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Department of Information Technology Sona College of Technology, Salem 636 005.

Learning Objectives DATA STRUCTURES UNIT I ALGORITHM ANALYSIS & LINEAR STRUCTURES Hours Topic Learning objectives At the end of the lecture the student will be able to 1 Mathematical Explain the complexity of an algorithm Background 2 Model List out some of the rules to write the algorithms 3 Running time Illustrate run time calculation with an example calculations algorithm 4 A simple example Explain a simple program with its run time calculations 5 Abstract Data Types Explain the abstract data type (ADT) 6 List ADT Discuss the operations performed in list 7 Array-based Discuss the operations performed in array based implementation implementation of list 8 linked list Discuss the linked list implementation with its implementation ADTs 9 cursor-based linked lists Discuss cursor based linked list with its ADTs Define cursorAlloc and CursorFree routines with example 10 doubly-linked lists Discuss doubly linked list with its ADTs 11 12 13 14 applications of lists Stack ADT Queue ADT circular queue implementation Applications of stacks and queues List out the applications of List Define stack and list the ADTs associated in it Explain stack overflow and underflow Define queue and list the ADTs associated in it Explain queue overflow and underflow Explain the circular queue Explain the insertion and deletion operations takes places in circular queue List out some of the applications of stacks and queues


UNIT II TREE STRUCTURES Hours 1 Topic Preliminaries 2 3 4 5 6 7 Implementation Tree ADT tree traversals Binary Tree ADT expression trees binary search tree ADT AVL trees Learning objectives At the end of the lecture the student will be able to List out the difference between primitive and nonprimitive data types Define path with an example Explain root,leaf,height and depth of a tree with an example Illustrate siblings with an example tree Explain the properties of tree with an example List out the difference between preorder, inorder and post order tree traversal techniques Define binary tree with an example List out the binary tree ADTs Discuss expression tree with an example Explain binary search tree with an example List out the ADTs of binary search tree Explain AVL tree with an example List out the difference between binary search tree and AVL tree List out the operations involved in AVL trees List out some of the applications of trees

applications of trees

UNIT III TREE VARIANTS AND BINARY HEAP Hours 1 B-trees Topic Learning objectives At the end of the lecture the student will be able to Define B-Tree with an example Explain how insertion and deletion can be made in Btree Explain splay tree with an example Explain how rotation can be made in splay tree Define splaying with an example Explain zig-zag rotation with an example Discuss the characteristic of red-black tree Explain how coloring and recoloring can be made in red-black tree Define k-d tree with an example Define space partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space Define priority Discuss priority queue with an example Discuss DeleteMin(H) and Insert(H) with an example Define heap with an example Explain heap order property and structure order property with examples List out some of the basic heap operations List out some of the applications of Priority queue

2 3 4 5

Splay tree A simple idea Splaying Red black Trees 2-3 tire k-d trees

7 8 9

Priority queue Simple implementation Binary heap


Application of priority queue

UNIT IV HASHING AND SETS Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Topic Hashing Hash function Separate chaining open addressing linear probing quadratic probing double hashing rehashing extendible hashing Disjoint Set ADT Equivalence relations dynamic equivalence problem basic data structure smart union algorithms path compression Learning objectives At the end of the lecture the student will be able to Explain hashing with an example Define Hash function List out some of the collision resolution techniques Explain the separate chaining method with an example Explain about open addressing Explain about linear probing Explain about quadratic probing Explain the double hashing with an example Explain about rehashing with an example Explain the extendible hashing Explain Disjoint set List out the ADTs of disjoint set List out some of the equivalence relations Explain dynamic equivalence problem Explain about basic data structure List out some of the smart union algorithms Explain about path compression

UNIT V GRAPHS Hours 1 Topic Definitions Learning objectives At the end of the lecture the student will be able to Define graph with an example Explain DAG with an example Explain bi-connected graph with an example List out the difference between directed and undirected graph Discuss adjacency matrix and path matrix in detail Explain about topological sort with an example Discuss Breadth-First Traversal with a graph List out some of the shortest path algorithms Explain the Warshalls algorithm with neat graph Discuss Dijkstras algorithm with a neat graph Define spanning Tree Explain the minimum spanning tree with an example Explain the Prims algorithm Explain the Kruskals Algorithm Discuss Depth-First Traversal with a graph Explain the Bi-connectivity with neat graph Define Articulation point Illustrate Eulers Circuit with neat graph List out the applications of Graph

Representation of graphs Topological sort breadth-first traversal shortest-path algorithms Dijkstras algorithms Minimum spanning tree Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms Depth-first traversal Bi-connectivity Euler circuits Applications of graphs

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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