FATE - Blood in The Canals

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Blood In the Canals

Writing and adventure

Rowan Spiers-Floyd

Jacob Hasson
Suzanne Jaszczult

Design and Layout

Rowan Spiers-Floyd

Interior Art
Dean Spencer, David Lewis Johnson, Miguel San-
to, Luigi Castellani, Joyce Maureira,
Bradley K McDevitt, Josh Soper
Jack Badashski, Daniel Comerci

This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition
(found at http://www.faterpg.com/), products of Evil Hat Productions,
LLC, developed, authored, and edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard,
Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Val-
entine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, and licensed for our use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creative-

This work is based on the Fate Adversary Toolkit SRD and Fate Horror
Toolkit (found at http://www.faterpg.com/), a product of Evil Hat Pro-
ductions, LLC, developed, authored, and edited by Brian Engard, Ed
Turner, Joshua Yearsley, and Anna Meade, and licensed for our use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creative-

Blood in the Canals is an action horror adventure set in Renaissance Ven-
ice. The Floating City is rife with political turmoil is this age of rebirth,
and now risks sinking under the waves of a more unnatural terror. In
order to save the city, a secret society of elite monster hunters must slay a
beast beyond their darkest imagination.

We have drawn heavily from the film “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (1992),
especially for the blood-pumping hunting sequences presented within.
The film “Black Death” (2010), was inspiration for the imagery of grizzled
warriors seeking a supernatural cause for the black plague. For lighter
inspiration, we drew on several aspects of “The Mummy” (1999): a villain
who slowly gains power and reveals their true form over time, a secret
society devoted to protecting the world, and excellent set-piece action.
Lastly, “Van Helsing” (2004), while not a great movie, gave us some cues,
with its Vatican-sponsored monster hunters, and their advanced fanta-
sy-inspired equipment.
This adventure is powered by Fate, and a copy of Fate Core or FAE
is recommended for play. We also draw heavy inspiration from Dresden
Files Accelerated and the Fate Horror Toolkit, both worth a read.

The year is 1630 A.D. and the Black Death has re-appeared in the canals
of Venice. Though it’s not yet a full-on epidemic, officials have begun to
take action. They’ve set up a quarantine in the Cannaregio district until a
more permanent quarantine can be established on the island of Lazzaret-
to Vecchio.
Weeks before the Venice Carnival, a member of the Council of Ten,
Salvador Bassadora, is found dead, seemingly of the plague. But some-
thing about the death is strange. Despite strained relations with the Papal
state, Doge Nicolo Contarini sends secret word to the Vatican asking for
aid: his spies suggest this outbreak is, in fact, a planned attack.
The Vatican calls upon a cell of the Crossed Keys already undercover

Introduction 1
in Venice to investigate the matter, just in time for the death of
another official. The hunters must race against time to discover the
nefarious cause of the plague.
The Doge’s spies are right to suspect foul play, but as yet, no one
can guess the extent of this plot against the Republic of Venice.
The Ottoman Empire has promised Venetian merchant Lorenzo Zani
great wealth and status in exchange for his help in weakening the Vene-
tian hold on the Mediterranean. The Ottomans have gifted Zani a dan-
gerous and mysterious artifact: an ancient urn imbued with unnatural
evil. In the end it may destroy Zani himself - a detail of little concern to
the Ottomans who will stop at nothing to see their rival crippled on the
eve of war for control of the region.
The monster in the urn is beyond anything the Crossed Keys have
dealt with before. It is an ancient evil, Ekima, one of the Seven Demons of
Mesopotamia, who was long ago bound by Solomon to build his temple.
For hundreds of years, the demon has been bound to the urn, impris-
oned. Now released, it seeks to exact its vengeance upon humanity.
Seeking to sew despair and chaos, Ekima calls forth the Black
Death, that killer which the residents of Venice fear above all else.
The demon is weak and must steal life from mortals to slowly regain
its true form. At first it plays along with Lorenzo Zani, slowly building
strength to strike at the Carnival of Venice.

Introduction 2
The Crossed Keys:

A brief history:
The history of the Order of the Crossed Keys has its beginnings in pagan
Rome. Once it was a subsect of the Mithras warrior cult: a collection of
warriors, thinkers, and poets dedicated to Mithras and the Mysteries. Its
original name is long forgotten, but even then its members were united
by a calling to fight darkness all across the Roman Empire. They hunted
the supernatural and unspeakable horrors of the world, thereby fulfilling
the rites and duties of this sect.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, the Mithran sect nearly van-
ished, its members scattered across Europe and Asia. Many carried on
their mission as best they could in total secrecy and relative isolation. It
wasn’t until the Crusade of 1095 that descendents of the sect began to
reunite, bringing with them their new religions and customs as well as
unwavering commitment to their common goal.
Though the Catholic Church eventually granted the Crossed Keys
its title, the group has maintained a tenuous independence from the
dominant religious institutions, working frequently with the Muslim
Ottomans in Constantinople as well as the Vatican, as location and threat
The Order is concerned with slaying evil wherever it may be found.
Over the years they have remained secular and egalitarian, requiring
only that their members display a willingness and aptitude for their
duties, whatever their origin, race, or creed, a policy which the Church
only grudgingly accepts. The Crossed Keys has now regained much of
its strength and now maintains a tense but mutually advantageous rela-
tionship with the Church. The Vatican provides the tools and resources,
while the Crossed Keys provides the skills, expertise, and daring neces-
sary for hunting evil.
Today members of the Crossed Keys are diverse and varied. The
sect draws its members from all walks of life, Christian, Jew, Muslim,
pagan or even atheist. The Order recruits the brightest minds, the most
renowned warriors, and the most vigilant defenders against the darkness,
wherever they be found.

Crossed Keys 3
To be a member one must have witnessed a supernatural evil,
or have vast knowledge of them and secondly, must be invited by
a member of the Order. Those who swear allegiance to the Order are
trained to the highest standards and are paid well by the Papal state: a
good living, if the work wasn’t so dangerous. Life expectancy is low for
field agents of the Crossed Keys, most retire to train or do research after
just a few outings.
With their connections to some of the most powerful political play-
ers - the Ottomans, the Vatican, the monarchs of Europe - the Crossed
Keys members have access the most modern technology and powerful
artifacts to pursue their mission.
Secrecy is of the utmost importance to the Crossed Keys and as such
their missions and identities are often masked by other purposes. It’s not
uncommon for agents to work under the guise of envoys, mercenaries,
bodyguards, professional soldiers, or wealthy merchants.

Gm Notes: An Age of Enlightment

The Crossed Keys have been designed as inclusive and
egalitarian, for few reasons. The first and utmost is that we
desire for players to feel welcome to play diverse characters
in this game. Secondly, these views and philosophies, while
radical for the period, were just beginning to gain trac-
tion in this time of change. Historically we see the spark of
some of these views, that would grow into movements such
as The Enlightenment Thinkers in the 18th century.
You may decide in your game to have this egalitarianism
viewpoint to be a recent change in the order, in the last
hundred years or so. A sticking point that likely has put
quite a bit of strain on their relationships with powers such
as the Vatican, but also indicative of the changing times of
the Renaissance and coming Age of Enlightenment.

Crossed Keys 4
Building a Hunter of the Crossed Keys
The cast of this adventure is a cell of Crossed Key hunters. They are
either sent from the Vatican or assigned locally. They are talented indi-
viduals, highly trained and reasonably knowledgeable (they hope) in the
darkness of the world.
This is a good time to talk around the table about the themes, tone,
and expectations for the game. Make sure all the players are on the same
base before starting to create your cast - that way everyone feels like they
are telling the same story. Once you feel ready, proceed to character cre-

Select a Mantle:
A mantle acts as an archetype for what kind of hunter of the Crossed
Keys your character is. It shows the focus of their training, their unique
abilities, and the manner in which they work with other members of the
Crossed Keys. Everyone should take a moment to get acquainted with
the mantles then select the one they find interesting for a character base.
Selecting a mantle gives your character their unique conditions and
core stunts. Further stunts are selected later. You can select a mantle from
the list starting on page 11 or create your own with the GM.

Forming Aspects:
Now you will pick just two aspects, your High Concept, and Trouble.
This adventure is a horror/mystery with a good splash of action, set in
a (somewhat fantastical) version of history. Choose your aspects with
tone and degree of realism in mind. For instance, for a more gritty/ less
high fantasy feel, the aspect “Most Talented Duelist in Venice” could
become “Infamous and Dangerous Dueler.” “Genius Inventor” could
become “Eccentric Innovator.”

High Concept:
Your High concept is the core of the character. While the mantle displays
your role within the Crossed Keys, the high concept should encapsulate
what kind of character you are. A high concept may tell us a bit about
what you bring to the Crossed Keys, or why you were selected.
Remember the best high concepts are double-edged, showing both the
strength and complications of your character: “Grizzled Veteran”
“Vigilant and Jaded Savant”.

