Academic Magazine: Group 4

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LEADER : Bailey, kathleen

Botero, Junalou
Montales, Kaye Frances
Germedia, Jimmy
More, James Kenneth
Macasaet, Chanica Mae
Omadan, Mohairi
Villamor, Koji

Ms. Jayven Menes


Kathleen A. Bailey
The Green Environment In Hospitality Industry
Persuasive Paper

Current trends in business operations include placing considerations on issues aimed at advancing economic
development while considering ways of promoting environmental sustainability. Society’s growing concern
over environmental sustainability has prompted most hotels to re-evaluate the effectiveness of their
operations in promoting sustainable practices. These include the use of energy-efficient lighting materials, the
use of a reuse system for towels and linen and also the treatment of wastewater for use in gardening. The green
environment strategy is a form of global environmental initiative that aims to protect the environment and
promote the livelihood of society by promoting equal sharing of scarce resources such as water and energy by
reducing the total consumption of this source of hotels. Eco-efficiency hotel operations are the current trend
in the hospitality industry and almost all establishments regardless of size, are effectively working on ways of
promoting a green environment. This is primarily due to the increasing number of hotel guests who are more
likely to book at those hotels that have implemented environmentally friendly measures aimed at reducing
adverse environmental impact.

The green environment initiative is considered to be an efficient use of resources thus reducing waste (Rosati,
2006). This means that strengthening the initiative is beneficial both to the society and the organization as
well as in reducing the overall cost. Due to rising global environmental concerns, most hotels have adopted the
green initiative as a competitive strategy because they know the desire of customers to stay in an
environmentally conscious hotel. This means hotels need to come up with unique environmental protection
ideas that are more likely to attract customers. Research shows that most hotels strive to get green certification
of programs like LEEM and ISO 14001 because most customers are more likely to choose an eco-labeled
destination package.

Despite the need to adopt green environment in hospitality organizations, research indicates that hotel
managers still face a challenge in implementing the idea of ​green environment especially due to its high initial
costs. This is because most organizations have no concrete idea to the extent of the financial benefit of
adopting the going green initiative. Also, despite the trend of most people especially the concern of hotel
guests for sustainable environmental initiative, not many hotel guests are willing to pay extra premium for the
initiative so most managers the hotel is reluctant to use it due to high initial costs. In addition, there is still
uncertainty in visitors ’perceptions of most green initiative strategies such as the reuse of towels and linen.
Despite these challenges faced by implementing the green initiative, hotels have a role to play in minimizing
negative environmental impact and also ensuring that their operations have ecological benefits to the
environment and society as a means. of enhancing global environmental sustainability.

Kaye Frances Montales

Food Safety Malpractices
Persuasive Paper

Most of us prefer to eat at restaurants, fast food restaurants, and other similar establishments for a variety of reasons,
including convenience (since most of us don't have time to cook), or simply because we want to eat outside with our
friends, family, and special someone to enjoy the food with; however, some food industry safety practices may differ
from what we expect. According to a web article, a woman orders fried chicken from a popular fast food restaurant in
the Philippines. At first, she thought she was eating a good and clean fried chicken, but as she ate it for longer, she
noticed a blue color inside the chicken, and it was later discovered that it was not a chicken at all, but rather a bluish-
colored towel. When I tried to open it with my hands, I discovered a deep-fried towel inside. This is quite alarming...
How can you even get the towel into the batter, let alone fry it? ", according to an online article, stated the woman who
ordered the chicken (Hindustan Times, 2021)

What are the benefits and drawbacks of eating out? Fast food and restaurants, in my opinion, have both benefits and
drawbacks; let's look at the benefits first. For the benefits, fast food allows us to eat something instead of skipping a
meal, eating at a fast food allows us to better manage our time or schedule, we can order a full meal with sensible
selections for a reasonable price, and it is also a cost-effective way to try new or different foods. These are the benefits
of using fast food; now let's discuss the disadvantages. According to a web article, "Fast food is heavy in salt, sugar,
saturated fats, trans fats, calories, and preservatives, as well as processed products," fast food can be harmful to the
cardiovascular and digestive systems because it affects the blood sugar and blood pressure of a person who constantly
eats at fast foods and restaurants. Excessive consumption of specific dietary components has been shown to have
negative health consequences in numerous well-conducted research. Fast food has a short-term effect on blood sugar
and blood pressure, causes inflammation, and may suggest a lack of nutrition. A fast-food diet can lead to issues with
digestion, immunity, inflammation, heart health, obesity, and other issues in the long run" (Medical News Today, n.d.).
Another disadvantage of frequenting eateries and fast-food restaurants is the employees' Food Safety Misconduct.

