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Beatifying Sheger Project

Inception Report
National Consultant Technical Lead Expert; Strategic and Project
Management for “Beautifying Sheger Project” In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Prepared by; Yilakachew Azanaw Kumie

Summited to; Project Manager and UNDP CO and PMU

April, 2021 GC
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6

2. Back ground of the project...................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Descriptions of the project area ........................................................................................ 8

2.2. Strategic objective of the project ...................................................................................... 9

2.4. Expected outcomes of the project ....................................................................................10

2.5. General framework of the project ....................................................................................11

3. Objective of the report ..........................................................................................................11

3.1. General objectives of the report .......................................................................................11

3.2. Goals of the inception report ...........................................................................................11

3.3. Impacts of the report ......................................................................................................12

3.4. Methodologies applied to prepare the report .....................................................................12

3.4.3. Annual work plan (EFY2013) July 2020-June 2021 of the Project document.....................13

3.4.4. Contract document .....................................................................................................13

3.4.5. Project design review .................................................................................................14

3.4.6. Legal frame work about rules and regulation .................................................................14

3.4.8. Operation and Maintenance Assessment .......................................................................15

3.5. Discussions held with key stakeholders and the project team members.................................17

3.6. Stakeholder Analysis .....................................................................................................17

4. Summary of results of the project review report .......................................................................21

5. Consultancy Service Working Methodology ............................................................................21

6. The Consultant Strategic Lead Expert Major Deliverables .........................................................22

AACA Addis Ababa City Administration
AAEPA Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
PMU Project Management Unit
UNDP United Nations Development Program
SSA Sub Saharan Africa
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
ADB Africans Development Bank
MOFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
BOFED Bureau of Finance and Economic Development
List of Tables
1. Table 1 Shows Deliverables Timeframe Nexus
2. Table 2 Shows Activity Schedules
3. Table 3 Shows the Activity breakdown schedule in MS-project
1. Terms of references (TOR)
Executive Summary
Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and seat for around seven million dwellers with rapid
urbanization. The climate is favorable for working and living and truism attraction it is also a
political and diplomatic city for the national and the international institutions. Currently the city
administration faces different challenges related to rapid urbanization, population growth, rural
urban in migration, unemployment, urban poverty, urban deterioration urban slum, informal
settlements, lack of infrastructure, poor urban governance, resource degradation and
environmental pollution are some of the critical and interlinked urban socioeconomic challenges
which needs strategic integrated planning and management solutions.
The city government of Addis Ababa revised the charter in proclamation No.361/2003 to an able
the city well decentralized and self-governing city that mobilized its own revenue and enhance
the city’s development by creating job opportunity attracting national and international investors
in the privet sector and strengthen the public privet partner ships in the development issues.
To facilitate the sustainable urban development in the city urban redevelopment and renewal
strategic approach were implemented in different sector by integrating towards the improvement
of the city and enhancing the quality of life for the residents. One of the project is Beautifying
Sheger Project waslaunched by the initiative of the prime minister targeting to changes the image
of the city, improve the ecology of the city, providing green and open space for recreational
center and creating jobopportunity and reduce natural resource degradation and environmental
pollution by developing the river sides. The river side development and management will
significantly contributes to sustainable urban environmental development and can change the
rivers from garbage disposal points and sewerage outlets to urban commercial and tourism
center. The Project under construction alongside two major rivers from mount Entoto down to
Akaki water treatment river is partially launched and under construction. The UNDP is providing
a capacity building program for the city administration for the successful implementation of this
project. As a part of project national consultant strategic lead expert in the PMU I conduct a
document review and prepare an inception report that provides me to understand the general
overview of the project strategic objectives and what are the main strategic deliverables expected
from the strategic leadexpert. Generally the inception report includes the overall understanding
of the project, the organizational structure, the consultancy methodology, annual work plan and
activity schedule which is prepared based on the TOR.

1. Introduction
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world that ranked 169th out of 175 countries in the
United Nations Development Program Human Development Index. Among other indicators
demonstrating the massive developmental challenges facing Ethiopia, primary school enrolment
is remarkably low at only 46 per cent, infant mortality is high at nearly ten per cent (98 child
deaths per thousand), 53 per cent of the population is illiterate, and 40 per cent of the population
lives below the poverty line. National unemployment is high at 16.7 per cent, although in the
capital city of Addis Ababa it is even higher at 32 per cent. With a population of 79 million,
Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. It is growing rapidly; the annual growth
rate is 2.6 per cent, equating to two million births per year. Despite having one of the lowest
proportions of urban population in the world at only 16.7 per cent, Ethiopia is rapidly urbanizing
at a high annual growth rate of 3.49 per cent. In between seventeen years the urban population
more than doubled from 6.4 in 1990 to 13.8 million in 2007. The population is very young with
45 per cent under 15 years of age. The combinations of high population growth and urban
growth rates coupled with a high prevalence of urban poverty have placed enormous strain on
Ethiopian cities. 80 per cent of the population lives in sub-standard slum housing that needs
complete replacement or significant upgrading. It is well described that the fastest population
growth and high rate of urbanization critically needs integrated planning approach to respond the
urban services.
Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and the diplomatic center of Africa as well as the
center for international institutions which is the third diplomatic city in the world. Addis Ababa
is one of the fastest growing cities on the continent having a population nearly doubled every
decade. According to central statics authority in 1984 the population was 1, 412, 575, in 1994 it
was 2,112, 737, and it is currently estimated to be seven million. UNHABITAT estimates that
this number will continue to rise, reaching 12 million in 2024. Its geographic location, combined
with its political and socio-economic status have made it a melting pot to hundreds of thousands
of people coming from all corners of the country in search of employment opportunities and
services. High rate of unemployment (31%), concentration of slum dwellings, and poor housing,
infrastructure and sanitary development, characterize Addis Ababa more than the few good
features it possesses. The challenge is not only to reverse current situation through balancing the
economic growth with the population increase, but also to catch up with decades of neglect.
Effective and efficient project planning and management should be considered a strategic
competency within organizations and it enables organizations to tie project results to the
predesigned objectives and goals, compete more effectively in its objectives for sustainable
development achievements within the organization, and respond to the impact of the project to
business environment on the projects by appropriately adjusting strategic project planning and
management implementations.

