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Original Research

Combined Sprint Interval, Plyometric, and Strength

Training in Adolescent Soccer Players: Effects on
Measures of Speed, Strength, Power, Change of
Direction, and Anaerobic Capacity
Derek D. Ferley,1 Shane Scholten,2 and Matthew D. Vukovich3
Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center, Avera Sports Institute, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; 2Augustana University,
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and 3College of Education and Human Sciences, South Dakota
State University, Brookings, South Dakota
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Ferley, DD, Scholten, S, and Vukovich, MD. Combined sprint interval, plyometric, and strength training in adolescent soccer
players: effects on measures of speed, strength, power, change of direction, and anaerobic capacity. J Strength Cond Res 34(4):
957–968, 2020—During winter, many soccer players train indoors to improve the aerobic and anaerobic demands of their sport.
Sprint interval training (SIT) performed on a treadmill using level and graded conditions represents a viable alternative to traditional
endurance conditioning. To date, little research exists contrasting the effects of these conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this
investigation included examining the effects of 2 approaches combining SIT, plyometrics, and strength training on performance
measures in soccer players aged 13–18 years over 8 weeks. Forty-six subjects were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 performed SIT
using predominantly inclined treadmill conditions combined with resistance and plyometric training (INC, n 5 17). Group 2
performed SIT using level treadmill grades and completed the same resistance and plyometric training (LEV, n 5 14). Group 3 was
a control group representing various sports who continued their normal training (CON, n 5 15). Pre- and posttests assessed speed,
strength, change of direction, and anaerobic capacity, including sprint speed (9.1 and 18.3 m sprint), unilateral triple hop for
distance (3HOP_L and 3HOP_R), pro agility change of direction (PA); treadmill running to exhaustion on a 20% grade (CFMod), and
hip flexor maximum strength (HF_1RM). After training, INC and LEV improved more in all measures compared with CON. Fur-
thermore, INC improved significantly more compared with LEV in 9.1- and 18.3-m sprint, 3HOP_L and 3HOP_R, PA, CFMod, and
HF_1RM (p , 0.05). We conclude that strength and plyometric training combined with incline-based SIT is more effective than
a similar training approach using level-grade SIT.
Key Words: incline running, hill running, concurrent training, acceleration, jumping

Introduction involving strength training, plyometric training, and various

forms of sprint interval training (SIT) (39). Strength training has
Soccer is a sport characterized by high demands of sustained,
been shown to improve acceleration, the ability to change di-
intense, intermittent exercise (26,31,36). During a 90-minute
rection, and repeated sprint ability (41), whereas plyometrics
match, players cover up to 10 km while carrying out repeated all-
enhance jump height and sprint performance by targeting the
out sprints, jumps, and changes of direction (29,33,36). Previous
research has shown a decline in soccer-specific tasks involving stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) and increasing the rate of force
passing accuracy and ball touches after repeated bouts of high- development (7). Meanwhile, SIT has the capacity to improve
intensity exercise (32). Moreover, short burst sprint ability (e.g., measures of aerobic and anaerobic performance compared with
#15 m), vertical jump, and change of direction performance traditional endurance training with the added benefit of being
represent discriminating variables between elite- and lower-level more sport-specific and less time consuming (2,4,43).
players (34). These findings suggest that soccer players should Specific to SIT, a variety of approaches are routinely used
focus on training tactics to improve the metabolic, muscular, and during combined training programs for soccer players, in-
neuromuscular demands specific to their sport. cluding short burst sprints (e.g., #25 m) performed with and
In an attempt to improve performance, many adolescent soccer without resistance and longer (e.g., 30 seconds) bouts
players participate in organized sports performance training (17,22,28). Incline running represents another form of SIT,
programs in winter months when there are fewer weekly soccer with Kavaliauskas et al. (20) reporting that soccer players
practices and games (28). According to the National Strength and demonstrated significant improvements in aerobic and anaer-
Conditioning Association (NSCA), preseason training tactics for obic performance measures following 6 weeks of twice weekly
soccer players should emphasize a combined training approach incline training sessions. Of note, SIT performed as part of an
incline treadmill training protocol in combination with plyo-
Address correspondence to Derek D. Ferley, metrics and strength training led to a significantly reduced
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(4)/957–968 lower extremity injury rate among female soccer players
ª 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association (U14–U18) compared with a control group (16). To date,


