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Nebulization s the process of delivering medication by a fine mist that is inhaled directly into the
lungs. The jet medication nebulizer utilizes a high velocity has flow to generate particles from
the prescribed solution. Either oxygen or compressed air power the nebulizer.

 In asthmatic condition.
 Specific lung condition that cause difficulty in breathing (emphysema, asthma, ARDS
and other similar condition that warrant and necessitate the use of drugs by this route.
 As routine postoperative intervention for those children with pulmonary edema.
Articles required for nebulization:-
 Oxygen source (oxygen cylinder / wall oxygen outlet with flow meter)
 A Face mask of appropriate size and oxygen tubing.
 Nebulizer Kit is containing:-
 Face mask/ mouth piece
 Nebulizer jar and nebulizer cap
 Oxygen supply tubing
 Nebulizing solution (drug and normal saline for dilution)
 Sputum mug
 Nasal swab sticks
 A bowel containing spirit swabs
 A bowl containing normal saline swabs
 A bowl containing dry swabs
 Kidney try and paper bag

Parts of nebulizer:-

How to use nebulizer:-

Nebulized drugs available in India:-

Steps of procedure:-
 Verify the instructions for nebulization.
 Assemble the articles and bring them to bedside.
 Place the child in a comfortable, upright positions that is greater than 45 degrees. This
enable maximum breathing efficiency. The comfort of the child should be ensured and
maintained throughout the procedure.

 Explain the procedure to the child /family and the child should be reassured if h is
dyspenic and anxious and inhalation of the nebulized drug is assured.
 Wash hands.
 Prepare the nebulizer solutions.
 Clean the mask and tubing, first with spirit and then with normal saline swabs and dry
 Put the medication in prescribed dilutions into the nebulizer and keep it ready.
 Clean the nostrils if dirty with the swab sticks.
 When patient is comfortable and in a suitable position nebulization can be started.
 Adjust the oxygen to a flow rate 6-8 liter per minute.
 Turn on the nebulizer pump.
 Confirm that a steady mist is flowing from the mask or application device.
 When a steady flow of mist is achieved, fit the mask or application device correctly to the
patient’s face or trachea.
 Instruct the child to breath in and out through the mouth slowly and completely.
 Monitor Oxygen saturation level throughout the procedure, if equipment is available.
 Continue to have nebulizer dispense medication until all the medication has disappeared
from the chamber.
 Ask the child whether the medication has had a positive effect. If not, further advice or
orders should be sought from the physician.
 Record and report the procedure.
 Dissemble the articles.

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