters in A.P. are 670, out of which the department has prepared
ILUPs for 400 Mandal Head Quarters and it is proposed to prepare ILUPs for 78 Mandal
Head Quarters.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 10

Chapter 3
Powers and duties of Officers and Employees
[Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]

3.1 Please provide the details of the powers and duties of officers and employees of the
authority designation as follows:

Sl. Name of the

Duties allotted & Powers
No. Designation
1 Director Advising the Municipal Council on allmatters relating to town
a) Advising the Municipal Council on preparation of GTP Scheme
under Sec. 8 of APTP Act, 1920.
b) Submission of draft GTP Scheme approval by Municipal Council to
the Govt. for approval.
c) To advice Municipal Council on the objections and suggestions
received on draft GTP from the public.
d) Advising the Municipal Council on earmarking of localities, wards,
streets, or portion of streets in its local limits to which shall be
referenced for residential, industrial, commercial and agricultural
e) Modifications to new and future widening of streets as
contemplated in GTP Scheme as received by the local body.
f) Approval for reasonable modification to new and proposed street
shown in the plan subject to provisions of the scheme.
a) Approval of Technical Layout pattern on the layout proposals
received from Urban / Rural Local Bodies
b) Technical clearance or sub-division of plots in a layout or approval
for utilization of layout plots for any purpose other than for which
layout was approved and sanctioned.
c) Concurrence for disposal and de-reservation of layout open
space in layout area in Urban Towns under Sub Rule 3 of Rule-10 of
Layout rules.
d) Approval for Technical clearance for exchange of layout open
space of a layout area not exceeding 1 hector in Urban Towns, in the
area set apart for public purpose in the sanctioned GTP Scheme
(Master Plans) in the vicinity of layout areas.
a) Approval for Technical clearance of building proposals received
from Urban / Rural Local Bodies.
b) Approval for Technical clearance for all complexes, buildings of
more than 3 floors, Petrol filling stations / storage of LPG Gas
Godowns etc.
c) Approval of Technical clearance to responsible authority to
impose restrictions and conditions while granting permissions to the
buildings of importance.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 11

a) Recommendations and forwarding the Change of Land Use
proposals to the Government.
a) Approval of Indicative Land Use Plans (ILUP) for all Gram
Panchayats prepared by the Regional Deputy Director of Town
b) Approval for reasonable modification to new and proposed street
shown in the plan subject to provisions of the scheme.
a) Issue of Technical clearance for Land acquisition, alienation of
lands, disposal of lands etc., in the Urban Local Bodies.
b) Advising to the Municipal Councils in all the Planning matters,
implementation of the sancitoned Master Plans and proper
development of the Town.
c) Advising to the Rural Local Bodies in implementation of approved
ILUPs, approval of layouts, approval of building permissions,
installation of industries etc., in their jurisdiction.
d) N.O.C on proposals relating to Cinema Theatres covered by T.P.
Scheme as received from the Licensing Authority or Local Body.
e) Technical clearance for installation of Industries in Urban / Rural
Administration matters such as appointments, transfers, promotions
up to the cadre of Deputy Director of Town Planing. Sanction of
increments, sanction of leave for all the staff working in Office of
Director of Town & Country Planning, Regional Offices and initiating
disciplinary action up to the cadre of Deputy Director of Town
Administration matters such as promotions, appointmetns, transfers,
sanction of increments and leaves for all the Town Planning Staff
working in Municipalities and Corporations (excluding staff belonging
to MCH, Town Planning Services) and initiating disciplinary action.
a) The Town and Country Planning Department does not operate
any receipt Head of Account as it is only a service department. As
such, it has only expenditure heads mainly for contingent
1. Forwarding with recommendation to the Director of Town and
Country Planning in respect of (a) Approval of Technical Layout
Pattern on the layout proposals received from Urban / Rural Local
Bodies (b) Approval for Technical clearance of building proposals
received from Urban / Rural Local Bodies, (c) Recommendations
and forwarding the Change of Land Use proposals to the
Government, (d) Issue of Technical clearance for Land
acquisition, alienation of lands, disposal of lands etc., in the Urban
2 Joint Director
Local Bodies, (e) N.O.C on proposals relating to Cinema Theaters
covered by T.P. Scheme as received from the Licensing Authority
or Local Body, (f) Technical clearance for installation of Industries
in Urban / Rural areas, (g) Advising to the Rural Local Bodies in
implementation of approved ILUPs, approval of layouts, approval
of Building permissions, installation of industries etc. in their
jurisdiction and other issues if any entrusted by the Director of
Town and Country Planning.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 12

