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1. A paper clip sits on the surface of water due to ________.

A. buoyancy
B. surface tension
C. elasticity
D. surface balance

Ans. B
Surface tension is an effect where the surface of a liquid is strong. The surface can hold up a weight, and
the surface of a water droplet holds the droplet together, in a ball shape. Some small things can float on
a surface because of surface tension, even though they normally could not float.

2. We failed to finish ____________ work, were you able to finish ___________?

A. our, mine
B. my, ours
C. your, yours
D. our, yours

Ans. D
Subject is “We” and its Possessive Pronoun is “our”
Subject is “you” and its Possessive Pronoun is “yours”

3. The following are renewable sources of energy EXCEPT ____________

A. sun
B. coal
C. water
D. wind

Ans. B
Coal is classified as a nonrenewable energy source.

4. Kung Fu Tzu wrote analects that guided ____________.

A. Buddhism
B. Taoism
C. Hinduism
D. Confucianism

Ans. D
Analects was guided by Confucius’s belief of Confucianism.

5. The first Philippine President from the Ilocos Region was __________.
A. Rodrigo Duterte
B. Elpidio Quirino
C. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Manuel Roxas

Ans. B
Elpidio Quirino of Ilocos Sur became the first Ilocano president in 1948 after the death of Roxas. He was
elected as a president the next year in his own right.

6. A perfume company claims its the best selling perfume contains at most 25% alcohol. To test the
claim of the perfume company at the 0.5 level of significance twenty bottles were selected and found to
have mean of 29.7% and standard deviation of 4.8%. To test the null hypothesis, the best selling
perfume contains at the most 25% alcohol
A. Ho: æ = 25
B. Ho: æ > 25
C. Ho: æꝺ 25
D. Ho: æ < 25

Ans. B

µ = 25
x = 29.7
σ = 2.3 mm
n = 20

Step 1: Ho : The best selling perfume contains at most 25% alcohol.

(µ < 25)
H₁ : The best selling perfume contains more than 25% alcohol.
(µ > 25)

Step 2: α = 0.05

Step 3: The alternative test is expressed in a directional statement; thus, the test is a one-tailed test.

Step 4. Tabular value: tv / tα = ± 1.729

Step 5. Compute
Zc = [(x - µ) √n-1] / σ
Zc = [(29.7 - 25) √20-1] / 4.8
Zc = 4.27

Step 6: Zc > Zα ; /1.729/ > /4.27/

Since the computed value is greater than the tabular value, the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and
therefore the Alternative Hypothesis (H₁) is accepted.

Step 7. The statistical result means that the claim of the perfume company should not be accepted. The
perfume appears to contain significantly more than 25% alcohol. Ho: æ > 25

7. The candidate was obviously "agitated" as she spoke before the big audience because she showed
A. calmness
B. anger
C. composure
D. nervousness

Ans. D
Agitated - feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

8. An avocado tree planted beside a sampaguita plant in a garden, demonstrate what kind of
A. co-optation
B. perdation
C. parasitism
D. competition

Ans. D
Nutrient competition has selected for plants to maintain higher root length and light competition plants
that are taller, with deeper, flatter canopies.

9. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth, promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical
A. cytokinins and auxins
B. auxins and gibberellins
C. auxins and abscisate
D. cytokinins and gibberellins

Ans. A
The reduced levels of cytokinin increase apical dominance and inhibit axillary bud growth. Auxin is
responsible for apical dominance and phototropism.

10. Which is a check on the executive department by the judiciary in the principle of check and balance
among branches of government?
A. determining the salaries of the President and the Vice-President
B. declaring an act of the President unconstitutional
C. declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional
D. impeachment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Ans. B
The Supreme Court and other federal courts (judicial branch) can declare laws or presidential actions
unconstitutional, in a process known as judicial review.

11. Find the greatest common divisor of 24,45,5

A. 1
B. 24
C. 45
D. 2

Ans. A
By using a Trial and Error in the choices, starting from the greatest number (since we are to find the
greatest common divisor) until we get the common divisor of the given numbers, only Option A. 1 can
be divided from the given numbers.
12. What are the prime factors of 60?
A. 6,5,2
B. 5,12
C. 5,3,2,2
D. 5,3,2,1

Ans. C
First, reject Option A and Option B since 6 and 12 are not prime numbers.
Lastly, multiply the numbers in Option A and Option B if we can get 60.
C. 5x3x2x2 = 60
D. 5x3x2x1 = 30
Thus, Option C is the right answer.

13. Ang "buhay na wika" ay wikang tumatanggap ng pagbabago nang naaayon sa panahon. Ang mga
sumusunod ay mga "buhay na wika" MALIBAN sa _____________.
A. Intsik
B. Filipino
C. Ingles
D. Latin

Ans. D
Ang Latin ay isang wikang patay. Ito ay itinuturing na patay, dahil matagal na itong nawala sa paggamit
ng kolokyal, ngunit itinuro ito sa mga unibersidad, ginagamit sa pamayanan ng pang-agham, at
maraming mga salita mula sa Latin ang ginagamit pa rin.

14. The ordering of things according to the importance a person attaches to them is known as
A. religious hierarchy
B. academic hierarchy
C. value hierarchy
D. hierarchy of needs

Ans. D
The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that humans are motivated to fulfill their needs in a hierarchical
order. This order begins with the most basic needs before moving on to more advanced needs.