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

however, the performance outcomes of level vs. incline-based Subjects

SIT remains largely uninvestigated in soccer players.
Subject characteristics are listed in Table 1. Forty-six subjects (24
Therefore, the purpose of this investigation included com-
males and 22 females) between 13 and 18 years of age voluntarily
paring 2 combined training approaches involving identical
enrolled to participate in this investigation after providing in-
strength training and plyometric training programs with dif-
formed consent. Thirty-one subjects (16 males and 15 females)
ferent approaches to SIT on indices of athletic performance.
were part of a local youth traveling soccer club; the remaining 15
One approach consisted of all SIT performed on a level grade,
individuals (8 males and 7 females) served as control group and
whereas in the other, the predominant focus was incline con-
were equally active and represented competitive sports, such as
ditions ranging 5–30% grade. The maximum grade of 30%
basketball, softball, baseball, and track and field. Before this in-
was chosen based on previous research, indicating that incline
vestigation, all subjects had participated in various speed,
treadmill running at 4.47 m·sec21 and 30% grade resulted in
strength, and conditioning programs; however, none was en-
significantly greater measures of lower-body muscle power,
rolled in any formal training program in the 3 months before the
muscle activity, and joint range of motion compared with level-
training intervention. For individuals younger than 18 years,
grade running at the same speed or same stride frequency (38).
a child’s consent document was provided by the subject and an
All running intensities for both groups and all bout durations
informed consent document by the parent or legal guardian. We
were consistent with the definitions associated with SIT and
excluded individuals ,13 and .18 years of age and those who
high-intensity interval training (4). It was hypothesized that
had experienced a lower-body injury in the previous 3 months.
both groups would demonstrate gains in a variety of perfor-
The Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center’s
mance measures but that gains demonstrated by the incline
Institutional Review Board approved this study, and it conformed
treadmill training group would be more pronounced because
to the recommendations of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
of the reported biomechanical effects associated with incline
treadmill running (38).
Methods The study took place from January to March and consisted of
familiarization procedures (sessions 1–2), pretests (sessions 3–5),
Experimental Approach to the Problem
an 8-week training intervention (training days 1–24), and postt-
This was a parallel, 3-group, longitudinal (pretraining, post- ests (sessions 6–8), with efforts made to complete pre- and
training) study designed to investigate the effects of 2 different posttests at the same time of day.
approaches to SIT on indices of soccer performance, with subjects
matched according to maximal aerobic running speed (Vmax) Familiarization Procedures. The week before testing, subjects
and then randomly assigned to a group performing SIT based on reported to the training center on 2 separate occasions spaced
incline (INC) or level-grade (LEV) conditions. Subjects were a minimum 48 hours apart. Session 1 included weighing and
matched by Vmax as previous research has reported on the effi- measuring each subject using a physician’s scale (Detecto;
cacy of this characteristic for prescribing individualized SIT for Cardinal Detecto, Webb City, MO), followed by running for
both level and incline treadmill grades (2,9,12). A third group 5–7 minutes on a treadmill (Precor 932i, Woodinvale, WA) at
served as a control group (CON); these subjects completed all pre- a self-selected speed. After running, subjects learned a series of
and posttesting while maintaining their normal 75- to 90-minute dynamic drills that were performed before every testing and
sport practices 4–5 times·wk21. Both INC and LEV performed training session. After the warm-up, 4–6 trials of the following
the same plyometric training and strength training exercises with tests were performed in the order listed: CMJ, SLJ, 3HOP_L,
the approach to SIT representing the only difference between and 3HOP_R. Next, subjects performed 2–3 trials of 9.1-m
training interventions. In addition to the 3 weekly workouts, INC sprint, 18.3-m sprint, and PA. Subjects then completed 2
and LEV continued 60-minute soccer training practices 1–2 leg_1RM, R leg_1RM, and L leg_1RM on a horizontal leg
times·wk21 during the study. Treadmill group represented the press (Plyo Press; Athletic Republic, Park City, UT). Session 1
training condition. Dependent variables chosen to examine the testing concluded by assessing Vmax and discussing the Tmax
demands of incline vs. level-grade SIT and previously shown to be test. Session 2 began with a HE_1RM strength test using an
related to optimal soccer performance were as following: coun- upright multihip machine (Pro Multi-Hip; Athletic Republic),
termovement vertical jump (CMJ), standing long jump (SLJ), before using the same machine to assess HF_1RM strength.
unilateral triple hop for distance (3HOP_R; 3HOP_L), 9.1-m After HE and HF assessment, a 3PQ test was performed using
sprint, 18.3-m sprint, pro agility change of direction (PA), mod- a load equal to the subject’s 40% 2 leg_1RM on a Plyo Press.
ified Cunningham and Faulkner run to exhaustion (CFMod), After a 10-minute rest, the last familiarization procedure was
Vmax, run to exhaustion at Vmax on a 1.5% treadmill grade completed, a modified Cunningham and Faulkner test
(Tmax), unilateral leg press 1 repetition maximum (R leg_1RM; L (CFMod). During this procedure, the subject ran to exhaustion
leg_1RM), bilateral leg press 1RM (2 leg_1RM), dominant side on a treadmill set to 80% Vmax and 20% grade.
upright hip extension 1RM (HE_1RM), dominant side upright
hip flexion 1RM (HF_1RM), and a 30-second “all-out” jump test Performance Testing. Five to 7 days after completing familiar-
performed on a horizontal leg press equipped with a force plate to ization testing, subjects undertook performance testing. These
assess a variety of positive (concentric) and negative (eccentric) performance tests took place over 3 sessions (sessions 3, 4, and
lower-body power characteristics, termed Plyo Press Power 5) spaced 48–72 hours apart; subjects were encouraged to arrive
Quotient (3PQ). Subjects were required to attend at least 90% of for testing well rested and having avoided caffeine for 2–3 hours.
all training sessions to be included for data analysis. Also, Pretests were performed in the order listed below. Session 3
investigators monitored the training status of study subjects began with CMJ testing using a vertical jump measuring device
through weekly dialogue with each individual. (Vertec; Sports Imports, Hilliard, OH), following standard


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4 |

Table 1
Subject characteristics.
INC (n 5 17) LEV (n 5 14) CON (n 5 15)
Measure Male (n 5 8) Female (n 5 9) Male (n 5 8) Female (n 5 6) Male (n 5 8) Female (n 5 7)
Height (cm) 172.1 6 4.9 160.3 6 6.7 171.9 6 10.3 162.2 6 3.4 174.5 6 5.5 165.3 6 8.2
Body mass (kg) 66.8 6 9.9 59.3 6 10.7 62.5 6 13.3 60.2 6 11.6 70.9 6 8.4 56.9 6 10.4
Age (y) 16.4 6 1.1 15.1 6 1.1 15.4 6 0.9 14.8 6 1.1 16.4 6 1.5 15.6 6 0.5
Training experience (y) 6.9 6 0.6 6.1 6 1.1 6.4 6 1.0 5.8 6 0.8 6.9 6 1.1 6.6 6 0.5
Subject characteristics were measured mean 6 SD.

