Insights About The Documentary Film

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Insights about the documentary film : “The Philippines’ Baby Factory”

After watching the whole documentary, as a Filipino I have realized the issue
of teenage pregnancy in my country is a serious matter that needs action by the
government. The cases of abortion, premarital sex, the availability or access of
contraceptives ,the lack of sexual education is absurd to be realized. And we should
stop the stigma about it.

In the documentary, many teenagers at the age of 12-16 who’s not mature
enough are already experience sex, get pregnant, have two or more kids, and some
resort to abortion. The fact, that they are young and still lack of grasping and
understanding how serious this things are , saddening me. There’s a girl featured in
the documentary in which she doesn’t know about sex and just force and resort to it
since she doesn’t know the consequences of it. The fact also that the partners of those
teen moms in the documentary is that they have been taken advantage of by older
guys since they lack knowledge about those things. And the cases of abortion , that is
very high in my country that can be reflected in the documentary is very absurd.

If you’ll gonna ask me about my insights about these problems in our country.
It starts with the root of family, then in the school , the government and ourselves.
The family should start guiding and teaching their kids to a sustainable and better
future as possible, not resort them to sexual harassment, violence and other things.
The school should educate sex education thoroughly for the youth to know these
things and what will be the consequences of it. The government should take action in
promoting and improving sexual programs and education for all, giving access to
contraceptives. And ourselves, since we will make the choice for ourselves, whether
you are a man or a woman. You will make a decision as we do that thing we called
sex. Abstinence is a choice after all, we should do these things after we get married
and build a family, that should be the mindset and proper way.

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