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Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS *ONAICALL MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES TASK 05-60-00-790-801-A, Leaks - Permitted Values 4. Beason for the Job This task gives you all the fluid leak measurement procedures for fight control, fuel, hydraulic, landing gear, ‘cargo door and power plant systems. lob Setup information A. Referenced Information (Ref. 2 780-802-A), [Structural Fuel Tank Leaks - General Information |{Ref. 29-00-00-790-80T-A). heck of the Extemal Leakage of Hydraulic Components [Ref 71-71-00-200-807-A). [Leakage Rates at Drains Mast 3, Job Set-up Subtask 06-50-00-869.050-A ‘A. Not applicable, 4. Procedure ‘Subtask 05-50-00-360-050-D ‘A. Measurement of Leaks (1) Measurement of hydraulic system leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-790-801) (2) Measurement of fight-control system leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-790-801) (3) Measurement of fuel system leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 28-11-00-280-802) . (4) Measurement of landing-gear system leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-790-801), (5) Measurement of cargo door leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-790-801) (6) Measurement of power-plant system leaks (Ref. AMM TASK 71-71-00-200-801) TASK 05-50-00-040-801-A, Quick Dispatch Guide and Cross-Reforen 1. Beason for the Job To give quick access to maintenance tasks and data related to: ‘A Aircraft Configuration before Maintenance B. Deactivation/Reactivation . Aircraft Energization and Pressurization: Electrical, Hydraulic, Air D. Access Doors E. Missing Fasteners F. Location of Antennas G, Maintenance Procedures and Servicing: Hydraulic Fluid Filing, Accumulator Pressure, LDG, Engine, APU and IDG, Fuel, Oxygen, Lights, Potable Water and Waste, Parking and Storage, Cleaning, Cold Weather [Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 1 of 14 [® AIRBUS S.A.S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. @ AIRBUS Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES H. Unscheduled Maintenance Checks and Inspections. J. Standard Practices: Airframe, Engine, Electrical K. Data loading: FM data, DFDRS data L Materials: Airframe, Engine NOTE: This deactivation task is not ralated to an AFM-CDI IMME iter. Job Setup intormation ‘A. Fixtures, Tools, Test and Support Equipment = - ome) B._ Referenced Information oon (05-50-00-790-801-A). = = Permitted Values (Ref. 10-11-00-555-806-A), Parking Procedures |(Ref. 10-11-00-555-814.A), installation of Aircraft Protection Equipment |(Ref. 10-1 1-00-555-820-A). rocedure for the Installation of Wheel Chocks on Arrcraft (Ref. 10-12-00-553-804-A), [Storage Procedures (Ret. 12-11-28-650-803-A). ressure Refuel with Aulornalic Control rom the Panel 990VU |(Ref. 12-11-28:-650-604-A) ressure Refuel With Manual Control (Ref. 12-13-24-612-B08-A), IDG Servicing - Filing of the IDG with Oil or Addition of Oil after Level heck (Ref. 12-13-49-672-B07-A), ravily Servicing of the APU Ol Reservoir |(Rof. 12-13-49-612-B01-A-O7). [Pressure Servicing of the APU Oil Reservoir (Ref. 12-13-79-610-800-A), fo Service the Engine Oil System (Ref. 12-15-38-619-807-A), FFilthe Potable Water System (Aircraft Electrical Power Available) (Ref. 12-15-38-613-802-A), FFilthe Potable Water System (Aircraft Electrical Power not Available) (Ret. 12-16-25-613-801-A), ervicing of the Liquid Soap Dispenser (Ref 12-16-38-615-B0T-A), arvicing of the Toilet System (Ref. 12-21-11-615-802-A), extemal Cleaning (Ref. 12-21-72-670-802-A), sinsection of the Aircraft Equipment and Fumishings (Ref. 12-21-12-670-804-A), ‘umigalion of the Fuselage Pressurized Areas with Carbon Dioxide (CO2 Gas) (Ref 1-24-38. 