procedures. Briefly, standing reach height was first determined, maintained for only 60 seconds, then Vmax was calculated to be
followed by maximum jump height. Countermovement depth equal to the velocity of the previous stage plus half the velocity
was self-selected and arm swing was allowed; the highest jump increase between the last 2 stages (23).
of 3 trials was used for data analysis. Standing long jump was Session 4 began with maximum isoinertial strength testing for
conducted on a portable runway (Plyorobic Runway; Ecore, HE_1RM and HF_1RM. Dominant side was determined by
Inc., Lancaster, PA). Subjects stood on the runway with their feet asking the subject with which leg he or she kicked a ball (40).
20–30 cm apart before completing a maximum effort jump in Briefly, the platform of the Pro Multi-Hip was set to a height that
the forward direction. The maximum distance between a line aligned the subject’s hip joint with the axis of the machine’s lever
drawn on the floor and the subject’s heel closest to the line was arm. The HE_1RM test began with the subject flexing the hip to
used for data analysis. Unilateral triple hop for distance was approximately 120°, placing the (flexed) knee over the top of the
performed on the same portable runway, using the same starting cam lever pad and bracing themselves with outstretched arms
line. Subjects balanced on a single leg before attempting a max- using the machine’s hand railing. The subject extended the hip
imum effort jump in a forward direction 3 consecutive times on and knee to an end point position of approximately 30 and 0°,
the same leg and then landing on the same leg. Subjects were respectively, whereas the pad of the lever arm remained behind
instructed to “stick” the landing using only the jumping leg and the knee. Subjects next completed a HF_1RM test, which began
to hold the landing position for approximately 1–2 seconds with the hip at approximately 30° of hip extension and the pad of
(subjects were notified that a failure to hold the landing resulted the lever arm slightly superior to the patella before then flexing the
in a mistrial and reattempt). The best of 3 trials for SLJ and hip to 90°. Maximum strength for HE and HF was defined as the
3HOP was used for data analysis. For all CMJ, SLJ, and 3HOP maximum load moved through the full range of motion using
tests, a 45–60 rest was given between trials. After a 5-minute good form and held for 1–2 seconds. Following a 10-minute rest,
rest, sprint time for the 9.1- and 18.3-m sprints were measured subjects concluded session 4 testing by completing a Tmax test.
simultaneously using a 2 gate wireless timing system (Brower Briefly, the Super Treadmill was set to 1.5% grade, and subjects
Timing Systems, Draper, UT) with timing gates at 9.1 and warm up with two 15-second bouts at Vmax separated by a 60-
18.3 m, respectively. Subjects were instructed to use a 3-point second rest. On the next attempt, subjects ran to exhaustion at
start stance by placing the dominant hand on the ground next to Vmax.
the optical start sensor. The same runway and timing system was Session 5 testing began with 3PQ testing. Subjects warmed up
used to perform a PA test using standard procedures. Subjects by performing 2 sets of 3–5 repetitions at the prescribed load,
began in a 3-point stance before turning right 90° and sprinting 40% of 2 leg_1RM. The warm-up sets were separated by 60–90
4.6 m to touch a line on the runway. Subjects then turned left seconds of rest. Following a 2–3 minutes of rest, subjects per-
180° and sprinted 9.1 m in the opposite direction and touched formed the 30-second 3PQ test. The measures assessed with 3PQ
another line on the runway. Finally, subjects turned right 180° testing include a variety of positive (concentric) and negative
and sprinted 4.6 m back across the same starting line. For the (eccentric) neuromuscular characteristics, such as peak force,
sprints and PA tests, a 2- to 3-minute rest was given between peak positive and negative power, average positive and negative
trials, and the best of 3 trials was used for data analysis. Fol- power, average rate of power development, and percent positive
lowing a 5-minute rest, subjects then completed 2 leg_1RM and negative fatigue, respectively. After a 10-minute rest, subjects
testing on the Plyo Press, followed by R leg_1RM and L completed performance testing by undertaking a CFMod test on
leg_1RM. The Plyo Press seat was positioned, so the subjects’ the Super Treadmill. Subjects completed 2 warm-ups at 80% of
feet placed the hip and knee joint angles at approximately 90°. A Vmax and 10 and 15% grades for 8 seconds each, respectively.
3- to 5-minute rest was given between all 1RM efforts (15). Following a 1–2 minutes of rest, the Super Treadmill was raised to
Following a 10 minutes of rest, subjects performed a Vmax test 20% grade and the subject ran to exhaustion. All posttests were
on a treadmill (Super Treadmill; Standard Industries, Fargo, performed in the same order and used the same settings and
ND) set to 1.5% to better simulate overground running (19). starting speeds as pretesting.
Starting speed for the Vmax test ranged 10.5–12.1 km·hr21 and
was based on the self-selected speed chosen by the subject during Training Protocol. Both groups completed the same number of
the familiarization session, with the intention of completing 4 to running treadmill and plyometric training workouts (12 each; 24
6 2-minute stages during the test (12). Briefly, subjects com- total) in an alternating fashion over 8 weeks. Subjects were not
pleted 2-minute stages on the Super Treadmill separated by 30- allowed to perform workouts on 3 consecutive days. On treadmill
second rests (3). At the completion of each stage, treadmill speed training days, INC performed 15–26 bouts ranging 6–30 seconds
was increased 0.80 km·hr21. The subject was instructed that at on grades ranging 5–30% while running at Vmax. In contrast,
least 90 seconds of the 2-minute stage must be completed for the LEV performed 10–14 bouts for either 6 or 30 seconds on a 1.5%
stage to be considered successful; the speed of the last completed grade while running at intensities ranging 110–138% Vmax. The
stage was defined as Vmax. If the velocity at exhaustion was top intensity of 138% Vmax was based on a previous


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

investigation of well-trained distance runners that reported that training. However, all subjects completed all training sessions.
level grade 140% Vmax could be maintained for approximately Additionally, there was no significant difference in total time
30 seconds (12). The only 6-second bouts for either group were spent running between INC and LEV during treadmill sessions.
the last 2 sets of every treadmill session and consisted of short- Table 5 highlights the performance responses of INC, LEV, and
burst sprints on a 1.5% grade at intensities ranging 140–165% CON. INC experienced significant time effect improvements in
Vmax. Work-to-rest durations for both groups were 1:4, but all performance outcomes, whereas LEV experienced significant
subjects were given additional rest if physically unable to un- time effect improvements in CMJ, 9.1-m sprint, PA, Vmax,
dertake the next effort. The treadmill training protocol for each Tmax, 2 leg_1RM, L leg_1RM, R leg_1RM, and HE_1RM.
group is listed in Table 2. Both groups performed the same CON did not experience significant improvements in any out-
plyometric training program, which included a variety of unilat- come measure. Furthermore, there were significant group by time
eral and bilateral footwork drills in anterior-posterior, medio- interactions for improvements in 9.1-m sprint, 18.3-m sprint,
lateral, and multidirectional movement patterns, bilateral 3HOP_L, 3HOP_R, PA, CFMod, and HF_1RM with INC im-
anterior-posterior and mediolateral foam block hops, unilateral proving to a greater extent than LEV and CON.
and bilateral box jumps in the anterior-posterior direction, and
unilateral and bilateral weighted squat jumps on the Plyo Press at
various percentages of each condition’s 1RM (1RM), re- Power and Fatigue Outcomes
spectively. The unilateral and bilateral footwork drills involved Table 6 highlights the power and fatigue responses of INC, LEV,
a 4-square pattern and have been described as low-intensity by and CON during 3PQ testing. Significant time effect improve-
Chu (6). Briefly, the 4-square pattern consists of 2 122 cm lines ments in all power and fatigue outcome measures were demon-
(one vertical, one horizontal) that bisect to form a cross, leaving 4 strated by INC and LEV; CON did not experience significant
quadrants each 61 3 61 cm. The lower left, upper left, upper improvements in any outcome measure. There were no significant
right, and lower right squares were numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4, group by time improvements between INC and LEV.
respectively. A typical footwork drill (either bilateral or unilat-
eral) labeled 1–2, for example, involved an anterior-posterior
movement for the prescribed duration. Similarly, a footwork drill
labeled 1-2-3 involved starting on 1, jumping forward to 2, lat-
erally to the right to 3, and finishing by jumping diagonally back Soccer players routinely engage in sports performance training
to 1. During 4-square footwork drills, subjects were instructed to programs during winter months that consist of plyometric
the following: (a) keep the feet, knees, hips, and chest facing training, strength training, and both incline and level-grade SIT.
forward at all times regardless of pattern; (b) maintain a slight Specific to incline-based SIT, to date, a paucity of research exists,
knee bend; (c) stay on the balls of the feet; (d) seek accuracy and highlighting the efficacy of using this approach to improve
precision; and (e) move as intensely as possible. The plyometric measures related to the athletic performance of soccer players,
training protocol is listed in Table 3. Finally, both groups per- including speed, strength, power, change of direction, and an-
formed the same strength training program: on treadmill days aerobic capacity. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation in-
upright HE and HF exercises (for each side) and bilateral leg press cluded comparing 2 combined training approaches involving
were performed; on plyometric days, unilateral upright hip ab- identical strength training and plyometric training programs with
duction, hip adduction, and leg presses were performed. All different approaches to SIT by examining measures that are both
strength exercises involved 3 sets, repetitions ranging 8–12, and unique to the effects of incline and level-grade SIT, as well as
intensities ranging 60–90% 1RM, respectively. The strength applicable to soccer performance. The findings of the present
training program is listed in Table 4. investigation show that level and incline-based SIT in combina-
tion with plyometric training and strength training significantly
improved measures of speed, strength, change of direction, and
Statistical Analyses anaerobic capacity in a group of adolescent soccer players. Ad-
The statistical program JMP (v.14.0; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was ditionally, incline compared with level-based SIT led to signifi-
used for all data analysis. Descriptive statistics of each outcome cantly greater improvements in 9.1-m sprint, 18.3-m sprint,
variable, including means, standard deviations, and tests of nor- 3HOP_L, 3HOP_R, PA, CFMod, and HF_1RM. Therefore, based
mality were determined. A 2-way repeated-measures analysis of on these findings, we accept our hypothesis that incline vs. level-
variance (ANOVA) was used to test for the effect of training (time: based SIT would lead to greater performance gains. In our esti-
pre, post) and training program (group: INC, LEV and CON) on mation, the current investigation is the first to compare the
CMJ, SLJ, 3HOP_L, 3HOP_R, 9.1 m, 18.3 m, PA, L leg_1RM, R training effects between time-matched SIT performed using INC
leg_1RM, 2 leg_1RM, HE_1RM, HF_1RM, Vmax, Tmax, CFMod, and LEV conditions.
and 3PQ. Absolute and relative percentage change from pre- to Combined or concurrent training programs have been used
posttraining was calculated for all variables, and 1-way ANOVA extensively in soccer for years, and a number of previous inves-
was used to determine differences between the groups. A significance tigations have examined the effects of these methods, including,
level of P # 0.05 was set for all statistical analyses. Where signifi- for example, strength training and power training, various
cance was found, a Tukey post hoc test was performed. sequences of strength and plyometric training, plyometric train-
ing and speed training, strength training and speed training,
strength training and SIT, and optimum power training (OPL)
Results combined with either resisted sprints (RS) or plyometrics
(21,22,24,28,35,42,43). Moreover, the incorporation of SIT has
Performance Outcomes
been primarily field based. In contrast, the use of treadmill
Two subjects required an additional week to finish the in- intervals, with a specific focus on performing those intervals on an
vestigation because of experiencing brief illnesses unrelated to the incline, has not been investigated.