Crossed Keys 5
Your character’s trouble is the way in which their life keeps getting
harder. It could be a personal flaw, past traumas, enemies or otherwise.
An ex-mercenary might have “Haunted by Traumatic Ghosts” or a
scholar might be “Unhealthy Obsession With Knowledge,” the new re-
cruit might be “Woefully Unprepared For This.” A good player might
make a flaw which informs their GM of the type of horrors they want to
explore in the narrative. “Queasy from Blood” or “Terrified of Tight

Additional Aspects:
Eventually your character will have three more aspects, but don’t worry
about those at the beginning. We recommend letting the players discover
more about their character through play and when they are put into the
crucible, see who truly are.

Approaches selection:
This adventure set uses approaches, though they have been renamed to
fit the setting a bit more. Choose one at Good +3, two at Fair +2, Two at
average +1 and one at Mediocre +0.

Style: When you want to accomplish something and show off or im-
press. It draws attention to you or your skills.
Bold: This is when you want to do something with impact, Breaking
down doors, arm wrestling, intimidating. It's the get-things-done-directly
-and-powerfully skill.

Swift: Want to get it done fast? Swift is the approach.

Precise: You take your time, to make sure you achieve your task as
thoroughly and accurately as possible.
Cunning: Used for a quick wit, devious actions, deceiving or acts of
Learned: This is using your brains, studies or intelligence to handle
your problems. Being a true Renaissance person.

Crossed Keys 6
Choose a Stunt and spend refresh:
Select an additional stunt from your mantle. After that you have three
refresh points. Refresh can be used to buy additional stunts from your
mantle, or create new stunts or extras. The GM may allow you to buy
stunts from another Mantle if its fitting for your backstory, but you can-
not get their core stunts or unique conditions. A character cannot begin
the game with zero refreshes, so you must have at least one left at start of

Final checks and create a name:

Make sure all the needed conditions, stunts and notes are present on
your sheet. If you haven't already, come up with a name that feels good
for your character.

Character creation in short:

1. Select Mantle
-Take its conditions and core stunts.
2. Select your High Concept and Trouble.
3. Select your approaches, +3, +2, +2, +1,+1 and +0.
4. Choose an additional stunt.
5. Spend refresh if you desire.
6. Name your character, and last checks.
Now get hunting!

Crossed Keys 7
The Knight:
You are a born warrior, maybe you had a past as a mercenary or from a
military order, or perhaps you just have a knack for brawling. These indi-
viduals are trained by the Order to hone their lethal skills, becoming the
swords of the Crossed Keys. Knights are the first into combat and the last
out, drawing attention from their companions.

Unique Conditions:
Hurt (Sticky) 2 Mark this condition to absorb two shifts of physical
harm. Recovery requires at least one scene of resting and healing for the

Discipline (Fleeting)
It’s hard to break your focus or make you lose your cool. Mark a box of
Discipline for +1 per box on rolls for keeping your cool or focus, these can
stack. Additionally, some of your stunts may mark a Discipline box to
pay for their effects. You recover one box of Discipline at the
end of each scene.

Core Stunts:
Talented Warrior: Choose a weap-
on type or fighting style. While you
are able to fight using this weapon/
style you gain +1 when creating ad-
vantages against your opponent in
combat. Examples: fencing, two
pistols at once, drunken brawl-
ing, the poleaxe.

The Peoples’ Shield: When

someone is attacked physically
while within your zone, you
may mark Discipline to redirect
that attack to yourself. You may
Defend against that attack at +2.

Crossed Keys 8
Additional Stunts:
Master of the Melee: Mark a box of Discipline, for the rest of the scene
gain Dangerous Scale on rolls to Attack or Defend actions against any
and all Mobs of combatants. Additionally, Mobs lose the benefit of their
Dangerous Scale against you.

Riposte: If you succeed with style on a Defend roll in close combat, you
can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit on your opponent rather than take a

Fight Through the Pain: You may clear a marked stress box, by mark-
ing a box of Discipline, at a one-for-one exchange.

Backup Weapon: Whenever you would be afflicted with a Disarmed

situational aspect, or something similar, mark a Discipline box to declare
that you have a backup weapon. Instead of a situational aspect, your
opponent gets a boost, representing the momentary distraction you suffer
having to switch.

As One!: You have trained to work with others. Grant a +2 bonus while
using Teamwork to Create Advantages in combat.

Crossed Keys 9
The Slayer:
You have a keen eye and notice the smallest of details. Perhaps you were
once a great tracker, Huntsman, or inspector. The slayer now acts as the
hound in the Order of the Crossed Keys. Slayers excellent when they
have the tools and time to prepare for they quarry bringing lethally effec-
tive tricks and tools to bare.

Unique Conditions:
Prepared (Fleeting) : You work best when you have had time to
prep. Mark this condition whenever your character has had time before-
hand to prepare for the scene. Such as scoping a location, or researching a

Core Stunts:
Tracker: +2 to Precise on rolls made to analyze or follow a person or
creature's physical trail.

Just in Case: If you start a new scene the Prepared condition is marked,
you may create an aspect with one free invocation. The aspect should de-
fine the preparations you’ve made. Examples; “Extra Crossbow Bolts,”
“ A Hidden Cache,” “A Convincing Disguise,” “ Medical Supplies,”
“Constabulary Backup.”

Additional Stunts:
Unshakable: While in a chase, add +2 to all Swift rolls that directly relate
to catching the target.

Surprise Trap: If your Prepared condition is marked when you begin a

conflict, once per scene you may declare that you have previously taken
the time to set traps in a single zone. Create an aspect representing the
trap. You may attack any person in that zone with the trap using Cun-
ning. Once the trap is used the aspect disappears.

Crossed Keys 10
Bait and Switch: If you take stress while an ally is in the same
zone as you, you may give your ally a boost. If your ally takes stress
while in the same zone as you, you gain a boost. If you and an ally in the
same zone both take stress from the same action, neither of you gains a

Hunting Companion: You have an animal which aids you in your hunt.
Perhaps it's a falcon, or a hunting dog, or maybe a sly cat. Define the
creature with an aspect and give it an approach at +3, +2 and +1. All other
approaches are rolled at +0. Additionally, the companion gets [1] [1] [1]
stress. Should the companion be killed when it is taken out, the character
gains a point of refresh.

Quick Adapter: When you Attack in close combat and succeed with
style, you learn something new about your opponent. You may reduce
the hit by one shift and create a new situational aspect, with one invoke
instead of a boost.
This aspect represents
your new knowledge
of your opponent and
might reveal a weak-
ness or exploitable

Aim to Kill: If you

have Prepared con-
dition marked at the
start of a conflict,
choose one enemy
type you were pre-
viously aware of to
get Dangerous scale

Crossed Keys 11
The Scholar:
You are a person of great knowledge and talents, a renaissance man, a
historian, or a clergyman. You are a practitioner of science, art, and histo-
ry. Within the Order of the Crossed Keys, you are a keeper of knowledge
and a developer of modern tools and methods to be employed by your

Unique Conditions:
Scholarly (Sticky)
This condition represents the large breadth of knowledge and experience
you have. You may mark a box of Scholarly for +1 whenever you are at-
tempting to discover new information, through research or investigation.
Additionally, some of your stunts may mark a box Scholarly to pay for
their effects. You recover one box of Scholarly between each session.

Core Stunts:
Powerful Insight: Mark a box of Scholarly for +2 when trying to dis-
cover an aspect of an NPC.

Tomes of Knowledge: When researching at a library or archive, boxes of

Scholarly you mark give a +2 bonus instead of +1.

Additional Stunts:
Medicinal Practice: Gain +2 to all rolls in which you are treating a
physical injury.

Scientific Method: If you have a sample of a creature you're trying to

learn about, gain +2 for each box of scholarly you check while researching

Personalized Arsenal: YYou have crafted your own weapons for your
service in the Crossed Keys. Choose a weapon of your making, gain +1
while using it.

Artisan: ou are a master of crafting and inventing. Gain +2 while using

Learned for these purposes.

Crossed Keys 12
The Commander:
You are a leader, perhaps born with the talent or trained in it. Perchance
you were a noble, a military commander, a captain of a ship, or ran a
successful merchant enterprise. You know how to coordinate, inspire
others, lead by example, and create strategy and plans. You have worked
your way up to be an authority within the Order of Crossed Keys. The
Commander can inspire or rally his team, or bring their connections to aid
them in their hunt.

Unique Conditions:
Authority X : You hold a position of authority, either granted to you by
your past, or by the Crossed Keys. Choose an area in which your charac-
ter holds such a position. Examples include military command, ambas-
sador or envoy of a foreign government, or a powerful merchant family
whom you represent. This condition grants you permission to command
subordinates and privileges of
your rank and position.

Distrusted (sticky)
When you use your author-
ity in a manner that earns
the distrust of those who fall
under your Authority or within
your organization mark this
condition. This could be by
withholding secrets that come
to light or putting the lives of
your followers at risk. While
Distrusted you may no longer
gain the benefits of the Author-
ity condition. Recover this con-
dition when you have made
restitution done something to
regain the trust of those you
have offended.