Food safety Malpractices

We can all agree that we love eating at restaurants and fast-food joints on a regular basis, but how confident are we
that the food we are served is safe, clean, and hygienic? According to a web page, food safety violations include
inappropriate heating, insufficient cooking, contaminated raw food or ingredient, and many more (BC campus, n.d.)
In conclusion, this paper discusses the poor handling of food, particularly at restaurants or fast-food chains. I therefore
state that utilizing such food industry is not bad as long as we take it as it is, and that it is good if we want to bond with
our friends and family, especially if we are a foodie person; however, constantly utilizing such food industry may lead
to poor health and we may also find poor handling of the employees working at the food.

Works Cited
BC campus. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Hindustan Times. (2021, June 7). Retrieved from
Medical News Today. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Jimmy D. Germedia

Adoption of Contactless Technologies withinside the Hospitality and

Tourism Industry
Persuasive paper

The hospitality and tourism enterprise has these days passed through an unheard of drastic shift in how visitors and
group of workers interact. This shift has been contributed with the aid of using exceptional factors, such as era
development and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Being an enterprise that operates primarily based totally on touch and interplay among visitors and customers, it
acquired the maximum brutal hit due to the pandemic. The hit brought about a giant drop in commercial enterprise and
commercial enterprise closure. As a result, enterprise practitioners have settled for contactless era to continue with
normal commercial enterprise even as defensive the visitor and client success. Scholars have consequently long past
beforehand to behavior research approximately exceptional contactless technology that practitioners withinside the
enterprise make use of to get across the assignment of decreased touch among visitors and group of workers. For
example, Pillai, Haldorai, Seo, and Kim (2021) aid using contactless technology. Their have a look at shows the hygienic
advantage of the use of those technology withinside the hospitality and tourism enterprise. However, different pupils do
now no longer appear to percentage the identical college of notion approximately contactless era withinside the
hospitality and tourism enterprise. In their have a look at, Kim, Kim, Badu-Baiden, Giroux, and Choi (2021) find out new
traits in respondents' responses closer to changing people with robots in hospitality carrier. They allude that their have a
look at is exceptional following the outbreak of the pandemic. Previous research (e.g., Ivanov, Webster & Garenko, 2018)
have been warring parties of changing people with robots. Most professionals have maintained that robots may not
completely update the human hospitality carrier experience. Chan and Tung (2019) located robots displaying excessive
highbrow traits and poor emotional responses in the course of the carrier experience. Nevertheless, Kim et al. (2021)
located a contradicting locating after the outbreak of COVID-19. A locating which they termed as situational due to the
concern of the pandemic.
There isn't anyt any conclusive have a look at to reveal whether or not the these days emerged contactless era is greater
useful or a demerit to the hospitality enterprise. This scholarly debate remains ongoing. Most importantly, research have
now no longer simplest been performed withinside the carrier of meals alone. Other researchers (e.g., Wörndl, Koo,
Stienmetz, Buhalis, & Moldavska, 2020) have delved into contactless check-in and check-out, with proof of a few lodges
already applied a few if now no longer maximum of the contactless technology of their motel operations.

Pillai, S. G., Haldorai, K., Seo, W. S., & Kim, W. G. (2021). COVID-19 and hospitality 5.0: Redefining hospitality operations.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102869.
Kim, S. S., Kim, J., Badu-Baiden, F., Giroux, M., & Choi, Y. (2021). Preference for robot service or human service in hotels?
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93, 102795.
Ivanov, S., Webster, C., & Garenko, A. (2018). Young Russian adults' attitudes towards the potential use of robots in hotels.
Technology in Society, 55, 24-32.
Chan, A. P. H., & Tung, V. W. S. (2019). Examining the effects of robotic service on brand experience: the moderating role of
hotel segment. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(4), 458-468.
Wörndl, W., Koo, C., Stienmetz, J., Buhalis, D., & Moldavska, I. (2020, November). In-room Voice-Based AI Digital
Assistants Transforming On-Site Hotel Services and Guests' Experiences. In Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2021proceedings of the ENTER 2021 Etourism Conference, January 19-22, 2021 (pp. 30-44).