15. The computers brain called __________.

A. Central Processing Unit
B. Information Highway
C. Software
D. Hardware

Ans. A
The CPU is the brain of a computer, containing all the circuitry needed to process input, store data, and
output results.
16. Wikang nabuo mula sa pangunahing wika ng isang lugar o lalawigan na kadalasang sinasalita sa
ibang bayan ng naturang lugar ay _____________.
A. ekolek
B. dayalek
C. etnolek
D. sosyalek

Ans. B
DAYALEK- Ito ay mga wikang nabuo mula sa mga pangunahing wika ng isang lalawigan na kadalasang
sinasalita sa iba't ibang bayang nasasakupan.

17. At the onset of the twenty-first century, global warming __________exacerbated.

A. has
B. were
C. have
D. was

Ans. A
Was and were use the past tense indicative (talking about something real that happened in the past)
“Was” is used in the first person singular (I) and the third person singular (he/she/it).
“Were” is used for both the third person plural past tense (they and we) and the second person past
tense (you).

Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening).
“Have” is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they
“Has” is used with he, she, and it.

In the question, it indicate possession in the present tense and the word “global warming” indicates “it”
so we use “has”.

18. All of the following contribute to environmental conservation EXCEPT __________.

A. carburetor exhaust
B. reforestation
C. energy conservation
D. waste segregation

Ans. A
Carburetor is a device for supplying a spark-ignition engine with a mixture of fuel and air that can be
harmful in the environment.

19. "No two Individuals are the same", is exemplified by the principle of ______________.
A. conditioning
B. response differentiation
C. stimulus-response
D. individual differences

Ans. D
No two individuals are the same. Even twins have individual differences.

20. Ang kahulugan ng: "in my family budget I have difficulty making both ends meet" ay
A. bale-wela
B. labis-labis
C. di mapagkasya
D. malapit nang maubos

Ans. D
To make ends meet means "to pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money."
making both ends meet (malapit nang maubos)

21. Guzman Company manufactures beds. In its catalog, a double bed is priced at P5,000 less a discount
of 20%. What will Rozan Department Store will pay for the bed?
A. P4,150.00
B. P4,200.00
C. P4,000.00
D. P4,100.00

Ans. C
5,000 x .80 = 4,000

22. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics, such as justice, equality and fairness. Political realist
have more practical viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by “Might is right”. Who among the following is
more of a political realist rather than political idealist?
A. Martin Luther King
B. Julius Caesar
C. Benigno Aquino
D. Mahatma Ghandi

Ans. B
Keywords: Might is right

23. Educational theorist who experimented in learning among animals is _______________.

A. Skinner
B. Maslow
C. Kohlberg
D. Lewin

Ans. A
Skinner (1948) studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments using animals.

24. Oxygen is the waste product of the process of _____________.

A. photosynthesis
B. conversion
C. carburetor exhaust
D. oxidation
Ans. A
Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis.

25. Herbivores are animals that feed on ____________.

A. fish
B. insects
C. plants
D. meat

Ans. C
An herbivore is an organism that mostly feeds on plants.

26. The depletion of dissolved oxygen in water results into eutrophication and causes
A. decrease in dissolved nutrients
B. decrease in aquatic plants
C. diminished sea harvest
D. abundant sea harvest

Ans. C
Eutrophication causes increase in dissolved nutrients, overabundance of algae and plants, harmful algal
blooms, dead zones, and fish kills. This leads to a reduced catch for commercial and recreational
fisheries, meaning smaller harvests and more expensive seafood.

27. We admire _______________ when my sister plays the violin for _____________.
A. her, them
B. him, us
C. her, us
D. it, us

Ans. C
Subject is “sister” and its Possessive Pronoun is “her”
Subject is “We” and its Possessive Pronoun is “us”

28. Malinaw na paliwanag, matikas na tindig, at napapanahong paksa ay mahalagang salik ng

A. pag-arte
B. pag-awit
C. talumpati
D. kwento

Ans. C
Ang talumpati ay pampubliko at pormal na pagpapahayag ng saloobin at damdamin sa isang isyu o
paksa. Ang mahahalagang salik na dapat bigyang – diin sa pagsulat ng isang talumpati ay ang
paghahanda, pagpapanatili ng kawilihan ng taga – pakinig, pagpapanatili ng kasukdulan, at ang
pagbibigay ng kongklusyon sa tagapakinig.
29. Mysticism and spiritualism are the predominant characteristics of the religions of ___________.
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. America
D. Middle East

Ans. A
This aspect of mysticism is found in religions such as: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. All of
these religions believe in 'GOD'-an Ultimate Divine entity. perceptions, but can arise only through the
cooperation of the peculiar spiritual organism of man. Such feelings may be termed mystical. Asia is the
birthplace of 11 major religions, whose written records include Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism,
Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and the Baha'i Faith.

30. What is the area of a circle inscribed in a square having a side of 6 centimeters?
A. 9
B. 16
C. 6
D. 18

Ans. A
r = 6÷2 = 3

A = πr²
A = π(3)²
A = 9π

31. Find the least common multiple of 5, 6, 7

A. 175
B. 150
C. 125
D. 210

Ans. D
5 x 6 x 7 = 210

32. The science of beings in their ultimate causes is _____________.

A. sociology
B. philosophy
C. psychology
D. theory

Ans. B
Philosophy is the science of all things through ultimate causes, investigated by the light of natural
reason alone.

33. My young niece thought that our assigned task was heavy for me and especially for _____.
A. she
B. us
C. her
D. mine

Ans. C
A niece is female, while a nephew is male.
Subject is “niece” and its Personal Pronoun is “her”

34. The demand of energy is predicted to double in 2040 at which time fuel sources will likewise be
depleted, and therefore there will be increased need to develop ______________.
A. alternative sources of energy
B. control in the use of electricity
C. friendship with oil producers
D. big budget for fuel import

Ans. A
To reduce the dependence on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas, there should be a growth of
alternative energy sources.