6B0-BOTAY, raining of the Potable Water System (with Electacal Power) Ret. 12-24-38-680-802-A), raining of the Potable Water System (without Electrical Power) [fRet_12-37-17-660-807-A), [Cold Weather Maintenance - Anti-Icing Protection. [Ret 12-31-12-660-801-A), e-Taing of the Alreraft in the Power-Off Condon Ret. 12-31-12-660-802-A). e-Icing of the Aireraft in the Power-On Condition |(Ref. 12:31-12-660-605-A) e-Icing of the Aircraft after Landing with Snow on the Runways (Ref. 12:32-28-281-803-A), perate Water Drain Valves to Drain Accumulated Water from Trim [Tank and Trim Vent-Surge Tank ON AIC 201-300 (Ref. 12-32-28-281-B06-A) perate Water Drain Valves to Drain Accumulated Water from Inner, Quer and Wing Vent-Surge Tanks [ON AIC 101-200 ee Date: February 15, 2016 Page 2 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. @ AIRBUS Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Ref. 1 81-8108). perate Water Drain Valves to Drain Accumulated Water from Center linner, Outer and Wing Vent-Surge Tanks ON AIC ALL (Ref. 12-34-24-860-B802-A), [Aircraft Bonding and Grounding (Earihing) for the Maintenance Opera- ions. RE. T2A-25-B60-BOZADT), [Aircraft Grounding (Earthing) during Transit. Tumaround or Overnight [Stop RE. 2ET0-00-610-807-B), rossloading ofthe FM Data (Ref. 22 70 00 610 800-6). jploading of tho FM Data (DLS/DLRB) Ret. 22-70-00-610-808-C-01), [Uploading of the FM Data Ref. 24-41-00-861-801-A-01). nergize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits rom the APU (APU Started ith APU BAT) RE. 2A-AT-00-861-BOT-A-03), inergize the Aircraft Electical Circus from the Extemal Power A and eB RET. ‘24-41-00-862-B01-A-01). je-energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from the APU. Ret 724-41-00-862-801-A-03). [De-energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from the External Powor A nd B RE. 25-52-00-300-805-A) IMissing Fastener Inepaction/Repar Ret. '25-63-00-300-803-A), Iinspection/Repair for Missing Fasteners (Ror. 72564 00 300 803 A). IMiccing Fastonor Inepootion/Ropar Ref. 27-50-00-866-802-A-02). [Retraction of the Flaps/Slats on the Ground (RR-Engines) [Ret 27-60-00-866-802-A) jetraction of the Spoilers after Maintenance {ier "29-0U-00-865-80T-A-UT). IPressunze tne Green Hydraulic System win the Erecinc Pump. Ret. 729-00-00-863-B01-A) pressurize the Green Hydraulic System with the Ground Hydraulic [Supply (REE. 28-00-00-863-801-A-01). pressurize the Green Hydraulie System with the Electric Pump [Ret 29-00-00-863-802-A-01). [Pressurize the Blue Hydraulic System with the Electric Pump (Ret "PaCtWN-ND-RAS-ANI-AY [Prossurize the Rue Hiyrraulic System with tha Ground Fiydranie Bap= by Ret 28-00-00-863-802-A-01), [Prossurize the Blue Hydraulic System with the Electic Pump Ret. '29-00-00-069-803-A-07). ressurize the Yellow liydraulie System with the Clectric Pump Ret. 729-00-00-863-803-A) Pressurize the Yellow Hydraulic System with the Ground Hydraulic supply RET. WOW BOF BOFANTY, IPressurize the Yellow Hydraulic System with the Electric Pump, Ref 728-00-00-864-801-A-01). jepressurize the Grean Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Elec ric Pump) RE. 28-00-00-864-B0T-A), jepressurize the Green Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Hy- iraulic Ground Supply) RE. 28-00-00-864-B0OT-A-DT). jepressurize the Green Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Elec- ric Pump) RE. 28-00-00: 864-B0ZA-01), jepressurize the Blue Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Eleciic lPump) Ref 78-00-00-864-802-A), [Depressurize the Blue Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Hy- iraulic Ground Supply) Rel 28-00-00-864-B0-A-07). epressurize he Blue Hydrauilc System (Pressurized will the Elodie lPump) Re 28-00-00-864-805-A-01), jepressurize the Yellow Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Elec ic Pump) RE. 28-00-00-864-B05-A) jepressurize the Yellow Aydraulle System (Pressurized with the Fy- raulic Ground Supply) Print Date: February 75, 2016 (GAIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Page 3 of 14 Type : TA-AS30 @ AIRBUS 1). Customer: WSR Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES [Depressurize the Yellow Hydraulic System (Pressurized with the Elec- ric Pump) 864 BOFAY Put the Related Hydraulic System in the Deprossurized Configuration efore Maintenance Action (Ref, 29-00-00-910-B04-A), (Ref. 29-10-00-200-802-A), [General Rules for Removal and Installation