Ortner Sherry B. (1972) References To Female Monasticism Sought

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MS newsletter voi 13 no 7

"Ze" has the disadvantage of using a Constructive Suggestion: Replace this Latin MEETING CALENDAR
phoneme which, although present, eg, "zoo," t e r m w i t h the Anglo-Saxon neologism continued from p 20
"zero," is relatively rare in the initial position. "Witness-Thing."
On the other hand, it can be spelled "ze," Hysteria. Based on the erroneous belief of 12-14 Apr SOCIETY FOR APPLIED AN-
thus being similar to the masculine "he," the ancient Greeks that the seat of hysteria is THROPOLOGY 3 3 rd Annual Meeting, Pio-
which is also spelled consonant-vowel (that is neer Hotel, Tucson. Deadline for abstracts
located in the uterus. Constructive Sugges- Jan 15, Program Chmn; Theodore E Dowrv
one reason I don't spell it "zee"), and it is tion: Replace with "Uteria." ing, Oept of Anth, U Arizona; Local Arrs
also homologous to the feminine (and plural) Perhaps we need a committee on purifica- Chmn-. James E Officer, Intl Studies. U
German "sie." Kaplan's "shis" for subjective Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
tion of the language, patterned after such a
can be faulted on the grounds of too much traditional committee of the Academie 18-21 Apr SOUTHWESTERN ANTHRO-
similarity to the possessive forms, not to Francaise. Students of culture are uniquely POLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Annual Meet-
mention what happens when you say fast: ing, St Francis Hotel, San Francisco (jointly
qualified for this task, and it may become a with Society for California Archaeology)
"he, she, shis, it." relevant branch of applied anthropology. Deadline for abstracts, Dec 1. Programed
Once we are committed to "ze" for the Simon O Messing ordinator: Luis S Kemnitzer, Dept of Anth,
subjective, the other forms follow fairly San Francisco State College, San Francisco'
Southern Connecticut State College CA94132.
easily. There is hardly any pattern for the
objective—the seven pronouns having six dif- 18-21 Apr SOCIETY FOR CALIFORNIA
ferent endings. The one duplicate is -m • I have read with increasing pain the letters ARCHAEOLOGY Annual Meeting, St Francis
("him" and "them") so we might as well use Hotel, San Francisco (Jointly with Southwest-
in the Newsletter concerned with "sexist ern Anthropological Association). Deadline
it. Thus, I propose "zim." vocabulary." The pain comes from the re- for abstracts, Dec 1. Information: Michael
The possessive might as well accord with cognition that the letters are expressing cov- Moratto, Dept of Anth, San Francisco, CA
the more general /-s, -ez, -zl ending, and there ertly the view that the feminist movement is 94132.
is little reason to propose two different forms silly and can be reduced to absurdity just as 27-29 Apr NORTHEASTERN ANTHRO-
for the his/her and his/hers positional vari- "feminist vocabulary" can be. POLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Annual Meet-
ants: thus "zees." I have found this need to joke about ing, Sheraton Motor Inn, Burlington. Deadline
The reflexive seems to be more often for abstracts and symposia suggestions, Dec
various aspects of the feminist movement not 15. Program Chmn: Stephen Pastner, Dept of
possessive + self/selves than objective + self/ uncommon among male anthropologists. Anth, U Vermont, Burlington, VT 05401.
selves (thus the common "hisself" and "their- While they profess sympathy with feminist
self," but to my knowledge never "meself" or principles, they do not take women seriously 3-5 May SOCIETY FOR AMERICAN AR-
CHAEOLOGY 38 th Annual Meeting, Shera-
"usselves"). Thus—dropping one of the "s"s enough to accord them places equal to men in ton Palace, San Francisco. Abstracts of papers
in spelling, as usual— "zeeself." the profession. They are like alcoholics who due Dec 1. Program Chmn: Ezra B W Zubrow,
One may expect continuation of the abhor alcoholism and josh about drinking. In Dept of Anth, Stanford U, Stanford, CA
this way, by making drinking a joke, and not 94305.
gender distinction in some contexts even if a
set of non-distinguishing third person forms is something important enough to act upon, 17 Jun-7 Jury CONSEJO NACIONAL DE
adopted. If my proposed additions are they conceal from themselves the fact that CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA and AMERICAN
accepted, that would then give us the follow- they, not others, are indeed alcoholics. ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT
OF SCIENCE Joint Meeting, Mexico City.
ing paradigm: Women anthropologists, as the Associa- Theme: Science and Man in the Americas.
I me my mine myself tion's Committee on the Status of Women in (Secty, Sect H: Anthony Leeds, Dept of
Anthropology has shown, have suffered Anth, U Texas, Austin, T X 78 712.
you you your yours yourself/selves
he him his his himself serious discrimination in their profession. This
she her her hers herself had led to self-doubt, anxiety and despair. In GRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND
ze zim zees zees zeeself reading case histories and letters from women ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES Chicago. Con-
engaged in struggles to find jobs and to get tact ICAES, 1126 E 59th St, Chicago, IL
it it its its itself 60637.
we us our ours ourselves promotions, I have been made aware finally
they them their theirs themselves of the terrible personal trial a career in 10-15 Sept INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIA-
anthropology has been to many. T I O N FOR CYBERNETICS 7th international
Congress, Namur, Belgium. Send title and
As a postscript, as long as the topic is It is to this matter we should turn our summary of papers by Jan 1 to Secretariat,
ambigenderous terms, I would like to record attention. Let us have the courage to face the I AC, Palais de Expositions, Place Andre
in print the neologism I used in a letter to my distress of women squarely. Let us not turn Rijkmans, Namur, Belaium.
pregnant sister in 1955: I referred to the fetus away, hiding under the cover of flippancy.
as my "nibling"—a term she (and a few others Shirley Gorenstein GRESS FOR QUATERNARY RESEARCH
to whom I mentioned it) found attractive. Chairman, Committee on the University of Canterbury, Chrlstchurcrt, New
Steven Polgar Status of Women in Anthropology Zealand. Address: Jane M Soons, Secty-Genl,
IX INQUA Congress, Dept of Geog, Christ-
Chapel Hill, NC church, New Zealand.

• Re Paul Kay's letter (April 1972 News-
letter, p 3), my solution is to use the first syl- to Female Monasticism Sought
lable of "person": per=he, she, her, him; pers= I would like to begin research on the
they, them (optional); Pr=Ms, Miss, Mr, Mrs. institution of female monasticism. Ultimately,
"Ms" is poor. It is a non-standard pro- I hope to do fieldwork with Buddhist and/or The schedule for submission of
nunciation of "Mrs," which is a contraction Christian nuns. At the moment, however, I proposals to the National Science
of "Mistress," which connotes superior and am simply trying to assemble a bibliography Foundation for senior research proj-
inferior on the subject, and I am having a great deal of
ects in anthropology continues as fol-
John Clark trouble finding material. I would greatly ap-
New York, NY preciate any references-anthropological, his- lows:
torical, literary, etc—which anyone might
know of. Proposals
• tn reference to the April 1972 Newsletter
(p 3), you might consider the following terms Neediest to say, if anyone has any field should arrive For funds
among those to be replaced in the English data on this subject which they would be in (or before) needed in
language, on the grounds of offense to willing to share with me, I would be extreme-
females: ly grateful for that too.
December June-July
Testimony. Derived from the belief in (The address for Sarah Lawrence College
is Bronxvllle, NY 1 0 7 0 8 ] March Septem ber-October
encient Egypt, Bible-Talmud, early Rome,
that only adults possessing testicles can be Sherry B Ortn* August January-February

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