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Indoor and Built

Indoor and Built Environment
2021, Vol. 30(1) 3–6

Development trend and challenges ! The Author(s) 2020

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of sustainable urban design in the

DOI: 10.1177/1420326X20976058
digital age

Jianguo Wang1, Shi-Jie Cao1,2 and Chuck Wah Yu3

At present, more than 55% of the world’s population takes the reconstruction of morphological integrity
lives in cities, and this is expected to rise to 68% by theory as the goal, the human–computer interaction
2050, with nearly 90% of the increase in the urban as the approach, and the transformation of technical
population occurring in Asia and Africa, especially methods and tools as the core features. Furthermore,
for India and China.1 Thanks to the rapid urbaniza- digital urban design can play a key and supporting role
tion, the proportion of China’s urban population in the preparation, implementation and management of
has increased from 17.92% in 1978 to 58.5% in urban planning, highlighting the characteristics of
2017, which is expected to exceed 60% in 2020.2 urban history, culture and landscape pattern, further
The urbanization process has brought about the understanding and constructing fair and just social
rapid socio-economic development of cities, yet norms, and creating a livable and sustainable urban
the rapid urbanization process has also led to some environment.
problems related to urban development, such as over-
consumption of resources, increasingly prominent
Characteristics of digital city
pollution, frequent occurrence of ‘urban diseases’ and
extreme weather events, continuous deterioration of Digital city is one of the basic symbols of transforma-
living environment quality, etc., which have brought tion from the industrialization era to the informationi-
new challenges to sustainable urban design. Under zation era, which generally refers to the ability to
this background, analysing the basic theories and effectively acquire, classify and store, automatically
transformation of urban design, discussing new con- process and intelligently identify massive data in the
cepts, technologies and methods of urban design, as category of urban natural, social and economic sys-
well as scientifically recognizing the challenges and tems. Taking advanced information means to support
opportunities of the development of urban design can the city planning, construction, operation, manage-
provide effective solutions based on urban design for ment and emergency response can effectively improve
outstanding problems in the rapid process of urban the level of government management and service, and
construction and sustainable development. also promote the sustainable development of city. For
digital urban design, the early digital technologies
include computer aided design (CAD), computer
Urban design and sustainable
graphics and virtual reality, satellite images, photo-
environment graphic survey and geographic information system
As one of human intervention practice for urban form (GIS). On this basis, the common ways to construct
evolution, urban design has some common guiding three-dimensional city models can include modelling,
ideology and professional value system in different his-
torical stages, i.e., paradigm. After experiencing three 1
School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
generations of historical paradigms including tradition- 2
Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE), Department of
al urban design, modernist urban design and green Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
urban design, the technical concepts and methods of and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
urban design have acquired some brand-new contents International Society of the Built Environment (ISBE), Milton
with the increasing development of ‘digital earth, smart Keynes, UK
city, Internet and artificial intelligence’, further form- Corresponding author:
ing the fourth paradigm of ‘digital urban design based Jianguo Wang, Southeast University, Sipailou, China.
on human-computer interaction’. This new paradigm Email:
4 Indoor and Built Environment 30(1)

