5-The Opposing Function

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The Opposing Role of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality


What Is the Opposing Role?

The opposing role lies in the opposite direction of the dominant function of your personality
type. If you’re an ENFP, for example, your dominant function is Extraverted Intuition (Ne).
As a result, your Opposing Role would be Introverted Intuition (Ni). Where your dominant
function is the leader of the four valued functions in your psyche, the opposing role is the
leader of the unvalued/shadow functions. Mark Hunziker, author of “Depth Typology,” states
that the Opposing Role “feels like “Other,” rather than part of “Me,” and its behaviors are
usually uncouth or unacceptable.”

When your ego feels threatened or you feel frustrated, your Opposing Role can show up as a
defender from real or imagined threats. However, unlike the dominant function, which
shows up in a mature and heroic way, the Opposing Role is more oppositional, paranoid, or
passive-aggressive. This function can feel dull, banal, or lifeless to us.

When you’re using your Opposing Role function you can seem one-dimensional and
disinterested. You might behave like you’re completing a chore that has to be done, but you’d
rather not do it – and certainly not with precision.

We also are at risk of projecting our Opposing Role onto other individuals. Because we
experience the function as frustrating, distracting, and oppositional, we may perceive others
using this function in the same light.

For example, an INTJ with Opposing Role Extraverted Intuition might argue with an ENFP,
feeling like they are being oppositional with their alternative suggestions and insights. They
may think things like, “Why is she fighting with me on my insights?” “Why isn’t she treating
me with respect?” “Why is she making things so difficult?” “What’s her hidden agenda?”

The ENFP and ENTP – Oppositional Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Introverted Intuition is focused primarily on foreseeing implications, effects, and
transformations. Ni-dominant types (INJs) are gifted at predicting how things will evolve
over time. They are primarily focused on the ripple-effects of everything happening around

As an ENP personality type, you are focused on generating multiple alternatives through
Extraverted Intuition and extrapolating on those alternatives and ideas. You’re more
fascinated with creating options than narrowing them down. When you’re with someone who

is taking all your ideas and alternatives and sifting through them, you can feel like they are
being oppositional or condescending. “Why are you throwing out that idea?! That’s a good
one!” you might think. As you increasingly multiply new ideas and possibilities, and they
increasingly zone in on one, you might get annoyed that they won’t just enjoy the new ideas
you’re creating. As a result, you might occasionally see INJs as oppositional, patronizing, or
limited in their thinking.

Simultaneously, you might also experience Introverted Intuition in a destabilizing way. You
might lock onto a vision of something not working out the way you want. If you pick an idea
to build your life around, you can become stubborn about how you imagine it will unfold.
When people are arguing with you, you can easily sense how all their ideas and arguments
could be meaningless or futile in the end.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, ask yourself, “Am I anticipating the
long-term effects of something?” “Do I feel like this person is cutting out options that I want
to explore?” “Am I imagining an implication that the other person doesn’t see?”

Introverted Intuition isn’t always negative. It can show up in a positive way in your life. You
may easily sense how things might unfold or you might get sudden, “aha” insights about
future trends and patterns. In the end, the Opposing Role serves to keep your dominant
function from getting inflated. It also serves to protect your ego in stressful situations.

The INFJ and INTJ – Oppositional Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Extraverted Intuition explores connections and relationships between things that are
happening in the outside world. It is also focused on extrapolating new possibilities, seeing
things in new ways, and generating alternatives and multiple options. Ne-dominant types
(ENPs) are gifted at brainstorming, picking up on seemingly random relationships, and

As an INJ personality type, you are focused on zero-ing in on one singular, underlying
purpose or meaning behind things. You want to understand the “dance of the universe” and
predict how things will play out. As a result, multiplying options, and traveling down multiple
paths of possibility can seem pointless to you. You don’t want to be distracted from your
singular vision. While you’re good at exploring different angles and perspectives, you want to
stay the course towards your main vision. Therefore, when you’re dealing with an ENP who
keeps suggesting alternative angles, different ideas, and new possibilities, you can feel like
they’re being distractible, oppositional, and needlessly difficult. You might think to yourself,
“Why are they changing the subject?” “Why does this other rabbit trail matter?” “Why are
they opposing my vision?”

