Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithm in Deep CNN-Based Model For Sign Language Recognition - SpringerLink

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9/15/21, 12:09 PM Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithm in Deep CNN-Based Model for Sign Language Recognition | SpringerLink

Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithm in Deep

CNN-Based Model for Sign Language Recognition
Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies pp 463-471 |
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Conference paper
First Online: 14 September 2021
Part of the
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
book series (LNDECT, volume 75)


The fundamental part of the neural network is the learning rate, and the strategy of adopting the learning process in a neural
network is carried out using optimization algorithms or optimizers. This optimization algorithm helps us produce better
results to the model by changing the parameters like bias and weights, i.e., it helps us maximize or minimize the error
function and depends on the learnable parameters. In this paper, we examine how an End-to-End CNN model named
ASLNET recognizes the alphabets of the American sign language using various optimizers such as Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD), Root-Mean-Square propagation (RM-Sprop), Adaptive Gradient Algorithm (Adagrad), Adaptive Delta
(Adadelta),Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam), Adam with Nesterov Momentum (Nadam), LookAhead and Rectified
Adam (RAdam). To avoid the overfitting issues, traditional data augmentation techniques are used to compare our model
with data augmentation and without augmentation with these optimizers. Among these, LookAhead and RAdam are the
most recently developed. The experiment is conducted on 2 NVIDIA TESLA P100 GPUs of batch size 64, and the
investigation was based on benchmark ASL Finger Spelling dataset.

Optimization algorithms  Deep CNN  Finger Spelling dataset  Sign language recognition 1/5
9/15/21, 12:09 PM Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithm in Deep CNN-Based Model for Sign Language Recognition | SpringerLink

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Cite this paper as:
Rajan R.G., Rajendran P.S. (2022) Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithm in Deep CNN-Based Model for Sign Language Recognition. In: Smys S.,
Bestak R., Palanisamy R., Kotuliak I. (eds) Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and
Communications Technologies, vol 75. Springer, Singapore.

First Online
14 September 2021
Publisher Name
Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN
978-981-16-3727-8 4/5
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