35. The world's largest ecosystem of deserts is ____________.

A. Libya
B. Saudi
C. Sahara
D. Africa

Ans. C
The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert in the world.

36. The Kyoto Protocol required countries to participate in environmental protection by reducing
A. photochemical conversion
B. greenhouse emission
C. photosynthesis
D. reforestation

Ans. B
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement adopted in 1997 that aimed to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions and the presence of greenhouse gases.

37. Insulin deficiency or resistance of the pancreas leads to ____________.

A. cardiac disorder
B. diabetes mellitus
C. tuberculosis
D. hypertension

Ans. B
Diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Diabetes mellitus is caused by a relative or
absolute deficiency of insulin action.
38. In the process of submission, one of the documents ____________ misplaced.
A. were
B. are
C. was
D. will be

Ans. C
Was and were use the past tense indicative (talking about something real that happened in the past)
“Was” is used in the first person singular (I) and the third person singular (he/she/it).
“Were” is used for both the third person plural past tense (they and we) and the second person past
tense (you).

In the question, it indicate the use the past tense indicative and the word “documents” indicates “it” so
we use “was”.

39. That population increases geometrically but food supply does not increase as much is the economic
theory known as ____________.
A. Diminishing Returns
B. Malthusian
C. Supply and Demand
D. Socialism

Ans. B
Malthus stated that population increased in a geometric progression.

40. Airing weekly on television is "Mukha" which regularly features the plight of common place citizens
engaged in honest toil. "Mukha" motivates viewers to appreciate the ___________.
A. poverty of people
B. lowly livelihood
C. shameful labor
D. dignity of labor

Ans. D
Dignity refers to the state of being worthy of esteem or respect. A person with integrity will be honest
and follow a strict moral code.
Toil is the same as labor.

41. In our organization's assembly, we had a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The capitalized word means
A. soft-spoken
B. low-key
C. lousy
D. verbose

Ans. D
LOQUACIOUS means verbose.
42. England dominated most aspects of life in Europe during the reign of England's virgin queen
A. Queen Elizabeth II
B. Queen Mary
C. Queen Elizabeth I
D. Queen Victoria

Ans. C
Elizabeth I was England's 'Gloriana' – a virgin queen who saw herself as wedded to her country.

43. The grades in English of the students in section B are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95, 100. What is the
population variance of their group?
A. 264
B. 224
C. 230
D. 270

Ans. B
This is a long process and the right answer is 206. Choose the closest answer which is Option B. 224.

44. The peace forged in Bohol between Legaspi and Sikatuna was known as ____________.
A. Blood Compact
B. Verdadero Decalogo
C. Union Obrera
D. Galleon Trade

Ans. A
The unity between Legaspi and Sikatuna was forged through a blood compact or Sandugo.

45. Wika ang ginagamit sa lahat ng ito, MALIBAN sa _____________.

A. pakikipagdigmaan
B. pakikipag-unawaan
C. pakikipagtalastasan
D. ugnayan

Ans. A
Ang wika ay hindi ginagamit para sa pakikipagdigmaan.

46. A person's right to protection against unlawful disappearance is _______________.

A. Writ of amparo
B. Writ of habeas data
C. Bill of rights
D. Writ of habeas corpus

Ans. D
The "Great Writ" of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against
unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.
47. The diagnostic procedure that allows microorganisms to multiply in medium to determine the cause
of infection is known as ____________.
A. microbial culture
B. blood count
C. test tube
D. urine sample

Ans. A
Bacteria culture tests are used to diagnose bacterial infections.

48. A story put together through an exchange of letters is called _________ literature.
A. epistolary
B. episode
C. classic
D. fiction

Ans. A
Keywords: exchange of letters

49. Literary pieces that teach moral lessons are described as _____________.
A. didactic
B. theoretical
C. artistic
D. political

Ans. A
Didactic describes anything that tries to teach a lesson, sometimes a moral one.

50. The Philippine Legislature is bicameral because it has __________ chambers.

A. 3
B. several
C. no
D. 2

Ans. D
The Philippine Bill of 1902 mandated the creation of a bicameral or a two-chamber Philippine
Legislature with the Philippine Commission as the Upper House and the Philippine Assembly as the
Lower House.

51. A company supervisor had incurred the following expenses in his trips to Vigan: P3,200.00;
P2,800.00; P2,500.00 and P1,500.00. What percent of his total monthly budget of P40,000.00 did he
spend for this trip?
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 20%
D. 35%

Ans. A
3,200+2,800+2,500+1,500 = 10,000
10,000/40,000 = 1/4 or 25%

52. Your argument which does not support your conclusion is _______________.
A. indifferent
B. illogical
C. malicious
D. changeable

Ans. B
The argument is invalid because the argument provide no support whatsoever for the conclusion.
Being logical means, among other things, that you should give an argument to support your conclusion if
you expect other people to accept it.
Illogical is same as invalid.

53. Using George Eliot as pen name, Mary Evans wrote the classic novel entitled _______________.
A. Little Women
B. Huckleberry Finn
C. Silas Marner
D. Uncle Sam's Cabin

Ans. C
Evans, Mary Anne (1819–1880)
Major English writer of the 19th century who, under the pseudonym George Eliot, wrote seven novels,
including Silas Marner, Middlemarch, Adam Bede, and The Mill on the Floss.