simulation and prediction based on CAD design, digi- risks, the similarity of urban forms, the disorder of
tal photogrammetry techniques and GIS, etc.3 At pre- urban governance, the prevention of sudden disasters
sent, the common digital technologies include data in cities, and the large difficulty of multi-scale simula-
acquisition, analysis and visualization. Based on these tion and design.8 Against this backdrop, the article
above-mentioned technologies, traditional data are strives to promote digital urban design towards
transitioned to new data (e.g., Internet media), and wisdom, safety, greenness and refinement by pointing
sampling data are developed into total data with out the challenges and opportunities faced by the urban
more variety and comprehensiveness, and macro exter- design development.
nal observation and statistical data are developed into
micro individual perception and experience data (e.g., Digital information and security
street scenes, internet hotspots, micro blogs, etc.). With The digital revolution is the impetus for the fourth
the rapid development of digital technology, the inno- industrial revolution, yet urban design also needs to con-
vation and development of urban design technology sider urgently problems brought about by the rise of
are constantly breaking through as well, e.g., (i) the information technology. ‘Digital Lens’ has given us a
overall picture of the world urbanization based on deeper understanding of the construction mechanism
night lighting and density distribution, (ii) the world of urban form and made ‘City Portrait’ more scientific.
map based on the accessibility of traffic time, (iii) the However, there are also existing personal information
digital historical hologram map based on historical leaks and out of control, as the contemporary philoso-
information, (iv) the digital maps and city imagery pher Deleuze calls it the phenomenon of ‘divisions’ sub-
preference information based on mobile phone signal- division in the ‘controlled society’ brought about by the
ling, Baidu data public preferences and Google Maps,4 code digital language, which requires vigilance, investi-
through tourists, residents, professionals or govern- gation and monitoring in real-time way.
ment agencies to participate in the collection of urban
imagery, and the formation of urban design needs, etc. The long-time contradiction between
The digital urban design technologies can be sum- urban development and historical
marized into the following three characteristics.
One is the design objects with multiple scales.5 With
the support of digital technology, it is possible for Cities have been facing the dual challenges of renewal
urban design to move towards large scale. In the pro- and decay, development and preservation. The general
cess of rapid urbanization, the development of various development trend of urban design for historical cities,
districts in the city can be coordinated and connected, historical blocks and sections is to protect and trans-
and it has been the general trend to look at space form historical buildings and insert new ones through
beyond the boundaries of space. ‘weaving and patching’ on the premise of striving to
The second is the design method of digital quantifi- preserve the original historical structure of the old
cation.6 The digital technology has profoundly changed city and the integrity of sections, thus forming an
people’s cognition and view on the material form and orderly progression of metabolism. Today, digital
social structure of the world, which is a brand-new urban design provides a new technical tool and
world cognition, knowledge system and method con- approach for urban historical preservation. For exam-
struction in a sense. ple, through the digital stacking technology of histori-
The third is the design process of human–computer cal maps, the accurate transmission of heritage
interaction.7 Emphasizing the organic integration of historical information of different scales can already
values and design creativity with the quantitative inte- be realized. Besides, the technical problems of the over-
gration of multi-source big data has the properties of all protection and performance improvement for his-
accommodating development, continuous optimization torical blocks and architectural heritage have been
and error correction. The normal operation of interac- solved in a brand-new way, aiming to truly realize a
tion system can be achieved by setting a certain value win-win situation between urban development and
domain ‘fault tolerance’.

Urban governance capacity and health

Challenges to urban design and
As urban development enters the new normal, it is
development quite necessary to deal with problems left over from
With remarkable achievements for the construction the rapid development of the city in the early stage.
and development of digital cities, there are some con- Therefore, the ‘ecological restoration’ and ‘urban res-
cerned problems, such as the intensification of digital toration’ work are carried out in a refined and
Wang et al. 5

sustainable way. By combining digital achievements to environment. In addition, the current physical environ-
clarify the healthy growth of urban form and control the ment design of cities and buildings mostly adopts the
bottom line of urban governance, the urban development idea of pure physical environment optimization with-
mode, ‘urban disease’ and urban governance capability out considering the limiting factors of urban planning/
can be effectively changed, controlled and improved. urban design/architectural design, which makes the
optimal physical environment design unable to be
Urban sudden disaster events adopted in practical projects. Therefore, taking into
account the design factors of urban and architectural
The construction of urban sanitation facilities, build-
scales and further establishing an interactive physical
ing’s water and sewage systems, and spaces necessary
environment design method can promote the applica-
to deal with sudden disasters (e.g., COVID-19) must be
tion, popularization and rapid development of physical
put on the important agenda,9 which is the most impor-
environmental optimization design for urban and
tant core of modern urban design concepts. When
architectural scales.
unprepared disasters strike, the existing norms may
be incomplete and imperfect. Special consideration
Authors’ contribution
should be applied to public buildings and environmen-
tal safety with important attribution to high health and All authors contributed equally in the preparation of this
safety sensitivity, high population density and possible
long-term detention,10 such as free trade market build-
Declaration of conflicting interests
ings, office buildings, high-density residential commu-
nities, etc. Combined with the big data platform, digital The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
urban environment and health preference information
are formed to provide reference for the revision,
improvement and update of urban design specifica-
tions, thus effectively dealing with urban emergencies
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
with high uncertainty.11
port for the research, authorship and/or publication of this
article: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
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