Simultaneously, you might experience Extraverted Intuition in a destabilizing way. You

might, without trying, suddenly envision outlandish, bizarre possibilities in your mind. For
example, if you’re driving your car you might suddenly imagine driving off a cliff with your

family in the backseat. If you’re on a first date, your mind might suddenly picture numerous
embarrassing things you could do. “What would happen if I coated my face with this
vegetable soup?” “What would happen if I told him my worst secret?” “I could pull my shirt
off right in the middle of this room and what would happen?” Although you’d never actually
follow through on these ideas, they seem to play before your mind’s eye without effort.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you might want to ask yourself, “Am
I assuming they’re not seeing another side to this?” “Am I extrapolating alternatives that
nobody else is seeing?” “Do I feel like someone’s steering me away from my main vision?”

Extraverted Intuition isn’t always negative for you. You can often perceive multiple
interpretations of something, generate new possibilities, and see abstract connections
between things. This function helps to keep your dominant function from becoming too
inflated or stubborn. It can also help you to broaden your perspective.

The ESTP and the ESFP – Opposing Role Introverted Sensation (Si)
Introverted Sensation reviews and recalls past experiences and applies any learned lessons to
the current moment. It digs deeply into information and data and reflects on impressions
that that data provides. Si-dominant types (ISJs) enjoy having a routine, a sense of stability,
and repeating experiences and rituals that they’ve come to love throughout life. They crave a
physically comfortable, calm life.

As an ESP personality type, you are drawn to new and novel experiences. You enjoy staying
in the present moment, grasping opportunities as they arise, and being spontaneous. A
planned-out, routine life can make you feel bored, irritable, and trapped. When you spend
time with ISJs, you might find them to be restrictive, condescending, or oppositional. You
might think to yourself, “Why are they limiting my options?” “Why are they going into so
much detail about this?” “Why do they keep dredging up the past?”

Simultaneously, you might experience Introverted Sensation in a destabilizing way. You

might inadvertently find yourself recalling past mistakes or traumas and assuming the same
situations will repeat themselves. You might get so fixated on the nitty-gritty details of a
project that you don’t make progress because you can never make every detail perfect.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you might want to ask yourself, “Am
I getting too stuck on little details?” “Am I assuming a past experience will repeat itself?” “Am
I not letting go of a past mistake that I or someone else made?” “Am I making assumptions
about this person based on a previous experience?”

Introverted Sensation isn’t always negative for you. You might be able to provide good
historical context to a situation by recalling details or lessons from the past. You might have a
knack for noticing details and discrepancies that other types don’t.

The ISFJ and the ISTJ – Opposing Role Extraverted Sensation (Se)
Extraverted Sensation is skilled at noticing everything that’s happening in the present
moments. It’s attuned to opportunities, experiences, and spur-of-the-moment enjoyments. It
can accurately assess what’s happening without getting lost in reflections. Se-dominant
personality types (ESPs) have a knack for staying in the present, responding to surprise
information or tasks, and maneuvering the physical world around them.

As an ISJ personality type, you crave a predictable, stable lifestyle. You enjoy knowing what
to expect and what’s about to happen. You enjoy post-processing positive experiences
because they can seem very overpowering in the present. After an experience, you can
immerse yourself in the reflection of that experience and enjoy the details of it more.

Because you like familiarity and consistency, you can feel like ESPs are reckless, overly-
impulsive, or distractible. You may feel like they’re being needlessly oppositional,
patronizing, or snarky. Instead of accepting your tried-and-true way of doing things, they
offer new ways. Instead of sticking to a routine, they change things up every day. Instead of
prioritizing comfort and physical well-being, they test their limits and task risks. You might
wonder to yourself, “Why are they disregarding my experiences?” “Why are they chasing
excitement instead of being content with where they are?” “Why are they so heedless of

Simultaneously, you might experience Extraverted Sensation in a destabilizing way. There

are times that you might randomly do impulsive, physical things or become stubborn about
the “facts of reality” or what’s relevant in the moment. You can focus on the present and be
spontaneous, but it doesn’t feel as enjoyable or rich as re-experiencing something you know
and love. It might feel strange, uncomfortable, or scary.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you might want to ask yourself, “Am
I getting caught up in the present?” “Am I being too impulsive?” “Am I too over-stimulated
by what’s happening around me?” “Am I pushing myself too far physically?”