54. Skyway Company Manufacturers tables. In its Catalog, a round table is priced P4,000.00 less a
discount of 20%. What will Frankie Department Store have to pay for the round table?
A. P3,400.00
B. P3,500.00
C. P3,200.00
D. P2,600.00

Ans. C
4,000 x .80 = 3,200

55. Teresa obtained the following results from her English examinations: 82, 83, 85, 90. What score
must she get in the next examination so that average score is 86?
A. 64
B. 90
C. 83
D. 89

Ans. B
86 – [(82-86)+(83-86)+(85-86)+(90-86)]
86 - (-4-3-1+4)
86 - (-4)
86 + 4

56. What figure of speech is the following? "He is the black sheep of the family."
A. irony
B. hyperbole
C. simile
D. metaphor

Ans. D
A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true.

57. In the consideration of the prevailing "tayo-tayo" mentality of the most Filipinos, one goal for
CHANGE to be considered is to develop ______________.
A. nepotism
B. procrastination
C. pakikisama cultural value
D. sense for common good

Ans. D
Keywords: "tayo-tayo" mentality

58. Blood compact is the agreement forged in Bohol between __________.

A. Magellan and Lapu-lapu
B. Legaspi and Sicatuna
C. Delcano and Humabon
D. Villalobos and Datu Puti

Ans. B
The unity between Legaspi and Sikatuna was forged through a blood compact or Sandugo.

59. Nobody was willing to do the house chores and so I did them _______________.
A. themselves
B. myself
C. herself
D. ourselves

Ans. B
Subject pronoun is “I” and its Reflexive pronoun is “myself”

60. The energy source that is not depleted and therefore sustainable is ________________.
A. sunlight
B. plant
C. coal
D. fossil

Ans. A
Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished.
This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This energy
cannot be exhausted and is constantly renewed.

61. Anong bahagi ng pananalita ang ginamit sa salitang may malalaking titik: "siya ay HUWARANG mag-
A. pandiwa
B. pang-uri
C. pangngalan
D. panghalip

Ans. B
Ang pang–uri ay salitang naglalarawan sa mga pangngalan o panghalip.
Siya (panghalip) ay HUWARANG (pang-uri) mag-aaral.

62. Uri ng bantas na ginagamit sa paghihiwalay ng mga sugnay na sunod-sunod ay _____________.

A. tuldok
B. kuwit
C. tuldukuwit
D. tututuldok

Ans. B
Ang kuwit ay ginagamit sa paghihiwalay ng mga salita, mga parirala at mga sugnay na sunod-sunod.
Halimbawa: Ang aking binili kahapon sa tindahan ay lapis, papel, ballpen at pambura.

63. Ang mga salitang "kagandahan", magkaibigan", at "nagunahan" ay mga halimbawa ng salitang may
panlaping _____________________.
A. laguhan
B. kabilaan
C. gitlapi
D. unlapi

Ans. B
Kabilaan – ang panlapi nasa unahan at hulihan ng salita
Pag-isipan, pag-usapan, kalipunan

Sa tanong, ang “ganda”, “kaibig”, at “una” ay napapagitnaan ng dalawang panlapi kaya kabilaan ang
tamang sagot.

Laguhan – ang panlapi ay nasa unahan, hulihan, at sa loob ng salita

Pagsumikapan, ipagsumigawan, magdinuguan

64. A generalized image of an object is _______________.

A. concept
B. mental picture
C. definition
D. impression

Ans. A
A generalized mental image of objects called a concept.

65. Saang bahagi ng pahayagan inilalathala ang kuro-kuro o opinyon sa isang napapanahong paksa?
A. pangulong-tudling
B. obitwaryo
C. editoryal
D. talastasan

Ans. C
Ang editoryal ay bahagi ng pahayagang nagsasaad ng kuru-kuro ng pahayagan tungkol sa isang isyu. Ito
ang tinig ng pahayagan,nagbibigay ng kaalaman, nagpapakahulugan, humihikayat, at kung minsa’y
lumilibang sa mambabasa.

66. The vision of Purgatory was vividly described in an allegory written by _____________.
A. Dante Alighieri
B. Christopher Marlowe
C. John Milton
D. Henry Longfellow

Ans. A
Purgatorio is the second part of Dante's Divine Comedy, following the Inferno and preceding the

67. An isosceles triangle has a base of 2 meters and a perimeter of 12 meters. What is the length of the
other side?
A. 10 meters
B. 7 meters
C. 5 meters
D. 8 meters

Ans. C
(12-2) / 2 = 5

68. The collection of stories of animals which teach moral lessons is _______________.
A. Aesop's Fables
B. The Lion King
C. Grimm's Fairy Tales
D. One Thousand and One Arabian Nights

Ans. A
Aesop's Fables - A group of stories thought to have been written by Aesop, a Greek storyteller. The main
characters in these stories are animals, and each story demonstrates a moral lesson.
69. All of the following contribute to greenhouse effect EXCEPT _____________.
A. uncontrolled burning of waste
B. excessive use of detergent
C. forest fires
D. extensive deforestation

Ans. B
Excessive use of detergent doesn’t contribute to greenhouse effect.

70. Taoism or Daoism is Chinese philosophy which is more spiritual rather than ethical. Its proponent
was ______________.
A. Kung Fu Tzu
B. Lao Tzu
C. Siddharta Gautama
D. Mohammed

Ans. B
Taoism has been connected to the philosopher Lao Tzu, who around 500 B.C.E. wrote the main book of
Taoism, the Tao Te Ching.

71. The fundamental right invoked by filing the "writ of amparo" is _________________.
A. the right to self-defense
B. the right to life, liberty and security
C. the right to due process
D. the right to be defended by a public attorney

Ans. B
The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and
security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or
employee, or of a private individual or entity.