2. Forwarding with recommendations to the Director of Town and
Country Planning in respect of (a) Approval of Technical Layout
pattern on the layout proposals received from Urban / Rural Local
Bodies, (b) Approval for Technical clearances of building
proposals received from Urban / Rural Local Bodies, (c)
Recommendations and forwarding the Change of Land Use
proposals to the Government, 9d) issue of Technical clearance for
Land acquisition, alienation of lands, disposal of lands etc., in the
Urban Local Bodies, (e) N.O.C., on proposals relating to Cinema
Theaters covered by T.P. Scheme as received from the Licensing
Authority or Local Body, (f) Advising to the Rural Local Bodies of
implementation of approved ILUPs, approval of layouts, approval
of Building permissions, installation of industries etc., in their
jurisdiction, (g) Preparation, submission and sanction of the GTP
schemes / Master Plans and other issues if any entrusted by the
Director of Town and Country Planning.
1. He shall assist in all planning matters to Joint Director and Director
4 Deputy Director of Town and Country Planning.
2. Planning and finalization of Project Reports under the guidance of
3. Inspection of Municipalities and Gram Panchayats as ordered by
the DT&CP
4. Other issues if any entrusted by the Director of Town and Country
5. All Planning matters and Master Plans
1. He shall assist Deputy Director of Town Planning / Joint Director.
5. Assistant 2. He shall be Studio in-charge responsibilities for deployment of
Director staff, preparation of plans and reports etc.
3. He shall oversee the maintenance of different Registers and Study
Charts etc.
4. He shall check, verify and give technical opinion on the factual
information furnished by Town Planning Assistant and shall also
deal files refered by his superiors.
5. He should inspect and submit report in respect of Gram
Panchayats / Municipalities where ever required.
6. Any other work assigned by the higher authorities from time to
7. Assist the Director of Town and Country Planning, Joint Director
and Deputy Directors in the discharge of his official duties.
1. Delegated with drawing and disbursing powers as required under
6. Statistical codal provisions both for Gazetted and non-Gazetted and in
Officer charge of all overall accounts and stores matters of the entire
department. He deals with the following subjects.
2. Preparation of pay bills of Non-Gazetted and Gazetted.
3. All contingent bills etc.
4. Disbursement of salaries and maintenance of relevant records
and registers.
5. Sanction of Loans and Advances to the interest bearing and non-
interest bearing.
6. He assists the DT&CP in various matters PAC., Estimates
Committee, Audit Committee, Appropriation Accounts.
7. Audit by AG of the O/o DT&CP and Regional Offices and related
8. Preparation of number statements, budget estimates, surrenders,
appropriation, reappropriation.
9. Budget distributions and authorisation.
10. Matters relating to GPF, including sanction of temporary and part
final and final withdrawals.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 13

11. APGLI / FBF / GIS schemes and release of final payments semy
acts on retirements / resignations / voluntary retirements etc.
12. LTD, TA, TTA advances and adjustments and bills.
13. Leave salary and pension contribution.
14. LIC / GIC policies and maintenance of related accounts.
15. Reconcillation of departmental figures with PAO and AG on all
Heads under the control of the department.
16. Purchases of technical stores and maintenance of stores and
17. Any other matter relevant to the accounts and stores of the
1. There is no delegation of powers to the above officer. He will assist
8. Administrative the Director of Town & Country Planning in dealing with the
Officer - I following subjects and route all his files through Joint Director of
Town & Country Planning.
2. All service matters of both Gazetted and Non-gazetted officers of
Directorate, Regional Offices and Master Plan Survey Units.
3. Preparation of particulars for DPC Meeting for all 2nd level
Gazetted posts and above.
4. Approval of particulars for 1st level Gazetted i.e., ADTP, AO and
5. Allegations and disciplinary cases on all Gazetted and non-
Gazetted Officers of the Directorate, Regional Offices and Master
Plan Survey Units including those in foreign service.
6. All pension cases of all categories both Gazetted and Non-
Gazetted of Directorate, Regional Offices, Master Plan Survey
Units and also Municipal Town Planning employees.
7. All compassionate appointments of above establishment
8. State administrative reports, Training, LAQs, Assurances,
Consolidation, review and monitoring.
There is no delegation of powers to this funcitonary and he will assist
9. Administrative the Director of Town and Country Planning in dealing with the
Officer - II following subjects. He will route his files through JDTPs according to
the distribution of work and delegation of powers made by Director
of Town and Country Planning from time to time and in force.
1) All service matters of Municipal Town Planning Staff employed in
Corporations / Municipalities / Nagar Panchayats except
Gazetted Officers.
2) Allegations and disciplinary cases of all Municipal Town Planning
3) Creation and continuation of Technical Town Planning posts in
Corporations / Municipalities / Nagar Panchayats
4) Transfers and promotions
5) Rendering assistance to Municipalities in employing Town
Planning Tracers / Licensed Surveyors / Chainman as and when
required or necessary
6) He will assist the Director of Town and Country Planning is acting
as an appellate authority over the disciplinary cases initiated and
finalized by Municipal Commissioners in respect of Town Planning
7) Cases of compassionate appointment of Town Planning Staff in
Municipalities / Nagar Panchayats.
8) Initiation of disciplinary action on Town Planning Staff as and
when necessary.
9) ACB and vigilance cases.
1) He / she is the over all in-charge of Section work.
10. Town Planning 2) He / she should be well conversant with Acts, Rules, Autocad and
Assistant GIS
DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 14
3) He / she should assign guide and extract the work from the staff
working in the section.
4) He / she should submit factual report / note giving all the required
information so as to enable the Higher Authorities to take
5) He / she is responsible with Technical scrutiny of all the files
including computation of areas, verification of title, schedule of
boundaries, calculation of fees and other relevant matters.
6) He / she should well conversant with planning and architectural
standards and guide all the staff in interpretation and adoption.
7) Inspection of Gram Panchayats pertaining to Town Planning
aspects and submit report.
8) He / she shouls assess, agains and extract the work in conducting
Physical-Socio-Economic and traffic survey etc. for preparation of
development plan for Gram Panchayats and Municipalities.
9) Updating of development plans.
10) He / she is responsible for maintaining all registers, records and
instruments (including stationary articles)
11) Preparation of various reports.
12) To assist higher authorities in inspections
13) To attend meetings and submit report
14) To prepare various reports of E.I. Scheme, School buildings,
IDSMT & Master Plan Grants etc.
15) To scrutinize the annual inspection, complaints report of Town
Planning wing.
16) Any other work assigned from time to time.
1. To prepare drawings as per instructions.
12. Architectural 2. To compute the areas of different drawings.
Draughtsman 3. To scrutinize title and other relevant documents (and put in
(ADM) required formats)
4. To prepare schedule of boundaries
5. To prepare all Architectural and working drawings including 3-
dimensional drawings, landscaping.
6. To prepare models
7. He should be acquainted with GIS
8. To maintain all technical registers.
9. Any other work assigned to him from time to time.
1. Data colleciton from Primary and Secondary sources.
13. Assistant 2. To carry out Physical, Socio-economic, traffic surveys and plotting
Architectural using the information in specified time.
Draughtsman 3. To prepare plans using the information so collected / plotted to
(AAD) the required scale and in specified format in specified time.
4. To enlarge / reduce drawings to the required scale using the
14. Surveyor instruments in vogue in specified time.
5. To compute areas of the land / structure etc.,
15. Supervisor 6. To demarcate the drawings at site.
(Allwyn) 7. To check and verify the drawings at site.
8. To carry out detailed measurements and prepare measured
drawings in specified time.
9. To interpret and prepare base maps using the information
collected from different agencies.
10. And any other work assigned from time to time.
MC/ Municipality/ NP
1. Chief City Planning the integrated development of the city / town and to
Planner / City ensure the implementation of all rules relating to building
Planner constructions, layouts, zoning regulations and town planning.
2. Deputy City Integrated and planned development of the area allotted.
Planner / Asst. Implementation of Building Rules, Zoning Regulations, Layout Rules

