Reflective Journal 3

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Reflective Journal 3: Actual Teaching

Name: Nova Myrel F. Recimo Date: May 23, 2022

Course/Major Field: BTVTEd – CSS 4 CT: Mrs. Nilpha Grace O. Loberanes

1. Cite evidences that would show the relevance of learning

activities to lessons’ objectives.

In creating my learning activities, I rely to what are my lesson

objectives. Bloom's Taxonomy is a helpful tool in developing lesson
objectives. It divides cognitive objectives into several categories of
increasing complexity. Simply put, learning objectives is used to
specify the desired outcomes that students should achieve by the
end of a lesson while learning activities, as the name implies, are a
set of activities that students must complete in order to achieve the
learning objectives.

These are my example of learning objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students can be able to:

 Determine various testing methods based on types of electronic

 Familiarize the tools needed to test the components as well as
the safety in conducting the test; and
 Value the importance of a datasheets for electronic

The next step to do is to create activities that will help

achieve these objectives aforementioned. How am I going to make
an activity that will create impact and give interest to the students?
First, I begin with an activity that will drop hints about a new topic
before I reveal what it might be. With this can activate emotional
signals and keep student interest piqued. A guessing game is very
effective in keeping your students engaged by letting them speak
what they already know.

Next step is to make it student-directed. It is really important

to give students a choice of assignments on a particular topic as
they better understand the goal of the lesson and become more
emotionally invested in and attached to the learning outcomes.
Then, relying on the second lesson objective, it is important to
connect it to their lives and what they already know. The word
“familiarize” means you have to make the students gain mastery of
the topic. In that case, below is the kind of activity that I need:

1. Identification
2. Fill in the Blanks
3. Completing the Table
Pertaining to the third lesson objective, which is about
valuing importance. What is the best activity that will help the
students further understand the importance of the topic? The
answer is providing utility value and building relatedness. Utility
value is purely academic and emphasizes the importance that
content has for the students’ future goals–both short-term and long-
term while building relatedness is about non-academic which refers
to the relationship between the instructor and the student. Utility
value provides relevance by first piquing students' interest by
informing them that the content is important to their future goals; it
then continues by demonstrating or explaining how the content fits
into their future plans. This helps students realize the content is not
just interesting but also worth knowing. A simple question and
answer activity will be great in a sense that you will create
conversation with your students and you can assess how they
digest the knowledge they have gained. With these examples I
have provided, I am certain that these shows how relevant it is to
select the best learning activity to achieve the lesson objectives.

2. What verbal and non-verbal communication skills do you

apply to make your teaching effective? Cite instances.

The non-verbal communication skills I apply are the following:

 Smile – In my class, I smile to improve the mood and make my

students feel welcomed and feel positive. For instance, when
students are too quiet, I automatically smile to show them how I
am comfortable enough to be approached. It is important to
show lightness in your face or else the students will be intimated
thinking that you are too serious to accept any questions or
even jokes.
 Gestures – There are postive and negative gestures. In my
case, I most likely use the positive gestures to emphasize
something or use gestures as guiding into something or
 Facial Expressions – Facial expression is very important in
teaching. I usually apply it to show how I feel or to show
emphasis about the topic.
 Eye Contact – This is the most important non-verbal
communication that I consider. For me, making eye-contact
shows authority. As an instructor, I need to gain authority to
instruct effectively and make my students participate.

The verbal communication skills I apply are the following:

 Greetings, Short talk, Discuss, Sharing jokes and ideas

randomly – For instance, the class is too quiet and it seems like
they are already bored, I use my happy voice and create short
conversations such as “How is it going so far, class? Are you
still with me?” “Is everyone sleeping?” “Class, as I said earlier
you have to be attentive to answer the long quiz, do you like to
have additional points?” In making my students participate
lively, I also ask questions in relation to the topics and listen to
what they can say about it. I think, it is better to receive wrong
answers than nothing. I usually greet my students
enthusiastically because starting the lesson would be so
awkward and boring when you only start with a discussion and
not say anything. The very first thing I do is greet them a “good
day and ask how are they feeling sa of today”. In that way, I can
catch their attention and gain response from them comfortably.

3. To what extent are your learning lesson outcomes achieved?

How do you know? What are the indicators?

My learners' passing grades served as one of the indicators that I

have achieved my learning lesson outcomes. It gives me great satisfaction
to see my students attain good grades. Also, one evidence is that my
students can answer my questions and they ask questions for
clarifications. They also respond fairly enough as they participate to every
activities being performed. I guess you could say that they learned my
lesson and they are interested about it. My rating sheets are another
source of evidence. My Cooperating Teacher rated because she observed
and reviewed my recorded actual teaching. The rating sheets, I suppose,
are valid and reliable because they were rated by our CT and our
Practicum Supervisor.

Comments/Other Learning Insights:

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Strengths :
Areas for Improvement:
Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor:

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