2. Back ground of the project

As cities in many Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, population growth has outstripped
infrastructure development and that in turn has stretched the need for basic service provision in
areas such as sanitation and safe water supply, transport, housing and energy. It has also
generated considerable strain on institutions – especially the Addis Ababa City Administration
which has limitations in skills, systems, financing and capacities for urban planning, land
management and service delivery have not kept pace with the speed of change. This has led,
among other things, to the growth of informal settlements, widespread un- and under-
employment, especially among youth, poor access to and quality of services, air, water and soil
pollution and degradation, uncontrolled solid and liquid waste disposal, absence of green spaces
for citizens to enjoy and increased flood risk. These challenges have adversely affected the urban
ecosystem, socio- economic environment and the overall quality of life of those who live in
Addis Ababa. In the meantime, rising temperatures and a changing climate pose growing risks
and complicate the situation. A major concern is the poor management and utilization of natural
resources, including rivers exposed to environmental pollution. The Prime Minister of Ethiopia is
committed to urban renewal of Addis Ababa. He has launched a flagship initiation titled
‘Beautifying Sheger Project’ which aims at renewing the Addis Ababa City – as its name implies
– and making it green as well as clean. Following the launch of the initiative, the Addis Ababa
City Mayor’s office, especially the Mega Project Implementing Office has taken the lead in
implementing the Sheger project including the overall project management and its day to-day
issues. From the mega projects one of the interventions areas were the river side rehabilitation
and development is one of the focusing area in the initiative of the prime minister. Among them
the two major rivers running from Mount Entoto down to the bottom of the Akaki area,
stretching for 23.8 kms and 27.5 kms, Kurtime and Bantiyiketuwere respectively. The two rivers
fellowsthrough the center of the city which is highly populated part of the city.Finallyit is
flowing into the AkakiRiver. Addis Ababa’s rivers serve as garbage disposal points and
sewerage outlets. The situation becomes more acute during rainy seasons; heavy flooding causes
the sewage system to overflow, which contaminates water lines, overflows over the streets and
pollutes the city. Generally, these challenges have adversely affected the urban ecosystem, the
wellbeing of the people and the overall quality of life in the city. Developing the river side
reducing the environmental pollution and degradation of the urban ecology is significantly
important for sustainable urban development. The implementation of beautifying Shager project
will provide multidirectional environmental, social and economic opportunities for the city
residents and the lower peripheral farmers reside around the city. Such kind of mega projects
need scientific project planning and management at each stage of the project implementation
For the successful implementation of this project, UNDP Ethiopia Country Office (CO) is
providing capacity building support to the mayor’s office in establishing a Project Management
Unit (PMU) which will execute the overall project and facilitate planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation as well as manage the day to-day activities related to the project.
Among others, UNDP’s support includes deploying of high caliber experts for a period of one-
year. Therefore, UNDP envisages contracting a duly experienced and high caliber national
consultant in the area of project risk management and deliver a consultancy service for the
project risk management, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation
effective and efficiently.

2.1. Descriptions of the project area

The project is implemented in AddisAbaba city Administration the two rivers under
implementation of the river side development were started running from Mount Entoto down to
the bottom of the Akaki area, stretching for 23.8 kms and 27.5 kms, Kurtime and Bantiyiketu
respectively. The Project area in general covers rehabilitating 56 kilometers green areas from
Entoto to Akaki alongside main rivers of river kurtime and Bentyiketu down to Akaki water
treatment plant. The Project area is subdivided into different subunits for development. The 12
km area runs from Entoto down to Peackok Park which covers a total area includes 48 hectares
of Central Square around Sheraton hotel which is under construction. The rivers cut through the
heart of the city, passing through the heavily populated part of Addis Ababa finally flowing into
the Akaki River. Addis Ababa’s rivers serve as garbage disposal points and sewerage outlets.
The situation becomes more acute during rainy seasons; heavy flooding causes the sewage
system to overflow, which contaminates water lines, overflows over the streets and pollutes the
city and these challenges have adversely affected the urban ecosystem as well as the wellbeing of
the people and the overall quality of life in the city.

2.2. Strategic objective of the project

The strategic objective of the project titled “Beautifying Sheger Project” which aims at renewing
the Addis Ababa city –as its name implies –and making it green as well as clean .This
intervention will work on greening the riverside; installing proper sewerage & drainage
infrastructure as alternative to liquid waste disposal;and finding alternative livelihood for people
whose lives are dependent on the river and improving integrated watershed management within
the broader ambit of sustainable urban land use planning and management in the city.
2.3. Specific objective of the project
The overall objective is “to support the implementation of the Sheger Project through human &
institutional capacity building & an integrated urban planning & watershed management
approach “this will be achieved through the implementation of the following specific objectives.
Institutional strength of the AACA by providing strategic planning and implementation
consultancy capacity development assistance
Enabling framework for integrated watershed management with in the integrated sustainable
urban land planning and management
Livelihood programs for sustainable riversides development and management
Knowledge management and monitoring and evaluation in the project implementation
Improving job opportunity for urban unemployed youth during and after the implementation
of the river side development
Improve the urban ecology sustainability change the image of the city and enhance the truism
fellow to the city
Improve the resident’s quality of life by cleaning the river pollution and provide alternative
green and open space for entertainment

2.4. Expected outcomes of the project

2.4.1. Contributing outcome for (UNSDCF/CPD),RPD or GPD

Outcome 1 (People) all people in Ethiopia enjoy the rights and capabilities to realize their
potential in equality and with dignity

Outcome 2: (Peace) all people in Ethiopia live in a cohesive, just, inclusive and democratic

Outcome 3: (Prosperity) all people in Ethiopia benefit from an inclusive, resilient and
sustainable economy

Outcome4: (Planet) all people in Ethiopia live in a society resilient to environment risks and
adapted to climate change.

Output(s) CPD

Output 1.4: Capacities of federal and regional institutions strengthened to promote gender
responsive inclusive and sustainable local development

Output 2.1: Capacities developed across the whole of the government to integrate the 2030
agenda. The Paris agreement and other international agreements in developments plans and
budgets and to analyses progress towards the SDGs using innovative and data-driven solution.

Output 2.2: Marginalized groups, particularly the poor, women, PWDs and displaced are
empowered to access entrepreneurship service and financial and non-financial assets and
services to build productive capacities and benefit from sustainable livelihood and jobs.

Output 3.1: Integrated and gender responsive climate and disaster risk governance system
strengthen to reduce risks and vulnerability, improve early warning (EWS) and enable rapid

Output 3.2:Gender responsive legal and regulatory framework,policies and institution

strengthened and solutions adopted to address conservation,sustainable use and equitable benefit
sharing of natural resources in line with international convention and national legislation

Output 3.4: Actions on climate change adaptations and mitigation scaled up, funded and
implemented across sectors.
2.5. General framework of the project
The Beautifying Sheger project is a three years flagship project initiated by Prime Minister of
Ethiopia Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali. The Initiative has attracted overwhelming support from
development partners of the Government of Ethiopia and the general public. The United Nations
Development Program supports the project with capacity building. The Office of the Mayor of
Addis Ababa City owns the project. The Mayor office provides strategic direction to its
implementation. It provides facilities for Project Management Unit. The Project Management
Unit under the supervision of the Mayor office and Project Manager are responsible to manage
the overall implementation of the project.