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 15

City Planner/ and other rules of Town Planning
Town Planning 1. He shall undertake outdoor inspection daily for a period of 4 hours
Officer in the forenoon to supervise the work of Town Planning
Supervisors, Town Planning Building Overseers and to attend to the
responsibilities entrusted to him.
2. He is responsible for the integrated and planned development of
the town.
3. He is responsible for implementation of building rules, zoning
regulations, layout rules, and other rules of town planning.
4. He has to initiate action against all unauthorized constructions,
deviations to sanctioned plans, illegal layouts, sub-division of plots
5. He has to ensure that Register of Application for house
construction, re-construction, extension etc. is maintained
6. He has to ensure that written permission is obtained in advance
for erection of advertisements and hoardings.
7. He is responsible for preparation and implementation of GTP
Schemes wherever such schemes are planned.
8. He is responsible for preparation of plans for road development,
roadjunctions, traffic islands etc.,
9. He is responsible to get all the details of immovable properties of
the ULB, surveyed by the surveyors and get them recorded in
Assets Register, duly ensuring that all other wings of the ULB
provide the information on day to day developments.
10. He is responsible for protection of municipal lands and
Government lands vested in the ULB free from encroachment.
11. He has to initiate action for acquisition and alienation of lands.
12. He has to ensure numbering of buildings as required u/s. 201 of
the Act.
13. He has to ensure that prompt action is taken against all
objectionable encroachments.
14. Administrative control of town planning staff, and supervision over
the work of Town Planning Supervisors, TPBOs.
15. Responsible to attend the council meetings and preparation of
agenda of town planning section.
16. Checking the daily diaries of the town planning staff and ensure
that they perform their duties properly.
17. Checking various registers in town planning section every month
to ensure their proper maintenance.
18. Maintenance of diary of the day to day work.
19. He is responsible for monitoring the Mortgage Register.
20. He can transfer the employees in town planning section with the
approval of Commissioner.
21. He has to ensure that entries are made in the Property Watch
Register of the Registration Department and obtain an
acknowledgment from the Sub-Registrar in the duplicate register
maintained by the ULB.
22. He is responsible for implementation of Citizen’s Charter
pertaining to town planning section.
23. All other matters relating to town planning as per the Acts and the
24. Any work assigned by the Commissioner / Regional Deputy
Director of Town and Country Planning / Director of Town and
Country Planning.
3. Town Planning Enforcement of regulations relating to layouts, installations and
Supervisor Advertisements. All items of work relating to preparation of general
town planning schemes.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 16