72. Esters are organic compounds used in manufacturing _____________.

A. medicine
B. alcohol
C. perfumes
D. acids

Ans. C
Esters have good odors as they are used as a ingredient of perfumes, food flavorings to spice up the
flavor and smell of processed foods, in essential oils, cosmetics, etc.

73. May role in the affair is to escort the guests ___________ to their special seats.
A. myself
B. ourselves
C. themselves
D. herself

Ans. D
May – herself

74. The computer's brain is called ______________.

A. Hardware
B. Central Processing Unit
C. Software
D. Information Highway

Ans. B
The CPU is the brain of a computer, containing all the circuitry needed to process input, store data, and
output results.

75. What is the oldest religion in Asia?

A. Buddhism
B. Islamism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity

Ans. C
Hinduism is one of the oldest and largest religions in Asia with over a billion followers.

76. What is the waste product of photosynthesis?

A. nitrogen
B. carbon monoxide
C. oxygen
D. carbon dioxide

Ans. C
Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis.

77. Three consecutive numbers have a sum of 117. What are the numbers?
A. 37, 38, 39
B. 38, 39, 40
C. 34, 35, 36
D. 40, 41, 42

Ans. B
38 + 39 + 40 = 117

78. The product of 18 and an integer is 1836, the integer is _______________.

A. 836
B. 102
C. 324
D. 204

Ans. B
1836 ÷ 18 = 102
79. The twenty-first century witnessed that technology ______________tremendously.
A. was improved
B. has improved
C. did improve
D. is improved

Ans. B
Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening).
“Have” is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they
“Has” is used with he, she, and it.

In the question, it indicate possession in the present tense and the word “technology” indicates “it” so
we use “has”.

80. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is secured within the
citizenry's ______________.
A. socio-civic rights
B. political rights
C. tight to due process
D. right of suffrage

Ans. B
Keywords: Participation in governance

81. In the principle of check and balance, an example of Legislative check on the Executive is
A. Declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional
B. Presidential veto on Congressional Law
C. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional
D. Impeachment of the Chief Justice

Ans. B
The Legislative Branch checks over the Executive Branch by being able to impeach the president and
approving appointments from the president. Congress may also override veto (this needs ⅔ vote).

82. Sayaw, agaw, taynga ay mga halimbawa ng ____________.

A. tugma
B. bugtong
C. diptonggo
D. edioma

Ans. C
Ang Diptonggo sa Filipino ay ang mga salitang binubuo ng mga letra na may patinig (A, E, I, O, U) at
sinasamahan ng katinig ng letrang W at Y.
83. Decomposition is an important process in which a substance is broken down into products that can
be useful. Organisms capable of decomposing are called ____________.
A. autotrophs
B. producers
C. primary consumers
D. saprotrophs

Ans. D
Saprotrophic organisms are considered critical to decomposition and nutrient cycling and include fungi,
certain bacteria, and funguslike organisms known as water molds.

84. William Shakespeare was the greatest playwright during the Period of English literature known as
_____________ Period.
A. Anglo-Saxon
B. Romantic
C. Victorian
D. Elizabethan

Ans. D
Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre
(sometimes called the English Renaissance or the Early Modern Period).
Keywords: Shakespeare’s Period of English literature

85. The Philippine President during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines was ______________.
A. Jose Laurel
B. Elpidio Quirino
C. Ramon Magsaysay
D. Manuel Roxas

Ans. A
Laurel, in full José Paciano Laurel, (born March 9, 1891, Tanauan, Luzon, Philippines—died November 6,
1959, Manila), Filipino lawyer, politician, and jurist, who served as president of the Philippines (1943–
45) during the Japanese occupation during World War II.

86. Diabetes mellitus is caused by the deficiency in insulin which is secreted by the __________.
A. liver
B. kidney
C. intestine
D. pancreas

Ans. D
Diabetes mellitus can also be caused by disease or damage to the pancreas, Cushing's syndrome,
acromegaly, and there are also some rare genetic forms.

87. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines has extended contacts with ____________.
A. China
B. Mexico
C. Spice islands
D. Spain

Ans. B
The Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade between the Philippines and Mexico started in 1565 and lasted
until Sept. 14, 1815. For 250 years, Spanish ships crossed the Pacific Ocean and traded in various goods
such as spice, cotton, jade, ivory, silk and gold.

88. The Philippines which is made up of thousands of islands is called ________________.

A. archipelago
B. gulf
C. cape
D. peninsula

Ans. A
A few countries around the world are archipelagos, made up of thousands of islands. One such country
is the Philippines which is made up of over 7,000 islands.

89. What is the amount due at the end of 3 years if P15,000.00 is invested at 10% annual simple
A. P19,500.00
B. P21,000.00
C. P20,500.00
D. P18,000.00

Ans. A
15,000 + (15,000x.10x3) = 19,500

90. Two consecutive numbers have a sum of 102. What are the numbers?
A. 53 and 54
B. 50 and 52
C. 60 and 61
D. 48 and 50

Ans. B
50 + 52 = 102

91. Find the least common multiple of 8,6,3

A. 96
B. 24
C. 48
D. 72

Ans. B
By using a Trial and Error in the choices, starting from the least number (since we are to find the least
common multiple) until we get the common multiple of the given numbers, Option B. 24 is the least
common multiple that can be divided by the given numbers.
92. What is the amount due on P10,000.00 after adding the annual interest of 12% for 5 years?
A. P15,500.00
B. P16,000.00
C. P14,000.00
D. P13,500.00

Ans. B
10,000 + (10,000x.12x5) = 16,000

93. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare about two ill-starred lovers who come from warring
families was _______________.
A. Hamlet and Ophelia
B. Anna and the King
C. Anthony and Cleopatra
D. Romeo and Juliet

Ans. D
Keywords: two ill-starred lovers

94. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangatnig ang nagbibigay ng karagdagan?

