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In this unit, we had to make 2 radio advertisements, a radio programme
and make a feature s for the show. The vice principal is the person we
chose to do it with and we also had to make a 30 minute running order to
ensure our show ran smoothly. I worked with Dylan and Maeve

How I recorded sound:

Radio Advertisements: I recorded sound by using zooms and also using the
microphones that are in the radio room. For the advertisements, I used the zoom to
capture some of the sound effects in the advertisements. For example, for my
football advertisement I used the zoom to capture the net rippling . I used the
microphones in the radio room to really capture the voices of the people talking in
the advertisements because it is more silent in the radio room and that makes it
capture the voice better. We did this by getting our script of the advertisements on
one screen and then we used the sound board to higher the mic
volume so we were able to be heard when we hit record. The problems
I faced with recording the advertisements was making it so that the
right sound level was used so it wasn't too loud or too quiet. To solve
this problem I had to go further away from the microphone to make
sure I was on the right sound level

Radio show: For the radio show, we recorded the jingles,

introductions, the live parts of the radio show and also we recorded the
interview we did with the zoom.

How easy was it to use sound?

Radio advertisements:
The sound desk was easy to use once I got into the radio room and got shown how
to operate it because I understood how to use the mixers to control the microphone
volume. The external microphone was also easy to use as before I got in the radio
room it was already on the correct settings that I needed for my radio
advertisements. To work the microphones in the radio room I had to adjust the
microphone levels to 30 and then I pressed the record button.

Radio show: I recorded the sound for my radio show by using the zoom and also
using the microphones that are in the radio room. For my radio show I used the
zoom to capture the interview that we did with the Vice Principal of Priestley College
and I used the radio room to perform the radio show. What we ensured to make sure
there were no errors was that we got 10 questions ready for the vice principal so we
were ready for the interview. The problems I faced recording the radio show was
getting the right sound level and making sure the radio show wasn’t too loud or too
quiet. We had to make sure we were the right distance away from the microphone.

What problems did I encounter:

Radio advertisements: Something that I encountered whilst making the radio

advertisements was adjusting the volume to the correct level so that the people
talking on the radio advert weren't too low but also weren't too high so it hurt to listen
to. I fixed this problem by moving the sliders for the microphone level to 30 which
was the right level I needed.

Radio show: A problem that I encountered during the radio show was getting the
microphone level to the correct decibels during the jingles and music that was played
on the radio show. I had to adjust the soldiers to 30 so that the music and the jingles
were at the correct point and made the radio show sound a lot better.

How I use the radio desk:


1.These are used to adjust the microphone level to make sure that we are not
too loud or quiet and when we are finished talking you push them all the way
down and that makes sure that the audience listening can’t hear you talking
until they are pushed back up.

2. These are used to adjust the levels of the advertisements and also the
songs used in the radio show. I needed to make sure that the sound level was
correct so that the advertisements and songs were just the right sound so that
the audience could listen to them.

3. This is used to hit records once the radio show is ready to start and also
end and was also used for my advertisements to start recording and also stop

4. This is used so that we know once the radio show and the advertisements
start that the audio and the music and adverts are all recording so before the
start they all need to be pressed in.

What do I use the desk for: We used the desk for our radio advertisements and
also to perform our radio show and get all the jingles and introductions done for our
radio show. I also used the desk to adjust the microphone levels to 30 so that the
radio show and advertisements all sounded perfect and didn't make the show sound

How I changed sound levels:

With the radio advertisements I adjusted the sound level by using Premiere Pro and
if the people talking in the advertisements were too loud or too quiet I would have to
adjust the sound level to make sure that they are at a level I'm happy with. We knew
our sound wasn't too loud or quiet as before we submitted it we listened to the whole
radio show back to ensure that the microphone level was correct and also that the
adverts, interview and songs were at the correct sound level. I also had to adjust the
sound effects and music bed by lowering the sound level on premiere pro editing
software as when they first appeared on my editing software they were too loud and
you couldn't hear the people promoting the enrichment talk about it so I had to make
sure that the sound level for the sound effects and music bed were at a level where it
was just a bit quieter than the people talking. I did this by adjusting the volume of the
people talking and made it higher whilst also lowering the sound and music bed too a
point where I could still hear the people talking in the advert

With the radio show the sound levels had to be adjusted because when the radio
show was being performed as when we looked back on our previous rehearsals for
the show we were too loud and close to the mic so it wouldn't have been enjoyable
for the audience to hear. We had to make sure that when we started talking that the
sound level was on the right level in which we didn't sound extremely loud but also
didn't sound too quiet. We also had to make sure that the levels for the songs,
feature and music bed in our radio show had to be at the level where the audience
could actually hear the song without it being too loud or too quiet.