1. He shall undertake outdoor inspection daily for a period of 4 hours
in the forenoon to attend to the responsibilities entrusted to him.
2. He is responsible for discharging the duties of the Town Planning
Officer where there is no such post.
3. Surveying, leveling, data collection and preparation of plans and
reports for preparation and implementation of G.T.P. scheme and
other schemes related to town planning.
4. Scrutiny of installations, land use changes, sub-division and layout
applications and files pertaining to legal matters and processing
5. Prompt detection of and taking action against unauthorized
layouts and subdivision of lands.
6. Detection of and taking action on encroachments in respect of
layout open spaces.
7. Maintenance of dairy of the work performed by him.
8. He is responsible for monitoring the Mortgage Register.
9. He has to ensure that entries are made in the Property Watch
Register of the Registration Department and obtain an
acknowledgment from the Sub-Registrar in the duplicate register
maintained by the ULB.
10. To ensure that advertisement tax is paid by the advertisers as per
the Act, Rules and notifications issued from time to time.
11. Maintenance of registers as specified under the Acts, Rules and
Government orders.
12. Any other work assigned by the Commissioner / Town Planning
Officer / Regional Deputy Director of Town & Country Planning.
4. Town Planning Enforcement of regulations relating to construction of buildings and
and Building prompt detection and taking of action against all unauthorized
Overseer constructions and violations to sanctioned plans.
1. He shall undertake outdoor inspection daily for a period of 4 hours
in the forenoon to attend to the responsibilities entrusted to him.
2. Scrutiny of building applications, advertisement applications and
files pertaining to court cases and legal matters and processing
3. Prompt detection of and taking action against all unauthorized
constructions and violations to sanctioned plans.
4. Survey, data collection and drafting of plans for preparation and
implementation of G.T.P Scheme and other schemes related to
town planning wherever such schemes are planned.
5. Detection of and taking action against unauthorized hoardings
and advertisements.
6. Detection and removal of objectionable encroachments.
7. Maintenance of registers as specified under the Acts, Rules and
Government orders pertaining to town planning.
8. He has to ensure that all encroachments are licensed / removed.
9. Maintenance of dairy of the work performed by him.
10. He is responsible for monitoring the Mortgage Register.
11. He has to ensure that entries are made in the Property Watch
Register of the Registration Department and obtain an
acknowledgment from the Sub-Registrar in the duplicate register
maintained by the ULB.
12. After issuing notices to the occupiers of dilapidated structures and
after obtaining the necessary orders, the matter be referred to
Engineering Section for demolition.
13. To discharge the responsibilities of Town Planning Officer and
Town Planning Supervisor, where there are no such posts.
14. Any work assigned by the Commissioner / Town Planning Section
Head / Regional Deputy Director of Town & Country Planning.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 17

Chapter 4
Procedure Followed in Decision-Making Process
[Section (1)(b)(iii)]

4.1 Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the public authority.

Designation of
final decision-
Sl.No. Activity Description Decision-making process
1 GTP Scheme Under secion (8) of APTP The Municipal council Government
Act 1920. It is obligation prepares the Map 1(existing
on the part of every features) duly conducting
Municipal Council to the physical survey for the
prepare the General Municipal area and
Town Planning Scheme prepared Map 2 showing the
in consultation with the land use proposals.
Director of Town and The Municipal council
Country Planning and submits the Map No. 1 and 2
submit the scheme together with explanatory
throught he DT&CP for notes and council resolution,
sanction to the Government through
the Director of Town and
Country Planning for formal
The Government formally
approves the same with or
without modifications and
sends back to the Municipal
council as Map No. 3 (draf
GTP Scheme)
The Municipal council
publish's the draft GTP
Scheme giving 60 days time
for objections and
suggestions from the public in
The Mplty. after receiving the
objections and suggestions
and Technical remarks of the
Director of Town and Country
Planning on the objectins
and suggestions submits the
same along with objections
and suggestions and
council's opinion to the
Government through the
DT&CP for final sanction.
The Government Sanctions
the GTP Scheme with or
without modifications.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 18

(i) The land owner submits an The
2 Change of The Govt. is competent application for Change of Government
land use to make any variation or Land use to the Municipal
revocation of Scheme Commissioner duly enclosing
(GTP Scheme) under attested copies of ownership
section 15 of APTP Act document, site plan, topo-
1920 which reads as plan showing surrounding
follows:15(1) "A town developments, FMB sketch,
planning scheme Encumbrance certificate,
sanctioned under extract of Base Map and
section 14 may at any Master Plan showing the site
time be varied or under reference.
revoked by subsequent
scheme published and
sanctioned in
accordance with this
Act.Provided that the
municipal council shall
be competent to modify
a scheme after it has
been sanctioned by the
State Government under
section 14 by an
agreement entered into
with the persons
interested in the scheme
and with the
concurrence of the
State Government."
(ii) The M.C. place the
proposal before the
Municipal Council 15(1) of
APTP Act) with detailed
remarks of the Town Planning
Staff for its acceptance for
the proposed change of
land use to the Master Plan
and forward to Government
through Director of Town and
Country Planning.
(iii) The proposal is forwarded
(15(2)(a) to the Government
by the Director of Town and
Country Planning along with
technical remarks in the over
all context of GTP Scheme on
Town/City development.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 19