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4 |

Table 2
The 12-session treadmill training protocols for the 2 groups, INC and LEV.*
Elevation Speed Elevation
Speed (%Vmax) Repetitions (% grade) Bout (s) Total run time (s) (%Vmax) Repetitions (% grade) Bout (s) Total run time (s)
(Session 1/2) (Session 1/2) (Session 1/2) (Session 1/2)
100 2/2 5 30 60/60 105 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 5/4 10 20 100/80 115 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/4 15 15 45/60 120 4/4 1.5 30 120/120
100 3/4 17.5 10 30/40 125 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
140 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 140 2/2 1.5 12 12/12
Totals 15/16 247/252 10/11 252/282
(Session 3/4) (Session 3/4) (Session 3/4) (Session 3/4)
100 3/2 5 30 90/60 105 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 4/3 10 20 80/60 110 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/3 15 15 45/45 120 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/4 17.5 10 30/40 125 4/3 1.5 30 120/90
100 3/4 20 10 30/40 127.5 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
145 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 145 2/2 1.5 6 12/12
Totals 16/18 275/257 11/11 292/282
(Session 5/6) (Session 5/6) (Session 5/6) (Session 5/6)
100 2/2 5 30 60/60 105 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/3 10 20 60/60 110 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/3 15 15 45/45 120 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 4/4 17.5 10 40/40 125 2/1 1.5 30 60/30
100 3/4 20 10 30/40 127.5 3/4 1.5 30 90/120
100 3/4 22.5 10 30/40 130 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
150 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 150 2/2 1.5 6 12/12
Totals 20/22 277/297 12/13 312/342
(Session 7/8) (Session 7/8) (Session 7/8) (Session 7/8)
100 2/2 5 30 60/60 105 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/2 10 30 90/60 110 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/2 15 15 45/30 120 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/2 17.5 10 30/20 125 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/4 20 10 30/40 127.5 2/1 1.5 30 60/30
100 3/4 22.5 10 20/40 130 2/2 1.5 30 60/60
100 2/4 25 10 20/40 132.5 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
155 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 155 2/2 1.5 6 12/12
Totals 21/22 307/302 12/12 312/312
(Session 9/10) (Session 9/10) (Session 9/10) (Session 9/10)
100 2/2 5 30 60/60 105 1/0 1.5 30 30/0
100 2/2 10 30 60/60 110 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 15 15 30/30 120 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 17.5 10 20/20 125 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 20 10 20/20 127.5 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/3 22.5 10 30/30 130 2/1 1.5 30 60/30
100 3/4 25 10 30/40 132.5 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
100 3/4 27.5 10 30/40 135 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
160 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 160 2/2 1.5 6 12/12
Totals 21/23 292/312 13/13 342/342
(Session 11/12) (Session 11/12) (Session 11/12) (Session 11/12)
100 2/2 5 30 60/60 105 1/0 1.5 30 30/0
100 2/2 10 30 60 110 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 15 15 30 120 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 17.5 10 20 125 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 20 10 20 127.5 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 2/2 22.5 10 20 130 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/4 25 10 30/40 132.5 1/1 1.5 30 30/30
100 3/4 27.5 10 30/40 135 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
100 3/4 30 10 30/40 138 2/3 1.5 30 60/90
165 2/2 1.5 6 12/12 165 2/2 1.5 6 12/12
Totals 23/26 312/342 13/14 342/372
*Training sessions for each group (INC and LEV) are grouped in pairs: for example, sessions 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, etc. Speed (%Vmax) 5 treadmill speed during running bout; repetitions 5 the number of bouts
performed at that particular speed and incline; further, repetitions separated by (/) 5 the number of repetitions performed at that speed, elevation, and duration during that training session, respectively;
elevation (% grade) 5 treadmill grade; bout (s) 5 run time per repetition in seconds; total run time (s) 5 repetitions multiplied by bout duration in seconds.