Timing of adverts:

In my advertisements i cripted them to make sure that the advertisements were

about the enichments that I chose which were European football round up and video
production. I chose to use my slogan at the end of my advertisements because I
wanted that to be the last thing people hear so it can be stuck in their heads and it
would make it more memorable for the audience and make it look more professional.
I also chose to have sound effects and a music bed added to the advertisements
because it would hook the reader more into listening to the advertisements and it
would make it less likely for them to turn it off. The timing of when I used my slogan
and music bed was important as I had to decide where they were going to be to
make it not sound unprofessional and appeal to the audience.

Assessing my products and evaluating how successful they were:

Advertisements: I think that my advertisements are good because I feel like I

captured my sound effects and music bed well and put them in the correct place so it
sounded good and also I feel like I edited my advertisement well so that it sounded
smooth and ran well. I think that I used the sound effects and music bed well
because I really brought the advert to life and made it more interesting to the
audience I was reaching. The advertisements kept flowing and didn't make it boring
by people just hearing other people bluntly talk. I also think the choice of people
performing in the advertisements was something I did well as they were also college
students so the audience that I was trying to reach could be reached better than if I
used a person older than 18. I do personally think I could edit my advertisements
better as when I listened back to the advertisements some bits of the advertisements
where I have had to cut their voices because of mistakes sounds a bit more rigid
than parts in the adverts where the people performing didn’t lose track of where they
were up to and fumble their words.

Radio show: To create the contents for the radio I had to use the radio room as well
as the zoom . When I used the radio room there was a sound desk which had sliders
on it which controlled how loud or how quiet I could adjust the sound levels to my
radio show. I adjusted these levels when I needed the microphones on and off during
when we were recording the radio show. During the radio show there was a
computer software that ensured we could play our music and jingles during the live
show. We used the zoom to record our interview with the vice principal of priestly
college but we had to adjust the microphone level for the zoom by using premiere
pro and adjusting the microphone volume on the audio.

Radio advertisements: One of the pros about my radio advertisements would be
that it ran smoothly as the people I casted to talk in these adverts made it seem like
it was a natural conversation between friends and they knew their lines going into the
recording of the advertisements.

Radio show: One of the pros for our radio show would be that when we finally came
to our actual attempt of the show we had the microphone levels to the perfect level
so that we were loud enough but also the music and jingles were loud enough too.

Radio advertisements: A con that I found while recording my advertisements was
that the microphone levels were too high and when I looked back on them I had to
adjust the microphone level on premiere pro.

Radio show: A con that I found during the rehearsals of my radio show was that I
was too close to the microphone so I was talking too loudly and I was too high
compared to the other people in my group and we found this out after listening back
to the recording.

What would I do differently next time?

Radio advertisements: Something that I would do differently for my radio

advertisements would be to make my advertisements more diverse and have a girl
and a boy speaking instead of just two boys talking to each other so it shows the
enrichment is for anyone.

Radio show: Something I would do differently in my radio show would be to change

up the topics that we should have spoken about.
How my products are like professional products:

Radio advertisements: I think that my advertisements mirrored real advertisements

that you would hear on the radio because I took all of the necessary steps such as
following the codes and conventions of Ofcom so we had to make sure our radio
show was following their broadcasting codes and did the planning before to make
sure that when I recorded them they would come out the way I wanted. Before doing
my radio advertisements I had to do an advertising proposal which then also led me
into looking at the broadcasting codes for radio and looking at the legal and ethical
issues that radio shows could face if they don't do it the correct way. I also had to
write where my music and sound effects were going to come from and also what
those music and sound effects were going to be.The music and sound effects
sounded good as we adjusted to speaker level so that when we looked back on our
show it didn't sound too loud. Finally, I then wrote my script for the people performing
the advertisement to read and understand what the enrichments I chose were about.