Crossed Keys 13
Core Stunts:
Coordination: When you create an advantage representing a plan or co-
ordinating a group effort, you and your allies may invoke the aspect you
create for +3 instead of +2.

Ranking Commander: If you are in a situation where your Authority has

power, you gain a +2 to any rolls made to persuade or command anyone
who falls under your authority.

Additional Stunts:
Rally: Through action or word, you can inspire your allies in the hardest
of times. Once per scene, each ally who has marked a condition because
of physical or mental harm in this scene gets a boost (+2) on their next

Squad: The Order has provided additional help that falls under your Au-
thority. You gain three NPCs under your command. Give them an aspect
to describe the group, such an “Armed Guards”, “Men-at-arms”, “Person-
al Assistants”, etc. The group is at +2 to achieve tasks that fall under their
aspect. In combat, they act as a mob with [1] [1] stress per member of the
mob. This stunt can be bought multiple times to add an additional two
NPCs per purchase.

Intimidating Presence: You command via your menacing aura. Gain +2

when using Bold to intimidate or scare someone into doing as you ask,
friend or foe.

Words like Blades: You can read a man and cut at him with just your
words. When making an Attack action using your words and the Precise
or Style approaches, the attack gains a weapon rating (2).

Situational awareness: YYou are able to read a situation tactically in

a matter of moments. By spending a fate point you may roll Cunning or
Swift a Fair DL (+2), situational aspects may be invoked to help or hinder
this roll. For every shift generated by the roll, you create a boost. You
may give the boosts to yourself or any ally which you could feasibly com-
municate with.

Crossed Keys 14
The Occultist:
You have come into strange powers, that confound even the most en-
lightened of minds. Perhaps true glimpses of the supernatural, or means
long forgotten to men. Where you learned these skills varies from one
occultist to another, you may have learned it from long-lost tomes, others
may have had the information passed down for generations in their fam-
ily, others are initiated in a mystery cult. Whatever the means, you now
bring these extraordinary talents to bear for the Crossed Keys.

Unique Conditions:
Potential (sticky):
Your arts require preparation, whether they draw upon ritual spell work,
alchemical components, prayers, and rites, or otherwise. You must de-
vote time, concentration, and effort into the power of the arts. To mark
boxes of Potential you must take time to prepare, roughly an hour or
longer of time, and roll an appropriate approach at a Fair (+2) DL. For
every two shifts generated you may mark one box of Potential, which can
be spent on your stunts. Other aspects may be invoked for and against
this preparation.

Core Stunts:
The Arts: Select two arts from the list below. These act like unique as-
pects, discuss what these Aspects cover with your GM. Whenever you
invoke them to represent their use you are granted Supernatural scale.
However, these aspects can only be invoked by unmarking a Box of Po-
Alchemical Concoctions. Runes and Sigils.
Talismans and Wards. Divination and Prophecy.
Incantations and Hexes. Psychoscopy.
Spirits and Guides. Scrying.
Poppet's and Effigies.

Optional stunt: For your second core stunt, select one stunt from the
additions below. Essentially pick two additional stunts instead of one.

Crossed Keys 15
Additional Stunts:
Ritualist: You are well practiced in the preparation of your arts. Gain +2
to when rolling Precise in your preparations for the Potential Condition.

Master Thaumaturge: Gain an additional Art aspect. This stunt may be

bought additional times.

Enervated (sticky) : YYou learned to use yourself as a vessel for your

power, either by using your blood, or an inner reserve of power. You may
mark this Condition as if was an additional box of Potential that you do
not need to prepare. When you are Enervated, the GM receives a boost to
use against you in any scene in which your fatigue may be used against
you. Clearing Enervated requires a scene of rest. The GM may allow this
recovery to occur between any two scenes involving a sufficient time

Protective Circle: You have learned to create a protected space. Un-

mark a box of Potential to declare the zone you are in Protected for the
scene. Any supernatural creature, spell or otherwise that tries to enter
or effect that zone must overcome a Superb (+5) DL to enter. Once it has
entered it no longer needs to make this check again.

Anathema of Evil: Your power makes the supernatural and truly evil
repulsed by you. All your actions against evil creatures are considered
one step up higher in scale than they normally would be.

Field Magician: Your work has required to you to learn to do your rituals
quickly in times of need. Once per scene may take a turn to roll a ritual
attempt to mark more boxes Potential at a Great (+4) DL. Furthermore,
you may not defend that
turn. Note this also means
performing your rites
before any who are in the
scene, and the fallout that
may cause.

Crossed Keys 16
The Adventure:

Opening scene:
Our first scene opens in media res. Our cell of Crossed Keys are in pur-
suit of an Insectum Vir, A horrid monstrosity of insects, which wears
the skin of a man. They are chasing the creature along the slate rooftops
of Verona in the dead of night.
This is a chance for your players to get to play with their character's
skills and stunts. You want them to feel like expert hunters while also
setting up the dark tone of the adventure, injuries should feel visceral,
fights dangerous. Mechanically this scene shouldn't be too dangerous to
the characters but it should feel dangerous enough.
Another goal of this scene is to start to form relationships between
the characters, and if the players are interested, to declare a few of their
additional aspects.

Scene Aspects:
Steep slate rooftops; Narrow streets; Middle of the Night;
The end of a long hunt.;
For the scene use relative zones to simulate the chase. Some zones are
used to describe the lane in which the characters are chasing, the others
describe how close they are to the Insectum Vir. A character occupies
two zones, where they are and how close. The Insectum Vir only occu-
pies one zone, as the distance zones are measured off of it.
To attack the Insectum Vir in close combat the character has to be
in its location and the Near the Quarry zone. To an attack from range, it
needs to be in a location that makes sense and at least behind the quarry.
Changing zones requires a roll using a suitable approach. As usual,
characters can only move one zone at a time. The difficulty of moving
into a new zone should range from +1 to +3 with the occasional +4. Deter-
mine the difficulty based on the current narration of the chase and how
the characters are moving about.

The Adventure 17
At the end of each round have all the characters roll against
the Insectum Vir haste. Failure puts them one distance zone back,
or two if its failure by 3 or more shifts. (Example: the Insectum Vir
rolls 5 shifts, Antonio rolls 4 shifts. He falls back from Near the Quarry,
to Behind the Quarry)
The characters begin on the Rooftops and Behind the Quarry, the mon-
ster is on the Rooftops.
Rooftops Near the Quarry
Street Behind the Quarry
In the buildings. Almost out of sight.

GM tip: Chases can be tricky.

Keep the scene exciting and fast with the narration. Chases
can easily turn into roll offs if you're not careful. Give detail
to the twists and turns and the environment. Also, use
those descriptions to add difficulty or ease to actions. Mix
it up every few rounds, throw in, busy streets, gang fights,
or broken down buildings etc.

Don't have time for this scene? Cut it and start with the
Murder of Mainardo Abiate.

The Adventure 18
The Murder of Mainardo Abiate:
Several weeks have passed since our heroes hunted down the Insectrum
Vir. A letter from the Vatican has arrived, assigning the hunters to a new
task in their central hub of Venice. The letter provides some details of the
current event but leaves the hunters wishing they knew much more.

What they know so far:

• There has been an outbreak of the plague, which is currently being
contained and kept quiet from the public, though with only marginal
success as rumors begin to spread like wildfire.
• Salvador Bassadora a member of the Council of Ten, was found dead
with symptoms of the plague, but it seemed strange...different.
• Doge Nicolò Contarini and his spies believe the plague is an attack
from the enemies of the Republic of Venice.
• Lucretia Calvacanti has been assigned to aid the Hunters. She is in the
service of the Doge.

The characters will meet Lucretia Calvacanti in one of their safe houses.
She arrives and informs the Cell they must act, as another death has oc-
curred among the officials of Venice. This morning Mainardo Abiate, the
harbormaster, has been found dead.

Scene Aspects:
Smells of death; A scene of chaos; Nervous and anxious guards.
The characters arrive at the office of Mainardo Abiate, overlooking the
Venice harbor. The office is locked down by the town watch, those inside
the room wear plague masks. Fidan Dosti, is the watchman in charge of
the investigation and is initially suspicious of the characters but can be
convinced to trust the group.
Once allowed inside, the Crossed Keys can begin the investigation
of the harbormaster's death. The office has been ransacked, the body
of the Mainardo lays on the floor, moved there by the watch. The body
shows signs of the bubonic plague, boils, sores, and swollen spots. How-
ever it appears dry, almost a husk with no moisture to be seen, giving it a
haunted emaciated appearance.
Handle the investigation like a challenge.
• Roll to determine how the Watch has tampered with the murder scene.
• Roll to determine the cause of death Mainardo Abiate.

The Adventure 19
• Roll to determine why the room was ransacked.

The players may have other ideas of what they want to look for. Depend-
ing on how their character goes about their actions give them a passive
obstacle rating between 2-4.