ee ofthe Nitrogen Charging Pressure on Fydraulle Power AGSami ator (Ref. 20-3T-00-200-B0T-A), ross Check Fluid Level on each Raservor, on ECAM Hydraulic Page ind Ground Service Panel Indicator I~ ON AIC 201-300 lPRE SB 45-3018 for A/C 201-204 (Ref, 31-35-00-7 10-809-A), DINU DFDRS Sullware Load Procedure with tre MDDU ON AIC ALL \PRE SB 45-3018 for A/C 101-107, 201-204 (Ref, 31-33-00-710-B09-A-01) DIMU DFDRS Software Load Procedure with the POL on alc \POST $B 45-3018 for A\C 101-107, 201-204 (Ref, 31-33-00-710-809-C). DIMU DFDRS Sofware Load Procedure with the PDL ON AIC ALL (Ref. 32-00-00-467-B07-A) Installation of the Safety Devices on the Landing Gears \(Ref. 32-00-00-481-802-A). instalation of the Safety Devices on the Landing Gear Doors |{Ref. 32-11-00-210-820-A), jeneral Visual Inspection of MLG Shock Absorber [Ref 29-11-00-970-RT-A) IFunchonal Check af MIG Shack Absarher Nitrogen Charge Pressure |(Ref_32-12-00-070-807-A). |(Ref.32-12-00-410-607-A), pen the MLG Doors for Maintenance [Close the MLG Doors after Maintenance (Ret. 32-21-00-270-800-A). jeneral Visual inspection of NLG Shock Absorber Ret. 32-21-00-220-803-A). [(Ref. 32-22-00-010-B0T-A). (Ret. 32-22-00-410-B01-A), ‘unclional Check of NLG Shock Absorber Nitrogen Charge Pressure pen the NLG Doors for Maintenance lose the NLG Doors afler Maintenance [fRet-32-40-00-200-807-A) Iinspection/Check of the Brakes (Ref. $2-40-00-210-802-A). sual Check of Heat Pack Wear Indicator (Parking Brake Applied) (Ref. 32-40-00-210-B04-A), Functional Check of Nitrogen Charge Pressure on Normal and Alter- te Brake Return Accumulators (Ref. 32 40 00 270 BOE A ‘unotional Cheek of Nitrogon Charge Pressure on Aitemate Parking Brake Accumulators (Ref. S2-41-00-210-B05-A). Ret. 33-21-00-710-807-A). (Ret. 33-21-00-710-806-A), (Ref. 33-51-00-710-801-A), eneral Visual inspedton of Tres, Whee and Brakes [Operational Test of the General Mumination [Operational ofthe Cabin lluminaton via the MCDU pertional Check af the Emergency Light va the Mulipurpose Con- roland Display Unit (MCDU} Ret. 355-007 T0-BOT-A-OT), perational Check of the Emergency Light via the EPSU Test Push utton (Ref, 35-10-00-200-B05-A), Inspection of the Oxygen Pressure for the Flight Crew (Ref. 36-12-00-860-801-A), ressurization of the Bleed System with the APU (Rof. 36 12 00 860 602 A). roseurization of the Blood Syetom Through the HP Ground Connoctor (Rof. 52-10-00-010-80T-A). |(Ref. 52-10-00-410-807-A), pening of the PassengeriCrew Door [Closing ofthe Passenger/Crew Door Print Date: February 15,2076 Page 4 of 14 [AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. @ AIRBUS Ref. 5 600-802-A). Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES [Discharging/Charging of the Door Damper and Emergency Operation ylinder (Ref. 5222-00-60 BOTA) [Discharging/Charging of the Door Damper and Emergency Operation vlinder (Door 3L/3R) (Ref, 55-35-00-200-B0T-A), Inspection of the Wing-to-Fuselage Fairings and Belly Fairing Access [Panels for Missing Fasteners (Ref 54-50.00-200-B1T AY, Inspection for Missing Fastenare on the Pylon Faring Panels (et. 7057-00-970-802-). Forque Tightening Techniques [Ref.77-00-00-200-803-A). inspection affer a Birdstrke and Foreign Object Damage Ref. 71-13-00-010-805-A). pen the Fan Cowl Doors: (Ref. 71-13-00-410-805-A). [Close the Fan Cow! Doors [fRet-76-30-00-010-803-A). [pen the Thrust Reverser Cowl Doors (Ret. 78:30-00-410-805-A. jose the Thrust Reverser Cow! Doors (et. 78-31-00-040-806-A). [Deactivation of the Thrust Reverser for Maintenance Rot FSPMI 70-51-00 [Ref ESPW 20-53-00 Ret ESPM 20-55-00 ON AIC 101-200 [Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights ON AIC 201-300 [Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights Print Date: February 15, 2076 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Page 5 of 14 Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL 05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES z Ke Gia Bas rs @ AIRBUS “YNNaLNY avOMA RAHI ‘SHOSNS (6Z)OWLIVO-TONY osvas (HicvLLrOsTONY (As 301s w) LHD NOS ONIN (ns 305 ») HON NOS 340% (rus 30153) Hon own Se ) ? 