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Nurse: "good afternoon mom, let's sit down"

The patient then sits down.

Nurse: "introduce mom, my name is Syafrida, I am the nurse on duty today. With whose is it?

Patient: "I'm Mrs. Gias's "

Nurse: "If you can know mom, how old is mom now?

Patient : "I'm 53 years old"

Nurse: "If you can know, what is the busyness of the mother every day?"

Patient: "I'm just a housewife, morning cook for children and husbands, and clean the house"

Nurse: "can you tell me the complaints you feel?"

Patient: "I often feel pain on the side, often tingling, then sometimes my feet are cramped, and
sometimes there is pain in the bones. In addition, I often suddenly cry for no reason, often
anxious and feel unappreciated in the family."

Nurse: "Well mom, may I see the referral letter from the doctor mom?"

~ // ~

Nurse: "This is it, based on the doctor's referral letter, the mother was diagnosed with
osteoporosis. Did you know what osteoporosis is?

Patient: "some kind of bone I'm porous, huh?"

Nurse: "Right mom, osteoporosis or known as bone loss is a metabolic disease that causes bones
to become brittle and easily broken. Well the purpose of counseling today we both discuss
dietary changes following food recommendations that can and can not and should be as well as
the right type and amount for mothers who are on an osteoporosis diet. Have you ever been in
counseling or not?

Patient: "never been a, this is the first time"

Nurse: "Well then mom, this nutrition counseling will last ±60 minutes including nutritional
assessment through anthropometric data, laboratory data, and mother's eating history so far. I
hope you are willing to work together for the success of this counseling process."

Patient: "yes, I am willing."

Nurse: "Good mom, before we measure the weight and height first, mom."

Then the nurse measures anthropometry.

Nurse: "As a result, the mom weight is 51 kg and her height is 158 cm, and the results of
calculating the mom's body mass index of 20.48 kg / m2 are included in the normal category,
mom. Have you ever measured your height before? “

Patient: "it's been a long time, mom, most often just a little weight loss"

Nurse: "Well mom, from laboratory data the total calcium level value in the mother's serum
decreased with a result of 6 mg / dl with a normal value of 8.4-11 mg / dl. And the results of 24-
hour urine calcium indirectly show bone metabolism abnormalities with a value of 70mg / 24
hours while the normal value is 100-250mg / 24 hours.

Patient: "oh that means it can also indicate I have this disease? "

Nurse: "yes mom, and now you can tell me what your eating habits are before you get sick?"

Patient: I eat 3x a day with small portions, rarely consume vegetables and vegetable side dishes,
3x sweet drinks in the form of milk coffee 1x and tea 2x, interlude meals pastries and biscuits,
drink water 3 cups a day"
Nurse: "wow, mom, can you tell me what you ate from yesterday the day after tomorrow until
before coming here?"

Patient: "Yes, every waking up I drink my favorite sweet tea. Yesterday the day after tomorrow
ate rice with egg side dishes only. At ten o'clock given by the neighbor of mud cake, I ate fried
pindang, rice and spinach clear vegetables. In the afternoon I drank milk coffee while waiting for
my husband to come home. The night is the same as day: rice, pindang and spinach clear
vegetables. If yesterday from morning to night is the same, the side dish is just fried chicken, not
cooking vegetables. Noon drinking milk coffee and night drinking sweet tea"

Nurse: "for a portion of rice like this mom?"

Patient: "yes"

Nurse: "Well mom after we do a mother recall quite often yes drink drinks source of caffeine
such as tea and coffee and less once in consuming vegetables and side dishes from vegetables
such as tofu and tempeh?

Patient: "Yes, there is no other choice, that's all that's at home. My son also doesn't think much
about what I eat and drink. “

Nurse: "So mom, we both work together to change the mother's diet in order to reduce drinks
high in caffeine because this is not good for the disease that mothers suffer from. And let's try to
consume vegetable side dishes and some vegetables"

Patient: "wow I just found out"

Nurse: "Well mother, mother will run an osteoporosis diet with the principle of high calcium
diet, especially calcium intake from foods such as soy, tofu, tempeh, milk and processed
products. For the form of food is ordinary food yes mom with the frequency of 3 main meals and
2 interludes. Remember also yes, drink coffee and tea is reduced and it would be better if
replaced mineral water only gradually. “
Patient: "oh so I have to cut down on drinking coffee and tea, just get used to eating

Nurse: "that's right mom, we do it slowly until you get used to taking care of mom's health in the

Patient: "well, I'll work on it."

Nurse: "and for her own sport mom how?"

Patient: "well I've never exercised."

Nurse: "Maybe you can do sports on the sidelines when cleaning the house, small sports such as
going up and down stairs, walking on the spot or even running around in the yard of the house
includes mother's sports. And to make the mother's mood better I recommend to get enough and
quality sleep. "

Patient: "oh meaning from today I will do that"

Nurse: "Well mom, we have agreed to reduce the eating and drinking habits of mothers who are
not right and willing to exercise small at home. Here are brochures about maternal diseases and
examples of good menus for mothers. And this is also a list of good foods for mothers. “

Patient: "Yes, ma'am. Thank you"

Nurse: "Well mom counseling session today I enough to get here, for the next session I schedule
1 week from now and I will contact mom the day before via chatting. Can I ask for mom's phone

Patient : "well, 081************

Nurse: "Thank you mom for your cooperation. Hopefully the diet that mom does runs smoothly,
mom. Let's mom."

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