Exam Eng f4

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True or false

1: ( ) Silent letters are those letters of alphabet that you utter or pronounce when reading a word
aloud .

2: ( ) Demilitarized zone is an area from which weapons and military forces have been removed.

3: ( ) pace refers to the speed at which you deliver your talk.

4: ( ) You shouldn't however,maintain eye contact with an individual for too long as it could be
interpreted as a wish to include the other people in your audience.

5: ( ) Criticizing delivery of speech and physical appearance is an other factor that positively effects
our listening ability.

Part:2 Underline the silent letters in each of the following words

1: Hymn _________________________

2: Pneumonia ___________________

3: Psychology ______________________

4: muscle _______________________

5: calf ________________________

6: wrist __________________________

7: Calm __________________________

8: Bridge ________________________

9: Comb ________________________

10: knowledge ___________________

Part: direct questions

1: What are the prepositions?

2: For each of the following words, provide another word that is pronounced in the same way.

a) lack b) Drought c) their

3: what is the subordinating conjunction?

4: what are compound sentences?

5: What are proverbs?

Best wishes

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