Extraverted Sensation isn’t always negative for you. You can experience it in positive ways,
letting loose and enjoying a fun opportunity that is all new. You might also have detailed,
accurate awareness of what’s happening around you at times. Se can help you to quickly see
what’s relevant in a situation.

The ESFJ and the ENFJ – Opposing Role Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Introverted feeling focuses on alignment with one’s inner values and feelings. It asses one’s
own emotional state and tries to discern what those states mean. Living in harmony with
one’s ethical code , desires, and emotional needs is of the highest priority to the Introverted
Feeling type (IFP).

As an EFJ personality type, you are constantly scanning the emotional wavelengths of the
people around you. You quickly pick up on people’s emotional and physical needs and try to
make sure those are taken care of. When you go to a new place, you probably notice without
trying what the expectations and social customs are. It’s important to you to ensure the
harmony of the group you are in and to create an atmosphere where people can do (and feel)
their best.

Because your feeling is directed outwardly, introverted feeling can seem mysterious and
confusing to you. You like to openly share your values and discuss your feelings, while IFPs
are more contained about theirs. You will adapt your plans and demeanor for the overall
well-being of the group, whereas IFPs are more individualistic. It may feel to you like
Introverted Feeling types are being needlessly oppositional, troublesome, and self-absorbed
because you experience Fi in an oppositional way. You might find yourself asking things like,
“Why aren’t they thinking of other people’s feelings?” “Why aren’t they telling me how they
feel?” “Why aren’t they getting aligned with the group so we can achieve this goal?” It can feel
like tailoring everything to one’s own individual needs will cause too much trouble for
everyone else.

You might also experience Introverted Feeling in a destabilizing way. You might persistently
berate yourself over your perceived ethical failings or failing to follow your own desires. You
might be able to quickly perceive when people are not living up to their values and feel
tempted to call them out on it. You might get annoyed at your tendency to care for others,
feeling like you’re abandoning the inner emotional needs of your Introverted Feeling side.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you might want to ask yourself, “Are
my ethics being trampled on in some way?” “Am I living according to my conscience?” “Am I
getting enough time for my own needs and desires?” “Am I dealing with someone who is
demanding space for their individualized priorities?”

Introverted Feeling isn’t always negative for you. There will be times when you experience it
in positive ways, standing up for what you believe is right and prioritizing the activities that
align with your personal desires and values.

The ESTJ and the ENTJ – Opposing Role Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Introverted Thinking categorizes and sorts information into fine-tuned inner libraries. It
evaluates and analyzes data deeply, looking for key principles, underlying frameworks, and
inconsistencies. Introverted Thinking personality types (TPs) value clarity and precision with
words and are more focused on getting the right answer than a quick answer.

As an ETJ personality type, you value efficiency, practicality, and order. You have a knack for
systematizing and creating procedures so that complex tasks can be simplified and completed
quickly. You quickly notice when something is slowing things down or someone is lacking
direction. You value empirical thinking and measurable facts. Because Introverted Thinking

is so intensive and inward in its focus, it can feel slow and inefficient to you. Digging into
technicalities and minutiae of detail about a logical principle feels like it’s distracting from
your overall plans. You might feel like ITPs are being too slow to come to a decision or are
making things needlessly difficult. You might feel like you want them to hurry up and move
forward instead of analyzing so much. Questions might pop into your head when you’re with
an ITP, like, “Why are they slowing us down?” “Why can’t they see that the answer is clear?”
“Are they testing me?” “Why don’t they respect my plans?”

Introverted Thinking can also be destabilizing to you at times. You might find yourself
inwardly criticizing your plans or rules, seeing minute inconsistencies or loopholes. You
might also find yourself after a busy day critiquing arguments you made or getting stuck in
analysis paralysis over minute details of something.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you might want to ask yourself, “Do I
feel like a logical principle is being violated?” “Do I feel like this person is taking too long to
come to a decision because they’re analyzing too much?” “Am I unable to inwardly categorize
what’s happening in a logical way?” “Am I getting stuck on fine-tuned accuracy over

Introverted Thinking isn’t always negative for you. You can tap into this function fairly well
at times, but it doesn’t feel invigorating or useful to you. You’re probably very adept at seeing
which logical principles are best in a given situation. You’re also probably quick to spot fine-
detailed inaccuracies or logical fallacies that diminish the power of someone’s argument.