3. Objective of the report

3.1. General objectives of the report
The general objective of the inception report is to prepare inception report as per the technical
proposal summited for bid computations and time schedule specified in the activity schedule for
inception report to proceed according to the contract agreement signed for consultancy service.
3.2. Goals of the inception report
The goal of this inception report is mainly focuses on addressing the following issues.
 To review the necessarydocuments related to the project implementation and realize about
the project status to proceed the technical consultancyservice
 After conducting a document review analysis the strength and weakness of these documents
for the successful implementation of the project
 To evaluate the project performance with respect to the project strategic objectives and
preplanned cost and time schedule.
 To understand the project over all status and prepare a working methodology and schedule
for the consultancy service
 To fulfill one of the responsibility of the consultant to prepare and summit an inception
report as per the contract agreement
3.3. Impacts of the report
The inception report will have the following major impacts for the two parties mainly
 Fail to prepare and deliver the inception report will have direct effect on the implementation
of the signed contract agreement
 It will give a clear understanding about the overall understanding of the project to proceed
the consultancy service
 It is a milestone for the start up for the implementations of the contract to be effective by the
two parties
3.4. Methodologies applied to prepare the report
To prepare the inception report themethodology implemented were collecting the necessary
documents from the concerned organizations and key personals and organized for review,
conducting a desk review and identified the strengths and weakness and assesse the major output
of the review and identified gaps drown, supervise the project site andcollect the primary data
and secondary data as well as held a discussion with appropriate project team members and
finally preparethe inception report according to the TOR and technical proposal schedule.
3.4.1. Documents reviewed
To precede the consultancy service there are major documents that should be reviewed to get
appropriate information about the role and responsibility of the key stakeholders and the strategic
objectives of the project the main beneficiaries and the social inclusion, the legal binding frame
work and compatibility of the documents with the city administration legal and regulatory
parameters. The following documents were reviewed in detail and major conclusions drown as

3.4.2. Project Document

The project document entitled “A pragmatic approach to Beatifying Sheger through sustainable
urbanization and urban resilience” a project number 0123131 the implementation partners is
Addis Ababa city Administration (AACA) starting date 07/2020 end date 06/2024 GC were
reviewed. The project document clearly identified the strategic objectives and the components to
achieve the strategic objective. In the document I tried to review the main components of the
documents that includes

 The contributing out comes were defined and listed clearly

 The expected out puts list in the document
 The development challenges in the city administration were through explained
 The socioeconomic assessment of the rivers and the riversides residents impact and related
pollutions to the river were explained
 The document also indicates the livelihood issues and resettlement programs and challenges
and the descriptions of shortcomings that includes the geographical coverage, the institution
and coordination and legitimacy issues
 Barriers of the project the policy barriers, human and institutional capacities, unsustainable
migration to the city and the level of homelessness and its impact to the project
 The strategies developed to implement the project, the main drivers of the project and the
project impact in the short and long term were explained
 The main stakeholders and the expected results as well as the knowledge management
strategies and relevant partners of the project were briefly explained
 The weakness and threats were identified and the detailed activities explained
 The key elements, overreaching policies and principles, the policy delivery process and
accountability and the project level standards explained briefly as well as the required
resources to implement the project were estimated
 Organizational and government structures and arrangements, the risks and assumptions
related to the project and mitigation measures
 The project management approaches and techniques also explained and the governance and
management arrangements and organizational structures of the project were some of the main
reviews for the purposes of inception report.
3.4.3. Annual work plan (EFY2013) July 2020-June 2021 of the Project document

The project pillar and out puts and inductive out puts the program periods from 2020 to 2025 and
the annual planed budgets and outcome schedules and allocated budget for the physical year
were the main reviewed issues for the purposes of the inception report.

3.4.4. Project Contract document

The contract documents to be reviewed were includes the following section of the contract
documents like Agreement, including all appendices, Special Conditions of Contract, General
Conditions of Contract, Any other document listed in the SCC as forming part of the Contract
and the role and the responsibility of the independent consulting engineers and other related
issues like, scope of work, environmental safeguarding mechanisms, land use rights, local
requirements, quality assurance standards, liability and indemnification and ways of dispute
resolution mechanisms. According to the discussion held with the IP office I couldn’t able get
these documents and that will be one of the responsibilities of the lead expert consultation issue
for the project implementation in the coming periods.

3.4.5. Project design review

The project design document review indicates about the project design mainly focuses on the
major structural and architectural drawings, layouts, the coordinate points, the neighborhood
plan, site plan, material specifications and material quantity its compatibility with the national
standards and integrated with the existing urban design of the city. The layout and neighborhood
plan is implemented according to the master plan and structure plan of the city administration.
These will be reviewed throughout the project phase during implementation.

3.4.6. Legal frame work about rules and regulation

According to the singed contract document reviewed on the issue of legal framework and
regulation the project document incorporates the national civil low, safety standards’, regulatory
frame work related to environmental protection and soil conservation, building permit and land
use zoning functions compatibility and all procurement procedures approved by the public
procurement agencies of the city are the core area of the document reviews the documents
incorporated the required rules and regulations and approved by the government organs. These
mainly incorporateenvironmental social, economic political and legal parameters were clearly
incorporated in the contracts document.

3.4.7. Project performance report

Effective and efficient project management should be considered a strategic competency within
organizations and it enables organizations to tie project results to business goals, compete more
effectively in their objectives sustainable development achievements within the organization, and
respond to the impact of the project to business environment on the projects by appropriately
adjusting project management plans. To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the projects
performance evaluation the periodic financial and progress report were not available. The
consultation service after the inception report will be assessed and the periodic
projectschedulewill beconducted by evaluation measurement tools and techniques. The major
project performance indicators of the project will evaluated and indicated as follows with respect
to project measurement criteria’s mainly time/ schedule, cost/budget and quality assurance
measurement criteria’s mainly.
 Cost performance of the project
 Schedules performance of the project
 Quality assurance and standards of the project

3.4.8. Operation and Maintenance Assessment

There are several ways in which the operation and maintenance (“O&M”) of a project can be
structured depending on the scope of the work of the project weather it is limited to operation
and/or maintenance, this task is entrusted to a contractor though a unique, typically 3-to-8-years
contract or operation and maintenance of toll of the projects are usually subject to the setting up
of a special purpose conditions to be treated separately. These activities include planning and
cost estimating and preparing the contract document according to the selected contact type and
managing the procurement processes for the operations and maintenance activities will be deeply
analyzed in the first quarter of the consultancy service. In this case there are things to be
identified and analyzed in the first quarter of the consultation periods that includes

 The project can conduct the O&M of the project itself or not
 The project can enter into an operation and maintenance agreement with an affiliated third
 The project can enter into an operation and maintenance agreement with an arm’s length
third party; or
 The project can share the operating and maintenance role with a third party
The maintenance function can be separated from the operation function so that the maintenance
role is performed by the construction contractor with the project company either retaining the
operating role or contracting it out to a third party will be assessed and evaluated the best
alternative depending on the arrangements of the contract will be selected and implemented.
3.4.9. Risk assessment and identification
Almost all construction contracts allocate risks but there are some choices to be made the
ultimate goal of optimal risk allocation is to promote project implementation on time and on
budget with specified quality in the contract, that is to obtain the greatest value of money. The
project document identifies the possible risks and the impact of the risk and mitigation strategies.

3.4.10. Critical analysis of the document

After reviewed the relevant documents mentioned above a critical assessment about each
document elements and articles consistency and applicability to the rules and the regulations of
the city administration and challenges to implement and affect the public interest and
environmental standards were critically analyzed. The major strengths of the reviewed
documents and weakness encountered by the principleof SWOT analysis were analyzed that
shows the project is feasible to implement the project in the city.

3.4.11. Major Strengths of the reviewed documents

 The existing documents, laws, policies, regulations agreements are feasible to the project
 The project document clearly defines the applications of the rules and regulations in the
project implementations these includes gaps in such rules and regulations in the project
documents and evaluated the extent of its impact in the project life cycle.
 Identified challenges which needs correctives action/decision in the short medium and long
term in the documents
 Identified alternative corrective measures to be taken by different project stakeholder were
 Identified project gapes at all stages of the project phase and its impact were assessed
 Identified ways of amendment for the project documents and plans among different rules,
regulations, standards and policies
 Evaluated capacity of the implementing team members and the gaps to be improved at all
levels of the members of the project team and the ways of improvements
 Identified impact assessment of environmental rules, safety features, health, community
situation of the project implementation areas, and applicability of the design with the existing
master plans and structure plan as well as the land use zoning compatibility during
implementation and related to land scape related features.
 Identified gaps in stakeholders analysis and organizational structures and their role and
responsibility in the project implementation activity

3.5. Discussions held with key stakeholders and the project team members
The discussions were held with the strategic project team members about the project aver all
achievements and the role and responsibilities of the team. The discussion was focused on
overall project information and way of cooperation and collaboration and the expected roles and
responsibilities of the strategic lead expert. The hierarchy and organizational structures of the
project management unit (PMU) .