(iv) The Government, if
agrees for Change of Land
Use, issues a notification in
the State Gazette, specifying
a date (15 days from the
date of notification) on or
after which such draft will be
taken into consideration after
considering any objection or
suggestion received in
respect of such draft from
the council or any person
affected by the scheme
before the date so specified
(sub-section (2) of section 15
of APTP Act 1920)

(v) If no objections are

received within stipulated
time Government will issue
confirmation orders to the
said change of land use after
ensuring the payment of
development charges by the
applicant and the same will
be published in the official
Gazette, (section 15(2) of
APTP Act 1920)

(vi) The confirmation orders

communicated to the
applicant by the Municipal

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 20

As a part of the system, once Conderned
3 Layouts & the plan is uploaded in ULB/UDA/DTCP
Buildings AUTOCAD and if the plan is
as per the Building Rules and
A. For Regulations, the applicant
Municipalities get an advice for payment
for the approval of the plan.

Payment can also be made

online and once the
payment is confirmed, then
the plan approval is issued
instantly, it can be down

As there is no inspection prior

to issue of approval, it was
proposed to have post
approval inspection by the
Town Planners concerned
which has to be completed
within 10 days and the site
inspection report has to be
made available online for
the applicant to have a look

1. The land owner submits the

B. For Gram application along with
Panchayats documents, layout plans,
FMB sketches, topo-detailed
plans / contour plans,
encumbrance certificate,
extract of Base Map / Master
Plan, village map etc, to the
Gram Panchayat.
2. The Panchayat Secretary
forward the proposal to
Director of Town and Country
Planning / Regional Deputy
Director of Town and Country
Planning as per sub-section
(3) of Section 11 of APPR Act
3. The Director of Town and
Country Planning will
examine the proposals and
forward a Draft Technical
layout pattern to the
Panchayat Secretary,
showing road pattern and
open space, to
communicate the same to
the applicant for

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 21

4. If the applicant agreees &
submit demarcated layout
plans with requirment of plots
etc. The same shall be
verified by the Panchayat
Secreatary and the report
shall be submited to the
Director of Town and Country
Planning/ Regional Deputy
Director of Town and
Planning for conformation of
Draft layout Pattern issued.
5. After receipt or feasibility
reprots form Panchayat
Secreatary / Regioal Deputy
Director of Town Planning.
Basing on the reports, the
Technical layout Pattern with
L.P.No. (Technical approval)
will be sent to Panchayat
Secreatary along with
conditions to be imposed
while releasing the layout.
The Panchayat Secreatary
shall within 15days of the
receipt of the Technical
approval, communicate the
Layout approval to the
applicant with such
conditions and modificaitons.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 22


1 Procedure followed in Decision making process:-

If any proposal for layouts / building complexes / change of land use are received.

Sl.No. Designation Process

1 Clerk Puts up the file along with the back files if any, reading the
contents of the application and sending the file, if it is
building file to the ADTP and if it is a layout file to the DDTP.
2 ADM / AAD Directs the TPA for examination and reporting of
3 TPA With the assistance of ADM and AAD scrutinizes the proposals
and submits the factual report to the ADTP / DDTP giving all
information quoting the rules, act provisions and Govt. orders.
4 ADTP / DDTP Basing on the factual report submitted by the TPA, proposes
further action on the file either to consider it or to deny it with
necessary justification.
5 JDTP After scrutiny gives his recommendation to the Director of
Town and Country Planning.
6 DTCP Makes decision on the issue.

2 Accountability:

Sl.No. Designation Process

1 ADM/AAD Preparation of extracts, calculations and statement of
ownership documents.
2 TPA Thorough technical scrutiny with reference to the rules and
regulations and submission of factual reports including
verification of tile & calculations, schedule of boundaries etc.
3 ADTP / DDTP Correct interpretation of rules, verifying the report of TPA and
gives conclusion of the report proposing further course of
4 JDTP Verifying the remarks of TPA and ADTP / DDTP including
interpretation of rules. Returning the proposals in case the
proposal is not in conformity with rules and recommendations
to the Director of Town and Country Planning.
5 DTCP Giving final decisions on the proposals.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 23

Chapter 5
Norms set for the Discharge of Functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]

5.1 Please provide the details of the norms/standards set by the public authority for the
discharge of its functions/delivery of services.

