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20 cation and Supervision “ COORDINATION Significance ‘ple of management. It is, thus, a very modem administration, Some writers go to the exter should, however, be Coordination is only a means to an end and nog an In the words of Newman, ot a separate activity ratnarat Should permeate all phases of administration st Meaning In a negative sense, co and overlapping from administ about Soordination is “the orderly synchronization of efforts to + timing and directing. of execuliog ed actions to stated objectives? e jon, Delegation, Communtcation and Supervision 35% jinal 5 “the adjustment of the parts of each other and .d operation of parts in time so that each cam make ‘bution to the product of the whole,”f “a process causing disjunct elements to 3 0 nation iS y its "Coordinalt a complex of forces and influences which cause ont? i independent elements to act together,"? on ‘ne dination is “the integration of the several parts into an 0 erdiye to achieve the Purpose of the undertaking.”* ote ay parker Follett defines coordination as the “recis f 8 OF Mage the Proce’ aetna envietand to °C’ and to ‘D". “A” adjusts himself to “BY and fluenced by ‘C’ and to a ‘B’ influenced by ‘D’ and to d by ‘A’ himself.....and so om and so on. This sort ion of every part by every other 1 e Pega by every other part as it has been permeated by all 7 : im Agim goon a see ne 2 of a watch and the rowing of a boat. An orchestra stexents perhaps the nearest perfection of coordination. repress Coordination is sometimes confused with cooperation, but /e action of one person with another or others toward is much more than collective action n of efforts”. Terry gives a very interesting, C., & Unvick, L, Dynamic Administration, 1947, pp. 297 ff SON. Op. et, Be 6L 352. Public Administration who wished to take an early morning train and accordingly, watch ahead one-half hour before going to bed so that he wou Mit sure to arise in plenty of time. Placing the watch on the be alongside his bed, the boy treat tle father, knowing of his son’s take the early train, wer, His son's bedroom and turned the lad’s watch up one-half pu If hot ing this would give the bo} Cooperation among the act present but no coordin: vay be internal (f concerned duties of persons working in an orga yncerned with coordi : the words of Appleby :“It (hierarchy) and horizontally. The horizonta) .ween agencies commonly regarded’ ag How to Coordin: Means of, 2 Appleby, oP ci PP Yr dination. Delegation, Communication and 00 e Supervision 353 to evolve a consensus impose is to evolve a th the ageney act, organization itself is a coordinating deat” Tn fate of jumerous organizational devices to bring a mg bout coordi en’Government itself is above all a coontinen (oordit etariat, Cabinet Committees, pI, x is, above all, a coordinator. This Cole phasis with the introduction ofdemocratic decent ‘cate rere are Boards and Commissions helping’ ie the Seas ission, the Inter-Universi ‘and the Indian Historical Records Commission, The ee wnferences iS also freely used towards the same end. These ences attempt, coordination between the Cenire and the Sere Confermeditious disposal of schemes and for fot eons of difficulties. They serve as forums for the exchange of Sand the formulation of definite policy in the light ae the idee’ seions. They help in evolving common Programmes and enable diseteview of the progress of implementation of such programmes. wey conferences are held at political, official, and Professional tevels. The conferences of Governors, Chief Ministers and Minion of different departments are examples of conferences at the polinn 1e official level are the conferences of Secretaries we Heads of the Departments. Then, there are conferences of professionals like the Vice-Chancellors’ Conference ard. ihe and Power Seminar which is attended by the Ci Engineers of different States and the Heads of the River Projects. Standardization of procedures and methods is the third medium of coo: Procedures, which concern a large number of people and which are repetitive in nature, are generally standardized. Forms are a good example of standardization of procedures, Manuals, regulations and rules are other examples of such standardization. Centralized house keeping is the fourth device to promote seordination. “In administration, house keeping problems usually we easin wen. sine Bost of Con 354 Public Adminisration tude supply, warehousing, the cleaning and maj buildings. printing and duplicating equipment control, centray ey ‘ransporation, and food and telephone service"! The el Mali Commission recommended, in 1949, the creation f an General Services to be in charge of such house. ing sory ee ‘commendation was accepted and the General Services Aj was set up the same year. In ere are many agen ized house keeping it Auditor-General serves the same purpose for recrui services, Fifthly, the The annual budget expenditures and programmes of the government is the Finance Ministry that coordinates and re demands and programmes of the different Mi concemed, an -conciles the istry’s role does not end location of funds among the is needed for the implementation of any departments. Lastly, coordination is largely dependent upon the effeétivene of verbal and written communications which channel information ideas down, up and across the chain of command. Pethaps the most important of They help free exchange of idea, frank discussion and agreei compromise. Committees and conferences furnish opportui such informal consultations. Dinners, lunches and cocktai have become recognized medi by far, the important me disciplined party sys party being in powe: 1 Phifer & Presths, op cp 184 the States and the Centre is - — phasized. In this respect, the impact of the jinistrative and political unity of the 5 to Coordination e its to the degree of coordination that an path of coordination is beset with ondanteae ‘ome of these difficulties arise from (i) the pet fim re are ‘The va ‘phet ¥y with regard to men and fife ; and (v) the lack rods developing, considering, perfecting and adopti “dprogrammes.! To these, Secklér-Hudson adds four and_complexi Se ing trend toward creating new agencies to ‘new needs and demands, thinning out of the span of the tendency on the part of the subordinates to pass the buck egation on the part of “boss”, ete., ete. ., however, thinkers who do not deplore the lack of elcome it. Thus, Harlan Cleveland, till ‘School at Syracuse University (U.S.A.)s y of structuring an organization for full function. His ‘tension theory” suggests re ination, Delegation, Communication and Supervision 364 vd c | challenge oF proble operational problem is best delegated oPnple level 50 as (0 be near the scene of actual setion, of command

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