Thank You For The Opportunity I Will Present The Journal Effects of Drying On The Physical Characteristics of Dehydrated Watermelon Rind Candies

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Thank you for the opportunity

I will present the journal Effects of drying on the physical
characteristics of dehydrated
watermelon rind candies

Menurut jurnal tersebut, permen kulit semangka mengalami dehidrasi pada berbagai suhu.
Pada suhu berapa sampel menjadi favorit panelis?

From the results of the study, a drying temperature of 50 °C for 14 hours was the most
acceptable dehydrated watermelon rind candy because the sample received the highest score
for overall acceptance compared to sample F (dried at 60 °C for 20 hours), which received
the lowest score. This indicates that the drying temperature and time affect the sensory
characteristics of the dried watermelon rind candy.

Dari hasil penelitian, suhu pengeringan 50 °C selama 14 jam adalah permen kulit semangka
dehidrasi yang paling dapat diterima karena sampel menerima skor tertinggi untuk
penerimaan keseluruhan dibandingkan dengan sampel F (dikeringkan pada 60 °C selama 20
jam), yang menerima nilai terendah skor. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa suhu dan waktu
pengeringan mempengaruhi karakteristik sensoris dari permen kulit buah semangka yang


Akankah ada penelitian lebih lanjut dari jurnal yang Anda baca?

Will there be further research from the journal you read?

In my opinion, this research may be continued in the future, but the results of this study are in
accordance with the objectives expected by the author.

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