A. kundi man
B. at
C. kapag
D. hindi lang

Ans. B
Keywords: nagbibigay ng karagdagan

95. Ang kahulugan ng "salubong ang kilay" ay ____________.

A. ganado
B. galit
C. gala
D. ganti

Ans. B
Keywords: salubong ang kilay

96. The arrangement of a person's life preferences from the lowest to the highest is called
A. values hierarchy
B. staff hierarchy
C. emotional hierarchy
D. hierarchy of needs

Ans. A
Preferences, or what a person wants to do, stem from their own values or cultural norms, knowledge
and available information. Preferences are also influenced by past experiences and the consequences of
previous decisions.
Hierarchy of values is a concept refers to an ordered list of social values that influence judicial decision-

97. Pagsasaling-wikang teknikal ay gamit sa ____________.

A. sining
B. panitikan
C. agham
D. kultura

Ans. C
Pagsasaling-wikang teknikal ang tumutukoy sa agham, kalikasan, lipunan at mga disiplinang akademiko.

98. All of the following are scientific methods of inquiry EXCEPT __________.
A. making an educated guess
B. searching related literature and studies
C. interviewing authorities on the topic
D. conducting controlled experiment

Ans. D
A controlled experiment is a research study not a scientific method in which participants are randomly
assigned to experimental and control groups.

99. The law that gives more autonomy to towns, cities and provinces is known as _________.
A. Barangay Law
B. Local Government Code
C. Civil Service Law
D. Cooperative Law

Ans. B
The local government in the Philippines is divided into three levels: provinces and independent cities,
component cities and municipalities, and barangays, all of which are collectively known as local
government units (LGUs).

100. Habitat is an organism's ideal _____________.

A. environment
B. geography
C. colony
D. food supply

Ans. A
Habitat can be defined as the natural environment of an organism.

101. The guest will have left the hall before the food _______________.
A. will be served
B. is being served
C. was served
D. is served

Ans. A
The future perfect is a verb tense used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the
“will have left” is the Future Perfect tense and “will be served” is the actions that will be completed
before some other point in the future.

102. Jose Rizal's novel which revealed the abuses of the Spanish government in the Philippines and the
sufferings of the Filipinos was ____________.
A. Mi Ultimo Adios
B. La Solidaridad
C. Noli Me Tangere
D. La Independencia

Ans. C
NOLI ME TANGERE. This was the novel that gave spirit to the propaganda movement and paved the way
to the revolution against Spain. In this book, Rizal courageously exposed the evils in the Spanish-run
government in the Philippines.

103. The special guests ____________ arrived before the hosts came.
A. have
B. has
C. will have
D. had

Ans. A
Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening).
“Have” is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they
“Has” is used with he, she, and it.

In the question, it indicate possession in the present tense and the word “guests” indicates “they” so we
use “have”.

104. All these plays were written by William Shakespeare EXCEPT _________________.
A. Merchant of Venice
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Julius Caesar
D. Phantom of the Opera

Ans. D
Keyword: EXCEPT
The Phantom of the Opera is a novel by French author Gaston Leroux.

105. Isang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos na ginagamitan ng sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita
na may mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata ay _______________.
A. sintesis
B. synopsis
C. ellipses
D. abstrak

Ans. C
Keywords: sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok

106. Esters are organic compounds that are used in _______________.

A. beer
B. perfumes
C. alcoholic drinks
D. wine

Ans. B
Esters have good odors as they are used as an ingredient of perfumes, food flavorings to spice up the
flavor and smell of processed foods, in essential oils, cosmetics, etc.

107. Nick Joaquin, famous Filipino playwright, essayist and fiction writer, utilized in his works
______________ themes.
A. Filipino - American
B. Filipino - Japanese
C. Filipino - Chinese
D. Filipino - Hispanic

Ans. D
Nick Joaquin
This Filipino writer in English used Hispanic- Filipino culture and traditions in his works

108. One example of water pollution is when water from a river is mixed with the contents of a septic
tank; this is called _______________.
A. algae concentration
B. salinization
C. hypertrophication
D. eutrophication

Ans. C
The source of water pollution is when water from a river is mixed with the contents of a septic tank is
called Hypertrophication.

109. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

A. To effect on the plant cell.
B. The plant cell will swell.
C. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.
D .The plant cell will shrivel.

Ans. B
Hypotonic – Swell
110. In the evening, plants produce ______________.
A. oxygen
B. hydrogen peroxide
C. carbohydrates
D. carbon dioxide

Ans. D
Plants release oxygen during the day in the presence of natural light through the process of
photosynthesis. While at night, the plants uptake oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which is called

111. The carpenter finally found the time to rest after ___________ the whole day.
A. working
B. will work
C. had work
D. have worked

Ans. A
Note: when 'after' or 'before' is followed by a verb, that verb can be in the '-ing' form, or be a
conjugated verb with a subject.

112. Uri ng panghalip na ginagamit na panturo sa mga bagay ay ______________.

A. pamatlig
B. pamaklaw
C. palagyo
D. palayon

Ans. A
Panghalip Pamatlig - Ito ay uri ng panghalip na ginagamit sa pagtuturo o panghihimaton sa isang tao,
bagay, hayop, lugar, o pangyayari.

113. Nelson Mandela, black leader of multi-racial South Africa, was able to achieve the peaceful way to
freedom through his campaign for _______________.
A. unity
B. supremacy
C. argument
D. division

Ans. B
In 1952, Mandela helped escalate the struggle as a leader of the Defiance Campaign, which encouraged
Black participants to actively violate laws.

