Principles and Procedures in Sorting Laundry

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After reading this INFORMATION
SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Identify the advantages of

Learning correct sorting
2. Identify guidelines in sorting
• Sorting, in hospitals, the infection risk
necessitates the need for using gloves
when sorting out linen. Gloves may also
be used when handling hotel linen.
Sorting is carried out according to the
type of fabric and item, color as well as
the degree and type of soil. . Sorting is
done to separate those articles that need
dry cleaning from those that will go
through the normal wash process. Those
that need mending or stain removal will
be separated so that they can be dealt
with accordingly.
• Also, different articles take a
different wash process in terms of
temperature of water, type of
laundering agent, length of wash
cycle, whether hydro- extraction
should be done and if so, the
length of the hydro extraction
cycle. lt takes less effort to pre-sort
linen than to post-sort washed
linen which is 50% heavier in
weight due to water retention.
Post-sorting is often essential in
healthcare processes. 
This process is designed to
perform three basic functions: 
• removal of soil
• suspension of soil 
• Discharge of the soil from the
machine to the drain. 
In the wash process, the following
factors must be considered:
1. Length of cycle : 
If the cycle is too short, the linen will not
be cleaned. lf the cycle is too long, there
will be unnecessary wear and tear and
the clothes may actually become dirtier
as a result of disposition of soil. 
2. Temperature of water: 
If the temperature of water is too high, it is
likely to damage the linen. If the
temperature is inadequate, the chemicals
will not work effectively. 
3. Temperature of water: 

• Incorrect 'dip' levels can alter the concentration of the laundry

agents rendering them ineffective. in case of a gentle action the
water level is usually higher forming a protective envelope to
the delicate linen. 
4. Type and amount of detergent and when it will be dispensed in
the wash cycle:
• This is also a crucial factor that affects the quality of wash
deciding which laundry agent should be used is dependent on
the nature of the fabric being washed. Too little detergent will
result in an incomplete cleaning process. And too much may
remain as a residue after the rinse cycle is complete. It is
important that the laundry agent is. Introduced into the wash
cycle at the appropriate time if it is to have the required action. 
5. Mechanical action:
• This refers to the centrifugal action brought about by the
movement of the drum that causes friction between the linen
articles and is radically affected by overloading or underloading
as well as the speed of the drum. , Modern machinery often
operates on sensors, which are capable of gauging each of
these requirements for a specific load. 
Tips on Sorting Out
the Laundry
1. For cotton fabrics, wash similar color
2. Heavy soiled clothes needs pre-soaking
and then washing on a setting applicable
to the fabric.
3. Colors that may bleed should be washed
with the same or similar colored articles.
4. Light colored clothes should be washed
5. Lint depositing items should be wash
together or with items that do not attract
Tips on Sorting Out the Laundry

1. Empty all pockets and close zippers

2. Any trim, hook and eyes or buttons
should be fastened and turned inside
3. Delicate items should be washed in a
laundry mesh bag or put in a pillow slip
4. Blended fabrics should be cleaned
according to the major fiber content. 
Check the labels for details.
5. Mend any rips

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