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Nama: Alwan Bachtiar

NIM: 1901070005

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto


Education Unit : SMP PGRI 18 CIMANGGU

Class/Semester : VIII/1

Theme : Human Circulatory System

Time Allocation : 2 Session (1 weeks x 1 hours of lessons)

Lesson Number :1

A. Core Competence
 KI 1 : Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion
 KI 2 : Demonstrate honest, disciplined, responsible, caring, polite, responsive, and pro-
active behavior as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with
the social and natural environment as well as placing oneself as a reflection of the nation
in the association of the world
 KI 3 : Understand, apply, analyze knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with insight
into humanity, nationality, state, and civilization related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and apply procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their
talents and interests to solve problems
 KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract realms related
to the development of what is learned in school independently, and being able to use
methods according to scientific rules.
B. Basic Competencies

Basic Competencies Indicators of Competence Achievement

3. 7 Analyzing the circulatory system in 3.7.1 Describe the structure of blood cells in
humans and understanding disorders of the human circulatory system.
the circulatory system, as well as efforts 3.7. 2 Identify the function of blood cells in
to maintain the health of the circulatory the human circulatory system
system 3.7.3 Linking the structure and function of
the components of blood cells in the human
circulatory system
3.7.4 linking the structure and function of
the heart in the human circulatory system
3.7.5 Comparing the structure of blood
vessels in the human circulatory system.
3.7.6 Analyzing the function of blood
vessels in the human circulatory system
3.7.7 Connecting the structure and function
of blood vessels in the human circulatory
3.7.8 Comparing the mechanism of blood
circulation in the human circulatory system.
3.7.9 Analyzing the relationship between the
structure and function of blood vessels in the
mechanism of human blood circulation.
3.7.10 Identify disorders of the human
circulatory system
3.7.11 Explain efforts to maintain the health
of the human circulatory system
C. Learning Objectives
1. Students can explain the circulatory system in humans
2. Students can explain the characteristics and functions of the human circulatory system
3. Students can identify the components that make up the human circulatory system
4. Students can explain the characteristics of the heart and blood vessels
5. Students can identify the difference between arteries (arteries) and veins (veins).
6. Students can explain disorders and abnormalities in the circulatory system and efforts to
prevent and overcome them
D. Approaches, Models, and Learning Methods
Approach : Scientific
Model : Discovery Learning
Method : Lecture, Q&A
E. Tools, Media, and Learning Resources
1. Tool
- Laptops
- Whiteboard
- Marker
2. Media
3. Learning Resources
- Student handbook
- Package book
F. Learning Activities
1. First meeting (1 hour lesson x 30 minutes)

Description of Learning Activities
I. Introduction
 The teacher greets, the teacher asks the students how they 5 minutes
are by asking the question "How are you today?".
 The teacher checks student attendance.
 The teacher gives apperception by asking questions about
the material to be studied
 The teacher accommodates students' answers and relates
 these questions to the material to be studied.
 The teacher provides learning orientation

II. Core activities

Stimulation (Stimulation / Giving Stimulation) 10 minutes

 The teacher gives material about the human circulatory system

in general using powerpoint and shows pictures related to the
human circulatory system

Problem Statement (Statement/Problem Identification) 5 minutes

 Form groups with 4 members.

 Students are given student discussion sheets and answer the
problems in the LKPD about completing the characteristics,
structure and function of the human circulatory system

Data Collection (Data Collection) 5 minutes

 Students discuss related to the given Student Worksheets

Data Processing (Data Processing) 15

 Group discussion completes the question data contained in the
Student Worksheet
 (LKPD 1)

Verification 10
 Presenting the results of the discussion
 Class discussion to elaborate on the verification results of
group discussion results.

Generalization (Drawing Conclusions) 5 minutes

 Students together with the teacher conclude about the
material that has been studied today based on
III. Closing
 The teacher gives a conclusion regarding the material 10 minutes
that has been studied today
 The teacher closes the lesson by greeting

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