Junalou Q. Botero

Building a resilient and sustainable tourism

Persuasive paper

As we all know, Tourism industry is an essential structure of economic mechanism. It has an active role in the development
and modernization of the economy and the society. As pandemic hits globally which started last January 2020, many
establishments and services were affected and devastated. One of the most and greatly affected by COVID-19 is the Tourism
Industry. It directly shut the tourism sectors heart.
Tourism market and livelihood was disrupted by it resulting to massive financial losses and economy’s downturn. Economic
loss especially the four subsectors of tourism industry; accommodation, restaurants, shopping and retail, and travel and
transport. It is quite saddening that it happened when our economy is at its peak. In fact, the Philippine tourism destinations
was included and awarded as the top destination in the world in 2019 by the world travel awards. But despite these
circumstances it allows the environment to restore its beauty. It taught the tourism sector to take advantage of the that
creativity and digitalization introduce. It also boosts the local sector and businesses to local consumers especially to those
aiming for sustainable tourism.
Today, tourism industry is one of the key sectors generating revenue and employment. But COVID19 has been particularly
hit the industry for almost two consecutive years. Philippines which is rich in heritage sites, diverse culture and fun-loving
people is considered as one of the top tourist destinations in the world with millions of people visiting annually was severely
affected by the global pandemic. Traditionally, the industry depends on business and leisure travel for their revenue, but with
the travel restrictions brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, low to zero rates were recorded. With this restrictions, travel
and tourism, hospitality, and accommodation industry’s ability to generate revenue is affected forcing its business model to
change and adapt to the economic pressure. We think that due to this current situation it enables us, the tourism sector to
think an innovative solution. To respond on this economic and operational pressure, I propose to build a sustainable and
resilient tourism which aims to design an innovative solution that will help to uplift our nation’s natural and man-made
wonders, boosts the livelihood, and can also benefit the local community.
Preservation and conservation of environment. A nature-based tourism can be a source of local pride and livelihood, and their
features as a low-impact type of tourism can also be an educational tool and can bring awareness on biodiversity protection.
Effective waste management disposal. Minimizing the use of rare and non-renewable resources. Ditch single-use plastic and
practice CLAYGO or follow the “Leave Only Footprints Approach”.
We should promote and improve cultural offerings. Philippines being a culturally diverse country
has so much to offer. Enhancing the value of our natural heritage and tourism products through sustainability and
preservation measures an excellent opportunity which can expand our tourism offerings. And enhance local capacity. Creating
programs aim to train locals for them to enhance their skills and capabilities. It will also help them to have career, as tourism is
extremely a labor-intensive and a significant source of income. Lastly, Digital solutions, promoting tourists’ attractions and
virtual education programs by taking advantage of the challenge of digitalization and creativity.

(n.d.). Retrieved from Tourism and COVID-19 – unprecedented economic impacts | UNWTO
DOT. (n.d.). Department of Tourism.
DOT. (n.d.). Department of Tourism. Retrieved from Be part of the fun! Welcome to the DOT Corporate Site
Philippine News Agency. (2019, July 22). Philippine News Agency. Retrieved from
UNWTO. (n.d.). World Tourism Organization. Retrieved from UNWTO: Tourism and COVID-19 – unprecedented economic
impacts | UNWTO

James Kenneth More

Labor Market Programs to the Rescue in the Philippines' COVID-19

Employment Challenge
Persuasive paper

Prior to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Philippines was enjoying its longest
period of economic and job growth in history. Wage and pay employment (a
measure of modern employment) grew at an annual rate of 4.6 percent on
average from 2015 to 2019. This rapid growth in modern employment attracted
so many workers away from the informal sector that overall informal
employment in the Philippines shrank for the first time in history.

Consequently, the pandemic wiped approximately 1.7 million wage and

salary jobs in the year leading up to January 2021, reversing some of these
advances. The informal sector, on the other hand, added roughly 435,000 jobs.
The epidemic could have long-term employment implications. Simply said,
even when the economy has begun to recover again, this transient significant
shock to the economy may result in a consistently lower employment rate.
Hysteresis in the workplace is the term for this phenomenon. The epidemic on
modern employment has three different transmission vectors. To begin with,
there will be a greater number of job seekers, including those who have lost
their jobs, school leavers, and new entries into the labor market.

While job losses have happened in numerous industries, those that rely on
personal contact, such as lodging, food services, transportation, and
recreational activities, have been impacted the worst. Conversely, industries
that tend to absorb lesser shares of labor, such as communications and
technology, as well as some higher-skilled service sectors, rebound fast and
provide positive job growth.