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Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

Table 3
The 12-session plyometric training protocol performed by both groups.*
Plyometric session
Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Unilateral box jumps (reps)
15 cm 238 238 238 238
20 cm 238 238 238 238
Bilateral box jumps (reps)
30 cm 238 238 238 238
46 cm 238 238 238 238
Unilateral weighted squat jumps (reps)
40% 1RM 238
45% 1RM 238 238
50% 1RM 238 238
55% 1RM 238 238
60% 1RM 238
Bilateral weighted squat jumps (reps)
40% 1RM 238
45% 1RM 238 238
50% 1RM 238
Bilateral footwork drills (s)
1-2 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 3 3 20 1 3 20
1-4 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 3 3 20
1-2-3 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-3-2 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-2-3-4 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 3 3 20 1 3 20
1-4-3-2 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 3 3 20 1 3 20
Unilateral footwork drills (s)
1-2 1 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10
1-4 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10
1-3 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10
4-2 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10
1-2-3-4 1 3 10 1 3 10
Bilateral foam hops 15 cm (s)
1-2 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10
1-4 1 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10
Bilateral foam hops 30 cm (s)
1-2 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10
1-4 2 3 10 4 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 10
Bilateral foam hops 46 cm (s)
1-2 235 235
1-4 235 235 435 235 235 235
Bilateral foam hops 61 cm (s)
1-4 235 235 435 235
Bilateral footwork drills (s)
1-2-3-4 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-4-3-2 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-4-2-3 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-2-4-3 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
1-3 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
4-2 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20 1 3 20
Total box and weighted squat jump 0/280 0/360 96/190 0/370 128/80 0/340 96/190 0/310 128/80 0/320 0/460 0/280
(reps)/drill time (s)
*Exercises for each day were performed in the descending order listed above. For blank cells, no exercise was performed. All box jumps and weighted squat jumps consisted of 8 repetitions (reps) performed as
intensely as possible. All footwork drills were performed for time (in seconds), with bilateral and unilateral footwork drills lasting 20 and 10 seconds, respectively. All 15- and 30-cm bilateral foam hops were
performed for 10 seconds; all 46- and 61-cm foam hops were performed for 5 seconds. During each training session, a 60- to 90-second rest was assigned between all exercise efforts. Total box jumps or
weighted squat jump (reps)/drill time (s) 5 the total number of box and/or weighted squat jump contacts, and total time spent performing footwork drills, respectively, per session.

Previous studies have examined training programs combining revealed significant improvements in a variety of performance
traditional strength (back squat) and power-oriented (power measures including 3.2 cm and 0.07 seconds, respectively, for
clean) exercises in young soccer players (42). For example, Wong CMJ and 10-m sprint performance. In the present investigation,
et al. (42) investigated combined strength and power training in INC demonstrated greater and similar significant improvements
14-year-old, male, soccer players performing 2 training ses- compared with CON in absolute differences of the means in the
sions·wk21 for 12 weeks (42). Pre- and posttest absolute differ- same (CMJ) and similar (9.1-m sprint) tests, whereas LEV did not.
ences in means between the experimental and control groups Total training sessions (24 sessions) and time committed to


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4 |

Table 4
The strength training program performed by INC and LEV during the 8-week investigation.*
Bilateral leg press Unilateral leg press Hip flexion and extension Hip abduction and adduction
Workout session Sets Reps %1RM Sets Reps %1RM Sets Reps %1RM Sets Reps %1RM
1 and 2 3 10 70–75 3 12 65–70 3 12 65 3 12 60–65
3 and 4 3 10 75–77.5 3 12 70–75 3 12 70 3 12 65–70
5 and 6 3 8 80–82.5 3 10 75–77.5 3 10 75–77.5 3 10 70–75
7 and 8 3 8 82.5–85 3 10 77.5–80 3 10 77.5–80 3 10 75
9 and 10 3 6 85–87.5 3 8 82.5–85 3 8 82.5–85 3 8 77.5
11 and 12 3 6 87.5–90 3 8 85 3 8 85 3 8 80
*After sprint interval training subjects performed hip extension, hip flexion, and bilateral leg press exercises. Alternatively, after plyometric training, subjects completed hip abduction, hip adduction, and
unilateral leg press exercises. %1RM 5 percentage of 1 repetition maximum.

individual training sessions (approximately 60 minutes) was the which may have implications for high-velocity movements in-
same in both Wong et al. (42) and the present investigation. volving repeated SSCs, such as sprinting (25).
However, a greater emphasis was placed on lower-body re- Examining combined plyometric training and speed training,
sistance training in Wong et al. (42) and specifically on bilateral Saez de Villarreal et al. (35) had 14- to 15-year-old soccer players
exercises. In contrast, in the present investigation, one exercise train 2 sessions·wk21 (approximately 40 min·session21) for 9
(bilateral leg press) was performed bilaterally. Previous research weeks using jumping, skipping, and hopping exercises in com-
indicates that unilateral limb training may be more effective at bination with 10-m all-out sprints. The experimental vs. control
improving muscle strength for applying force unilaterally in group demonstrated significant improvements in CMJ and 10-m
sprinting and change of direction movements (13). Importantly, sprint performance by 9.4 and 4.8%, respectively. In the present
during incline treadmill running, hip range of motion and joint investigation, improvements in CMJ posted by INC and LEV
angular velocity during push off at the ankle, knee, and hip have were greater and less, respectively, whereas in the similar short-
been shown to be significantly greater compared with level-grade burst sprint performance test of 9.1 m, INC and LEV recorded
sprinting at the same stride frequency (38). This increased range significant improvements that were similar and less, respectively.
of joint motion during intense triple extension muscle con- In the study by Saez de Villarreal et al. (35), all plyometric training
tractions, together with increased joint angular velocity, leads to involved bilateral body weight exercises (half-squats with jumps,
significantly greater hip muscle power during incline running and hurdle jump, and vertical jumps). In the present investigation, all
indicates that incline treadmill running may represent a sport- plyometric sessions involved a combination of unilateral and bi-
specific training tactic (38). lateral exercises. In those sessions emphasizing footwork drills,
Others have investigated different sequences of combined total time spent performing exercises ranged 4.5–6.5 minutes,
strength and plyometric training in elite 19-year-old soccer with unilateral footwork drills constituting 1–2 minutes of the
players (21). Training twice weekly for 8 weeks, Kobal et al. (21) total. Furthermore, 4 of the 12 plyometric sessions (sessions 3, 5,
had players complete traditional training (TD, strength followed 7, and 9) emphasized more traditional plyometric exercises, such
by plyometric training), complex training (CP, plyometric fol- as box jumps and weighted squat jumps; in these sessions, the
lowed by strength training), or contrast training (CT, alternating number of high-intensity box jumps and weighted squat jump
strength and plyometric training set by set). The strength and contacts ranged 96–128 per session (for a total of 448 in the 4
plyometric exercises were back half-squat and drop jumps (from sessions). By comparison, total contacts·session21 in Saez de
boxes of 30 and 45 cm), respectively. Although all groups sig- Villarreal et al. (35) ranged from 60 (week 1) to 200 (week 9).
nificantly improved back half-squat (TD, 46.3%; CP, 48.6%; Based on the present investigation, despite performing a majority
CT, 53.0%) and CMJ (TD, 14.2%, CP; 13.0%; CT, 14.7%), only of low-intensity plyometric footwork drills aimed at improving
TD demonstrated significant mid to posttest improvements in 10- kinesthetic awareness, the relatively modest number of unilateral
and 20-m sprint performance. As to the lack of significant pre- to and bilateral high-intensity box jumps and weighted squat jumps
posttest improvement in sprint performance by any of the groups, seems to have provided an adequate training stimulus. Addi-
the authors postulated that it may have been the result of the tionally, this may be a prudent approach for younger athletes who
“interference phenomenon,” which has been shown previously to may be engaging in plyometric training for the first time (1,6).
affect maximum sprint performance in high-level soccer players Finally, although the present investigation did not record the
while not affecting 1RM strength or CMJ performance during number of ground contacts during the low-intensity footwork
combined training (8). In the present investigation, in addition to drills, based on Chu’s recommendation for quantifying the 4-
significant group effects demonstrated by INC and LEV in square exercises, investigators and coaches could manually count
a similar strength exercise (2_leg 1RM), both INC and LEV also foot strikes or use force plates to determine the degree of im-
demonstrated significant group effects in similar short-burst provement with training (6).
sprint performance tests (9.1 and 18.3 m, respectively). One In a 9-week study of 17-year-old, male, soccer players in-
possible explanation why INC and LEV demonstrated significant volving 2 sessions·wk21 of combined strength and speed training
improvements in short-burst sprint performance is that all plyo- (COM) compared with strength training (STR) alone, Kotzama-
metric exercises in the present investigation were repeat jump nidis et al. (22) reported that both groups demonstrated a number
exercises vs. single drop jumps performed in Kobal et al. (21). of significant time effect improvements, but COM demonstrated
Previous research of repeat plyometric jump exercises indicate significant time effect improvements in several additional meas-
that they are more effective at improving jump height (both drop ures (half squat, CMJ, unilateral step-up, and 30-m sprint per-
jump and repeated CMJ) than single jump plyometric exercises, formance). For this discussion, comparisons between COM, INC,