Function / Norms / Standards of Time frame as per Citizen Reference document

Service permformance set Charter prescribing the norms
1 Layouts
a Layouts in AP Land Development Online System once the AP Land Development
Municipaliti (Layout and Sub-division) plan & concern (Layout and Sub-division)
es Rules, 2017( G.O.Ms.No.275 documents is uploaded as Rules, 2017( G.O.Ms.No.275
Dated:18.07.2017) & per the Building Rules the Dated:18.07.2017) & Zoning
Zoning Regulations applicant get payment Regulations
intimation, once the
payment done, then the
plan approval is issued
b Layouts in AP Gram Panchayat Land 30 days AP Gram Panchayat Land
Gram Development (layouts & Development (layouts &
Panchayats building) Rules issued in building) Rules issued in
G.O.Ms.No. 67 PR, dt. 26-2 G.O.Ms.No. 67 PR, dt. 26-2
2002 & G.O.Ms.No. 274 2002 & G.O.Ms.No. 274
Dated: 12-06-2007 Dated: 12-06-2007

2 Buildings
a Buildings in AP Building Rules -2017 Online System once the AP Building Rules -2017
Municipaliti (G.O.MS.No. 119 Dated: plan & concern (G.O.MS.No. 119 Dated: 28-
es 28-03-2017, G.o.Ms.No.223, documents is uploaded as 03-2017, G.o.Ms.No.223,
Dt.09-07-2018, per the Building Rules the Dt.09-07-2018,
G.O.Ms.No.401, Dt.15-11- applicant get payment G.O.Ms.No.401, Dt.15-11-
2017) & Zoning Regulations intimation, once the 2017) & Zoning Regulations
payment done, then the
plan approval is issued
b Buildings in AP Gram Panchayat Land 30 days AP Gram Panchayat Land
Gram Developments (layouts & Developments (layouts &
Panchayats buildings) Rules. buildings) Rules.
3 Change of Zoning Regulations 45 days Zoning Regulations
land use
4 Installations AP Building Rules -2017 7 days AP Building Rules -2017
(G.O.MS.No. 119 Dated: (Through Single window (G.O.MS.No. 119 Dated: 28-
28-03-2017, G.o.Ms.No.223, portal ) 03-2017, G.o.Ms.No.223,
Dt.09-07-2018, Dt.09-07-2018,
G.O.Ms.No.401, Dt.15-11- G.O.Ms.No.401, Dt.15-11-
2017) & Zoning Regulations 2017) & Zoning Regulations

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 24

Chapter 6
Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(v) & (vi)]

6.1 Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records,
held by public authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging
functions in the following format.

Price of the publication if

Sl. No Description Gist of contents
Rules & Regulations





DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 25

Chapter 7
Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its Control
[Section 4(1) (b) v (i)]

7.1 Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under
its control.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 26

Chapter 8
Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Members of the Public in
relation to the Formulation of Policy or Implementation thereof
[Section 4(1)(b)viii]

8.1 Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation/participation of

public or its representatives for formulation and implementation of policies?

Arrangements for
Arrangements for consultation
consultation with or
S. with or representation of
Function/service representation of public in
No. public in relations with policy
relations with policy

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 27

Chapter 9
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority
[Section 4(1)(b)v(iii)]

9.1 Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related
to the public authority in the following format.

Whether its Meetings

Name of Board,
open to Public/
Council, Composition Powers & Functions
Minutes of its Meetings
Committee, etc.
accessible for Public

9.2 If minutes of meetings are accessible to the public, describe the procedure as to how
to access the minutes: contact point, hours of access, fee structure/cost of access and
officer to be contacted.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 28

Chapter 10
Directory of Officers and Employees
[Section 4(1)(b)(ix)]

10.1 Please provide information on officers and employees working in different units or
offices at different levels and their contact addresses in the following format (including
officers in charge of grievances redressal, vigilance, audit, etc)

Address, Telephone Nos.

Sl. No. Name Designation
& Email
1. V.Ramudu Director
2. B.Sreenivasulu Joint Director
3. B. Balaji Joint Director
4. V. Suneetha Joint Director
5. K.V.Ranga Raju Deputy Director (FAC)
6. Ch. Madhusudhan Deputy Director (OD from CRDA)
7. S.Atchamma Statistical Officer
8. S.Md.I.Khaleelulla Saheb Administrative Officer
9. M.V. Muni Reddy Administrative Officer
Assistant Director
10. Akhil PR
(OD from DTCPO, Guntur)
Assistant Director
11. Deen Maqbool Ahmed
(OD from RDDTP, Guntur)
12. M.Hima Bindu TPA (OD from RDDTP, Guntur)
13. Azmera Mounika TPA (OD from RDDTP, Ananthapur)
14. B.Sunitha TPA
17. M.Anitha TPA (OD from RDDTP, Guntur) FLYOVER, CHINAKAKANI,
18. K.Rajya Lakshmi TPO (OD from MC, Tenali) MANGALAGIRI,
19. G.Malyadri Supervisor (Allwyn) GUNTUR - 522508.
20. E.Srinivasa Rao Superintendant PHONE: 08645295969,
21. T.V.Ramana Rao Superintendant 08645295696.
22. O.Parvathi Superintendant
23. M.Venkateswara Rao Superintendant
24. K.Suguna Bai Superintendant
25. B.Lakshmana Rao Statistical Assistant
26. P.Chandra Shekar Das Statistical Assistant
27. A.Prem Chand ADM
28. S.Raju ADM
29. G.Kalyani ADM
30. L.Pavani ADM
31. K.Pushpa Priyanka ADM
32. B.Janani ADM
33. N.Reddy Prasanth ADM
34. K.Nabi Saheb ADM
35. C.Bharath Kumar Reddy ADM (OD from RDDTP, Ananthapur)
36. A Santosh Kumar ADM (OD from DTCPO Srikakulam)
37. Annapurnayya ADM (OD from DTCPO Guntur)
38. V.Naveen Kumar Senior Assistant
39. B.Venkanna Junior Assistant
40. B Sri Sravya Junior Assistant
41. S Jagadeesh Junior Assistant
42. K.Krupakaran Record Assistant