Radio show: I also think that my radio show I performed with Dylan and Maeve was
like a general radio show you would hear on a day to day basis as the audio level
was at the right point where we all sounded clean to listen to, we also timed our song
and interview too the right point like a normal radio show would and we made our
segments of the show long enough for the audience to enjoy it and not get bored too
quickly. We all took the necessary steps and did all the planning before to make sure
that the radio show ran smoothly. Before we performed the radio show, as a group
we had to do 2 running orders of breakfast shows and say what was going on in
those radio shows so we got an idea of how to write ours when we got to it. We
again also had to know what the broadcasting codes were for the radio show and
make sure we were in line with what they had and we also had to make sure we
were following the legal and ethical constraints. We also had to do a production plan
for the radio show as well as a risk assessment for the radio room where we
performed the show as we needed to understand the hazards there. Finally, we had
2 rehearsals to get us used to how to perform a radio show and also to make the
sound levels and transitions correct before we did our final show. Our radio show
sounded like a real show as we performed it in a room that a normal radio show
would perform theirs with the right equipment and also the soundproof walls so it
made us sound a lot cleaner.

Evaluating my radio production:

I think that my radio show went well and was very well structured with the team that I
was put in and it was a good listen for the listener. The running order that we
produced was very well detailed and it ensured that our group stuck to what we were
going to talk about in the radio show. The points of discussion that we did as a group
were good discussions as we talked about what our favourite films were and we
talked about what the favourite place to eat was at priestley college. I think we also
spread our sections into good chunks as we spent the right amount of time talking
about the topics and we didn't bore the audience too quickly and kept their attention
on the radio show. The segments of films, games, and college life were very detailed
and gave an insight of what we thought about these topics. However, there were bits
of the radio show that I thought could have been better such as talking too fast in
some parts and not knowing we were too close to the microphone during the
rehearsals. There were also times where we had the music on too low so that the
audience couldn't hear what was playing but we overcome these obstacles in the
end by looking back at our rehearsal and understanding where we went wrong and
making it better in our actual attempt of the radio show

Skill development:
The skills that I have developed during this radio unit have been organisation skills,
communication skills, working as a team, editing skills and time management skills.
For example, my organisation skills have been developed because for the radio
show we had to get all our advertisements and scripts done before entering the radio
room, my communication skills developed as I had to work as a team and also get
the opinions of my other show hosts and I feel like my time management skills
developed as we were given dates to give in tasks and we met all the deadlines and
also we had a set time for our radio show. I feel like I developed all these skills in my
unit of work so to do the radio show we had to be organised and make sure that we
did assignments on time and also arrived to do the radio show on time. I developed
my communication skills by talking to different people and saying to them how the
plan was going to go and when we had to do certain assignments for, I feel like my
teamwork skills have developed because during this unit we all had to work together
to make sure everything got done in time to perform our live show and we all worked
well together, I feel like my editing skills were developed to an extent because I now
know the basics of editing an advertisement and I also know how to produce a good
edited advertisement and finally, my time management skills have been developed
as we had to stick to a time schedule during the performance of the show because
other groups had to do the show so we could only do selected days. I think these
skills will help me in the next unit of work I do because in every part of life you are
going to have to use these skills when you are put in a group activity and I definitely
feel that in the next unit I will develop these skills further. I feel like the skill I could
continue to develop is definitely my editing skills as I feel I didn't explore all the
different ways that I could edit during this unit so this is something I want to continue
developing. The practical skills I have now gained from doing this radio show is
actually performing a radio show and understanding what makes a good radio show,
the ability to edit an advertisement and adjust the sound levels to a show so it
sounds correct when someone is listening to it.

What skills would I continue to develop:

The skills that I would want to continue to develop would be my editing skills as it
would be useful to learn how to edit if I wanted to go into radio or if I wanted a job
editing for a film. I would also want to continue my skills at presenting as it would be
something I would look into as a job in the future and continuing that skill for this
radio show would help me massively to get a job in that area of media. It would also
develop skills such as public speaking and more.

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