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AR212 (CoA Scheme)

B.Arch., III Semester (CoA Scheme)

Examination, December 2021
Time: two Hours
Maximum Marks: 50
i. Attempt any five questions
ii. All questions carry equal marks.
iii. Neat and clean sketches will be marked.

1. King post truss is required to be provided for the span of 8.0 Mtrs. Draw the elevation in the scale of
2. Draw to the scale of 1:50 ,the the plan and section of double floor for the space of 5.5M X 8 .0M.
3. sketch the following joints in isometric (any two)
a. Scribe joint
b. Twin Tenon joint
c. Mitred joint
d. Mortise and Tenon joint
4. Draw the detailed section of timber dog leg staircase.
5. A shoring is applied to dilapidated wall fronting a relatively narrow street ( 5M wide) and opposite
which a building is available as an abutment.
6. Differentiate between underpinning and dead shoring.
7. Sketch the plan and section of a timber balcony of size 3M X 1.5 M.
8. Sketch between Spar and Collar in Collar roof.

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