35) (woud) vwwauny CBRN SD (iS 30154) 4HON YOUYOAEN (ns 30158) (NolLe0) LHON'ZEOuS YYANBLNY 907 (us aais ¥) Lion 09c1 (oa) YANSINY SVL iwoude) ANON aos {houdd) YNNALNY (OHA, YANSINY sa9 « (wouao) ‘yNNSLNY 173, V YWNGINY @isd9 « V/ LN semana [LA terns YNNLNV HOA, Hon Noovae uudo) YNNBING (11408 (wotudo) yuan (240 Fa oss000_2_cowo_o1_00 SALOV OkY G3TIISM! (etnKz-1)S49 NHN OBEN LON. Figure 05-50-00-001-00200-E 7 SHEET 1/2 - Location of ‘Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights “ON AIC 101-200 Page 6 of 14 int Date: February 15, 2016 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Customer: WSR ‘Type : TA-A330 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS BEACON LIGHT ‘RADIO-ALTIMETER() ANTENHAS ‘RADIO ALTIMETERG) ANTENKAS Ice perecToR PROBES (OPTION, PITOTPROBE (2) PITOT PROBES (1-3) SOV oon TCAS ANTENNA, (oP) STATIC PROBES € ‘ATC(Q) ANTENNA. MARKER ANTENNA ‘arproses Fatoss000_2_cowo_o2_00 Figure 05-50-00-001-00200-E 7 SHEET 212 - Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights “ON AIC 101-200 int Date: February 15, 2076 Page 7 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. (nus 3018) HON NOLWOIAYH ‘S8OSNAS (EZOWLLVIOTIONY hus 3015 w) woiLdo) HON 3e0mNs osnas WyovLLys0-7TOW yaneauny 907 (as 308 anion Nvos Su Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL (1S 3018 ¥) HON NOS BNIDN (us 3018 8) 1HO1T Pi FN oss000_2.coMo_o1_00 (vous) YANSINYSVOL, (ms 2018 2) 4Ho11 C901 (oueo) 05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES & Kok BSs ego ‘vnnauny (in YANBINY (i525 gis Aon noovae 7 ges (wottgo) eae YYNNSINY 113 ore (yoLLd0) wiNan (304 (OLdO) wNNIN 3H (1ot.d0) winainy @)40¥ SOFT NOLVOIAWN ay a7 ALLOW QNY AT TWASNI RANK iISdO NEA. 3SN LON» Page 8 of 14 the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights “ON AIC 201-300 Figure 05-50-00-001-00200-C SHEET 1/2-- Location of @ AIRBUS ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. int Date: February 15, 2016 Customer: WSR ‘Type : TA-A330 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS 2 a DRAIN MAST \VHF(2) ANTENNA AEACON UGHT RADIO-ALTINETER(2) PNTENNAS a 2 é i s = s is 6|(O8 ia piidl Bis ENS 22228 = 55 3° e2Ee2 sg? m2 3 § Fa oss000_2_ccwo_o2_00 Figure 05-50-00-001-00200-C | SHEET 212 - Location oF the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights “ON AIC 201-300 int Date: February 15, 2076 Page 9 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS 3, Job Set-up ‘Sublask 05-50-00-860-050-A ‘A. Not applicable. 4, Procedure ‘Subtask 05-50-00-860-051-D ‘A. Aireraft Configuration before Maintenance To put CHOCK - WHEEL(S) in position: (Ref. AMM TASK 10-11-00-555-820) ‘To make sure that the landing-gear safety devices are installed: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-00-00-481-801) ‘To make sure that the landing-gear doors safety devices are installed: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-00-00-481-802) To install aircraft protection equipment: (Ref. AMM TASK 10-11-00-555-814) To electrically ground the aircraft: (Ref, AMM TASK 12-34-24-860-802) ‘To make that sure that the flaps and slats are retracted on ground (Ref. AMM TASK 27-50-00-866-802) ‘To make sure that the spoilers are retracted: (Ref. AMM TASK 27-60-00-866-602) ‘To make sure that the thrust reversers are unserviceable: (Ref. AMM TASK 78-31-00-040-805) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-440-050-A B. Deactivation/Reactivation The Deactivation/Reactivation procedures come from the MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL) and the CONFIGURATION DEVIATION LIST (COL). To find the related AMM procedures, refer to the MMEL or CDL. ‘Subtask 05-50-00-860-052-A . Airoraft Energization/Pressurization (1) Electrical power supply To energize the aircraft electrical circuits from the external power A and B: (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-801) To energize the aircraft electrical circuits from the APU: (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-801) To de-energize the aircraft electrical circuits from the external power A and B: (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-862-801) To de-energize the aircraft electrical circuits from the APU: (Ref. AMM TASK 24-4 100-862-801) (2) Hydraulic power supply To pressurize the Green hydraulic system with the ground hydraulic supply: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-801) To pressurize the Green hydraulic system with the electric pump: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-801) To pressurize the Yellow hydraulic system with the ground hydraulic supply (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-803) To pressurize the Yellow hydraulic system with the electric pump: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-803) To pressurize the Blue hydraulic system withthe ground hydraulic supply: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-802) To pressurize the Blue hydraulic system withthe electric pump: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-863-802) To depressurize the Green hydraulic system (Pressurized with the ground hydraulic supply): (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-801) To depressurize the Green hydraulic system (Pressurized with the electric pump): (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00.00-864-801) To depressurize the Yellow hydraulic system (Pressurized withthe ground hydraulic supply): (Ref. AMM TASK 28-00-00-864-803) Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 10 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS To depressurize the Yellow hydraulic system (Pressurized with the electric pump): (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-803) ‘To depressurize the Blue hydraulic system (Pressurized with the ground hydraulic supply: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-802) To depressurize the Blue hydraulic system (Pressurized withthe electric pump): (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-802) To put the related hydraulic system in depressurized configuration before maintenance: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-804) (3) Air pressure supply To pressurize the bleed system through the APU: (Ref. AMM TASK 36-12-00-860-801) To pressurize the bleed system through the HP ground connector. (Ref. AMM TASK 36-12-00-860-802) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-860-053-D D. Access Doors To open the passengerlcrew doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 52-10-00-010-801) To close the passenger/erew doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 52-10-00-410-201) To open the MLG doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-12-00-010-801) To close the MLG doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-12-00-410-801) To open the NLG doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-22-00-010-001) To close the NLG doors (Ref. AMM TASK 32-22-00-410-801) To open the fan cow! doors: (Ref, AMM TASK 71-13-00-010-805) To lose the fan cowl doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 71-13-00-410-805) To open the thrust reverser doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 78-30-00-010-803) To close the thrust reverser doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 78-30-00-410-803) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-210-051-D E, Missing Fasteners (1) To find the acceptance criteria related to missing fasteners on falrngs: For the wing-to-fuselage fairings and belly fairing access-panels: (Ref. AMM TASK 53-35-00-200-801) For the pylon fairing panels: (Ref. AMM TASK 54-50-00-200-811) (2) To find the acceptance criteria related to missing fasteners on lining panels: For the lower deck FWD cargo-compartment, (Ref. AMM TASK 25-52-00-300-803) For the lower deck AFT cargo-compartment: (Ref. AMM TASK 25-53-00-300-803) For the lower deck bulk cargo-compariment: (Ref. AMM TASK 25-54-00-300-803) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-860-054- F. Location of Antennas ** ON AIC 101-200 (Ref. Fig. Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights) ** ON AIC 201-300 (Ref. Fig. Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights) “ON AIC ALL ‘Subtask 05-50-00-860-055-D G. Maintenance Procedures and Servicing (1) Check ofthe hydraulic fuid level and general rules To do a check ofthe hydraulic reservoir fluid level: (Ref, AMM TASK 29-31-00-200-801) To have general rules and main links to hydraulic system (Tests, bleeding... (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-910-804) Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 11 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS (2) Check of the accumulator nitrogen pressure Tada a check of the nitrogen charge pressure on hydraulic power accumulators: (Ref. AMM TASK 29-10-00-200-802), To do a check of the nitrogen charge pressure on normal and altemate brake return accumulators by reading gages: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-40-00-210-804) Toa check of the nitrogen charge pressure on alternate parking brake accumulators by reading gages: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-40-00-210-805) To charge the door damper and emergency operation cylinders at the emergency exit doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 52-22-00-600-801) To charge the door damper and emergency operation cylinders at the passengericrew doors: (Ref. AMM TASK 52-10-00-600-802) (3) Landing gear: tires, wheels, brakes, shock absorber To do an inspection ofthe tres, wheels: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-41-00-210-803) To do an inspection and wear check of the brakes: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-40-00-200-801) (Ref. AMM TASK 32-40-00-210-802) To do a nitrogen charge-pressure check of the MLG shock-absorber: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-11-00-220-819) To do a nitrogen charge-pressure check of the NLG shock-absorber: (Ref. AMM TASK 32-21-00-220-803) To do a visual inspection of the MLG shock-absorber (leakage, normal extension) (Ref. AMM TASK 32-11-00-210-820) To do a visual inspection of the NLG shock-absorber (leakage, normal extension) (Ref. AMM TASK 32-21-00-210-806) (4) Engine, IDG and APU oi level To do an engine oil level check and replenishing: (Ref, AMM TASK 12-13-79-610-809) To do an IDG oil level check and replenishing: (Ref, AMM TASK 12-13-24-612-808) To do an APU oil level check and replenishing: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-13-49-612-801) (6) Fuel: Refueling and Draining To do a pressure refueling with automatic control: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-11-28-650-803) Todo a pressure refueling with manual control: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-11-28-650-804) To drain water content of the wing tanks: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-32-28-281-610) or (Ref. AMM TASK 12-32-28-281-806) To drain water content ofthe trim tanks: (Ref, AMM TASK 12-32-28-281-803) (6) Oxygen replenishing To do replenishing of the passenger oxygen cylinders (If installed): (Ref. AMM TASK 12-14-35-614-801) To do an inspection of the crew oxygen cylinder pressure: (Ref. AMM TASK 35-10-00-200-803) (7) Lights teste ‘To do an operational check of the emergency lights via the Multipurpose Control and Display Unit (MCDU): (Ref. AMM TASK 33-51-00-710-801) To do an operational test of the general iluination (cabin, entry, VOC, crow rest} (Ref. AMM TASK 33-21-00-710-801) To do an operational test of the cabin illumination via the MCDU (if available} (Ref. AMM TASK 33-21-00-710-806) (8) Potable water and waste To fil the potable-water tank system with aircraft electrical power: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-15-38-613-801) To fil the potable-water tank system without aircraft electrical power: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-15-38-613-802) To drain the potable water system with electrical power: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-24-38-680-801) To drain the potable water system without electrical power: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-24-38-680-802) Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 12 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL @ AIRBUS To do the servicing of the