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SIU Backup collecting :

1. Login via SELMA username - admin, password - hidden

2. Go to configuration load from SIU
3. Save to File
4. Save it as XML File with Site ID and Date

SIU Backup loading

1. Login SIU Via SELMA

2.Reset to factory setting
3. Use Putty and check AutoIntegration started or do we have any alarm
4. If No go to configuration load from File(Pick the backup from were it is saved)
5.Then Validate the configuration, once it is completed
6. Check all the counters are COnsitent
7. Save to SIU
8 Check the alarm on SIU using Putty

SIU Commands

generatekey Generate a new SSH host key.

getalarmlist Returns all active alarms in the STN
getcontainment Retrieves all MO instances in a specified MO
containment hierarchy under and including the
getcounters Displays Managed Object (MO) counters
getirpversion Displays the version number of the Integration
Reference Point(IRP) used between the STN and
the OSS
getlinkoam Display ethernet LinkOAM information
getmoattribute Displays Managed Object(MO) attribute values
getosmonsessions Displays all osmon sessions
getpendingconfiguration Used to determine if there is a bulk CM
download file ready to be activated
getsessionids Returns the identity of existing bulk CM
getsessionstatus Returns the status of a specific bulk CM
getsubscriptionids Returns all subscriptions existing in the STN
getsubscriptionstatus Returns the characteristics of subscriptions
getswsessionids Returns the identity of existing software
getswsessionstatus Returns the status of a specific software
upgrading or downgrading session
gettime Displays the current system clock setting
gettransactionid Returns the identity of the transaction
gettransactionstatus Returns the status of the transaction, and is
only possible to perform within a transaction
help Displays all available commands
lcf lcf - output some info on the lcf command
log Reads or monitors syslog, event and the
messages log
ping A SIU adapted tool to execute ping test
ping_ethernet Service OAM Loopback CLI command
quit Exits from shell
resettofactorysetting Resets the STN to default factory settings
restart Initiates a restart of the STN
restore Restores new configuration on the node
resumepmmeasurements Initiates/Enables PM data uploading
resumesubscription Activates a defined but suspended subscription
rev Returns revisions of everything
setmoattribute Sets MO attribute values
settime Sets the value of the system clock
showMACFwTable USAGE: showMACFwTable all |
<EthernetInterface> [<tagValue>] | help
simpleping A simple function to make ping between source
and destination address
startsession Starts a bulk CM session
startswsession Starts a software upgrading or downgrading
starttransaction Starts a basic CM transaction
subscribe Defines a new IP address to subscribe for SNMP
alarms & notifications
suspendpmmeasurements Stops/Disables PM data collection and PM data
suspendsubscription Disables or stops the sending of alarms and
syslog Reads or monitors the system or event log
testmode Enables or disables synchronization test mode
timeservertest Displays information on the connectivity and
the quality of the network towards a
traceallmoattributeinlog Prints values of all MIB configuration
attributes in log. Note: Counter values are
returned as raw data, accurate values of
counters should be read with
resumepmmeasurements command
traceroute A SIU adapted tool to execute traceroute test
traceroute_ethernet Service OAM Linktrace CLI command
unsubscribe Disables or stops the sending of
alarms,notifications and removes the
upload Orders the uploading of a bulk CM XML
configuration file to the destination file
uptime Displays how long the system has been running
uselocalsftp Use the local terminal for SFTP (default off).
Usage: uselocalsftp <on|off>
uselocalsshd This command no longer has any effect.

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