The ISFP and the INFP – Opposing Role Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Extraverted Feeling is focused primarily on connecting with and considering other people
and the external environment. Extraverted Feeling types (FJs) try to get everyone on the
same page so that people can move in a unified direction. They will often put their own
individualized concerns on the backburner to focus on the needs of the group.

As an IFP personality type, you consider yourself empathetic and considerate, but more
important than connecting outwardly is connecting inwardly. You want to live in alignment
with your core desires, priorities, and values. If that makes you a misfit or disconnected from
the group then so be it. When you’re dealing with FJ personality types you might feel like
they are working too hard to please everyone, bending for others too much, or distracting
from people’s personal values in the name of “harmony” too much. You might ask yourself
things like, “Why can’t they make space for people’s individual values? We don’t all have to
agree!” “Why are they undermining me?” “Do they have a hidden agenda?”

You might also experience Extraverted Feeling in a destabilizing way at times. You might find
yourself inwardly bombarded by the agreed-upon group standards of the environment you
are in. You might feel overwhelmed by other people’s emotions and values. You might

become stubborn about how others affect you, trying to set up boundaries to protect you
from their demands or needs.

When you find yourself being stubborn or oppositional, you could ask yourself these
questions, “Do I feel pressured to conform to group values?” “Do I want others to conform to
group values?” “Am I feeling emotionally overwhelmed by other people’s feelings?” “Am I
tired of accommodating others?”

Extraverted Feeling isn’t always negative for you. You can tap into this function fairly easily
at times, but it doesn’t feel as rich or reviving as Introverted Feeling. You may easily tune into
other people’s needs or sense their emotional experiences. You can also quickly pick up on
group expectations, but whether you choose to adhere to them depends on how they align
with your inner values.

The ISTP and the INTP – Opposing Role Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Extraverted Thinking organizes and structures the environment for efficiency and progress.
It focuses on empirical facts to move forward and is conscious of time, deadlines, and order.
Extraverted Thinking types (TJs) like to move at a methodical and rapid pace towards their
goals, so they rely on rules or general guidelines to keep their pace as quickly as possible.

As an ITP, you are deeply analytical. You enjoy evaluating data and categorizing it inside your
mind, creating a mental map of how things work. Rather than getting a cassette tape player
and immediately using it by following the basic steps, you might feel tempted to take the
whole thing apart and understand how it works, re-build it, and try it again. You like
understanding how things work more than the quick steps you need to follow to use them.
Because of this, you can have difficulties with TJ personality types because they are more
focused on implementation than understanding. You might feel pressured by them to do less
analysis than you’d like to. When you’re with them, you might find yourself thinking things
like, “Why are they rushing me?” “Why are they over-simplifying this?” “Why are they
opposing me?” “Why are they making things so difficult?”

You might also experience Extraverted Thinking in a destabilizing way at times. For example,
you might randomly get stubborn about how things are organized and insist on a very
systematic approach to how a procedure should be done. You might get annoyed at the
general lack of structure and order around you but feel like it’s a waste of time to try to fix it.
You might become oppositional or stubborn with people who you feel are trying to enforce
their rules on you.

When you find yourself being stubborn or defiant, you might ask yourself, “Am I feeling
rushed?” “Do I feel like things are being run inefficiently?” “Do I feel like someone’s trying to
force me into their sequence or system?” “Am I not getting enough time to analyze the
situation to my satisfaction?”

Extraverted Thinking isn’t always a negative function for you. You can tap into this side of
yourself fairly easily, but it doesn’t provide the same satisfaction or interest as Introverted
Thinking does. You may easily pick up on structures, rules, and empirical truths, but you
tend to focus on your individual principles and precise understanding instead. You may also
be very decisive when the situation calls for it, putting your analysis on the backburner to
focus on efficiency because it’s situationally logical.


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