Organizational structure of the PMU

3.6. Stakeholder Analysis

In integrated project planning and management knowledge areas one of the key components is
integrated stakeholder management which can contribute for the successful implementation of
the project and achieve the desired strategic objectives of the project. To plan and coordinate the
key stakeholdersin a project the primary task will be identified the key stakeholders and define
their role and responsibility will be the concern of stakeholder analysis in project management.
From the reviews of the documents and discussions with project team members the following
stakeholders were analyzed as a key partner for the project implementation and their role and
responsibility were described as follows.
1. Addis Ababa Urban Planning Institute
Addis Ababa urban planning institute is one of the key stakeholders that provide the approved
master plan, structure plan and urban land zoning which is appropriate for the project
implementations. It provides standards and functions of land as well as monitoring and
evaluation for the compatibility of the project with the urban ecology and sustainability.
2. Addis Ababa Construction Bureau
Addis Ababa construction bureau is also one of the key stakeholders that provide a construction
contract rules and regulations and a standard construction quality assurance responsibilities about
the project implementations.
3. Addis Ababa Plan Commission
Addis Ababa plan commission is one of the stakeholders that will incorporate the strategic
objective of the project to be integrating in the government economic development plan in the
medium and long term. It will also use as source document to define the relevance of the project
in the city for job opportunity, economic development, revenue mobilization for the city and
general contributions in sustainable urban and environmental development perspectives.
4. Addis Ababa Sub City Administrations
The sub city administration offices along the project implementation areas are the key
stakeholders to support the project in identification of the project area from residents occupation
and facilitate the issues related to right off way cases. In addition to these they will contribute in
awareness creation in the society about the project significance and insure the inclusions of the
women’s and youths in the project activities during construction and after the construction
operation and maintenance as well as appropriate utilization of the project out puts to achieve the
general objective of the project.
5. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and Addis Ababa finance and
Economic Development Bureau
The ministry of finance and economic development and Finance and Economic Development
Bureau are the most significant stakeholders for provision and administration of finance from
donors and governmental budgets based on the financial rules and regulations of the country and
the city administration respectively.
6. Addis Ababa City Environmental Protection Authority (AACEPA)
AACEPA was established with mission to crate pollution free and green Addis Ababa and
syndicate development with environmental works that are researched, evaluated and monitored
with the collaborative efforts of the community to ensure the right of the society to live in a clean
and healthy environment with sustainable development and wise use of natural resources. The
values and missions of establishment of AAEPAmake the key stakeholder for the project.
7. Addis Ababa City Land Development and Management Bureau
Addis Ababa city land and development and management bureau is responsible to deliver the
land based on the structure plan, Land management, acquisition, land development and urban
renewal, construction permit and control, land banking and transfer are powers and activities of
this bureau. The bureau will play vital role in land delivery regulation and administration for the
8. Addis Ababa city water and sewerage Authority:
The stakeholder is responsible for beautification of parks and cemetery, sanitation
administration, dry waste and recycling and abattoirs. In addition this body administers and owns
properties such as water pipelines underground which may appear in the project implementation
area line.
9. Ethio-Telecom
Ethio-Telecom has the power and right to administer its properties including those covered
underground infrastructures such as fiber optics which might appear in the project
implementation areas. It also play a key role in provision of the Telecom infrastructure for the
project after the construction completed so it is important to integrate and work closely with the
company as a participatory stakeholder for the success of the project objectives.
10. Addis Ababa Labor and Social Affairs Bureau
Addis Ababa labor and social affairs bureau is also one of the stakeholders that could play key
role for the approval and participation of the project inclusiveness for women’s, children’s,
youths and other vulnerable part of the society equity and equality.
11. Addis Ababa Roads Authority
Addis Ababa road Authority will play its own responsibility in the areas of provision of road
standards and integrate the road infrastructures development and management with the project
scope and strategic objectives.
12. Addis Ababa city government river basin and green development agency
Addis Ababa city government river basin and green development agency is one of the other
stakeholders which is responsible for the implementation assistance monitoring and evaluation of
projects in the river buffer zones. The agency will assists the project with the implementation
procedures and environmental rules and regulation related to urban ecology and river pollution
and job opportunity creation in the river side development and management issues.
13. Addis Ababa City Council
Addis Ababa city council is one of the state organs which are responsible for the project
implementation successes and failure. The council will play significant role in the policy and
strategic related issues of the project implementation and its successes with respect to the
strategic objectives. Generally the city administration is the legal responsible body for all over
implementation of the project and that will determines the continuity of the project as well as to
take corrective actions related to rules and regulations and policy frameworks.
14. Addis Ababa Police and Federal Police
The Federal police and Addis Ababa police commission are the stakeholders that will play their
own role any security issues during and after the construction of the project.
Different development partners and non-governmental organization are the main stakeholders in
this project in deferent parameters, roles and responsibilities like United Nation development
program, Africans development bank and other cooperative’s.
16. The community
The communities that directly affected or benefited from the project in different ways are also
the key stakeholders of the project at different levels. These are mainly settle in the river buffer
zone and the lower streams of the river.
4. Summary of results of the project review report
The detailed project reviews were conducted andcriticallyanalyzed and the main findings of the
report were come up with major conclusions. Some of the elements of the report include at list
but not the lists are as follows based on the review and assessments.

 Develop a revised project scheduled to the successful implementation of the project will be
one of the primary task and developing a corrective action planwill be an immediate
responsibility of the strategic lead expert consultancy service
 Generally the report include works completed, the reviewed document and project review
findings on rules and policies, potential gaps, possible alternative intervention solutions as
recommendations were prepared and other issues will be reviewed and reported at the end of
the first quarter report in detail as indicated in the annual work plan.

5. Consultancy Service Working Methodology

The consultancy service will be delivered by implementing the main project planning and
management knowledge areas, tools and techniques in an integrated project planning and
management principles though out the project phases. The application of these skills, tools and
techniques will be managed according to its compatibility of the national and the city
administration rules and regulations and evaluated its contributions to achieve the strategic
objectives of the project initiatives.
Based on the Stakeholders analysis the role and responsibility of the key stakeholders clearly
identified. The role and responsibility of each stakeholder for the project implementation
strategically formulated when and how their participation will be. The schedule and means of
communication media will be determined at each phase of the project and means of monitoring
and evaluation for their cooperation and integration will be analyses periodically. The successes
and failure of the integrated stakeholder planning and management issues will be communicated
and reported to the concerned bodies at the right time and corrective measures will be provided
based on the analysis.
Project performance evaluation will be periodically performed by using the project performance
tools and techniques mainly the time/schedule performance, cost/budget schedule performance
and quality assurance will be evaluated. The progress of the project towards the intention of the
strategic objectives will critically assess. Based on the project performance evaluation the major
identified gaps will be drown and the main contributing challenges listed and the existent of each
factor evaluated and corrective measures will be formulated accordingly.
To deliver significant consultancy service for the project primary and secondary data will be
assessed, generated tabulated, organized, analyses and interpreted throughout the project life
cycle. The secondary data includes the project periodic progress and financial report, contract
document, policy and strategic documents and rules and regulation related to the project
performance and similar project experiences from different sources. The primary data will be
collected from periodic site supervisions, executive meeting, observation and discussions with
the appropriate project team members and higher official and policy makers those who play a
key role for the project success according to the situation arises and the data analysis major
findings periodically.
The corrective actions will be improved through trainings, discussions, formal meetings and
appropriate measures will be taken at all stages of the project with the project team. The periodic
improvements and performance of the project will be reported periodically according to the
project work plan and activity schedules described in the tables below.

