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Step1: Create a function named: IsInPageListIgnoreCase

Parameters names::
lookAt: String
lookIn: ClipboardProperty

Out Put type:

boolean value(true or false)

Step2: under the Java Tab of the Function:IsInPageListIgnoreCase

Copy below code:

boolean retValue = false;
Iterator it = lookIn.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ClipboardProperty next = (ClipboardProperty);
ClipboardPage nextPage = next.getPageValue();
ClipboardProperty prop = nextPage.getIfPresent(lookAt);
if (prop != null)
(prop.getStringValue().equalsIgnoreCase(lookFor)) {
retValue = true;
return retValue;

Step3: Save and Generate the Function and now we can use this function by passing
the Paramters it will retun true or false

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