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The Vision and Role of the Mailand Urban Model

As a developing country with a low urbanization rate (about 38%), Vietnam is currently in an
important transition period between urbanization and industrialization. The success of this
process towards green, innovative and sustainable growth is an important factor leading the
country to overcome the "middle-income trap”.
To attract domestic and foreign investment resources (based on a competitive and transparent
market economy) and overcome the disadvantages of chaotic and scattered development, Urban
and industrial development areas need to have a new approach based on the principles of green
development model (low carbon economy), smart, creative and humanistic culture (people-
oriented) as the center of the development process and must respect the development laws of the
market economy.
Mailand urban area model is developed based on the principle of creating a good, creative and
prosperous living environment. It is a place that provides important services to house, basic
socio-cultural infrastructure facilities (e.g. health, education, entertainment), business support,
services, culture, and innovative experiences for the residents of the urban area (and its
surroundings). Therefore, there should be studies that specifically evaluate the characteristics of
urban people in the area where Mailand is developed, especially the needs of special residents of
the green, creative and prosperous urban area. (manufacturers, managers, researchers, traders,
and consumers).
This place needs to make a difference with an optimal living and business environment,
where residents influence each other, respect and ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem,
build human values, and be friendly with creative culture, technology environment.
Creating an innovative, prosperous and humane urban development environment will improve
the quality of life and business of the people of Mailand. This urban area will be the place to lead
to the development of a new urban culture. Through urban design that combines nature, culture,
and innovative business technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to plan for areas with mixed
uses, diverse sizes, housing projects, business offices, and services to adapt to future needs and

Mailand Urban Area's Vision and Role

Mailand urban area is a green, creative, and humane city with mixed land uses, diverse scales,
providing housing, business, research and development, cultural and creative services and
technology, infrastructure, and facilities for transportation, society, tourism, and ecology. That
vision is concretized with the following development goals:
 A City of Green, Creative, and Prosperous Culture
 The Center for Scientific Exchange and Cultural Education has international connections to
attract investment resources in culture, education, and innovation.
 Developing expertise and creativity for the intellectual population
 A living laboratory of eco-friendly cultural and technological innovations
 City park, entertainment, and family travel

The city of Green, Creative and Prosperous Culture

 Quality living space, traditional and modern cultural diversity, new business, and economic
environment bring mutual benefits and prosperity to middle-class residents, managers,
intellectuals, businesses small and medium-sized and large creative businesses live and
o Developing a community of "business - technology - culture" intellectuals
o Building a user-friendly unified space, a place to live, exchange and meet between residents
of different professions related to business - technology, and culture.
o Ensuring the diversity of the population: manufacturers, managers, researchers and
knowledge workers, entrepreneurs and cultural researchers (businesses in the infancy, from
small to large); all business and financial technology processes (from large companies to
unfunded founders)
 Links with regional and urban settlements in the surrounding area.
 Strengthen the local economic base through geographical and functional links with
surrounding settlements
 Strengthen economic, service, research, and development functional linkages that maximize
business, innovative, green, and cultural synergies.

Center for international scientific, educational and cultural exchange

 Providing conference services, scientific exchange, education, technology, and creative
culture as the foundation for the international connection network in the fields of economy,
science, technology, and culture
o Forming a traditional - modern science, technology and cultural exchange area with major
cities in the region, taking advantage of the ecological, cultural landscape system and
creative and technological cultural centers
o Enhance the competitiveness of the region (city) by providing top-notch accommodation
and amenities and attracting reputable businesses and research institutions.
o Actively interact with global creative and cultural business centers (for example: food,
fashion, handicrafts, performance, design…) to create the experience premise for business
innovation network in the region.
 Developing facilities to attract foreign investment
o Build diverse living facilities and administrative support systems to attract foreign experts
o Developing comparative advantages through specific standards (in terms of human
resources, infrastructure, market, and landscape) to build competitive residential and
business service zones to create favorable conditions for investment attraction.
o Implement effective communication channels support to attract domestic and international
capital into Mailand Urban Area, including residential and service areas and administrative
 Developing housing and services for business and innovation clusters
o Improve Vietnam's position on the world stage by inviting prestigious companies, R&D
centers, universities, and research institutes in the world to live and work here.
o Contributing to the difference in living space, and cultural space for Mailand Urban Area to
develop into a center of creative business and cultural activities through forming a
cooperation system between business, education, and scientific research.