114. Portuguese explorer who chanced upon the Philippines in 1521 was __________________.
A. Vasco de Gama
B. Philip of Spain
C. Magellan
D. Philip of England
Ans. C
On March 16, 1521, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan, attempting to sail around the world for
Spain, reached the Philippine archipelago.

115. Read the paragraph and answer the statement that follows. "As far back as I can remember, our
family had always been an extended one. Our grandmother was the mainstay in the family, the silent
strength behind our mother who is her daughter." The informal guide and honorary household chief in
this particular extended family is the _____________.
A. daughter
B. grandmother
C. mother
D. father

Ans. B
Keywords: grandmother was the mainstay

116. The Greatest Common Factor of 12 and 42 is __________.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6

Ans. C
By using a Trial and Error in the choices, starting from the greatest number (since we are to find the
Greatest Common Factor) until we get the common factor of the given numbers, Option C. 6 is the
greatest number that can be divided from the given numbers.

117. Malikhain ay uri ng sanaysay na di- pangkaraniwan ang paksa at tumataIakay nang ayon sa estilo
ng _______________.
A. editor
B. manunulat
C. peryodiko
D. mambabasa

Ans. B
Malikhain • Masining na uri ng pagsulat sa larangan ng panitikan o literatura. • Ang fokus ay ang
imahinasyon ng manunulat. • Layunin nitong paganahin ang imahinasyon ng manunulat at pukawin ang
damdamin ng mga mambabasa.

118. Which portion in Portia's speech advises litigants that while seeking justice one must able to
A. . . .mercy is strained
B. . . .it is twice blest
C. . . .when mercy seasons justice
D. . . .'tis mightier that the mightiest

Ans. C
In this line ‘. . .when mercy seasons justice’, it means that justice should rise from the foundation of
mercy. Being merciful to others helps one to understand the humane aspect of justice.

119. Ang pagpapalitan ng ideya o opinyon at pagpapahayag ng salaysay ay naisasagawa sa

pamamagitan ng mga sagisag na ginagawa sa pamamagitan ng _________________.
A. tunog
B. wika
C. bokabularyo
D. sining

Ans. B
Ay pagpapahayag, paghahatid at pagbibigay o pagtanggap ng mensahe sa mabisang paraan, isang
pakikipag- ugnayan sa pamamagitan ng mga hudyat ng wika.

120. The Philippines was discovered on 1521 by a Portuguese explorer _________________.

A. Servillano Aquino
B. Fidel Castro
C. Christopher Columbus
D. Ferdinand Magellan

Ans. D
Keywords: Portuguese explorer / discovered Philippines on 1521

121. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is _____________.
A. salvaging
B. capital punishment
C. suicide
D. euthanasia

Ans. A
Keywords: taking away the life

122. Guided by divine inspirations, the seer predicted Armageddon or the end of the world in his
A. proposal
B. projection
C. presentation
D. prophecy

Ans. D
Keywords: the seer predicted

123. The Philippine Legislature has two chambers and is described as_________________.
A. multilateral
B. bicameral
C. unicameral
D. bilateral
Ans. B
The Philippine Bill of 1902 mandated the creation of a bicameral or a two-chamber Philippine
Legislature with the Philippine Commission as the Upper House and the Philippine Assembly as the
Lower House.

124. A rectangular block of steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters and weighs
1000N. How should thus block be placed to exert the least pressure on the surface?
A. on the 5 meters by 15meters side
B. all sides exert equal pressure
C. on the 10 meters by 15 meters side
D. on the 5 meters by 10 meters side

Ans. C
Pressure is defined through the equation:
P = F/A
Pressure is inversely proportional to area, i.e. bigger area equals less pressure, smaller area equals
bigger pressure.

125. An example of asexual reproduction is ___________.

A. fertilization
B. pollination
C. conception
D. grafting

Ans. D
Grafting is an artificial method of asexual reproduction used to produce plants combining favorable
stem characteristics with favorable root characteristics.

126. The molecules that contain an organism’s genetic make-up is called ______________.
A. nucleic acid
B. cytosol
C. genetic membrane
D. nucleolus

Ans. A
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each
species unique.

127. To make the presentation interesting, one may employ _____________.

A. labels
B. graphics
C. models
D. lines

Ans. B
People often add charts and graphs to their presentation trying to make it more interesting.
128. Isang uri ng panulat na karaniwang ginagamit ng akmang pantig at tugma sa mga taludtod ay
A. kwento
B. talumpati
C. sanaysay
D. tula

Ans. D
Keywords: ginagamit ng akmang pantig at tugma sa mga taludtod

129. The date of Philippine Independence was changed from July to June 12 by _____________.
A. Manuel Quezon
B. Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Diosdado Macapagal
D. Benigno Aquino

Ans. C
In 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal issued Proclamation No. 28, s. 1962, effectively moving the date
of Philippine independence from July 4 to June 12—the date independence from Spain was proclaimed
in Emilio Aguinaldo's home in Kawit, Cavite.

130. The "Sublime Paralytic" who wrote El Verdadero Decalogo was ______________.
A. Emilio Jacinto
B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Apolinario Mabini
D. Antonio Luna

Ans. C
Mabini is also famous for having achieved all this despite having lost the use of his legs to polio just
prior to the Philippine revolution. This has made Mabini one of the Philippines' most visually iconic
national heroes, such that he is often referred to as "The Sublime Paralytic" (Tagalog: Dakilang Lumpo).

131. Analects, which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and good human relation are
attributed to ______________.
A. Mao Tze Tung
B. Confucious
C. Lao-Tzu
D. Mencius

Ans. B
Analects was guided by Confucius’s belief of Confucianism.