toilet system: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-16-38-613-801) To do the servicing of the liquid soap dispenser: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-16-25-613-801) (9) Parking and Storage To park the aircraft: (Ref. AMM TASK 10-11-00-555-806) To do the aircraft storage: (Ref. AMM TASK 10-12.00-553-804) (10) Cleaning To clean the aircraft externally: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-21-11-615-802) To clean the aircraft internally: AMM 12-21-12 PB 301 To fumigate the aircraft: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-21-12-670-802) or (Ref. AMM TASK 12-21-12-670-804) (11) Cold weather protection To do anti-icing protection: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-31-11-660-801) To do de-icing in an opon aroa with enginos ctopped: (Rof. AMM TASK 12-31-12.660-801) To do de-icing in an open area with engines running: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-31-12-660-802) To do de-icing after landing with snow on the runways: (Ref. AMM TASK 12-31-12-660-603) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-210-050-D H. Unscheduled Maintenance Checks and Inspections To find and moacuro all typoc of loake: (Ref. AMM TASK 05-60-00-790-801) To do an Inspection/Check of Foreign Object Damage (FOD) (Bird Strike Included) (Ref. AMM TASK 77-00-00-200-803) To find all unscheduled maintenance inspections: AMM 05-51-XX PB 604 ‘Subtask 05-50-00-910-050-D J. Standard Practices (1) Airframe and systems To find the standard procedures: AMM 20-20-00 PB 001 To find the standard torques: AMM 20-21-00 PB 001 To find the installation and repair of tubings: AMM 20-23-11 PB 201 To find the bonding procedures: AMM 20-28-00 PB 201 (2) Engine To find the wiring standard procedures: AMM 70-71-00 PB 001 To find the standard torques: (Ref. AMM TASK 70-51-00-910-802) To find the nacelle maintenance procedures and repair scheme (list of FRS): AMM 70-00-00 PB oot (3) Electrical To find the electrical standard procedures: Ref. ESPM 20-51-00 To find the electrical repair procedures: Ref. ESPM 20-53-00 To find the electrical cleaning procedures: Ref. ESPM 20-55-00 ‘Subtask 05-50-00-730-050-A K. Data Loading (1), FI data loading To crossload the FM date: (Ref, AMM TASK 22-70-00-610-207) To download the FM data: (Ref. AMM TASK 22-70-00-610-809) To upload the thevFM data: (Ref. AMM TASK 22-70-00-610-809) (2) Digital Fight Data Recording System (DFORS) loading To upload the FDIU software (If available): (Ref. AMM TASK 31-33-00-710-811) Or to upload the FDIMU software (if available): (Ref. AMM TASK 31-33-00-710-809) To upload the Optical QAR software (If available): (Ref. AMM TASK 31-33-00-710-806) ‘Subtask 05-50-00-018-050-A Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 13 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT. Manual = ANIM Selected applicability : ALL Customer: WSR Type : TA-AS30 Rev. Date : Oct 01, 2015 (05-50-00 PB 201 CONF 00 - UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECKS - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES @ AIRBUS L. Materials (1) Airframe and systems To find the list of materials required for aircraft service and maintenance: AMM 20-31-00 PB 001 To find thelist of materials required for APU service and maintenance: AMM 20-33-00 PB 001 To find the list of materials required for IDG service and maintenance: AMM 20-34-00 PB 001 (2) Engine To find the Consumable Material List: AMM 70-30-00 PB 001 ** ON AIC 201-300 Figure 05-50-00-991-00200-C | SHEET 1/2 - Location of the Antennas. Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights Figure 05-50-00-991-00200-C SHEET 2/2 - Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights ** ON AIC 101-200 Figure 05-50-00-991-00200-E / SHEET 1/2 - Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights Figure 05-50-00-991-00200-E / SHEET 2/2 - Location of the Antennas, Probes and Sensors and Exterior Lights End of document] Print Date: February 15, 2076 Page 14 of 14 ‘AIRBUS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT.

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