Clues and Twists:

The character can find a handful of clues at the murder scene to help
them on their way.
• Mainardo Abiate shows signs of a struggle. Claw marks can be seen
on his left arm, where he was gripped by something with sharp nails.
• He shows no signs of where the moisture went, no puncture wounds
or otherwise.
• Several documents have been stolen from the manifest. Namely the
section of the harbor log listing ships that arrived about a month ago
is gone.
• The mirrors in the room are shattered but are out of the way of any
conflict that occurred.

Should the characters fail the roll, don’t deny them all the information.
A dead end at the start is just bad storytelling. Instead, add complicated
twists to their adventure. Some examples could be:

• One of the guards is working for Lorenzo Zani, and he reports back
about the Cell.
• Someone tries to cover up the crime scene by starting a fire.
• A sensation of evil overcomes one of the characters forcing a moment
of hysterics.
• One of the guards is showing signs of the plague, stopping the inves-
tigation short.

The cell should have some ideas about where to go after this. They can
search around to figure out about what ships came into the harbor during
the missing dates; they could go to the quarantine zone to learn more
about the plague and its victims, or even do research into what connects
Salvador Bassadora and Mainardo Abiate.
Whatever path they choose, the hunt has begun. From here on out
use the Hunting Track.

The Adventure 20
The Hunting Track:
The heart of what Crossed Keys do is hunt monsters. To help repre-
sent the narrative of a hunt, we use the Hunting Track. This simulates the
ups and downs of pursuing your quarry: the discovery of information,
the striking of blows, damage mitigation and flushing the beast and its
allies out into the open. Narratively it’s not interesting for the characters
to simply lose track of their quarry, but similarly dispatching it too soon
takes away from the rising tension. This system is designed to build the
Hunt towards a satisfying climactic confrontation, while also putting
pressure on the hunters.

The Hunting Track

Hunt Aspect Hunt Aspect Hunt Aspect

Pursuit Scenes:Both the hunters and the monster have an identical

track. Each stress box represents a moment in the hunt, specifically
a scene in which the hunters are taking active moves against the monster.
These could be investigations of crime scenes, tracking the beast, looking
for information, fighting the monsters allies, etc. Upon the completion
of each scene determine if its outcome was successful for the hunters or
for the monster, and mark it on the track. We’re always moving along
the track together, so if a hunter marks the first box, they move on to the
second, while the monster does not mark the first but could mark the
second, etc.
Pivotal Scenes: Marked by are important moments in the
narrative, think of them as major plot points. Look back on the hunting
track whoever has the most victories so far will decide on what the Pivot-
al Scene is. This could look like the hunters setting a trap for the monster,
or discovering its current lair. Or it could be the heroes having to deal
with a sudden twist against them, or needing to prevent the monster
from achieving one of its nefarious goals.

The Adventure 21
Play the Pivotal Scene like any other. Decide who came out
on top. This victor gets to declare new a Hunt Aspect, representing
the current nature of the hunt. This aspect can be used like any other and
compelled to move the story in new and interesting directions. Addi-
tionally, at the end of each Pivotal Scene, each of the characters should
receive a significant Milepost.
sters main plans.
Once the final pivotal
scene has been filled out. It is Example Hunt Aspects:
time for the finale of the hunt. A unraveling Plot.
The story has built to a head Sickness spreads.
and at this point, the final scene Unexpected allies.
should fall into place. If what
A looming betrayal
the finale should be is not clear,
take a moment to discuss it at Mounting tensions in the city.
the table. Whatever the finale Dangerous to be in the streets.
is, it should be the final show- A shipment of Hunting Supplies.
down with the Crossed Keys A legion of Thralls.
and the monster they are hunt-
Do all scenes need to
connect directly to The Hunting
Track? Not at all! Interpersonal
drama, side adventures, or distractions can make for their own scenes
and don't need to build towards the results on the Hunting track. It’s also
totally possible for a divergent scene suddenly to connect and become a
Hunting Track scene if it seems to work in the narrative that either the
relationship of the hunters or the monster would be affected.

The Adventure 22
Blood in the Canals:
The following lays out the objectives, plans, and actions of the forces
at work in Venice. Let these guide the Hunting Track and the information
uncovered by the Crossed Keys.
Lorenzo Zani:
Lorenzo has turned against the republic for a considerable amount of
wealth. The Ottoman empire has hired him
to cause destruction and mayhem in Venice in
hopes to destabilize the republic.
The Ottomans have provided Lorenzo access
to a powerful supernatural Demon, Ekima.
Upon releasing it, Lorenzo has used the beast
to target his enemies.
Lorenzo had confided in Salvador Bassa-
dora, an old friend and member of the Council
of Ten. However, when it became obvious Sal-
vador was not willing to join the plot, Lorenzo
sent Ekima to deal with him.
The second target Mainardo Abiate, the Har-
bormaster, was killed as a means to cover up
the ship San Carlo, which held the payment
from the Ottomans and the Urn containing
Lorenzo is so far unaware that he is los-
ing control of Ekima. He is planning a strike
against the Doge using the Demon and his
hired mercenaries at the Carnival of Venice,
while also trying to get his recent wealth from
the Ottomans out of the city inconspicuously
as possible.

Ivan Dvorkin and the

The company of mercenaries called Ivan’s
Hounds are currently in the employ of Loren-
zo Zani. Run by the morally bankrupt Ivan,
the mercenaries have been hired to Ransack
Mainardo Abiate’s office, and currently are in
possession of the manifest detailing the cargo
of the San Carlo.

The Adventure 23
The company is working out a plan to smuggle Lorenzo’s wealth
out of the city and setting the foundations for his attack at the Carni-
val. The company doesn't realize they are working in part for the Otto-
mans, their leader likely wouldn't care. Once the Crossed Keys involve-
ment is known, the mercenaries are told to get rid of them.

The Vatican:
While the Vatican has sent aid to Venice, it is weighing its options. If Ven-
ice is weakened by the plot, it could mean more power for the Vatican,
ending years of defiance from
Venice. But if the Ottomans gain
control, the Vatican loses a strong
ally in any conflicts it has with
the East. Either way, the Vatican’s
primary concern is for its own
power, and not the well being of
the people.

The Demon Ekima:

Emika is weak, exhausted from its
captivity. With its recent release, its
primary goal is to regain its former
strength. Its second goal is to spread
chaos. The Republic stands as a bea-
con of order and modern civilization,
an ideal which Ekima desires to see
To that end, it is working with Lo-
renzo Zani, for now. It is bound to
Lorenzo via a promise made upon its release, however, its wording was careful
and deliberate, and Ekima now waits for Lorenzo’s usefulness to end. Once this
happens it will enthrall him. However, it first plans to use the coming Carnival as
an opportunity to strike the city at large.
For now, Ekima grows its strength by feasting in the quarantine zone and growing
a brood of Ghūls.

The Adventure 24
Pursuit Scenes:
The following are some ideas for pursuit scenes that you can use
throughout the adventure. These scenes focus on the investigation and
the hunt for the monster Ekima and discovery of the plot of Lorenzo
Zani. Use them how you like or let them inspire you to make your own.

The Missing Ship

Lorenzo Zani has gone to lengths to remove evidence of the existence
of a ship San Carlo This ship brought the Urn holding Ekima and the
payment of Lorenzo to Venice. This shipment was collected by Lorenzo
Zani’s hired mercenaries.
Scene mechanic: A challenge showing the steps and montage of ex-
ploring and asking around the docks could handle this scene well.
Twists and complications:
• Thugs or mercenaries are hired to remove the Cell or get them to aban-
don the hunt.
• Asking too many questions agitates local criminals and smugglers,
making enemies for the Cell.
• The search is almost impossible, there is no memory of such a ship - as
if it had been wiped from the collective memory of the docks. What
few hints remain are faded and twisted.
Possible leads:
• The name of the mercenary company, Ivan’s Hounds.
• Learn about a massive amount of money and wealth that came into Venice via
the ship.

Research and Deductions:

Eventually one or multiple characters will want to do some research. This
could be arcane or occult in nature, or scientific or early forms of crimi-
nal theory. Whatever the case, the Cell might take time to try and piece
together the information they have, or find more through research.

Scene mechanic: Researching should be an overcome action, howev-

er, it takes time. Often this should be an Intellect or Precise roll at DL 4
or higher depending on the goal of the research. If they are using Swift
it should be at least an additional +2 DL. Specify how much time this
research might take, hours to even days. This might mean a hunter needs
to sit out of a scene as they are off researching, such is the cost of time.

The Adventure 25
Twists and complications:
Not finding out infor-
mation is probably the Gm tips: Research...scary?
worst result of a failure. It's easy to feel like research can slow
Instead, try: down the action and give away too
• The research takes much too soon. There are some ways
longer than expected. to shake up research. For example, you
Delaying the pursuit could run it as a challenge instead of a
further. simple roll.
• You don't find the info You could also represent the knowl-
you wanted, but you edge gained by running a flashback
learn where it is and it scene. This is a good way to add ten-
won't be easy to get. sion and weight to a discovery. Similar-
• An act of sabotage ly, don't forget if they are researching
destroys your work. the monster, success also builds the
However whoever did Monster Pool. This is a great device to
it left behind a clue… build foreboding, make sure you use
• The process has been the power of description to add a sense
stressful and exhaust- of dread to these new discoveries.
ing. Long hours leave
you weary and tired:
take two stress.