132. Eutrophication which causes the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water results into
A. diminished sea harvest
B. decrease in dissolved nutrients
C. abundant sea harvest
D. decrease in aquatic plants
Ans. A
Eutrophication causes increase in dissolved nutrients, overabundance of algae and plants, harmful algal
blooms, dead zones, and fish kills. This leads to a reduced catch for commercial and recreational
fisheries, meaning smaller harvests and more expensive seafood.

133. A professional teacher should faithfully observe the _________________.

A. Code of Ethics
B. Barangay Code
C. Constitution of the Philippines
D. Rules of Etiquette

Ans. A
Keywords: professional teacher

134. Isang istratehiya na ginagamit sa pananaliksik upang mailarawan ang isang pangyayari sa kanyang
natural na kapaligiran kung saan ito nagaganap ay ____________.
A. trend study
B. case study
C. follow-up study
D. field study

Ans. D
Keywords: natural na kapaligiran

135. The right to demand the presence of the accused is the right invoked in ___________________.
A. writ of habeas data
B. writ of habeas corpus
C. writ of amparo
D. bill of attainder

Ans. B
A writ of habeas corpus (which literally means to "produce the body") is a court order demanding that a
public official (such as a warden) deliver an imprisoned individual to the court and show a valid reason
for that person's detention.

136. Thoughts are feelings are not easily observed because they are _______________.
A. overt
B. open
C. invited
D. covert

Ans. D
Keywords: not easily observed

137. This is TRUE about dominant genes

A. are aggressive and expresses the more beneficial traits
B. should be paired with a recessive gene in order to be expressed
C. it prevents the expression of another gene in the same locus
D. will not be expressed if heterozygous

Ans. A
A dominant gene, or a dominant version of a gene, is a particular variant of a gene, which for a variety
of reasons, expresses itself more strongly all by itself than any other version of the gene which the
person is carrying, and, in this case, the recessive.

138. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60?

A. 360
B. 120
C. 140
D. 340

Ans. B
By using a Trial and Error in the choices, starting from the least number (since we are to find the least
common multiple) until we get the common multiple of the given numbers, Option B. 120 is the least
common multiple that can be divided by the given numbers.

139. What is the unique feature of fungi?

A. they contain genetic material
B. they have combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall
C. they contain mitochondria
D. some are capable of bioluminescence

Ans. B
The fungal cell wall is uniquely composed of mannoproteins, chitins, and α- and β- linked glucans and
serves many functions, including providing cell rigidity and shape, metabolism, ion exchange, and
interactions with host defense mechanisms.

140. When DNA is damaged and not repaired but replicated, the result is genetic disorder called
A. transformation
B. mutation
C. succession
D. evolution

Ans. B
Keywords: DNA is damaged and replicated

141. "Those who have less in life should have more in law," expresses the concern for the poor and the
disadvantaged by the popular Philippine President ________________.
A. Benigno Aquino
B. Sergio Osmeña
C. Ramon Magsaysay
D. Elpidio Quirino
Ans. C
"He who has less in life should have more in law."—Ramon Magsaysay

142. The Senator who sponsored the bill impressed the listeners with his CANDIDNESS. The capitalized
word means ______________.
A. energy
B. pretense
C. frankness
D. attention

Ans. C
Definitions of candidness: the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech.
synonyms: candor, candour, directness, forthrightness, frankness.

143. The proponent of the arena theater is ____________.

A. Montano
B. Carpio
C. Tinio
D. Avellana

Ans. A
Mnemonics: MA-TE-RS theater
Montano Arena-Tinio Experimental-Roger Sala

144. A person's right to protection against unlawful disappearance is done through ___________.
A. Writ of amparo
B. Bill of rights
C. Writ of habeas corpus
D. Writ of habeas data

Ans. C
The "Great Writ" of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against
unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

145. What is the exponent in the expression 13x² + y?

A. 2
B. x
C. y
D. 13

Ans. A
2 is the exponent of the expression 13x² + y

146. "Reduccion" is the Spanish policy which provided the resettlement of Filipino communities to form
town centers or _______________.
A. cabeceras
B. cedulas
C. haciendas
D. encomiendas

Ans. A
Keywords: Reduccion, resettlement, and town centers

147. When raw scores are converted to percent, letter marks or number marks, the process is known as
A. fixation
B. computation
C. stabilization
D. transmutation

Ans. D
Transmutation Table is an essential tool for Assessment of Student's Performance wherein a particular
score (called the Raw Score) of a certain student in his/her output is assigned to a Percentage Grade.

Transmuted Grade is a percentage equivalent grade assigned to a raw score which is based on a certain
baseline grade corresponding to a zero raw score.

148. Ang pinakamahalagang gamit ng wika ay _____________.

A. pagsusulat, pagbabasa, paliwanagan
B. pag-iisip, pag-gawa, paglalakad
C. tunog, tinig, pandinig
D. abakada, alibata, bokabolaryo

Ans. C
Ang wika ay isang masistemang balangkas dahil ito ay binubuo ng mga makabuluhang tunog.
Tinig ang pinakamahalagang puhunan ng isang nagsasalita.
Kung sunud-sunod ang mga informasyong dapat lutasin, ang paggamit ngpandinig ay higit na mabisa.

149. What are the organic compounds that are used in perfumes and for artificial flavors?
A. ethers
B. alcohol
C. Acids
D. esters

Ans. D
Both natural and synthetic esters are used in perfumes and as flavoring agents.

150. Environmentalists campaign for the total ban ______________ of harmful insecticides.
A. against the use
B. with using
C. on the use
D. on using

Ans. C
Keywords: total ban

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