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Salt analysis-1 02/07/2021

Aim: To analyse and identify the given salt.

1.Preliminary Examination
S.N Experiment Observation Inference
1. Colour and appearance of the Colourless Absence of salt of
mixture is noted. Cu, Fe, Co, Ni and
2. Solubility- A very small amount
of mixture is warmed with
following solvents in

a) In water Soluble completely or Absence of NH4+

partly and the soluble
portion gives ppt. with

b) In dil. HCL In soluble Presence of 1st

group cations

c) In dil.HNO3 Soluble and ppt. formed Presence of 1st

on addition of dil.HCL group cations.

Preliminary of anions

S.N Experiment Observation Inference

1. Action with dil.H2SO4 No characteristic observation Absence of CO32- , S2-
About 10 mg of [SO32-], NO2-] and
substance is taken in . acetate
the test tube and
dilute H2SO4 is added
and warm if no
reaction is seen.
2. Action of Conc.H2SO4 Colourless pungent smelling gas fuming Presence of Cl-
About 10mg of the in moist air and dense white fumes when
substance is warmed a glass rod dipped in NH4OH is
with about 0.5 ml of introduced in the test tube.

3. Action with con. H2SO4 Greenish yellow gas with pungent smell is Presence of chloride
and MnO2. evolved, starch potassium iodide paper ion.
About 10 mg of the turned blue
substance is heated
with a little conc.
H2SO4 and MnO2

Preparation of Na2CO3 – Extract

About 5 mg of the substance and 15 mg of Na2CO3are taken in a china dish, distilled water is added in
excess and boiled for 15 minutes on heating block, adding distilled water at intervals to take up for the loss
of evaporation. The ppt. is removed by centrifugation and clear centrifuge known Sodium carbonate extract
contains the anions as the sodium salt together with the excess of Na2CO3 . As a result of the reaction, the
cations are eliminated as insoluble carbonates, basic carbonate hydroxide and oxide.

Systematic test for anions

S.N Experiment Observation Inference
1. About 5 ml of Na2CO3 extract is The white curdy ppt. Presence of Cl confirmed
acidified with dil.HNO3 boiled to soluble in NH4OH is
expel CO2 and cooled. Centrifuge obtained.
if needed. Few drops of AgNO3
soln are added to the clear soln.

Original solution: The salt is soluble in water so a solution of salt in water is

taken as o.s.
Intergroup separation of Cations:
S.N Experiment Inference
1. About 1 mg of the substance is dissolved in water. To Residue. Group 1st cation
the above solution dilute HCL is added and centrifuged. Pb2+ (white).
Analysis of Group 1st Cation (Pb2+)
The group 1st ppt. is dissolved in hot water and divided into two parts.
S.N Experiment Observation Inference
1. One portion is acidified with Yellow ppt soluble in Presence of Pb2+
acetic acid and potassium NaOH is formed.
chromate solution is added.
2. To the 2nd portion few drops of Golden yellow ppt Presence of Pb2+ is
KI soln are added. formed. confirmed.
3. The above boiled with Ppt. dissolved and on Presence of Pb2+ is
water. cooling, golden confirmed.
spangles are separated.

Result :The given salt contains chloride as anion and lead as cation so it is LEAD

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