Though some of these jobs will return when the economy recovers, we
estimate the employment composition to remain unchanged in the medium to
long run. Workers do not readily migrate between sectors due to disparities in
required skills and experiences, hence this divergence will exacerbate skills
mismatches in the labor market.

Lastly, businesses are changing their business models to rely more on

technology, transforming their work forces and the skills that employers need.
Jobs, facilities, processes, and skills requirements will all be transformed as a
result of digital transformation and remote working, including skills required
for higher value-added services. These factors will increase the labor market's
skills mismatch.
Chanica Mae Macasaet

The Constantly Changing Expectations of Customers

Persuasive paper

The customer is the King in the hotel industry or hospitality industry on the whole. The entire motivation behind
the business is to keep customer happy. However, the edges are currently diminishing. Keeping customers happy
is not enough anymore as someone who is just studying hospitality management, I will immediately learn what
else can satisfy customers. You would have to figure out how to overcome any issues among insight and real

As you can see in the image above delight only happens 16% of the time. That gap between reality and the
perception needs to be filled. Even the service that had previously thrilled clients would now be expected. With
changing customer expectations, pleasing customers in the hotel business is becoming increasingly challenging.
Changing times have brought about changed demands from customers. Managers in the hospitality industry are
facing completely different problems today than they did in the past owing to new technological advancements
and different customer behavior. With the introduction of applications, for example, customers have come to
demand a certain degree of ease and efficiency, which must be met. As a result, hotel management must act to
exceed and satisfy their consumers every time they walk in, drawing cues from social media and digital
platforms.Hotel management is not always an easy job. Hotel managers are frequently asked to juggle many jobs
at any given moment, from balancing the budget to ensuring that everything runs smoothly . Because the hotel
business is one of the world's fastest-growing industries, it has been marked by technological developments.
When it comes to hotels, customers constantly want courteous, competent, and consistent service, as well as the
advancement of new technologies, which raises their expectations. The consumer is king in this sector, and the
industry's goal is to keep its customers satisfied. With margins shrinking fast in the changing times, keeping up
with new trends, accepting and implementing changes, and being visible in the competition is difficult; merely
keeping consumers happy is no longer enough. Customers want faster service than ever before, and with
consumer behavior always evolving, businesses must keep on top of customer expectations.

Mohairi Omadan

Persuasive paper

Home delivery meal kits or also known as Do-It-Yourself (DIY) meal kits are kits a person can order from food
businesses that contains a set of pre-portioned and pre-prepared ingredients as well as a recipe that allows anyone to
make a specific dish. These meal kits are delivered to the customers’ homes. The aforementioned kits were made to
provide satisfaction to people by allowing them to make high quality home-cooked food while being efficient and
convenient in terms of purchasing, food planning, and transportation. As (Shailynn Krow, n.d.) stated the benefit of
meal kits include Every portions and measure of every food in a Meal kit delivery services that has each meal pre-
measured andportion-ready.

In 2021 in the Philippines, the covid-19 virus is rapidly spreading. Therefore, the authorities imposed a lockdown to
restrict access to the outdoors. It has a significant influence on the restaurant becauseit appears that their
customerswill no longer be able to dine outside at their favorite eateries. As a result of the restaurant's implementation
of meal kits for home delivery, customers may now enjoy their meals at home. They will purchase meal kits at the
restaurant, consume them again and they will experience it again on how they eat the restaurants. “As part of the
initiative to encourage staying(and cooking) at home, food branches Jollibee, Chowking, and Mang Inasalhave rolled
out ‘ready to cook food’ so customers can easily cook the famous meals in the comfortof their home.”(Saab,
Loriosa)Perfect Portions of meal kits Less food of time because meal kits ingredients are curated and sent pre-
measured. There will be no useless ingredients in pantry, so there is no waste of food. Healthy CookingMade Easy with
the help of meal kits you can order healthymeals that concludes low calorie, low-carb, low sodium, Paleo, and gluten-
free. Meal kits can make your less time and cost saving. If you use meal kits you don't need to went in store. If you have
pre-portioned food you save on the hassle gathering ingredients, measuring and preparing item. Also some of the
ingredients can not be easily found locally. The allure of these kits come from their perceived quality, and convenience
it gives in termsof time, effort,and the varietyof their contents. Specifically, these kits spare their time, effort, and money
of going to markets to search, pick up, and purchase ingredients for it will be delivered directly to their location. In
addition, they will be offered a variety of options of meals pertaining to different diets or cuisines. Also, through these,
they can lessen food waste since these kits have provided sufficient and perfectly measured ingredients.