6. The Consultant Strategic Lead Expert Major Deliverables

Here starts the strategic planning and management consultancy services as per the TOR by
periodical site supervision, report reviews, risk assessments during the project implementation
and communicating all stakeholders including top management of the project, relevant
stakeholders and project team members and policy makers. The major deliverables of the
consultant strategic lead expert will be

 Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress according to the pre designed standards,
signed documents, rules and regulations towards the strategic achievements of the project
 Improves harmonized communication by key stake holder in the project and holding periodic
meeting with concerned stakeholders and preparing communication report
 Evaluate the project performance by evaluation measurement tools and techniques in terms
of cost, time and quality
 Identify the project performance gaps and preparing corrective measures to the top managers
and high level decision makers timely
 Preparing training programs based on the project assessment and identified gaps for all the
concerned stakeholders.
 Develop strategic intervention to correct the assessed project performance gapes before the
gap gets worsen and cost the project performances in any parameter
 Develop project monitoring and evaluation techniques the enhance the successful
implementation of the project
 Continuously review, update the existing rules and regulation and research, document best
practices from similar projects and ensure the integrity of the project’s implementation team
 Develop the strategic framework for the implementation of projects, lead and coordinate the
action of Managers to ensure successful implementation of projects.
 Develop a strategic plan to support internal planning processes to achieve projects
development & success towards the economic and social benefit of the city especially in the
Beautifying Sheger projects to the public
 Communicate with the Project Manager and internal departments within the City
Administration to identify risks and developed mitigations actions
 Develop a strategy to ensure that the urban design, quality and planning aspects are
consistent across all phases of the project
 Provide strategic consultation for day to day activities on risk assessments, identification and
provide alternative recommendations on mitigation measures
 Develop and implement strategic plan to forecast and evaluate project management risks with
others PMU team members and other stakeholders as well as implement action plans to avoid
or minimize and mitigate the risks in the project implementations
 Prepare a summarized periodic report on a quarterly basis, in collaboration with other staff
and consultation with the manager, prepare and update the detailed program work-plans,
schedule and budget,
 Prepare a summary of annual and quarterly progress reports as well as other reports for
UNDP, donors, and other stakeholders, as per program requirements in consultation with the
 Planning strategically to ensure that projects activities are planned and implemented in a
gender sensitive and socially inclusive manner and that all implementing partners are
sensitized and trained in gender and social inclusion.
Generally by conducting continuous monitoring and evaluation and periodic assessment of the
project execution quarterly, semiannually and annually report will be prepared regularly but if
there is urgent situation it will be reported accordingly. The report will be critically analysis the
project progress and financial performance by performance measurement tools and techniques.
The major identified strength and weaknesses during the reporting period and improvement of
execution after the provision of the remedial actions will be assessed. The report will be prepared
by descriptive narration, performance evaluation tools and project management software’s which
full fills the project standard formats incorporating all the components of the project activities.
Table 1 shows Deliverables –Activity –Time
Farm Nexus From April,12/2021 –March,11/2022GC
N Deliverables
Activities Timeframe
Monitoring and evaluation of the project  Review of the relevant project documents From April,
progress according to the pre designed  Evaluate the project strategic achievements 27/2021 to July,
1 standards, signed documents, rules and  Identify the gaps 27/2021
regulations towards the strategic  Identify the critical factors affecting the Throughout the
achievements of the project objectives project successes project phase
Improves harmonized communication by  Identify the key stakeholders
key stake holder in the project and holding  Define the role and responsibility of the From April,
periodic meeting with concerned key stake holders 27/2021 to July,
2 stakeholders and preparing communication  Schedule the appropriate time of meeting 27/2021
report  Identify means of communication medias Throughout the
 Prepare periodic communication report project phase

Evaluate the project performance by  Assess the project periodic report At the end of each
3 evaluation measurement tools and  Evaluate the project performance quarter
techniques in terms of cost, time and quality  Prepare project performance report
Identify the project performance gaps and  Identify the project performance gaps At the end of each
preparing corrective measures to the top  Define the factors affecting the project quarter
4 managers and high level decision makers performance
timely  Prepare alternative corrective measures
 Reported to the Top Management
Preparing training programs based on the  Assess and identify the capacity gaps Throughout the
project assessment and identified gaps for  Prepare training manuals project phases
5 all the concerned stakeholders  Provide a training for the selected
 Evaluate the improvement
Develop strategic intervention to correct the  Evaluate the project performance gaps Throughout the
assessed project performance gapes before  Identify the key strategic actors to take project phases
6 the gap gets worsen and cost the project action
performances in any parameter  Develop strategic corrective actions
Develop project monitoring and evaluation  Prepare project monitoring and evaluation From April,
techniques that enhance the successful check list 27/2021 to July,
7 implementation of the project  Define the period/stage of evaluation 27/2021
Throughout the
project phase
Continuously review, update the existing  Assess review documents
rules and regulation and research, document  Follow up the integrity of the project team From July,
8 best practices from similar projects and 27/2021through
ensure the integrity of the project’s out the project
implementation team
Develop the strategic framework for the  Develop strategic framework From April,
implementation of projects, lead and  Coordinate the actions of the managers 27/2021 to July,
9 coordinate the action of Managers to ensure 27/2021
successful implementation of projects. Throughout the
project phase
Develop a strategic plan to support internal  Assess the areas which needs support
planning processes to achieve projects internal planning process From July,
development & success towards the  Identify the type of support 27/2021through
10 economic and social benefit of the city  Develop a strategy out the project
especially in the Beautifying Sheger  Prepare the schedule phases
projects to the public  Deliver a supportive actions
Communicate with the Project Manager and  Assess and identify the possible risks From April,
internal departments within the City  Develop mitigation strategies 27/2021 to July,
11 Administration to identify risks and  Communicate to the project managers and 27/2021
developed mitigations actions the project team members Throughout the
project phase
Develop a strategy to ensure that the urban  Review the relevant design documents From April,
design, quality and planning aspects are  Supervise the site activities 27/2021 to July,
12 consistent across all phases of the project  Check the implementation 27/2021
 Prepare a corrective action if any gap Throughout the
project phase
Provide strategic consultation for day to day  Assess and identify the possible risks
activities on risk assessments, identification  Prepare a risk planning and management From July,
and provide alternative recommendations on plan 27/2021through
mitigation measures  Recommend alternative courses of action out the project
to mitigate the risk phases