A Warning:
Lorenzo Zani’s patience for the investigation has run out. Fearful that the
Crossed Keys are getting close to discovering his involvement, he sends
mercenaries to get rid of them. The thugs find the Crossed Keys at an
inconvenient moment, perhaps at rest, traveling the city, or investigating
a murder.

Scene mechanic: Run the scene as a conflict. Make sure to add some
flavor to the scene with zones and possible hazards like Crossbowmen
from the rooftops.

Twists and complications:

• The Watch tries to break up the brawl, aiming to arrest both sides.
• The fight causes major damages to the city, drawing the ire of the Re-
public, or even creating new enemies for the Cell.

The Adventure 26
Possible leads:
• Learn Lorenzo Zani hired the mercenaries. Or one of his middlemen
did so.
• One of the mercs helped offload the contents of the ship, spilling de-
• They learn where Ivan’s Hounds, headquarters are. Or if they haven't
learned about the Ivan Hounds yet, learn who they are.

Ivan’s Hounds GM Tips: Go for the head?

The Hound's barracks are
You might ask why, once they hear that Lo-
found on the north side of
renzo Zani is involved, do they not imme-
Castello district, it doubles
diately deal with him or tell the Doge?
as a crude distillery used
Taking down Lorenzo should be a pivotal
by locals for drinking.
scene and if the players aren't there yet,
The distillery is filled with
some things may be in the way.
mercenaries and locals
Given the rocky history between Venice
alike - a tricky place to
and the Vatican, they need to tread light-
infiltrate. However, Ivan
ly. Throwing around accusations without
Dvorkin, the captain of
evidence could make enemies or spur un-
the company, has paper
wanted political conflict.
records of his deal with
Furthermore by now, the Crossed Keys
Lorenzo Zani, perfect
expect supernatural elements at play, re-
vealing their hand too early may lose any
element of surprise they have on their side.
Scene mechanic:
Depending on the charac-
ters choices this could be run in different ways. If the Cell comes in look-
ing for a fight or to intimidate the Hounds, this could be a conflict. If they
try a stealthy approach, you could run a Contest Under Fire, where the
characters try to fill out a contest track, but “attacks” come in the form of
watchful guards, sleeping dogs, etc.

Twists and complications:

• Maybe Ivan’s Hounds have some Ghūls chained up in the basement.
They’re trying to train them, and some get loose.
• Ivan has paid off the local watch and is being protected by them.
• Ivan has gone mad from his time with the Urn of Ekima.

The Adventure 27
Possible leads:
• The contract between Ivan Dvorkin and Lorenzo Zani. Outlining
his men's involvement in the plot. This should be enough evidence to
go against Lorenzo Zani.
• Removing the shipment from the San Carlo.
• The ransacking and removal of shipping manifest from Mainardo
Abiate. (note not for his murder, but for after his death.)
• Plans / signs of upcoming job of setting a fire to the quarantine barri-

The Quarantine Zone

A small section of Venice has been locked off by the Watch, located in the
Cannaregio district adjacent to the Jewish Ghetto. The Watch denies entrance and
exit from this zone to protect the city at large. Inside the quarantine, plague and
rats roam free. Many seek to hide away from the pestilence. At night the Beast
Ekima and its and Ghūls wander the darkness, feeding. This area also has a large
Jewish population, some of the households marked by Hebrew wards are spared
from the plague, for now.

Scene Mechanic: This scene could be run as a challenge showing the in-
vestigation and tracking in the district.
Twists and Complications:
• Someone has informed the guards not to allow the Cell within the quarantine
zone. Now they must convince the Watch, or sneak in.
• A group of survivors desperately try and break the quarantine, do the Crossed
Keys help or stop them?
• The Cell runs into a swarm of rats and must escape or risk the plague them-
Possible leads:
• Evidence of corpses being gnawed upon. Signs of Ghūl infestation in the
quarantine zone.
• Some families bearing Hebrew wards on their home have not been infected
by the plague.
• Rumors and stories of a Hideous and sickly creature who walks the district at

The Adventure 28
Pivotal Scenes:
The following are some premade possibilities for Pivotal Hunt
scenes. These scenes should be big and important, it is likely in your tell-
ing of the story they will vary from those presented here. But these may
provide inspiration.

The Arrest of Lorenzo Zani:

The time has come for the Crossed Keys to move against Lorenzo. They
have enough evidence of his plot. With whatever aid they have mustered,
they move to arrest him at his estate. Lorenzo, however, won't come easi-

Scene Aspects:
Teaming with hired swords, Luxurious manor,
Pools of lantern light,

Scene mechanics:
Conflict. Lorenzo’s personal guards will try and defend him as long as
they can. Build the manor to have a lower floor and upper floor, and a
back patio that leads out to the canals.
Blocks: Locked doors +3

Twists and complications:

• Lorenzo is already a thrall to Ekima.
• Lorenzo has been granted strange powers from his master.
• A swarm of rats controlled by Ekima attempt to protect Lorenzo.
• Lorenzo has committed suicide before the hunters can get to him.

The Adventure 29
Purging the Ghuls:
The threat of the Ghūls must finally be dealt with. The Crossed Keys
have found the location of their current nest in a series of flooded tunnels
beneath Santa Croce. This hive of tunnels is rank with rotting corpses and
foul sewage, the perfect place for Ghūls to hide during the day.

Scene Aspects:
Dank and dark, Flooded with foul water, Confusing maze of
Scene Mechanics:
This should be a conflict, spread out over a variety of zones. A straight-
up fight will be hard for the Crossed Keys, though not impossible.
However finding a way to make the tunnels cave in may be a far more
interesting conflict than a slaughter. If they try to seal the sewers, set up
a stress track or a countdown that they must deal with while fending off
the Ghūls. Here are some blocks, hazards and distraction tools to use in
zones throughout the lair.

Blocks: Flooded Tunnel +4, (Weapon +2.)

Hazards: Rushes of water +2
(Weapon +2),
Ghul tunnel: Spend a fate point to
create a mob of Ghūls equal to the
players on this zone.

Visceral aspects:
Nauseating corpse feeding pile +4
Food Stock
Opposition: Good (+3)
Choice: Do you rescue the people
being held in the tunnels for food?
Repercussion (leave them): heir
screams will haunt you for the rest of
your life.
Repercussion (save them): A handful
of Ghūls escape, to serve their master
at a later time at a later time.

The Adventure 30
Ekima’s Lair:
The demon has made its current lair within a decrepit building inside
the quarantine zone. This dilapidated husk, stands three stories tall.
Once home to a merchant family now fallen on ill times, the house is now
blighted by water damage and rat infestation. In several rooms, the de-
mon has arrayed its victims in strange unnerving displays. Ekima lurks
here gaining strength building an army of Thralls and Ghūls.

Scene Aspects:
Strange and unnerving shadows, Rotting water damage, Vile
magic lingers here
Scene Mechanics: Ekima is likely not yet at full strength. It will avoid
direct confrontation for as long as possible. Stalking through the shad-
ows and letting its Rats and Thralls do the attacking. Ekima will strike
only when it sees it has the advantage but also takes a sick enjoyment
in toying with its hunters. Setup some traditional zones to represent the
lair, but include a zone called Hidden in darkness. This zone is techni-
cally connected to every zone that is not well lit, allowing for Ekima to
move quickly about the lair, almost impossibly swift and slippery. Smart
hunters might use fire, or other sources of light to illuminate the lair and
prevent such movement.
Hazards: Falling debris +2 (weapon 2)
Visceral aspects: Grotesque displays of bodies +3

A Grande Finale: The masque of death

At long last, the battle between the Crossed Keys and Ekima has come to
a head. Look to the hunting track and see which side has claimed Pivotal
scene victories. If it is Ekima, the hunters enter this scene in the last ditch
effort to stop the Demons plans. If it is the Hunters, they come into this
scene ready for the final showdown, a trap for Ekima and its plan.
Despite the outbreak and any reports the Doge has received of the
situation he has decided to not cancel the yearly Carnival Masquerade,
in hopes to avoid panic and lift the spirits of the people. Ekima has no in-
terest in the Doge himself anymore, but only to spread plague and chaos
- and what better occasion than this mass masked gathering?
Ekima and its remaining Thralls (and Ghūls, if any survive) are
sneaking into the Festival at San Marco square, a process made easy by
the masquerade. If Lorenzo and Ivan’s Hounds are still in the picture,
throw some mercenaries into the scene as well. If Ekima cannot get
time to do the ritual, it will face off against the hunters, angry and an-

The Adventure 31
noyed with their interference. At this point in the adventure, the
Crossed Keys should know Ekima’s weakness. As such, this is likely
a fight to the death but other results can happen if they are more dramat-
ically interesting.
Scene Aspects:
The crush of humanity, Crowds of the masked and beautiful, Lit
by lantern light, The precipice of disaster. Hidden in costumes.