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 29

Chapter 11
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation
as provided in Regulations
[Section 4(1)(b)(x)]

11.1 Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and
employees in the following format:

Sl. January 2021

Employee Name Designation
No. Gross
1 V.Ramudu DT&CP 186113.00
2 B.Sreenivasulu JDTP 124231.00
3 K.V.Ranga Raju ADTP 176067.00
4 G.Subba Reddy ADTP 119351.00
5 N.S.S.V.Prasad TPA 145288.00
6 S.Atchamma SO 125432.00
7 S.Md.I.Khaleelulla Saheb A.O 122292.00
8 M.V.Muni Reddy A.O 116183.00
9 J.Purna Chandra Reddy ADM 93820.00
10 Sk.Rahamtulla ADM 82207.00
11 B.Sunitha TPA 70222.00
12 M.Ajay Kumar TPA 70222.00
13 D.Rama Naidu TPA 70222.00
14 G.Malyadri Supervisor 136357.00
15 K.Nabi Saheb ADM 56107.00
16 N.Reddy Prasanth ADM 56107.00
17 B.Janani ADM 56107.00
18 K.Aravindha Kumar Quantity Surveyor 56107.00
19 A.Premchand ADM 56107.00
20 S.Raju ADM 56107.00
21 L.Pavani ADM 56107.00
22 K.Pushpa Priyanka ADM 56107.00
23 G.Kalyani ADM 56107.00
24 E.Srinivasa Rao Supdt., 88762.00
25 T.V.Ramana Rao Supdt., 89693.00
26 O.Parvathi Supdt., 102946.00
27 M.Venkateswara Rao Supdt., 76543.00
28 B.Lakshmana Rao S.A 91133.00
29 P.Chandra Shekar Das S.A 85123.00
30 K.Suguna Bai Sr.Asst., 58967.00
31 V.Naveen Kumar Sr.Asst., 42413.00
33 B.Venkanna Jr.Asst., 32769.00
34 B.Sri Sravya Jr.Asst., 29292.00
35 S.Jagadeesh Jr.Asst., 29292.00
36 K.Krupakaran Record Asst., 78543.00
37 A.Santosh Kumar Office Subordinate 43888.00
38 B.Gopi Office Subordinate 46905.00

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 30

Chapter 12
Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc.
[Section 4(1)(b)xi]

12.1 Provide information about the details of the plans, programmes and schemes undertaken
by the public authority for each agency.

Budget allocation for the year 2021-22 under Heads of Accounts:

01, 03, and 05 (Non-Plan)

2217 - Urban Development

05 - Other Urban Development Schemes
001 - Direction and administration
01 - Headquarters Office (DT&CP) (Non-Plan)
(Rupees in Lacks)

111 - Travelling Allowance 0.19

131 - Service Postage, Telegram 1.88
133 - Water & Electricity charges 4.26
134 – Hiring of Pvt. Vehicles 4.20
135- Office Expenses-Consumebles/Stationery 2.10
136- Office Expenses-Maintenance/Minor Repairs 0.54
137- Office Expenses-Administrative Expenses 0.45
138- Office Expenses-Internet Charges/Broadband 0.54
139- Office Expenses-Mobile Service/Call Charges 0.78
140 – 141-Rents, Rates and Taxes 41.13
210-213 – Purchase of Office Hardware and Peripherals 2.25
240 – 241-Petrol Oil and Lubricants –Charges towards Office Vehicles 3.04
240- 242- Petrol Oil and Lubricants –Charges towards other purposes 0.10
280-281 –Professional Services- Pleaders fee 0.05
300-302 – Outsourcing Employees through agencies 50.95
310-318 – Obsequies Charges 0.18
510-511 - Motor Vehicles-Maintenance of Office Vehicles 0.76
800-815 – User Charges – IT Relates Purchases 36.00
800-816 – User Charges – IT Relates Services 1.00
Total: 150.4

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 31

05 - Regl. Planning for fast developing urban complexes (Non-Plan)

111 - Travelling Allowance 1.97

131 - Service Postage, Telegram 1.60
133 - Water & Electricity charges 1.21
134 – Hiring of Pvt. Vehicles 28.80
135- Office Expenses-Consumebles/Stationery 1.80
138- Office Expenses-Internet Charges/Broadband 0.14
139- Office Expenses-Mobile Service/Call Charges 0.22
140 – 141-Rents, Rates and Taxes 6.41
310-318 – Obsequies Charges 0.22
Total: 42.37

03 - District Offices (Non-Plan)