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Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

Table 5
Pretraining vs. posttraining performance outcomes following 8 weeks of training.*
INC (n 5 17) LEV (n 5 14) CON (n 5 15)
Outcome Pre Post Change % Change Pre Post Change % Change Pre Post Change % Change
CMJ (cm) 50.4 6 9.1 55.4 6 10.0 5.0 6 1.0‡ 10.2 6 5.4§ 52.1 6 9.2 55.2 6 8.5 1.3 6 0.9‡ 6.5 6 5.1§ 56.0 6 10.9 57.2 6 11.9 0.5 6 0.7 1.9 6 3.3
SLJ (cm) 192.0 6 29.4 207.4 6 31.3 15.4 6 5.5‡ 8.1 6 3.3§ 196.1 6 29.4 202.7 6 28.6 6.5 6 5.1 3.5 6 3.0 208.6 6 34.4 211.8 6 37.9 3.2 6 5.2 1.3 6 2.7
3HOP_R (cm) 500.7 6 80.6 541.6 6 81.9 41.2 6 28.0‡ 11.3 6 7.7║ 495.5 6 78.3 505.3 6 79.4 9.8 6 14.4 2.7 6 3.9 498.5 6 73.0 508.3 6 77.3 9.8 6 10.2 2.7 6 2.8
3HOP_L (cm) 500.7 6 76.6 536.1 6 79.0 35.4 6 26.3‡ 7.3 6 6.0║ 494.6 6 78.1 507.6 6 78.9 13.1 6 15.2 2.7 6 3.2 507.3 6 69.0 518.2 6 67.5 10.8 6 10.4 2.2 6 2.0
9.1-m sprint (s) 2.02 6 0.2 1.94 6 0.1 20.08 6 0.0‡ 4.0 6 1.0║ 2.03 6 0.2 1.97 6 0.1 20.05 6 0.0‡ 2.5 6 1.7† 1.94 6 0.2 1.93 6 0.2 20.01 6 0.0 0.42 6 1.2
18.3-m sprint (s) 3.40 6 0.3 3.28 6 0.3 20.12 6 0.1‡ 3.6 6 1.5║ 3.42 6 0.3 3.35 6 0.3 20.08 6 0.1 2.3 6 1.6† 3.25 6 0.3 3.24 6 0.3 20.02 6 0.0 0.47 6 0.8
PA (s) 5.24 6 0.3 5.08 6 0.3 20.17 6 0.1‡ 3.2 6 1.2║ 5.27 6 0.3 5.19 6 0.3 20.08 6 0.1‡ 1.5 6 1.5║ 5.1 6 0.4 5.09 6 0.4 20.03 6 0.0 0.63 6 0.9
CFMod (s) 43 6 12 54 6 12 11 6 3‡ 28.1 6 12.1║ 41 6 6 45 6 6 465 12.3 6 13.0 40 6 11 44 6 13 464 7.9 6 10.6

Vmax (m·sec21) 4.06 6 0.4 4.3 6 0.4 0.2 6 0.1‡ 6.2 6 2.6§ 4.02 6 0.5 4.24 6 0.5 0.2 6 0.1‡ 5.5 6 3.2§ 4.20 6 0.3 4.24 6 0.3 0.0 6 0.1 0.7 6 1.9
Tmax (s) 182 6 50 258 6 57 76 6 30‡ 44.7 6 23.3§ 186 6 44 261 6 57 76 6 50‡ 43.6 6 31.1§ 170 6 50 182 6 56 11 6 10 6.5 6 4.8
2 leg_1RM (kg) 129.0 6 27.1 148.0 6 29.2 19.0 6 11.7‡ 15.4 6 10.1§ 122.4 6 26.2 142.0 6 33.6 19.6 6 14.0‡ 16.1 6 11.4§ 138.5 6 41.9 143.3 6 43.4 4.8 6 5.8 3.5 6 4.2
R leg_1RM (kg) 69.5 6 15.0 81.6 6 15.9 12.0 6 6.1‡ 18.1 6 9.3§ 68.2 6 14.2 77.3 6 17.6 9.1 6 5.6‡ 13.1 6 7.2§ 76.2 6 24.1 80.0 6 25.2 3.8 6 3.1 5.1 6 3.4
L leg_1RM (kg) 69.9 6 15.6 81.4 6 16.2 11.5 6 4.8‡ 17.2 6 7.3§ 69.5 6 13.5 78.6 6 17.1 9.1 6 5.2‡ 12.7 6 6.6§ 74.4 6 23.9 78.6 6 25.7 4.2 6 3.4 5.6 6 3.8
HE_1RM (kg) 66.2 6 14.4 79.8 6 15.8 13.6 6 4.4‡ 21.3 6 8.0§ 64.6 6 12.5 75.0 6 12.1 10.4 6 4.4‡ 17.0 6 9.1§ 69.7 6 17.5 75.2 6 20.0 5.5 6 3.1 7.5 6 2.8
HF_1RM (kg) 48.0 6 11.3 56.4 6 11.7 8.4 6 2.4‡ 18.4 6 6.4║ 45.8 6 11.2 51.1 6 11.7 5.4 6 2.5 12.2 6 5.6 51.7 6 10.5 55.3 6 12.3 3.6 6 2.1 6.7 6 2.9
*CMJ 5 countermovement jump; SLJ 5 standing long jump; 3HOP_L and 3HOP_R 5 1 leg triple hop for distance; PA 5 pro agility change of direction; CFMod 5 modified Cunningham and Faulkner run to exhaustion at 80%Vmax and 20% grade; Vmax 5 maximal aerobic speed;
Tmax 5 time to exhaustion at Vmax; 2 leg_1RM 5 bilateral one repetition maximum lift during horizontal leg press; L_1RM and R_leg 1RM 5 unilateral one repetition maximum lift during horizontal leg press; HE_1RM 5 one repetition maximum lift with dominant side during upright
hip extension; HF_1RM 5 one repetition maximum lift with dominant side during upright hip flexion.
†Data are means (6SD) P , 0.05.
‡Significantly different from pre- to posttraining (P , 0.05).
§Significantly greater than CON (P , 0.05).
║Significantly greater than LEV and CON (P , 0.05).
Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

