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1. Explain briefly each pillar of education and discuss its importance to education.

(20 points)

Learning to know is the cornerstone of the educational pillars. This begins at home and
progresses to school, where we gain all of the fundamental skills required to master the learning
tools. This pillar is concerned with our understanding of the world we live in and ourselves, with
the goal of leading a life worth living, and with the need to develop capacities that are
appropriate for the current reality, with a focus on logical thinking and autonomy. As a result,
arousing interest in new discoveries from a young age is critical, as is instrumentalizing
knowledge with updated paradigms. Thus, more emphasis is placed on mastering learning tools
than on acquiring organized knowledge.

Learning to do is putting what you've studied in school into practice. After we have mastered
what we have studied in school, it will be easy for us to do what we have learned in school; the
development of skills is being emphasized. When it comes to evolution, teaching to do takes on
a variety of forms. Learning is also evolutionary, despite the fact that instructional routines
continue to have formative value, which must not be overlooked because it contributes to a
person's personal competency. Personal competency allows intelligent knowledge to be put into
practice, which is highly valued. It is not enough to do; it is also required to be creative and
imaginative, to study and organize its intelligence so that the machines become wiser,
facilitating work and increasing productivity. In short, it is a mix of skills and talent, contributing
certified skills acquired through technical and Vocational training, social behavior, personal
initiative and willingness to take risks.

This pillar is concerned with a person's overall growth. Realizing one's full potential by growing
in all areas, including moral development. Social, spiritual, physical, and mental health are all
important. There are various types of learners, and each one has an equal opportunity to
enhance their skills as part of the overall development that this pillar aims for. Learning to be, in
the literal sense of the word BEING as a person, must be respected in today's world by preparing
individuals throughout their lives to develop learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together, and learning to be. Learning should be a priority, and no individual's potential should
be overlooked.


The mechanism of education for developing people is learning to live together. This education
should be geared toward achieving common goals while minimizing differences. When working
together in sports, cultural activities, book fair presentations, and vocations, the tendency is to
develop a coexistence of help, idea chaining, and delight. Conflicts fade away, making way for
the creation of a unified, harmonic, and happy group that can serve as a model for future living.

2. How does a teacher equip the pupils/students with learning opportunities guided by the four
pillars of education? (10 points)

The four pillars of education enable the teacher to develop a fully human person in an effective
and efficient manner.

3. Cite how the concrete illustrations or application of how the four pillars of education contribute
to lifelong learning. (10 points)

The four pillars of education are all important to each other. It will be difficult if one is missing
since the others will be affected. It is not just the parent's responsibility to develop these skills,
but also the teacher's.

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