Develop and implement strategic plan to  Assess and identify the possible risks From July,
forecast and evaluate project management  Prepare a risk planning and management 27/2021through
risks with others PMU team members and plan out the project
14 other stakeholders as well as implement  Recommend alternative courses of action phases
action plans to avoid or minimize and to mitigate the risk
mitigate the risks in the project
Prepare a summarized periodic report on a  Define the project report schedule At the end of each
quarterly basis, in collaboration with other  Identify the participants in the report quarter
15 staff and consultation with the manager, preparations
prepare and update the detailed program  Prepare a summary of periodic report
work-plans, schedule and budget  Prepare a review report evaluation meeting
Prepare a summary of annual and quarterly  Define the project report schedule At the end of each
progress reports as well as other reports for  Identify the participants in the report quarter
16 UNDP, donors, and other stakeholders, as preparations
per program requirements in consultation  Prepare a summary of periodic report
with the Managers  Prepare a review report evaluation meeting
Planning strategically to ensure that projects  Identify gender sensitive issues From July,
activities are planned and implemented in a  Prepare ways of social inclusiveness 27/2021through
gender sensitive and socially inclusive  Ensure social and gender inclusiveness out the project
17 manner and that all implementing partners phases
are sensitized and trained in gender and
social inclusion.
8. Table 2 Shows Annual Consultancy Work Plan, April12, 2021 up to March 11, 2022 GC
Table 2 Shows Activity Schedule From April,12/2021 –March,11/2022GC
No Activities Activity schedule
Frist Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
1 Review of the relevant project documents

2 Evaluate the project strategic achievements

3 Identify the gaps

4 Identify the critical factors affecting the project

5 Identify the key stakeholders
6 Define the role and responsibility of the key
stake holders
7 Schedule the appropriate time of meeting
8 Identify means of communication medias
9 Prepare periodic communication report
10 Assess the project periodic report
11 Evaluate the project performance
12 Prepare project performance report
13 Identify the project performance gaps
14 Define the factors affecting the project
15 Prepare alternative corrective measures
16 Reported to the Top Management
17 Assess and identify the capacity gaps
18 Prepare training manuals
19 Provide a training for the selected personals
20 Evaluate the improvement
21 Evaluate the project performance gaps
22 Identify the key strategic actors to take action
23 Develop strategic corrective actions
24 Prepare project monitoring and evaluation check
25 Define the periods/stage of evaluation
26 Assess review documents
27 Follow up the integrity of the project team
28 Develop strategic framework
29 Coordinate the actions of the managers
30 Assess the areas which needs support internal
planning process

31 Identify the type of support

32 Developed a strategy
33 Prepare the schedule
34 Deliver a supportive actions
35 Assess and identify the possible risks
36 Develop mitigation strategies
37 Communicate to the project managers and the
team members
38 Review the relevant design documents
39 Supervise the site activities
40 Check the implementation
41 Prepare a corrective action if any gap
42 Assess and identify the possible risks
43 Prepare a risk planning and management plan
44 Recommend alternative courses of action to
mitigate the risk
45 Assess and identify the possible risks
46 Prepare a risk planning and management plan
47 Recommend alternative courses off action to
mitigated the risk
48 Define the project report schedule
49 Identify the participants in the report
50 Prepare a summary of periodic report
51 Define the project report schedule
52 Identify the participants in the report
53 Prepare a summary of periodic report
54 Prepare a review report evaluation meeting
55 Identify gender sensitive issues
56 Prepare ways of social inclusiveness
57 Ensure social and gender inclusiveness

Table 3 Shows Activity Work Breakdown Schedule in MS-project

ID Task Name Duration Start January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1November 1 January 1 March 1
2/7 3/7 4/4 5/2 5/30 6/27 7/25 8/22 9/19 10/1711/1412/12 1/9 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1
1 Monitoring and evaluation of the project 66 days Tue 4/27/21
progress according to the pre designed
standards, signed documents, rules and
regulations towards the strategic
achievements of the project objectives
2 Review of the relevant project documents 15 days Tue 4/27/21
3 Evaluate the project strategic achievements 15 days Mon 5/10/21
4 Identify the gaps 1 day? Mon 5/31/21
5 Identify the critical factors affecting the 229 days Tue 4/27/21
project successes
6 Improves harmonized communication by key 24 days Tue 5/4/21
stake holder in the project and holding
periodic meeting with concerned
stakeholders and preparing communication
7 report
Identify the key stakeholders 20 days Tue 5/4/21
8 Define the role and responsibility of the key 15 days Tue 5/25/21
stake holders
9 Schedule the appropriate time of meeting 2 days Tue 6/15/21
10 Identify means of communication medias 2 days Tue 6/15/21
11 Prepare periodic communication report 224 days Tue 5/4/21
12 Evaluate the project performance by 231 days Sat 4/24/21
evaluation measurement tools and
techniques in terms of cost, time and quality
13 First Quarter 16 days Mon 7/12/21
14 Assess the project periodic report 5 days Sat 7/17/21

Task External Milestone Manual Summary Rollup

Split Inactive Task Manual Summary

Project: Project1 Milestone Inactive Milestone Start-only

Date: Tue 4/27/21 Summary Inactive Summary Finish-only
Project Summary Manual Task Deadline
External Tasks Duration-only Progress

Page 1
ID Task Name Duration Start January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1November 1 January 1 March 1
2/7 3/7 4/4 5/2 5/30 6/27 7/25 8/22 9/19 10/1711/1412/12 1/9 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1
15 Evaluate the project performance 4 days Tue 7/20/21
16 Prepare project performance report 6 days Sat 7/24/21
17 Second Quarter 16 days Wed 11/17/21
18 Assess the project periodic report 5 days Wed 11/17/21
19 Evaluate the project performance 4 days Sat 11/20/21
20 Prepare project performance report 6 days Wed 11/24/21
21 Thired Quarter 13 days Tue 3/15/22
22 Assess the project periodic report 5 days Thu 3/17/22
23 Evaluate the project performance 4 days Sat 11/20/21
24 Prepare project performance report 6 days Wed 11/24/21
25 Identify the project performance gaps and 180 days Sat 7/24/21
preparing corrective measures to the top
managers and high level decision makers
26 First Quarter 5 days Mon 7/26/21
27 Identify the project performance gaps 3 days Mon 7/26/21
28 Define the factors affecting the project 1 day Wed 7/28/21
29 Prepare alternative corrective measures 2 days Wed 7/28/21
30 Reported to the Top Management 1 day Wed 7/28/21
31 Second Quarter 5 days Wed 11/24/21
41 Preparing training programs based on the 241 days Mon 4/26/21
project assessment and identified gaps for all
the concerned stakeholders
42 Assess and identify the capacity gaps 10 days Sun 8/1/21
Task External Milestone Manual Summary Rollup
Split Inactive Task Manual Summary

Project: Project1 Milestone Inactive Milestone Start-only

Date: Tue 4/27/21 Summary Inactive Summary Finish-only
Project Summary Manual Task Deadline
External Tasks Duration-only Progress