111 - Travelling Allowance 1.18

131 - Service Postage, Telegram 2.89
133 - Water & Electricity charges 0.73
134 – Hiring of Pvt. Vehicles 93.60
135- Office Expenses-Consumebles/Stationery 1.80
138- Office Expenses-Internet Charges/Broadband 0.60
139- Office Expenses-Mobile Service/Call Charges 0.30
140 – 141-Rents, Rates and Taxes 9.66
300-302 – Outsourcing Employees through agencies 121.99
310-318 – Obsequies Charges 0.22
800-815 – User Charges – IT Relates Purchases 18.00
800-816 – User Charges – IT Relates Services 1.00
Total (03) 251.97
Total (01) 150.4
Total (05) 42.37

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 32

Chapter 13
Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
[Section 4(1)(b)xii]

13.1 Describe the activities/programmes/schemes being implemented by the public

authority for which subsidy is provided.

13.2 Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy
and designation of officer competent to grant subsidy under various

Eligibility criteria Designation of

Name of programme/ Nature/scale of
for grant of officer to grant
activity subsidy
subsidy subsidy

13.3 Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programmes.

Name of
Application Disbursement
programme/ Sanction Procedure
Procedure procedure

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 33

Chapter 14
Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorization Granted by the Public
[Section 4(1)(b)xiii]

14.1 Provide the names and addresses of recipients of benefits under each
programme/scheme separately in the following format.

Institutional Beneficiaries - Nill

Name of programme/scheme:
Name &
Sl. Name & address of Date of Designation of
quantum of
No recipient institutions grant granting
benefit granted

Name of programme/scheme:
Name &
Sl. Name & address of Date of Designation of
quantum of
No recipient institutions grant granting
benefit granted

Individual Beneficiaries - Nill

Nature/ Name &

Sl. Name & Address of quantum of Date of Designation of
No recipient beneficiaries benefit grant granting
granted authority

Name of programme/scheme:
Name &
Sl. Name & address of Date of Designation of
quantum of
No recipient institutions grant granting
benefit granted

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 34

Chapter 15
Information Available in Electronic Form
[Section 4(1)(b)x(iv)]

15.1 Please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the
department which are available in electronic formats. (Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site,
Internet etc.)

Designation and
Description (site address of the
Electronic format address/location where Contents or title custodian of
available etc.) Information (held
by whom?)
GUNTUR - 522508.
PHONE: 08645295969,

15.2 Describe particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information

including the working hours of a library or information center or reading room maintained
for public use where information relating to the department or records / documents are
made available to the public.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 35

Chapter 16
Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining Information
[Section 4(1)(b)xv]

16.1 Describe the particulars of information dissemination mechanisms in place/facilities

available to the public for accessing of information:

Description (Location of Details of Information

Facility/Name etc.) made available

Notice Board

News Paper Reports

Public Announcements

Information Counter


Office Library


Other Facilities (name)

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 36

Chapter 17
Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public Information Officers
[Section 4(1)(b)xvi]

17.1 Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers and
Assistant Public Information Officers designated for various offices/administrative units and
Appellate Authority/Officer(s) for the public authority in the following format.

Sl. Designatio Public Mobile

Name Subject Phone No. E-Mail
No n Authority No.

All Technical &
Joint Appellate 69. 9398733
1 Sri B. Sreenivasulu Administrative
Director Authority 086452956 139

Sri M.V.Muni Administrat Administrative 69. 9398733
2 Information
Reddy ive Officer Matters 086452956 128

Sri K.V Ranga Assistant Rajahmundry 69. 9398733
3 Information
Raju Director Region 086452956 099

Sri Ch. Public
Deputy 69. 7995015
4 Madhusudhana Information Guntur Region
Director 086452956 800
Rao Officer

Assistant Ananthapur 69. 9398733
5 Sri PR Akhil Information
Director Region 086452956 101

Sri Deen Public
Assistant Visakhapatna 69. 9398733
6 Maqbool Information
Director m Region 086452956 146
Ahmed Officer

Sri Asst. Public
Superinten Administrative 69. 9848583
7 M.Venkateswar Information
dent Matters 086452956 249
a Rao Officer

Asst. Public
Sri D.Rama Rajahmundry 69. 9346668
7 TPA Information
Naidu Region 086452956 319

Asst. Public
69. 9398733
8 Smt. M.Anitha TPA Information Guntur Region
086452956 094

Asst. Public
Sri M. Ajay Ananthapur 69. 9398733
9 TPA Information
Kumar Region 086452956 092

Asst. Public
Visakhapatna 69. 9398733
10 Smt. B.Sunitha TPA Information
m Region 086452956 102

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 37

Chapter 18
Other Useful Information
[Section 4(1)(b)xvii]

18.1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of
relevance or of use to the Citizens.





18.2 You may mention here information of your department which is excluded under
section 8(1) of the Act and /or under Rules of the State Government as guidance
to the public seeking information from your department.

Name and Designation
Date: of the Officer

(Note): Information provided in these chapters should be updated from time to time and
revised date should be mentioned.

DT&CP-RTI ACT- 4(1) b Page 38

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