Scene Mechanics: Run this scene as a conflict, with plenty of compli-

cations. Be sure to list a good amount of zones.

Plague summoning:
First trigger: Ekima creates an aspect with sorcery,
Insidious spell ritual.
Remaining Triggers: Mark a box for every uninterrupted round.
Result: If unstopped Ekima Releases a plague affecting everyone at the
Ekima is planning to release the plague through a spell in or near
the square. The spell is represented by a countdown. Stopping the ritual
is simple enough. After one round that Ekima is not performing the ritu-
al, the countdown erases a mark every turn after.

Fleeing Crowds (weapon 2) Fair +2: Once a fight breaks out the crowds
will panic. Once around, if anyone is in a zone filled with Citizens they
get hit by this hazard.

Dense Crowds +3: These areas are so thick with people, entering this
zone requires a DL +3, otherwise you are unable to enter.

Canals +6: Long stretches of water make it nearly impossible to cross this
Zones: Some ideas for zones in your Finale.

Canal Canal packed with Bridge over the canal

Back Ally Dance floor Dark building
Food stalls Stage Overlooking Balcony

The Adventure 32
NPC’s and Adversaries:

Allies and faces of Venice:

Lucretia Calvacanti:
Lucretia is one of the Doge’s spies and a gifted one at that. Not born from
nobility or wealth, Lucretia learned to use subterfuge, wit, and charm to
make her way in life. Twenty-two years of age, Lucretia now acts as one
of the many spies in the doge's network. She has been assigned to the
Crossed Keys, to help them where she can, but also to monitor them. The
Vatican and Venice have a history of disagreements, many of which have
only recently been put to rest. While will-
ing to help, Lucretia also fears the Crossed
Keys may have ulterior motives.

High Concept:
Talented Spy of the Doge.
Terrible swimmer.
Additional Aspects:
Assigned to keep an eye on the Crossed Keys
Supporter of the Anti-Papal movement.

Approaches Stress & Conditions

Style:+2 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +1 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Swift: +2
Precise: +1
Cunning: +3
Learned: +0

Cunning Evasion: Once per scene, when you successfully defend against an attack
with Swift, you may roll to create an advantage with cunning as a free action.

Adversaries 33
Fidan Dosti:
A Serb who once served in the Stradioti mercenary company. Now
one of the watchmen of Venice. It was Fidan who discovered Mainardo
Abiate and seeks to bring the murderer to justice. While past his fighting
prime, Fidan is smart and skilled and has a strong sense of honor. He is
haunted by the deeds of his past and seeks to make amends in his service
to the Republic. Around his neck is a necklace of defaced ducats, a re-
minder of every head he took during his time in the Stradioti.

High Concept:
Grizzled lieutenant of the watch
Haunted by a history of violence.
Additional Aspects:
Family caught in quarantine
A stich in time saves nine.

Approaches Stress & Conditions

Style: +0 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +3 Wounded (sticky) [2]
Swift: +2 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Precise: +2
Cunning: +1
Learned: +1

Dirty fighter: You're alive because you don't fight fair. When you create
a situation aspect showing off your dirty fighting, gain an additional free

Patrolmen and guards that keep law and order in the City of Venice.
Aspects: Watchmen on Patrol
Fair (+2): Keeping law and order, Fighting
Average (+1): Chasing, searching
Stress: [1] [1] [1]

Adversaries 34
Jothem Meldola:
Jothem is a leader in the Jewish community of Venice, and worked
as a dock hand. Jothem decided to stay with the part of the community
cut off by quarantine. A dangerous choice, but he aims to help those he
can and keep spirits high. When the Crossed Keys enter the Quarantine,
Jothem will find them quickly, anyone allowed past the guards might be
able to bring aid, and help with the strange happenings.

High Concept:
Trusted community leader.
Old injury from the docks.
Additional Aspects:
Determined to the point of self detriment.
Everyone deserves a second chance or two.

Approaches Stress & Conditions

Style: +2 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +2 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Swift: +0
Precise: +3
Cunning: +1
Learned: +1

Appeal to the better: Your willingness to see
the best in people grants you +2 when trying to
convince them to a cause.

Citizens of the Republic

Aspects: Venetian Citizen
Fair (+2): Rumors and information
Average (+1): Keeping out of harm’s way
Stress: [1] [1]

Adversaries 35
You might call Ekima a Vampyr, in fact, it fits the description rather well.
Though unlike Hollywood's interpretations, Ekima was never human. It
is as ancient as the oldest civilizations, one of the Seven Demons of Meso-
potamia, great baleful evils of the ancient times.

Raging storms, evil gods are they

Ruthless demons, who in heaven’s vault were created, are they,
Workers of evil are they,
They lift up the head to evil, every day to evil
Destruction to work.
Of these seven the first is the South wind...
The second is a dragon, whose mouth is opened...
That none can measure.
The third is a grim leopard, which carries off the young ...
The fourth is a terrible Shibbu ...
The fifth is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not to flee,
The sixth is a rampant ... which marches against god and king.
The seventh is a storm, an evil wind, which takes vengeance.
-The devils and evil spirits of Babylonia: the Seven Evil Spirits.

Ekima is the Sixth of these demons. An agent of chaos and destruction.

Thousand of years ago the creature was bound and forced to serve the
great magician, Solomon. Under his power, the beast helped build Sol-
omon’s temple. After which Solomon banished the beast casting it into
ash and placed in a magically warded Urn. The beast, locked away in the
Holy Land, went undisturbed until it was found during the Crusades
and taken to Constantinople. There it was found by the Ottomans, and in
their keep it waited til they had learned of its ancient truth.
Now Ekima has been released to the world once again by Lorenzo
Zani. Ekima currently is weak, or at least by its standards. The creature
has taken a withered mockery of a human form, more akin to a corpse
than a man or woman. But in this state, it is still very dangerous and com-
mands magic beyond that of most mortal sorcerers. After a mere week of
wakefulness, the demon has begun to the spread of the plague, delighted
by the chaos and damage it has wrought across Europe over the last few
hundred years. A perfect environment for the demon to regain power
once more. The beast takes sustenance from human life, feeding upon
mortals and leaving its victims lacking all moisture - brittle like burnt

Adversaries 36
Discovery and Monster Pool: Start the game with Ekima’s aspects
and powers hidden from the players. As they discover more about
the demon, slowly reveal more and more. Each time an element of Ek-
ima’s sheet is revealed add a fate point to the monster pool. These can
only ever be spent by Ekima and represents its growing power. Note:
Characters will first become aware of Ekima’s aspects as they are present-
ed in parentheses on it’s sheet - that is, how it first appears to the human
senses. It will take further investigation by these expert hunters to reveal
Ekima’s true nature (and true aspects).
Additionally, some of Ekima’s powers are locked until the passing
of Pivotal scenes in the hunt. These are marked by a *. The number of *
represents the number of pivotal scenes needed to pass before Ekima can
use the power. This represents its growing power over time.

High Concept:
(Unnatural murder) Sixth devil Demon of Mesopotamia.
Theme: The embodiment of the eventual destruction of civilization,
chaos.The representation of the lure toward the selfish and destructive
nature of mortals.
Purpose: Obtain vengeance through pestilence of chaos.
Vulnerability: Weak to Kabbalah magic.
Additional Aspects:
Cruel as it is cunning
(Hideous and sick) A form in mockery of death.
Seeking to regain strength
Approaches: Stress & Conditions:
Style: +3 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +3 Angered(fleeting) [2]
Swift: +4 Vengeful (sticky) [4]
Precise: +4 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Cunning: +5 Doomed (lasting) [6]
Learned: +3
Sorcery: +4 Unique Conditions:
Domination(Sticky) [ ][ ][ ]
***Demonic form(fleeting) [ ]

Drain: If Ekima deals a condition to a target via an attack using touch it
may begin the recovery of a condition of equal or lower severity to the
one taken by their opponent or gain a free invoke on its high concept to
represent the surge of energy it gets from feeding.

Adversaries 37
Dominate: By making eye contact and using dark magic Ekima
can exert its will upon mortals. Roll Sorcery vs the target’s Precise to
create an aspect Enthralled on its target. The monster can check boxes
of Domination instead of spending fate points to compel or invoke En-
thralled to make a nearby victim do its bidding. The monster must rest
or feed to clear out its Domination boxes.

Indestructible: When taken out, it can’t be killed unless the final attack
invokes its vulnerability aspect. Instead of dying, Ekima turns into a dark
mist and flees the scene and then returns when the PCs least expect it.
Each player in the conflict gains a fate point at the end of the scene. On its
return, the monster clears its stress and recovers any sticky conditions it
has taken—except those taken from attacks that invoked one of its vul-

* Insidious Incantations: Your words alone can cause a mortal’s mind to

suffer. You can attack a zone away using Sorcery.