Page 2
ID Task Name Duration Start January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1November 1 January 1 March 1
2/7 3/7 4/4 5/2 5/30 6/27 7/25 8/22 9/19 10/1711/1412/12 1/9 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1
43 Prepare training manuals 5 days Fri 8/13/21
44 Provide a training for the selected personals 5 days Fri 8/20/21
45 Evaluate the improvement 3 days Fri 8/27/21
46 Develop strategic intervention to correct the 240 days Tue 4/27/21
assessed project performance gapes before
the gap gets worsen and cost the project
performances in any parameter
47 Evaluate the project performance gaps 10 days Sun 8/1/21
48 Identify the key strategic actors to take action 5 days Fri 8/13/21
49 Develop strategic corrective actions 5 days Fri 8/20/21
50 Develop project monitoring and evaluation 3 days Mon 8/2/21
techniques that enhance the successful
implementation of the project
51 Prepare project monitoring and evaluation 2 days Mon 8/2/21
check list
52 Define the period/stage of evaluation 1 day Wed 8/4/21
53 Continuously review, update the existing 240 days Tue 4/27/21
rules and regulation and research, document
best practices from similar projects and
ensure the integrity of the project’s
54 implementation team
Assess review documents 172 days Sun 8/1/21
55 Follow up the integrity of the project team 171 days Mon 8/2/21

Task External Milestone Manual Summary Rollup

Split Inactive Task Manual Summary

Project: Project1 Milestone Inactive Milestone Start-only

Date: Tue 4/27/21 Summary Inactive Summary Finish-only
Project Summary Manual Task Deadline
External Tasks Duration-only Progress

Page 3
ID Task Name Duration Start January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1November 1 January 1 March 1
2/7 3/7 4/4 5/2 5/30 6/27 7/25 8/22 9/19 10/1711/1412/12 1/9 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1
56 Develop the strategic framework for the 240 days Tue 4/27/21
implementation of projects, lead and
coordinate the action of Managers to ensure
successful implementation of projects.
57 Develop strategic framework 172 days Sun 8/1/21
58 Coordinate the actions of the managers 172 days Mon 8/2/21

Task External Milestone Manual Summary Rollup

Split Inactive Task Manual Summary

Project: Project1 Milestone Inactive Milestone Start-only

Date: Tue 4/27/21 Summary Inactive Summary Finish-only
Project Summary Manual Task Deadline
External Tasks Duration-only Progress

Page 4
 Annual work plan (EFY2013) July 2020-June 2021 of the Project document
 Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction. (11/30/2014). National Report
on Housing & Sustainable Urban Development.
 The project document “A pragmatic approach to Beatifying Sheger through sustainable
urbanization and urban resilience” a project number 0123131, (AACA) starting date
07/2020 end date 06/2024 GC
 Adrienne, W, Project Management, Creative Commons-Share Alike 4.0 International
License ( Open Textbook for Hong Kong.
 Harold, K. (2009), Project Management a System Approach to Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling, John Wily & Sons, Inc. New York.
 James S. Measures of Project Management Performance and Value A Benchmark of Current
Business Practices, Director-Center For Business Practices, PM Solutions.
 James, P. (2007), Fundamentals of project management, 3rdedn, Americans Management
Association, New York.
 Kim, H. (2011), Project Management Jump Start, 3rdedn, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Canada.
 Lutful M, (June 2015), Project management efficiency and effectiveness to improve Project
Control in Public Sector, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Samson Kassahun* and Alok Tiwari** y Alok Tiwari on 20 August 2014. at:
 UN-Habitat. (2000, 2012). Global Housing Strategy, First report, Regional Reviews and
Global Assessment of the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000, 2012.
 STATE OF THE WORLD’S CITIES (2008/9). Slum Cities and Cities with Slums,
Terms of Reference (TOR)

Services/Work Description: Technical Lead Expert: Strategic and Project Management
Project Title: Capacity Building for Addis Ababa City Municipality - Mega Projects
Implementation Office - “Beautifying Sheger Project”
Duty Station: Mayor’s office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Type of the Contract: National Consultant
Duration: 12 Months
Start Date: Immediately after signing the contract
Country: Ethiopia
Addis Ababa is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa, whose population increased mainly through
rural urban migration. The current population of the city is estimated at about 5 million. As cities in many
Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, population growth has outstripped infrastructure development and
that in turn has stretched the need for basic service provision in areas such as sanitation and safe water
supply, transport, housing and energy. It has also generated considerable strain on institutions – especially
the Addis Ababa City Administration which has limitations in skills, systems, financing and capacities for
urban planning, land management and service delivery have not kept pace with the speed of change. This
has led, among other things, to the growth of informal settlements, widespread un- and under-
employment, especially among youth, poor access to and quality of services, air, water and soil pollution
and degradation, uncontrolled solid and liquid waste disposal, absence of green spaces for citizens to
enjoy and increased flood risk. These challenges have adversely affected the urban ecosystem, socio-
economic environment and the overall quality of life of those who live in Addis Ababa. In the meantime,
rising temperatures and a changing climate pose growing risks and complicate the situation.

A major concern is the poor management and utilization of natural resources, including rivers exposed to
environmental pollution. Noteworthy among them are two major rivers running from Mount Entoto down
to the bottom of the Akaki area, stretching for 23.8 kms and 27.5 kms, Kurtime and Bantiyiketu
respectively. The rivers cut through the heart of the city, passing through the heavily populated part of
Addis Ababa finally flowing into the Akaki river. Addis Ababa’s rivers serve as garbage disposal points
and sewerage outlets. The situation becomes more acute during rainy seasons; heavy flooding causes the
sewage system to overflow, which contaminates water lines, overflows over the streets and pollutes the
city. Generally, these challenges have adversely affected the urban ecosystem, the wellbeing of the people
and the overall quality of life in the city.

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia is committed to urban renewal of Addis Ababa. He has launched a
flagship initiation titled ‘Beautifying Sheger Project’ which aims at renewing the Addis Ababa City – as
its name implies – and making it green as well as clean. Following the launch of the initiative, the Addis
Ababa City Mayor’s office, especially the Mega Project Implementing Office has taken the lead in
implementing the Sheger project including the overall project management and its day to-day issues.

In view of these understanding, UNDP Ethiopia Country Office (CO) is providing capacity building
support to the mayor’s office in establishing a Project Management Unit (PMU) which will execute the
overall project and facilitate planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as manage the
day to-day activities related to the project. Among others, UNDP’s support includes deploying of high
caliber experts for a period of one-year. Therefore, UNDP envisages contracting a duly experienced and
high caliber national consultant in the area of project risk management who will be part of as well as
respectively deliver expected outputs in a timely and quality manner.


The role of the Technical lead expert is to ensure that the relevant departments within the City
Administration are aware of the planning, design and implementation of the project. This role will
coordinate responses and make sure that service delivery is unaffected, internal regulatory functions are
complied with and the design input of internal experts is taken into consideration throughout the project.
This will prevent conflicts and duplication within service areas and ensure that the Project operates within
the regulatory limits of the City Administration in terms of Planning and environmental services.
Additionally, the long-term maintenance of the project is likely to be managed internally and service leads
should have sight of the design and comment on the practicalities and budget implications.
Also, the specific role of the Technical expert lead is to ensure that the relevant departments within the
City Administration are aware of the risk management issues, including planning, design and
implementation of the project. This role will also coordinate responses and make sure that service
delivery is unaffected, internal regulatory functions are complied with and the design input of internal
experts is taken into consideration throughout the project. This will prevent conflicts and duplication
within service areas and ensure that the Project operates within the regulatory limits of the City
Administration in terms of Planning and environmental services.
In order to achieve the broad and specific objectives, the consultant in collaboration with the PMU team
will be expected to perform the following functions:
 In consultation with the Project Manager develop the strategic framework for the implementation of
projects, lead and coordinate the action of Managers to ensure successful implementation of projects.