Develop expertise and creativity with the intellectual population

 Creating a space for living and creative activities in the field of culture and technology for
residents of the economic - cultural - technological network in the region
o Increase the creativity of the region by improving the environment for exchange, discussion,
and creative cooperation associated with the market, manufacturing business, technology,
and experts to maximize synergies
o Building a creative environment focusing on the connection of living quarters, service areas
(culture, education, healthcare), supporting research cooperation and creative cultural
experimentation, and developing areas linking the residential, creative, and business sectors.
o Creating the right environment with high-quality services for entrepreneurs, and cultural and
high-tech talent, promoting professionalism
 Develop culture, art, education, entertainment, and infrastructure for creative activities
 Forming a new type of ecosystem that combines empirical research, technology, culture, and
knowledge-based enterprise.
 Develop cultural spaces to reflect creativity and diversity (among researchers, entrepreneurs,
residents, visitors, etc.)
o Building an ecosystem that ensures the exchange of knowledge between the fields of
education, research, industry, and product sales
o Create organic linkages between the living environment (including recreational
environment), research environment, and business environment to maximize synergies
through interaction between research and education functions and business.
o Develop a new system that integrates residential functions, leisure functions, research
functions, education and training, support services, and living spaces to promote related
companies to operate in the cultural and technological knowledge industry.

Living laboratory innovations in culture, technology, and eco-friendly

 A space to live, play and create with experimentation and business
 Green city design uses green technology including eco-transport systems, eco-building, and
using renewable energy
 Designing green areas in clusters of residential, office, and business services, closely linking
areas with ecological factors such as ecological belts and business zones
o Establish an eco-transportation system: Establish a transport system that includes both
stable public transport in combination with trams and buses, and promotes convenient
pedestrian and cycling, reduce energy use by limiting the use of gasoline cars.
 Environmentally friendly green technology, technology, and culture experiment space.
o Developing the environment for 21st-century urban innovation with the creativity,
innovation, and flexibility of a test and demonstration site of new green technology
o Testing and developing green technology into a new growth trend, and the new ecological
and renewable energy field linked to the green technology pilot development system in

City park, amusement, and family travel

 Developing an urban environment that combines nature, and traditional and modern culture
with innovative technology
o Developing a new concept of the urban environment created through cultural convergence of
creativity, family entertainment, and high technology in agrobiology, botany, research and
development, tourism, culture, and art
o Lead the new urban environment and culture model by reviving the traditional cultural values
of agriculture and botany connected to the fields of the future, and by incorporating natural
resources, and culture with the urban park
 Shaping the tree system linked to the surrounding vegetation and water system
o Encourage the growth of green area development in the long term by considering the
availability of green areas in the surrounding urban infrastructure system, and connecting
them with other green areas.
Elements of the Prosperous Cities Initiative
Sustainable development and prosperity are both tangible and intangible concepts, which change over
time, context, and place. To measure the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators,
UN-Habitat uses the respective Prosperous Cities Initiative (CPI) indicators, tailored to a cognitive data
framework. , to enrich the current measurements of the platform. As British author, Aldous Huxley
wrote: "There are known and unknown, and in between are the doors of perception."

Life quality
The quality of life component is measured by ensuring the general welfare and satisfaction of people in
urban areas

Equity and social inclusion

The Equity and Social Inclusion component is measured by ensuring a fair (re)distribution of the benefits
of prosperity, reducing poverty and slum rates, protecting the rights of minorities and vulnerable,
promoting gender equality, and ensuring equal participation in the social, economic, political and
cultural spheres.

Environmentally sustainable
The Environmental Sustainability component is measured by ensuring the protection of the urban
environment and natural assets. This needs to be done simultaneously while ensuring growth, pursuing
energy efficiency, reducing pressure on the surrounding land and natural resources, and reducing
environmental loss through solutions that improve the environment. And creativity.

Urban management and law

The Urban Governance and Legislation component is intended to demonstrate the role of good urban
governance in promoting local action towards prosperity, including the capacity to regulate

Urban productivity
The productivity component is measured by wealth creation and how it is shared or contributed by cities
to economic growth and development, income generation, decent work, and equal opportunity for all.

Infrastructure development
The infrastructure component is measured by providing an adequate infrastructure for access to clean
water, sanitation, good roads, and information and communication technology to improve living
standards and enhance productivity, mobility and connectivity.

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