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Instructions to the participants

This questionnaire is to assess the knowledge regarding Basic life support (BLS).It has two
sections Section-A and B. Select the answer which is appropriate and place a tick on the
answer. All the information provided will be kept confidential.


Demographic Data

This section requires some personal data of the participants. Each item has few options.
Select the correct answer from the options.

1. Age (in years)

a) 18-20
b) 21-23
c) 24 and above
2. Gender
a) Male
b) Female
3. Type of family
a) Joint family
b) Nuclear family
4. Residing in
a) Hostler
b) Day scholar
5. Previous knowledge about BLS
a) Yes
b) No
6. If yes, source of information
a) Printed
b) Webinar
c) Conference
d) Workshop
7. Have you witness BLS
a) Yes
b) No
8. If yes, the witness area was
a) Public place
b) Hospital
c) Home


Knowledge Based Questionnaire

This part includes knowledge related to introduction of cardiac arrest. Each question has four
options. Select the most suitable answer from these options for the respective questions.


1. Cardiac arrest is also known as
a) Myocardial infarction
b) Heart attack
c) Heart block
d) Circulatory arrest
2. Cardiac arrest means
a) Abrupt loss of heart function
a) Loss of kidney function
b) Loss of brain function
c) Loss of energy
3. The most common reason for sudden death
a) Atrial fibrillation
b) Overexertion
c) Mental stress
d) Ventricular fibrillation
4. Cardiac arrest is mainly caused by
a) Fever & vomiting
b) Coronary artery disease
c) Tuberculosis
d) Diarrhea
5. The immediate management of cardiac arrest is
a) Maintaining fluid level
b) C.P.R
c) Checking Temperature
d) Medication administration
6. Heart fails to get an adequate supply of oxygen, leads to
a) Arrhythmia
b) Respiratory failure
c) Heart failure
d) Dysponea
7. The most common sign of cardiac arrest is
a) Absence of breathing ,no pulse
b) Presence of pulse
c) Absence of breathing
d) Decrease blood pressure
8. Sudden cessation of circulation results in unconsciousness within (in minutes)
a) 1-3
b) 3-5
c) 5-7
d) 7-9
9. The First action for a person who is experiencing cardiac arrest is to
a) Call an emergency number
b) Look, listen and feel
c) Save a life by chest compressions
d) Use the AED to check rhythm
10. During cardiac arrest, which pulse you will monitor
a) Radial
b) Carotid
c) Brachial
d) Temporal
III. Basic Life Support
11. The first BLS was developed in
a) 1920
b) 1942
c) 1960
d) 1971
12. C.P.R is technique that involves
a) Cardiac compressions
b) Chest compressions without artificial respiration
c) Fluid administration
d) Pulmonary compressions
13. The five link in the Adult Chain of Survival
a) Early CPR
b) Rapid defibrillation
c) Early recognition
d) Integrated post-cardiac arrest care
14. If the victim is breathing and does not have a pulse ,then
a) Begin CPR immediately
b) Give the victim 2 rescue breaths
c) Use the AED to check heart rhythm
d) Give 20 chest compressions
15. During CPR, the percentage of heart efficiency as pump is
a) 10-20
b) 20-30
c) 30-40
d) 40-50
16. The recommended BLS sequence for the 2020 ILCOR guidelines are
a) Chest compressions, Airway, Breathing
b) Breathing, chest compressions, Airway
c) Airway, Breathing, Check pulse
d) Airway, Breathing, Chest compressions
17. The Position of a person for CPR
a) Prone
b) Sitting
c) Supine
d) Standing
18. Compression method used for adults
a) Heel of one hand, other hand on top
b) Both hands put together
c) One hand only
d) Use of fingers pad
19. The compression to ventilation ratio during CPR is
a) 30:1
b) 30:2
c) 15:1
d) 15:2
20. How many compressions must be delivered within one minute for adult CPR
a) 100
b) 120
c) 50
d) 80
21. Chest compressions( in inches) for adult should reach at least
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 2.5
22. Duration needed for delivering a regular breath ( in seconds)
a) 2
b) 1
c) 15
d) 20
23. While performing two-rescuer CPR, you switch roles after how many cycles of
a) Two
b) Three
c) Five
d) Ten
24. The recovery position should be
a) Placing the victim on his/her side
b) When victim stands up
c) Raising feet up above the heart
d) Placing the victim in sitting position
25. While performing CPR, your chest compressions should be
a) Hard and fast
b) Gentle and slow
c) Hard but slow
d) Gentle but fast
26. While performing CPR, the surface should be
a) Hard
b) Soft
c) Any place
d) Rough
27. The device used to provide shock in the CPR is
a) Cardiac monitoring
b) Pacemaker
c) Defibrillator
d) Ventilator
28. To prevent brain death, CPR should be started within ( in minutes)
a) 6
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
29. In order to prevent stomach inflations the artificial ventilation should be given
a) Fastly
b) Slowly
c) At increasing rate
d) At decreasing rate
30. After compression, open the airway by
a) Head tilt chin maneuver
b) Head maneuver
c) Chin lifting maneuver
d) Abdominal thrust
31. If the victim has head ,neck or suspected spine injury ten airway is opened by
a) Head tilt and chin lift
b) Head flexion
c) Jaw thrust
d) Head extension
32. A bag-valve-mask (BVM) deliver air (in ml) into the patient’s lungs
a) 200
b) 300
c) 400
d) 500
33. While providing mouth to mouth ventilation, the patient’s nose
a) Need to be pinched
b) Facilitate the ventilation
c) Need to be cleaned slowly
d) No need to be kept pinched
34. The abbreviation of ACLS
a) Active Cardiac Life Support
b) Advanced Cardiac Long Support
c) Advanced Cardiac Life Support
d) Activity Cardiac Life Support
35. An automatic external defibrillator (AED) help a person who is in cardiac arrest
a) Pumping blood
b) shocks the brain
c) restores normal heart rhythm
d) helps the victim breathe

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