 Support internal planning processes to achieve projects development & success towards the economic
and social benefit of the Addis Ababa City Mayor’s office, especially the Mega Project Implementing
Office which has taken the lead in implementing the Sheger project and the public.

 Provide adequate leadership, support and facilitations for the implementation of the Programme.

 Liaise with the Project Manager and internal departments within the City Administration to identify
risks and developed mitigations actions

 Ensure that the urban design, quality and planning aspects are consistent across all of the phases of
the project
 Ensuring risk free or less risky work environment for people engaged in the project implementation;
 In consultation with the Project Manager, provide day to day technical advice on risk assessments,
identification and provide advice on mitigation measures, etc.
 Forecast and evaluate project management risks with others PMU team members and other
stakeholders as well as implement action plans to avoid or minimize and mitigate the risks
 On a quarterly basis, in collaboration with other staff and consultation with the Manager, prepare and
update the detailed programme work-plans, schedule and budget,

 Prepare annual and quarterly progress reports as well as other reports for UNDP, donors, and other
stakeholders, as per Programme requirements in consultation with the Manager.

 Ensure that projects activities are planned and implemented in a gender sensitive and socially inclusive
manner and that all implementing partners are sensitized and trained in gender and social inclusion.

 Monitor the projects to ensure the timely implementation and quality assurance

 Prepare reports to internal and external reports.

The consultant will present a consolidated draft Inception Report upon completion of the desk review and
preliminary assessment of the Sheger Project, with clear methodology and detailed work plan. This draft
will be subjected to clearance and approval by the project manager and mayor’s office within the first two
weeks of the assignment. While incorporating feedbacks and comments, the consultant will continue
working on the main assignment, which should be delivered over a maximum period of 12 month.
The consultant provides quarterly progress report to the project manager, mayor’s office and UNDP
Senior management.
Key deliverables of this assignment are summarized as follows:
 A consolidated Inception Report and work plan that includes methodology/tools and a clearly
defined schedule for the implementation;
 Risk identification, planning and mitigation measures developed;
 Quarterly progress report;
 Final report incorporating recommendations, best practices and lesson learnt.


No Deliverables/Outputs Estimated Duration/Days Reviews and Approvals
1 Inception Report, which includes methodology/tools and a 15 days, after signing of the Project Manager and
clearly defined schedule for the implementation contract UNDP CO
2 1st Quarter progress report In 3 month, time, after Project Manager and
signing of the contract UNDP CO
3 2nd Quarter progress report In 6 month time, after Project Manager and
signing of the contract UNDP CO
4 3rd Quarter progress report In 9 month time, after Project Manager and
signing of the contract UNDP CO
5 Consolidated annual performance report In 12 month time, after Project Manager and
signing of the contract UNDP CO


The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the mayor’s office mainly Mega Office and under
the direct supervision of the Project Manager. The consultant will closely liaise with the project manager
and other team member of the unit. S/he shall also cooperate and closely work with partners, donors,
contractors, community and other stakeholders as necessary. S/he shall submit the required reports to
Installment of Deliverables or Documents to be Delivered Approval should be obtained from Percentage of
Payment/ Period Payment
1st Installment Submission of Inception report Project Manager and UNDP CO 20%
2nd Installment Submission of 1st quarter progress report Project Manager and UNDP CO 20%
3rd Installment Submission of 2nd quarter progress report Project Manager and UNDP CO 20%
4th Installment Submission of 3rd quarter progress report Project Manager and UNDP CO 20%
5th Installment Submission of Consolidated annual performance Project Manager and UNDP CO 20%


Academic Qualifications:
 Minimum of master’s in economics, urban planning & development, development studies, and
business administration and in any other related social science filed with minimum of seven years of
 Other related trainings and certifications is a plus. Experience and competency requirements:
 A minimum of seven years of practical experience in the Strategic and Project Management
specifically related to riverside regeneration projects in urban area;
 Risk Policy Management, Strategic Analytics, and Innovation experience;
 Experience in leading programmes and projects;
 Pervious working experience in Ethiopia and knowledge of the local context;
 Strong attention to detail with a focus on task completion;
 Ability to multi-task changing priorities and projects;
 Demonstrated creative problem-solving abilities;
 Ability to interface easily with cross functional groups;
 Ability to create and present executive ready presentations in Power Point;
 Strong analytical skills;
 Well organized, detail-oriented, team player;
 Experience in organization, coordination as well as logistics issues;
 Self-starter with ability to work independently;
 Excellent leadership track record.
Language and other skills:
 Excellent knowledge of English and local language, including the ability to set out a coherent
argument in presentations and group interactions;
 Capacity to communicate fluently with different stakeholders (civil society, government authorities,
local communities, project staff and community): and
 Computer skills: full command of Microsoft applications (word, excel, PowerPoint) and common
internet applications will be required.
Upon the advertisement of the Procurement Notice, qualified Individual Consultant is expected to submit
both the Technical and Financial Proposals. Accordingly, shortlisted applicants will be evaluated based
on Cumulative Analysis as per the following scenario:
 Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
 Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial
criteria specific to the solicitation.
In this regard, the respective weights of the proposals are:
a) Technical Criteria weight is 70%
b) Financial Criteria weight is 30%
Criteria Weight Max. Point
A. Technical Competence (based on CV, Proposal and interview (if required)) 70% 100 pts.
▪ Criteria (a) Educational relevance 15
▪ Criteria (b) Understanding the scope of work and organization of the proposal 20
▪ Criteria (c) Experience of similar assignment 15
▪ Criteria (d) Oral Interview 50
B. Financial (Lower Offer/Offer*100) 30%
Total Score = Technical Score 70% + Financial Score 30% = 100%
Offer’s letter to UNDP conforming interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC)
Assignment, including the Breakdown of Costs Supporting the Final All-Inclusive Price as per Template.
The PMU under the mayor’s office mainly Mega Office will provide office space, equipment and internet
access for the duration of the consultancy. The PMU will avail a vehicle and driver for travels related to
the work and for mission outside Addis (if any).
For purposes of generating proposals whose contents are uniformly presented and to facilitate their
comparative review, a Service Provider advised to use a proposed Table of Contents. Hence, your
Technical Proposal document must have at least the preferred content as outlined in the respective RFP
Proposal Submission Form.
Cover Page
Cover Letter
1.1 Letter of Motivation
1.2 Proposed Methodology
1.3 Past Experience in Similar Consultancy and/or Projects
1.4 Implementation Timelines
1.5 List of Personal Referees
1.6 Bank Reference
1.7 Copy of Academic credentials
 Annex a. Duly Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability (use the
template hereto)
 Annex b. Duly Signed Personal CV’s /P11
The consultant shall not either during the term or after termination of the assignment, disclose any
proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy or the Government without prior written
consent. Proprietary interests on all materials and documents prepared by the consultant under the
assignment shall become and remain properties of the PMU. The contract will be administrated by the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and all relevant UNDP rules, policies and procedures
will apply.
Interested consultant with required qualification and experience must submit their applications through: UNDP/ETH10/Event ID: ETH1976

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