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As a beautiful saying by Buddha goes that, “Let a man avoid evil deed, as a man
who loves life avoid poison.”, is true to every extent. Nowadays, life is filled
with things which wear a cloak of trust, but in reality, are nothing but
poisonous and addictive things backstabbing us. One such thing is Tobacco,
tobacco is a general name for a plant species, which is used to create products
responsible of sending us in a coffin.
Tobacco is grown in various parts of world both legally and illegally and
transported to various places, and smuggled to places where people are sane.
Tobacco contains highly addictive stimulants, and is mainly used for smoking in
cigarettes and cigars.
Tobacco is very harmful product, and its consumption harms us both physically
and mentally. Tobacco smoking cause heart and lung diseases and cancer.
According to data by WHO, over 100 million deaths have occurred over the
course of 20th century, due to tobacco. Also, besides active smoking, passive
smoking also comes into play. Passive smoking can cause lung cancer in even
nonsmoking adults, Unfair Right?!
Despite being such a harmful product, foolishness of people who consume it
gift it a reward of being of large and lucrative industry. This industry involves
advertisements involving popular faces, and companies find all sort of loop
holes in system to promote tobacco.
Now, things come down to personal level, on how willing a person is to free
himself from the cage of tobacco addiction. This change is supported by
various campaigns such as WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY, observed on 31 st May.
This yearly event, informs people about the dangers to using tobacco, and to
discourage and prevent the use of tobacco.
Tobacco addiction can be countered by various measures. Proper medication is
prescribed in extreme cases, but the most important is willingness, and self-
Saying no may be the hardest part, but it is just as rewarding. So, a person
should give all his best avoiding something harmful and having a weird name

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