Table 6
Pretraining vs. posttraining power and fatigue outcomes of 3PQ testing for 30-seconds using 40% of 2 leg_1RM.*
INC (n 5 17) LEV (n 5 14) CON (n 5 15)
Outcome Pre Post Change %Change Pre Post Change %Change Pre Post Change %Change
Peak force 1,457.4 6 271.5 1,576.5 6 354.3 119.1 6 114.8† 7.6 6 6.7‡ 1,411.1 6 237.4 1,524.5 6 222.5 113.4 6 107.3† 8.6 6 8.2‡ 1,599.3 6 407.6 1,448.8 6 596.8 2150.4 6 375.4 210.5 6 28.0
Peak (1) 1,505 6 409 1755 6 497 249.3 6 191.6† 16.7 6 12.0‡ 1,516 6 449 1,670 6 445 153.7 6 156.0† 11.2 6 10.1‡ 1850 6 663 1808 6 649 241.7 6 105.7 22.2 6 6.2
power (N)
Peak (2) 1,083 6 367 1,326 6 495 243.2 6 193.7† 22.8 6 15.4‡ 1,099 6 410 1,294 6 431 194.8 6 146.6† 19.9 6 13.3‡ 1,193 6 480 1,194 6 453 1.1 6 134.3 1.0 6 10.8
power (N)
Avg (1) 1,320 6 393 1,544 6 417 224.6 6 120.6† 18.6 6 12.5‡ 1,252 6 377 1,425 6 384 173.1 6 137.4† 14.8 6 10.5‡ 1,617 6 609 1,582 6 570 235.3 6 120.2 1.2 6 8.2
power (N)
Avg (2) 900 6 350 1,091 6 431 190.8 6 145.0† 22.2 6 14.0‡ 882 6 354 1,043 6 351 160.8 6 97.1† 21.2 6 14.9‡ 988 6 397 977 6 371 210.9 6 91.7 20.1 6 9.5
power (N)

Avg RPD 3,558 6 1,302 4,509 6 1,564 950.9 6 521.7† 28.3 6 14.3‡ 3,600 6 1,149 4,477 6 1,260 877.0 6 663.5† 26.8 6 17.9‡ 4,166 6 1,657 4,085 6 1,477 280.2 6 299.0 0.5 6 11.7
(1) fatigue 19.5 6 5.1 15.2 6 3.7 4.3 6 3.4† 20.6 6 12.8‡ 20.0 6 5.7 17.0 6 3.4 3.0 6 4.2† 12.1 6 16.0‡ 19.2 6 4.2 20.0 6 3.8 20.8 6 4.3 26.9 6 22.7
(2) fatigue 17.7 6 5.3 12.8 6 4.1 4.9 6 3.3† 21.4 6 6.6‡ 4.0 6 5.3 17.4 6 4.9 4.0 6 5.3† 15.5 6 20.5‡ 16.5 6 5.2 17.7 6 5.2 21.2 6 2.8 211.2 6 22.8
Peak 1.27 6 0.1 1.37 6 0.1 0.10 6 0.0† 8.3 6 3.9‡ 1.30 6 0.1 1.38 6 0.1 0.08 6 0.1† 6.2 6 4.5‡ 1.33 6 0.2 1.33 6 0.2 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 6 3.2
*Measures with (1) are associated with concentric muscle contractions and indicate an acceleration of the load mass, that is, power generation; measures with (2) are associated with eccentric muscle contractions and indicate a deceleration of the load mass, that is, absorption of
energy. Peak force 5 the vector sum of the vertical and horizontal forces applied to the force plate (relative to its position) and represents a resultant force applied to the plate. Peak (1) or (2) power 5 watts associated with peak power generation or peak energy absorption during the
30-second test. Avg (1) or (2) power 5 average watts associated with power generation or energy absorption during the 30-second test. RPD 5 rate of power development as defined by the average slope of the line from the negative peak power to the subsequent positive peak
power during the 30-second test. % Fatigue rate (1) and (2) 5 slope of line calculated from the peak (1) and (2) jumps taken from the first and last 5 seconds, respectively, of the 30-second test. Peak velocity 5 movement velocity of the weight stack as measured by the
displacement transducer using the first central difference method.
†Significantly different from pre- to posttraining (p , 0.05).
‡Significantly greater than CON (p , 0.05).

Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4

and LEV are most appropriate becaue several performance load of 118 kg (body mass plus 60% of body mass load). In the
measures were similar. For example, COM demonstrated signif- present investigation, 40% of 2 leg_1RM was used for 3PQ
icant improvements in half squat, CMJ, unilateral step-up, and testing, a load equal to 122 and 129 kg for LEV and INC, re-
30-m sprint performance of 8.6, 6.8, 14.0, and 3.7%, re- spectively. Although the experimental groups in Loturco et al.
spectively. In the present investigation, INC recorded significant (24) reported trivial effect sizes for mean maximum power out-
gains in the same (CMJ) or similar (2 leg_1RM, 1 leg_1RM, and put, in the present investigation, both INC and LEV demon-
18.3-m sprint) performance measures that were greater than strated significant time effect improvements in maximum positive
COM, whereas LEV demonstrated greater gains compared with power during 3PQ testing of 16.7 and 11.2%, respectively. Fur-
COM in 2 leg_1RM and similar gains in CMJ, 1 leg_1RM, and thermore, velocity of movement during the weighted jump squat
18.3-m sprint performance. Interestingly, the strength training test in Loturco et al. (24) was reported as small and trivial for OPL
program performed by COM was similar to INC and LEV in that with RS and OPL with PL, respectively, whereas in the present
both investigations involved 3 lower-body exercises. More spe- investigation, both INC and LEV demonstrated significant time
cifically, COM used a strength training routine involving 2 effect improvements in this measure during 3PQ testing of 8.3 and
exercises·session21 that targeted the powerful knee extensor 6.2%, respectively. However, the training status of the subjects
muscle group and to a lesser extent the hip extensors. In contrast, (Brazilian first division professionals vs. American youth club
INC and LEV performed one exercise·session21 targeting the players) most likely had an impact on the demonstrated results
knee extensor muscle group and another that specifically targeted because relatively novice athletes may respond to a greater degree
the hip extensor and hip flexor musculature. Specific to the hip when introduced to new training tactics (37).
flexor, previous research has indicated the importance of this Regarding incline treadmill running, Swanson and Caldwell
muscle group in achieving and maintaining maximum sprint (38) reported that incline sprinting on a treadmill using intensities
speed (5) and that the biarticular rectus femoris (assisting in hip and grades similar to those used in present investigation com-
flexion) transfers energy generated by the monoarticular hip pared with level-grade running at the same stride frequency led to
extensors to assist in the powerful knee extensions that occur in significantly greater: (a) extensor range of motion at the ankle,
high-velocity triple extension movements, such as sprinting and knee, and hip; (b) average electromyographical amplitude of key
jumping (18,30). lower-body musculature during stance; and (c) average power
A different investigation by Wong et al. (43) examined com- and energy generated during hip flexion and hip extension in the
bined strength training and SIT during 2 training sessions·wk21 swing phase of running, respectively. Additionally, horizontal
for 8 weeks. Resistance exercises included jump squats and back braking and propulsive forces associated with foot strike, stance,
half squats, whereas SIT consisted of sixteen 15-second bouts and toe-off during incline treadmill running at grades of .15%
(with 15 seconds rest) at 120% of maximal aerobic speed (MAS) are decreased and increased, respectively, by 50 and 75% com-
for a total of 4 minutes of running. Performance measures that pared with level-grade running (14). Combined with the alter-
were similar to the present investigation in which the experi- ations in the kinematics and electromyographical of key
mental group recorded significant improvements included back propulsive muscles during incline sprinting, this suggests that
squat 1RM (20.3%), CMJ (3.9%), 10-m sprint (5.8%), 30-m incline running represents a particularly functional training tactic
sprint (2.7%), and distance covered while running at MAS for replicating powerful triple extension movements of the ankle,
(9.2%). In the present investigation, not only did INC and LEV knee, and hip while running. Moreover, this tactic may also
demonstrate significant improvements in 2 leg_1RM, CMJ, 9.1, contribute to an enhanced ability to orient the resultant force
and 18.3-m sprint performance that were similar but also recor- vector in a manner described by Morin et al. (27) that maximizes
ded significant improvements in Tmax (INC: 44.7%; LEV: the propulsive forces involved in acceleration and sprinting abil-
43.6%), giving insights into distance covered at a high intensity. ity. Despite relatively little research into the physiological and
Specifically, in Wong et al. (43), the average improvement in performance effects associated with incline treadmill training,
distance covered running at MAS represented 298 m; in the several investigations have reported on this training tactic in
present investigation, the improvement in Tmax while running at distance runners (9–11). In these investigations, runners per-
Vmax reflected an average increase in distance run of 308 m formed 10 to 14 thirty-second bouts twice weekly for 6 weeks on
(INC) and 301 m (LEV), respectively. The similarities in running a 10% grade while running at Vmax. In well-trained distance
intensities and total time spent running between the experimental runners, this training led to significant improvements in Tmax
group in Wong et al. (43) and INC and LEV in the present in- (10); however, in this same investigation, level-grade interval
vestigation add further evidence to the efficacy of using low- training performed using Vmax and 60% Tmax (an average in-
volume SIT performed at maximal or supramaximal intensities to terval of 136 seconds) as training prescriptors led to even greater
improve anaerobic endurance (2,9). group by time results in Tmax. In another investigation, runners
Finally, Loturco et al. (24) investigated 12 sessions of OPL using Vmax, 30 seconds and 10% grade as training prescriptors
combined with either RS or plyometrics (PL), respectively, in 22- compared with 68% Vmax, 60% Tmax (average interval of 173
year-old, professional, soccer players over 5 weeks. Optimum seconds) and 10% grade, respectively, demonstrated significant
power load was individually determined from an upright group by time improvements in key physiological and perfor-
weighted jump squat test, sled pull sprints consisted of loads mance measures, including VLT and CFMod, leading to the con-
ranging 5–20% of body mass, and plyometrics were either hori- clusion that shorter, faster SIT performed on an incline was more
zontal or vertical jumps (or a combination thereof). Regarding effective than longer, slower incline-based interval training (9).
CMJ, OPL with PL demonstrated a small effect size (0.20), Interestingly, total time spent running during the shorter, faster
whereas OPL with RS was small (20.39). Similarly, small and incline training sessions (5–7 min·session21) of each of these
trivial effect sizes for SLJ were recorded by OPL with PL (0.40) investigations (9–11) was very similar to that performed by INC
and OPL with RS (20.03), respectively. Interestingly, mean in the present investigation (4–7 min·session21).
maximum power output of all subjects in the weighted jump In summary, our findings show that strength and plyometric
squat test was a load equal to 60% of body mass or an average training combined with level or incline-based SIT produced


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Combined SIT, Plyometric, and Strength Training (2020) 34:4 |

significant improvements in a number of measures associated

with sprinting, jumping, change of direction, strength, and an- 105–138% Vmax for a similar amount of total time spent
aerobic capacity in adolescent soccer players. Moreover, inclined- running. Furthermore, with either approach, we recommend
based SIT led to even greater improvements in sprinting ability incorporating 2–3six-second sprint efforts using intensities of
(9.1 and 18.3 m), powerful triple extension muscle actions 140–165% Vmax at the end of the training session to further
(3HOP_L and 3HOP_R), change of direction (PA), glycolytic enhance the neuromuscular adaptations. Finally, we encour-
bioenergetics (CFMod), and hip flexor strength (HF_1RM). age training such as this to be completed during times of the
However, whether the improvements in these measures enhance year considered the “off-season,” traditionally, during the
on-field performance remains to be determined. Furthermore, we winter or summer months leading up to the fall or spring
acknowledge limitations to this investigation, including the sub- competitive seasons, respectively. However, special attention
ject age range, a lack of reporting on biological ages of the sub- must be given to athletes who perform SIT on treadmills, in-
jects, and having used both male and female players. Moreover, cluding “spotting” them at all times and providing instruction
although the control group in the present investigation was in- on proper running form and technique.
cluded to account for the effects of physical maturation during the
study, we acknowledge that by not ensuring a matched weekly
load of sports practices between the control and experimental Acknowledgments
groups, the strength of comparisons to the control group are The authors thank the subjects for their effort, willingness, and
lessened. Also, although treadmill running allows greater training enthusiasm for participating in this study. They also greatly
precision and control over environmental factors, it may be that appreciate the assistance of Augustana University exercise science
overground SIT would produce different results. In addition to students Clark Vargo, Alaina Klapperich, Brooke Bleeker, and
these limitations, we recommend future investigations to examine Hunter Haman; the staff of Avera Sports; and the support of
SIT using other combinations of training prescriptors. For ex- Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center. The
ample, shorter, more intense, level-grade bouts or alternating authors of this study received no funding for this investigation
between a level-grade and incline training session each week may and have no conflicts of interest.
be a more effective approach to SIT. This investigation was self-funded and the authors have no
conflict of interest.
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Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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