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It is the process in which water is boiled to steam which is inhaled through nose and mouth for
therapeutic purpose.

 To relieve congestion and inflammation.
 To help the absorption of oxygen.
 To help in soften thick, tenacious mucus and help its expulsion from the respiratory tract.
 To relieve cough in bronchitis, post-operative cases, and other respiratory tract infection.
 To give heat and moisture and to prevent the dryness of the mucus membranes of the
lungs and upper respiratory passages following operation such as tracheostomy and other.
 To give antiseptic action on the respiratory tract e.g. by using tr. Benzoin, menthol.
 To help in expectoration.
 To decrease the edema of the respiratory tract.

Methods for giving steam inhalation:-

A. By jug method:-
For this method Nelson’s inhaler is used. In this boiled water is filled
in a jug and the patient breaths the vapor in lungs.

B. By steam tent:-
When high concentration of steam is required, a steam tent may be
used. There are different ways of making tent. A quick and easy
method is to lace a screen on either sides on the patients bed and
stretch blanket or sheets across them, fixing them with safety pins
and forming a canopy.

C. By electric steam inhaler:-

Small electric vaporizers can be used to give steam inhalation. It
consist of a small jar with heating element extending into the jar.
The jar is filled with water. On the top of the jar is a removable
perforated cup to which is attached a small metal spout. Cotton
saturated with medication is placed inside the cup and metal spout
is fitted over the cup. As the water is boiled, the medicated steam
is directed through the spout which is inhaled by the patient.

General instruction for giving steam inhalation:-

 Check the water if water is coming out of the inhaler immediately stop giving
steam to the patient.
 If we are using jug or kettle, fill it only2/3 with boiling water to prevent scalding
of the patient.
 We should protect the danger of fire. If stove is used to boil the water.
 Keep the water in jug method at a moderate temperature (120 to 160o F).
 We should keep the patient warm and prevent draught before, during and after the
 If menthol drug is used, protect the eyes of the patient from eye problem because
this effect on conjunctiva.
 In jug method keep the mouth of patient away from the spout.
 Always keep sputum cup near the patient.
 Always explain the procedure to the patient /parents.


Articles Rational

 Nelson’s inhaler with a mouth  To use as a vaporizer.

piece tightly fit to the neck of the
 Bowl and basin large enough to  To place the inhaler safety.
hold the inhaler.
 A flannel piece or a towel.  To wrap around the inhaler to prevent the
heat loss.

 Face towel.  To wipe the face of the patient.

 Bath blanket or bath towel.  To put over the patient’s head and the jug
to prevent the loss of steam.
 Inhalant that are prescribed by  Use as a respiratory antiseptic.
 Kettle with boiling water.  To carry boil water.

 Gauze piece in a container.  To wrap around the mouth pieces.

 Cotton swab in container.  To plug the spout.

 Kidney tray and paper bag.  To receive the waste.

Preparation of patient for steam inhalation:-
 Explain the procedure to the patient/parents.
 Make sure that the child has not taken cold drinks just before giving steam.
 Switch of the fan to prevent draught.
 Fill the kettle half and plug the cable to the electric connection, boil the water till the
steam is produced.
 Never keep the kettle on the bed.
 As per child’s age give him/her instruction so that he/she could follow.
 Never leave the child alone.

Steps of procedure:-
 Warm the inhaler by pouring a little hot water into the jug and emptying it.
 Pour the required amount of inhalant into the inhaler and fill the jug 2/3 with hot water,
just below the spout.
 Place the mouth piece and close the jug tightly.
 Cover the mouth piece with a gauze piece and plug the spout with a cotton ball.
 Cover the jug with a flannel piece or a towel.
 Place the inhaler in the basin and take it to the bedside without losing time.
 Place the appropriate conveniently in front of the patient with the spout opposite to the
patient. Remove the cotton plug and discard it into the paper bag.
 Instruct the child to take deep breath. As the child take breath in the steam through the
 Cover the patient’s head and jug with a bath blanket or a bath towel.

After care of child and articles:-

 Provide treatment only 15-20 minute.
 Remove the inhaler from the patient after the stated time. Wipe off the perspiration from
the face of the patient.
 Remove the backrest and cardiac table. Adjust the position of the patient.
 Instruct the child to remain in the bed at least for 1-2 hours.
 Brings the articles to the utility room, empty the inhaler clean it with spirit. Then wash it
and after drying place it.
 Wash hands.
 Immediately record the procedure on the nurse’s record with date and time. Record the
patient’s response.
 Make the patient comfortable and observe for any reaction.

Nurse’s responsibilities:-
 Check the patient’s name, bed number and other identifications.
 Check the diagnosis and general condition of the patient.
 Check physician’s order.
 Check the position of the patient.

 Assess the patient’s ability for self-care.
 Assess the level of consciousness and ability to follow instructions.
 Check the articles available in the patients unit and arrange them properly.

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