**Summoner: By spending a fate point Ekima can call upon a Swarm of

Rats, a few Thralls, or a Ghūl.

***Transform: Ekima takes on its ancient form. A not-serpent, bearing

fleshy wings, and eyes of fire and shadow. The length of five men laid
out. It has three approaches in
this form Fly, Crush, and Feed.
One is rated a step above Eki-
ma’s apex skill, one is one lower,
and the other is two lower. It
gains an invoke on its high con-
cept when it transforms.

Adversaries 38
Insectum Vir
This amalgamation of insects takes the shape of a human form. It
attempts to try and hide its mass with human flesh and clothes, but a
terrible clicking and its crawling skin make this difficult. This beast is the
creation of wicked magic gone awry.

High Concept: Swarm of bugs in human flesh.

Trouble: Fears fire.
Additional Aspects: That terrible clicking.

Approaches Stress & Conditions

Style: +2 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +2 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Swift: +3
Precise: +1
Cunning: +0
Learned: -1

Swarm: Any attack that doesn’t invoke the swarm’s vulnerability to fire
or other area affect deals a maximum of one shift of stress.

Disperse and collect: By spending a fate point the Swarm can break
apart and reform in a zone of its choice.

Swarm of Rats (mob)

Hundreds maybe thousands of unnaturally vicious rats. Covered in mat-
ted hair, cancerous sores and plagued boils. Their eyes gleaming in the
darkness of the Venice streets.

Heaving swarm of Rats; Filthy and plagued
Skills Stress & Conditions
Fair (+2): Swarming, Climbing and running [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
Average (+1): Bites and scratches

Swarm: Any attack that doesn’t invoke the swarm’s vulnerability to fire
or other area affect deals a maximum of one shift of stress.
A Thousand mouths: Rat swarms can attack everyone in their zone.

Adversaries 39
This poor soul’s mind is under the sway of Ekima. Now they serve
the demon’s every whim without a mind for themselves. Feverishly loy-
al, these Thralls lose all sense of their former selves

Fanatic Thrall, Strangely Strong, The Master Before All Else.
Skills: Stress & Conditions
Fair (+2): Fighting for their master [1][1][1]
Average (+1): Spying, Hiding and blending in.

Vessel of evil: Spend a Fate Point and Ekima may speak through their
Thrall. Roll Ekima Sorcery to make a mental attack through the thrall.

Unnatural stalkers of the night. Ghūls are lesser demons born from the
flesh of the dead and dark sorcery. These creatures are human-like in ap-
pearance. With grey-greenish flesh, elongated spindly limbs, thin wispy
tufts of hair and terrible claws. They are most notable for their hyena-like
Stress & Conditions
High Concept: Cackling Flesh Eater. Stress: [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Additional Aspects: Frenzy (Fleeting) [ 2 ]
Deadly Humanoid Carnivore. In Peril (sticky): [4]
Uncontrollably Ravenous.
Fair (+2): Biting and Clawing, Invoking fear, moving unseen
Average (+1): Howling, swimming

Tooth and claw: Bites and scratches are treated as having a weapon
rating (1).
Unslowing menace: These creatures are not slowed by situation aspects
that would hinder movement.

Adversaries 40
Lorenzo Zani
Born to a powerful family with a history on the Council of Ten, Lo-
renzo runs a merchant company in the exotic spice trade.
A few years back Lorenzo lost his position on the Council of Ten
when illegal contraband was found on his ships. The scandal still haunts
him, making his life difficult even today. A year back Lorenzo was trying
to establish some trade deals with Constantinople during a time of peace
when he was approached by Ottoman agents. Promises of revenge, riches
and a life in Constantinople fueled his choice to betray the Republic of

High Concept: Corrupt Merchant.

Trouble: A Soiled Reputation.
Additional Aspects:
Nursing a Grudge Against the Ten.
Who Can I Trust But Myself?
Style:+1 Stress & Conditions
Bold: +0 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Swift: +1 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Precise: +2
Cunning: +3
Learned: +2

Silver Tongue: When Lorenzo creates an advantage to motivate his
Guards the aspect created gains another free invocation.
Side arm: Lorenzo carries a pistol that can attack a zone away and has
weapon rating 2.

Adversaries 41
Ivan Dvorkin
Ivan is Captain of Ivan’s Hounds, a small mercenary band that has
made its home in Venice. Ivan has cut his teeth as a mercenary captain
willing to take almost any job. As long as the money is good, he’ll fulfill
the contract, whatever or whomever it might involve.

High Concept: Morally Bankrupt Captain

Trouble: A Drunkard Brute
Additional Aspects:
Carry a Big Stick
Coin is the Only Law I Obey
Approaches Stress & Conditions
Style:+2 [1][1][1][1][1][1]
Bold: +3 Wounded (Sticky)[4]
Swift: +2 In Peril (sticky): [4]
Precise: +1
Cunning: +1
Learned: +0

Knockback: When you succeed with style on an attack with Fight, you
may choose to reduce the value of your hit by one in order to move your
opponent one zone, provided there are no situation aspects impeding
this movement.
Savage attacks: you can gain +2 to bold when attacking, but you grant a
boost to your target after the attack.

These hardened soldiers make their living as paid fighters. Well supplied
and well trained, they are the backbone of the modern army.

Aspects: Hired Swords, Well Armored.

Skills: Stress & Conditions
Fair (+2): Melee Combat, Tough [1] [1] [1] [1]
Average( +1): chasing, searching, shooting
(optional)Crossbows: The Mercenary can attack from a zone away with
his crossbow.

Adversaries 42
Mercenary lieutenant
A veteran of a mercenary company. Years of battle experiences has
made this individual ready for almost anything

Mercenary Captain; Well armored
Skills: Stress & Conditions
Good (+3): Commanding [1] [1] [1] [1]
Fair (+2): Melee Combat, Firearms In Peril (sticky): [4]
Average( +1): Investigation, chasing

Pistol: The Mercenary can attack from a zone away with his pistol with a
weapon rating(2)

Adversaries 43
Game Master Information

Welcome to Venice
This adventure draws from historical events of Venice in the mid-17th century,
a period which might be foreign to some. This history is rife with political and
religious conflict. The following information is here to help set the stage for the
turmoil the characters step into.

The Republic of Venice (697–1797): A sovereign state in the

Northwest of Italy. The Republic would become famous for its vast trade
and economic empire, and then Europe would use its navy throughout
the Crusades.

The Ottoman Empire (1299–1923): A powerful Muslim empire that

emerged from Turkey, superseding the former Byzantine empire after claiming
Constantinople in 1453. Its empire would stretch throughout the Middle East,
Eastern Europe and even across Africa. It had off again on again wars with main-
land Europe and the Venetian Republic.

The Doge: An elected Chief Magistrate of the Republic of Venice. Often

from a family of the Venetian Aristocracy. In the early years of the re-
public, the Doge held considerable power in an autocratic government.
As the years went on more elected officials were added as a check as a
against the power of the Doge. Holding this station currently is Doge
Nicolò Contarini.

The Council of Ten: Formed in 1310; a powerful branch of the govern-

ment. Made up of ten elected officials from the Aristocracy, the Council worked
in secret and its mission was to watch for government corruption and protect the
republic. Their power has grown to the point of being perhaps the strongest arm
of the government. Rumors and cries for reform have come against the Council of
Ten, as suspicions arise of corruption within the Council itself.

Game Master 44
Relations between the Republic and the Vatican:
Venice has had a long history
of working autonomously
from the rule of Rome, often On Historical Accuracy
butting heads with the Papal History inspires a lot of the events in this
state. At the start of the 7th adventure. The Black Plague ravished Ven-
century, Rome and Venice ice from 1630 to 1631 and would kill over
came into conflict after Venice 46,000 people. Venice and the Ottoman
arrested two members of the Empire were on an uneasy peace that would
clergy for petty crimes and break out into the Cretan War (1645-1669).
enacted laws restricting the The Doge Nicolò Contarini was a real man
Church’s rights to own land. who died in 1631. All of these events would
Pope Sixtus IV placed an be right at the precipice of the eventual de-
interdict upon Venice and the cline of the Republic of Venice.
conflict threatened to start a The events that transpire in this game are
war, but negotiations helped fictional. Think of the monster Ekima, as
by France ended the military the twilight of the Republic of Venice, given
buildup before war broke out. monstrous form.
Don't feel obligated by any means to stick to
Veinican civil war: In history as is, but instead tell a good story.
the years leading up to the
current events, the reign of
the previous Doge, Giovanni Cornaro, was an uneasy one. Accusations
of corruption brought scandal and conflict to Venice. The Doge was
opposed by Renier Zen, a member of the Council of Ten, who saw the
dodge using his station to further his family’s agendas. Zen survived an
assassination attempt, (one assassin being the doge’s son), and Venice
quickly fell into two camps: Pro-Cornaro (which was also Pro-Papal due
to the Doge’s family's ties to the Vatican) or pro-Zen and Anti-Papal. Ri-
ots filled the streets and Venetian government control broke down, until
Cornaro’s death one year ago.

