Faculty Business and Management Bachelor of Business Admistration (Hons) Marketing (Ba240) Operation Management (OPM530)

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25MAY 2022
1. In your opinion, is it a good idea to have such a business that is operated by
the students in UiTM Samarahan 1?

In my opinion, it is indeed a good idea to have such business that is operated by the
students in UiTM Samarahan 1. It is because the start-up cost to open a
business is low which means we can estimate the cost by counting easily on how
much we need to use as the cost structure are inexpensive. Students that mostly
known as cannot afford much on the budget for starting up a business will make
them easier if the business were at a low and moderate cost. A low-cost producer
capable of making cheaply priced products that will conduct increased sales, which
leads to increased revenues and profits that we can plow back into growing more of
the business. This kind of business is not like the other business that has a high
start-up cost. As proof, opening a shop lot or store in any shopping mall would
probably cost way higher operations cost in rental, expenses, payroll, and utilities
rather than just opening a business in UiTM Samarahan 1.

Furthermore, students can improve their self-Improvement and have the ability
to build network with UiTM management by working on their upgrades to a ton of
skills. Running a business will probably test all of our values and rules so students
will certainly gain insights into how determined, creative and hardworking they are
when handling a proper business. This approach will surely provide an opportunity
for a student to develop skills and gain hands-on experience. It also helps grow our
future local talent which is essential in building strong communities. For instance,
students that were doing business in university will make them build a network
relationship around UiTM. They can build those networks by always seeking referrals
in customer who almost certainly know other students like themselves who are
interested in trying products of their business.

2. In your opinion, identify and explain 3 potential problems that may be
encountered by UiTM management.

In my opinion, one of the potential problems that may be encountered by UiTM

management is that their reputation might damage due to facing complaints if
the business is practicing a poor hygiene. The media will quickly circulate the
latest stories from students that complain through social media or make it viral
regarding UiTM management that failed to look or ignore this kind of serious matter
which will result in loss of respect for every person that heard this news. The
consequences of poor food hygiene can seriously affect the health of those who
consume, including severe food poisoning. Also, poor food hygiene practices do not
just affect those who consume but food poisoning can also be passed on to those
who come into contact with sick people, making it a serious health issue. More than
that, if any students or lecturers get food poisoning from purchasing and eating the
products from the business, they will suffer a lot and must skip attending their
important classes or be unable teaching due to diarrhea and dehydration. Therefore,
the management has to make sure any person that has been given permission to
sells food in UiTM must adhere to proper hygiene standards through their cooking or
processing to protect food from risk of contamination and including harmful bacteria.
Failing to follow the rules will be dismissed, reported and undergo investigation from
health inspection.

Other than that, the second potential problems that may be encountered in UiTM
management is about students’ timetables. They may have timetable clashes due
to the need of presenting themselves to work for the business shift. In this case,
UiTM management may be facing complaints and always receive a request appeals
for changing their timetable according to their wants. This will be causing the
management to have a hard time managing this kind of situation as the timetable
cannot be changed at will. And the student might also skip class just to work and the
management has to unanimously figure out a way so that they would not breaking
rules while in university. To give an example, UiTM management will issue a warning
letter or expel the student for disobeying desired stated.

Next, the third potential problem is that may be encountered in UiTM management is
that there may be arguments or dispute appear regarding unreasonable prices.
Most likely students that were given the chance to do a business in university will
sometimes take advantage to sell foods at unreasonable prices in university because
the rental price is much cheaper than opening their own shop lot and this will make
them want to gain more by violating the rules of goods price control. Students who
are on the campus will be disappointed because food that usually can be found at
affordable prices ends up being sold expensively in UiTM. Perceptions of price
unfairness and uncontrolled prices will result controversy among the students. The
management has to think of a way to solve the dissatisfaction of this case so that
those who were really affected by this issue especially those from B40 groups will be
gratified. For instance, UiTM management needs to do specific guidelines to ensure
that the increase in the price of foods in UiTM Samarahan 1 can be controlled as
best as possible for ensuring the well-being of consumers.

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