In 2021, The food business industry around the globe has plummeted due to the pandemic, with plenty of
restaurants closing, some struggling to keep their restaurants running, and some barely earning a profit. Due to
these circumstances, food businesses are currently tryingto adapt to these changesby offering deliveryof meal
kits that contain pre-portioned ingredients to make the same dish the restaurant sells in the safety and comfort
of the customers’ homes. Others also include their speciality products to attain the same quality as it is in the
restaurants. Furthermore, the prospect of grocery shopping is a health and safety risk.

Kotowski, T. (2021, December 22). Benefits Of Meal Kit Delivery Services | Gobble. Dinner Kits Designed for 15
Minutes with 1 Pan | Gobble.

Lariosa, S. (2021, March 27). Jollibee, Chowking, Mang Inasal, launch ‘ready-to-cook’ meals in select stores. WE

Mate, F. B. (2021,January 28). What is a Meal Kit Delivery Service?Definition and Guide. Food Box Mate.

Koji D. Villamor


Argumentative paper

The Covid-19 pandemic has now taken at least six million lives prematurely. Experts estimate a true death toll may be double or even
quadruple that number, with death rates particularly high among older people. Millions more will grapple with the effects of “long
Covid,” or disability brought on by their bout with the disease. Close to two billion schoolchildren and college students have had their
education interrupted, some for months on end. Pandemic-related school closures didn’t just interrupt, but also abruptly ended
education for millions of children, especially girls, ethnic minorities, and those experiencing poverty. Countless children were pushed
into early marriage, parenthood, or child labor by circumstances linked to the pandemic. A half-billion people were forced into
poverty or saw their poverty deepen, while billions of others are living through the consequences of a pandemic-induced economic


The Food supply chain can be divided into five stages, including agricultural production, postharvest handling, processing,
distribution/retail/service, and consumption. Two systems are being used in the food supply chain regarding food quality and safety.
The First one is based on regulations and laws that use mandatory standards which are inspected by state agencies. The Second one is
relying on voluntary standards which are defined by market laws or international associations. Safety measures to ensure the
continuity of food flow in each stage can be grouped as food employee’s health issues, personal hygiene, using personal protective
equipments such as helmets and glove, sanitization of surfaces and working environments, safe handling/preparation/delivery of
food, and maintenance of social distance. Protective measures in the last stages of the food supply chain are critical since more people
can be potentially affected as moved towards the last stages.


When the issue of how the COVID-19 pandemic affects consumers’ food demand is examined, it is seen that the demand varies
depending on the price of foodstuffs, income level of consumers, socio-demographic situation, consumption, and shopping
preferences and time constraints. In addition, the number of visits to food store and spending money on food in per visit changed
COVID-19 outbreak interrupted the daily routine and resulted in boredom which can be defined as high energy intake by the
consumption of high amount of fat, carbohydrate, and proteins. In addition, quarantine caused stress in people and pushed them
toward sugary foods for feeling positive, because carbohydrate-rich foods can be used as self-medicating components due to their
ability to encourage serotonin production. However, these unhealthy eating habits may contribute to the development of obesity
linked to the chronic inflammation and serious complications of COVID-19.


The current COVID-19 crisis has changed the food trade policies of some governments, moving towards restricting exports and
facilitating imports. The main reason that countries impose export restrictions is to ensure the maintenance of the number of
products in the domestic market. Although the export restriction typically produces this result in the short term, it also has some
negative effects. First, export restrictions cause domestic prices to drop, which will hurt farmers financially resulting in the decrease in
crop production and reduced incentives in the industry. Second, countries will lose their competitive advantage by losing their place
in international markets. Third, export restrictions undermine exporter’s reputation and encourage importers to reduce confidence in
the world market, thereby reducing trust in international trade and destroying future business opportunities for exporters.

During a pandemic, continuing the flow of the supply in agriculture and food sector, which is one of the most important sectors
together with health, is vital to prevent the food crisis and reducing the negative impact on the global economy. Although no major
problems have been observed in the food supply chains so far it remains unclear in the face of an uncertain future. As a result, each
country has to realize the severity of the situation and sometimes should tighten or loosen the measures according to the spread of the
pandemic. The supply chain also should be flexible enough to respond to the challenges in the food supply chain.


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