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Date - 20.07.2020
Day - Day 20
Legal Legislation



The ​Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Act, 1956 ​is an Act that was enacted on
30th December 1956 in the 7th year of the Republic of India. This is ​an Act to provide for the
licensing of institutions for women and children and matters incidental to. ​It consists of 1
chapter further divided into 12 sections.


In India, there were a large number of bogus children’s houses and orphanages that were
exploiting, destitute women, and children. In such institutions, inhuman conditions prevail. To
protect women and children from such exploitation, legislation was necessary to regulate
and license orphanages and other institutions caring for women, and children under the age
of 18 years, and to provide for their proper custody, care, and training for their inmates.
Article 39 of the Constitution of India relating to the Directive Principles of State Policy lays
down inter alia that “State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing that childhood
and youth are protected against exploitation and moral and material abandonment”. This Bill
seeks to secure the early realization of this objective”. – ​Gazette of India, 1954, Extra.m Pt.
II, section 2, page 28​.

Section 1 → Short title, extent and commencement
This section states that this Act applies to the whole of India and shall come into force in a
State as published in the Official Gazette by the State Government via a notification. It
further states that this Act shall be named the ‘​Women’s and Children’s Institutions
(Licensing) Act, 1956​’.
Section 2 → Definitions
This section defines the term child, institution, licensing authority, prescribed, and woman.
(a) The term ‘Child’ refers to any boy or any girl who has attained the age of 18 years.
(b) The term ‘Institution’ means an institution which is established and maintained for the
reception, care, protection and welfare of women or children;
(c) The term ‘Licensing Authority’ refers to the State Government or any such officer or
any authority as appointed by the State Government;
(d) The term ‘prescribed’ refers to the rules prescribed by the State Government as per
this Act;
(e) The term ‘Woman’ refers to a female who has attained the age of 18 years.
Section 3 → Licensing of Institutions
This section states that after this Act was commenced, no person shall establish or maintain
an institution except under and following the conditions of a license granted under this Act.
Section 4 → Application for license
Every person desiring to establish an institution shall make an application to the licensing
authority which would contain particulars as may be prescribed provided that a person
maintaining an institution at the commencement of this Act will be allowed for 2 months from
such commencement to make an application for a license.
Section 5 → Grant of license
(1) The licensing authority, after making such inquiry as it considers necessary will either
grant the license or refuse to grant it On receipt of an application under ​Section 4 of
the Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Act, 1956.
(2) Where a license is refused, the reason will be communicated to the applicant in the
prescribed manner.
(3) A license, unless sooner revoked, shall remain in force for such period as may be
specified in the license and may, on an application made in this behalf 60 days
before the date of its expiration, be renewed for such period as the licensing authority
would think fit provided that a license may be renewed on an application made within
60 days before the date of its expiration if the licensing authority is satisfied that there
was sufficient cause for not making the application earlier.
(4) Every license granted under this Act will be subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed provided that any such condition may require that the management of an
institution shall, wherever practicable, be entrusted to women.
(5) For the grant of a license under this Act, no fee will be charged.
Section 6 → Licence not transferable
A licence that is granted under this Act will not be transferable.
Section 7 → Revocation of license
(1) Where the license has been granted to any person under this act commits a breach
of any of the conditions thereof, or any of the provisions of this Act, or any of the
rules, the licensing authority may, without prejudice to any other penalty which may
have been incurred under this Act, for reasons to be recorded, officially cancel the
license provided that no such order shall be made until an opportunity is given to the
holder of the license to show cause why the license should not be revoked.
(2) Where a license in respect of an institution has been cancelled under the foregoing
sub-section, such institution shall cease to function from the date of such cancellation
provided that where an appeal lies under ​Section 8 of the Women’s and Children’s
Institutions (Licensing) Act, 1956 ​against the order of cancellation, such institution
shall cease to function-
(a) where no such appeal has been preferred, immediately on the expiration of
the period prescribed for the filing of such appeal;
(b) where such appeal has been preferred but the order of cancellation has been
upheld, from the date of the appellant order.
(3) On the revocation of a license in respect of an institution, the licensing authority may
direct that any woman or child who is an inmate of such institution on the date of
such revocation will be-
(a) restored to the custody of his or her parent, husband, or lawful guardian.
(b) transferred to another institution.
Section 8 → Appeal
(1) Where the licensing authority is other than the State Government, any person
grieved by an order of the licensing authority refusing to grant a license or revoke a
license may, within such time as may be prescribed, lodge an appeal against such
refusal or revocation with the State Government.
(2) The order of the State Government on such appeal and subject only to such order,
the order of the licensing authority shall be final.
Section 9 → Penalty
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Act or any of the provisions of this Act
or any of the conditions of a license shall be punishable by imprisonment for a period of up
to three months, or by a fine of up to two hundred and fifty rupees or both.
Section 10 → Act not to apply to certain institutions
Nothing in this Act shall apply to:
(a) hostels or boarding houses attached to, or controlled or recognized by educational
(b) any protective home established under the Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women
and Girls Act, 1956
Section 11 → Power to make rules
(1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for
carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such
rules may provide for―
(a) the form of application for the licence and the particulars to be contained
(b) the form of licence and the conditions subject to which such licence may be
(c) the management of institutions;
(d) the reception, care, protection and welfare of women and children in
institutions, including all matters relating to their diet, clothing,
accommodation, training and general conduct;
(e) the inspection of institutions;
(f) the maintenance of registers and account and submission of returns and audit
of such accounts;
(g) the discharge from institutions of women and children and their transfer from
one institution to another;
(h) the manner of filing appeals under this Act and the time within which such
appeals shall be filed;
(i) the manner of service of orders and notices Under this Act;
(j) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
Section 12 → Repeal and Savings
(1) Any State Act similar to this Act in effect in that State immediately before the
beginning shall be repealed as from the date of enactment in any State of this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of any State Act referred to in sub-section (1),
anything is done or any action taken under the provisions of such State Act shall in
so far as such thing or action is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be
deemed to have been done or taken under the provisions of this Act as if the said
provisions were in force when such thing was done or such action was taken and
shall continue in force accordingly until superseded by anything is done or any action
taken under this Act.

By ​Sneha Mahawar​, ​Anshika Raj Singh and ​Deb Zyoti Das​, Content Board, All India
Legal Forum.
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