The Six Sestieri of Venice:

Venice is broken into six Sestieri (Districts). Here is a brief overview of

Cannaregio: This district is at the entrance to Venice and is primarily a

working-class living area. It also contains the Venetian Ghetto where Venice’s
Jewish residents live. Part of this district is quarantined when the Black Plague
breaks out.

Game Master 45
Castello: The largest of the Sestieri. Castello is the far eastern edge
of the city and is home to the Venetian docks and the navy. Filled with
dock workers, and ships coming and going.

Dorsoduro: The southernmost district of Venice. The Giudecca Canal

divides this district in two.

San Marco: One of the smaller but more memorable districts, San
Marco is the seat of the Venetian government and home to Piazza San

San Polo: The smallest and most central of the Sestieri. Home to Venice’s
main market and several plazas and churches. The beating heart of the city.

Santa Croce: Northwest district of Venice; home to some of the most

wealthy and powerful families of Venice as well as many churches.

Venice 1630 A.D

S an chele
e gio

Sa n P



Game Master 46
Tone and Themes:
Ekima is a manifestation of the powers that wish to destroy civiliza-
tion and human culture, an agent of chaos. He draws power from human
greed, hate and fear. These themes are outlined in the adversaries around
Ekima, and the struggles facing Venice. While the Crossed Keys main
mission is to fight the monster, the characters should grapple with these
thematic through lines.
Tonally, Blood in the Canals draws heavily from Gothic horror.
Dark gloomy nights, imposing architecture, all mixed in with the horrors
of the supernatural.
There is often beauty and romance in Gothic horror. When laying
out adventure, be sure to add such touches to each scene. Bask in the
beauty that is the city of Venice - its winding canals, breathtaking church-
es, colorful plazas, gorgeous costumes and the people who wear them.
By highlighting these beauties you will make the horror, gore and darker
elements of the story all the darker.
This period in history was a complicated one, as new ways of think-
ing, philosophies, sciences, and logic were starting to reshape the world,
all of which was contrasted by terrible acts of barbaric violence, religious
intolerance, and
rampant super-
stition. All of the A note on Religion:
above are strong This story draws on a time period rife with religious
themes and conflict and it draws heavily on that theme to build
motifs within its central conflict. We want to point out the circum-
classic horror stances of Judaism in particular. Where once Jews
fiction. We have were welcome in venice, The Jewish community of
attempted in the Venice was under increasing scrutiny and persecu-
game’s set up to tion during this period, and even more so when the
establish these plague arrived. You will also notice the Monster’s
elements in the great weakness is to ancient Hebrew Kabbalah mag-
world. ic. This was designed to heighten the theme of Ekima
as a destructive anti-cultural rot, given form. In a
city that has mistreated one of its communities, such
in-humanity has given strength to its own undoing.
However: Religion can be a hard topic and not
always welcoming at the table. By all means, if the
religious elements get in the way of fun, change them
as you see fit or don't include them.

Game Master 47
We see a sort of cold war between Vatican and Ottoman powers,
over a city struggling to uphold its views as it’s consumed by greed
and bigotry. In the middle, you have the Crossed Keys - an example of
egalitarian philosophy in practice. Yet the Order is so focused on pro-
tecting the world from supernatural evils, it may fail to notice the mortal
ones, leaving that hard task to the hearts and minds of the individuals
within its ranks.
The adversaries in this game are unquestionably evil, whether in a
supernatural sense or in a bankruptcy of morality. This adventure instead
finds its moral drama and conflicts not in the villains but in the allies
and people of Venice. The cast of NPCs come from varying viewpoints
and desires for the city. While willing to help the Crossed Keys they are
also the first to suffer from the choices and decisions characters make. As
such, the NPC’s should be used to set stakes, drama and dilemmas for
the characters.

A list of unique rules and mechanics for this adventure.

Scale: This adventure has three scales.

• Mundane: this is the scale of everyday affairs. Everything is assumed
to operate on Mundane unless noted.
• Dangerous: This is scale represents those of profound skill and talent
or things of extreme danger, likes explosives or mobs.
• Supernatural: This scale represents things of tremendous otherworld-
ly power. Monsters, demons, or powerful magic.

When applying scale to two opposing forces or individuals, compare

each side’s level and then apply one of the following benefits to whichev-
er is scaled higher:
• +1 per scale level to their action before the roll.
• +2 per scale level to the result after the roll if it succeeds.
• 1 free invocation per scale level on a successful advantage after the

Mobs and groups:NPC’s acting in mobs should use the basic tem-
plate for the NPC type and grant an additional two [1] stress boxes per
member of the mob. Mobs act on Dangerous Scale.

Game Master 48
Boosts: For expediency, we recommend removing the need to
name a boost. Boosts last for one round after they been granted and
disappear if not used. Boosts may last longer under noted circumstances,
or by GM choice.

Coping Conditions: Characters in Blood in the Canals use Coping

Conditions as a means to deal with the horrors they face. These condi-
tions while helpful at first, make life complicated for those who practice
them. When a character takes the physical or mental stress, their player
can check a coping condition to absorb stress in addition to a single stress
box. The severity of the condition is determined by if it is taken at sticky
or lasting. (Fate Horror toolkit pg 41)

• Obsessive Ritual (sticky or lasting): The character copes with their

distress and lack of control through specific rituals. Rituals can vary
from intricate or harmful religious prayers to more innocuous acts,
such as repeated actions. Someone might impulsively clean their weap-
ons, or constantly braid rope.
• Avoidance (sticky or Lasting): The character cannot engage with the
object of their trauma. Avoidance can take various forms, from actively
removing yourself from a situation that reminds you of the trauma,
shouting over others, closing your eyes or plugging ears. In extreme
version this might force the person to take drastic actions, pushing,
shoving and clawing at allies to avoid the trauma.
• Inappropriate Emotion (sticky or lasting): The character’s emotional
responses to sources of stress are mixed up. They might get irratio-
nally angry to overcome their fear, or fall into hysterical laughter or
uncontrollable crying. A fleeting version of this condition fades when
the stimulus is passed, while a sticky version needs to be resolved after
resting and having a chance to process complex emotional responses.
• Addictive tendencies(sticky or lasting): The character fights their fears
and traumas through addictive habits, anything to occupy the mind.
Alcohol, drugs, and sex are common addictive habits, others might
include overeating, or gambling. An extreme version will cause mas-
sive withdrawals for the character, making daily functions difficult and

Game Master 49
• Cold Detachment(Lasting): The character fights their fears
and traumas through addictive habits, anything to occupy the mind.
Alcohol, drugs, and sex are common addictive habits, others might in-
clude overeating, or gambling. An extreme version will cause massive
withdrawals for the character, making daily functions difficult and
tedious.adds one to the shift value of every gore attack they receive if
they’re in the same zone as someone with the condition checked.

Viscera/gore aspects: These represent the power of gore and viscer-

al violence on the mental psyche. These can be compelled against charac-
ters and some have skill ratings to do mental attacks. (Fate: horror toolkit
pg 45)

Monster pool: The main monster of this adventure Ekima, gets a

unique Fate point pool beyond the GM’s pool. This pool receives points
everytime the characters discover a new element about the monster. (Fate:
horror toolkit pg 59)
Additionally, some of Ekima’s stunts and conditions are unlocked
as the Hunting track is filled. These are marked on its sheet.

The Hunting Track: This is a new narrative pacing tool specifically

for the monster-of-the-week style adventure. The track helps add tension
between hunters and the monster while adding new unique spins to the
adventure. It helps build the game towards a three-act structure and ends
with a satisfying climactic scene. Details can be found on pg 21.

Game Master 50
Campaign length:
This adventure has been designed to take roughly three to four ses-
sions. The Hunting Track, as a pacing tool, leads towards a satisfying
climatic finale. It is possible to lengthen or shorten the adventure by
adding or removing Pursuit scenes on the track. We recommend not
adding too much more, for risk that it becomes bloated. If you desire a
one to two session game, removing a single pursuit scene in each sec-
tion of the hunt should be enough.
This adventure doesn’t need to end here. Should the characters
survive their ordeal in Venice, successful or not, there’s plenty of op-
portunities for their story to continue. Perhaps they will track down
the political plotters in the Ottoman Empire, or Lorenzo, if he escaped.
They could return to the Crossed Keys and begin a new hunt for a new
horror. By using the Hunting Track and looking to the Fate Horror
Toolkit, you’d have all the tools you need to make new unique hunts
for your cast of brave hunters.

Game Master 51
The Hunting Track
Hunt Aspect Hunt Aspect Hunt Aspect
Venice 1630 A.D
S an
Cannar e g i o

Sa n P


te l

l o
Blood In
Refresh Fate the Canals
Style High concept:

Bold Trouble:

Swift Other aspects:



Learned Mantle:


Stress: Conditions:

1 1 4 In Peril

6 Doomed
1 1 Coping Conditions:
1 1

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