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18, Institutional Area, S.J.SMarg, New Delhi-110016.
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F.No.11350 /Misc/ 3/2022-DC(Acad-1) Date 03.06.2022

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Sub: - Launch of Lifestyle for the Environment (LIFE) Movement :-reg

Ref: - D.O.No.12074/ 1(14)/2022-E & F dated: - 3rd June 2022


Please find enclosed herewith a copy of letter cited as reference above on

the subject 'Launch of Lifestyle for the Environment (LIFE) Movement' received
from the Adviser (WR& LR), NRE, Niti Aayog New Delhi and to inform that Hon'ble
Prime Minister will be launching the LIFE Global call for Ideas and Papers on
World Environment Day, 5th June 2022 at 6.00PM.

The programme can be viewed through webcast link:

It is therefore requested that the contents of this letter be disseminated among

schools under regions and direct the Principals to encourage the students and
teachers to attend the event using the link given above.

(B.K. Behera) .9.~/ob
Deputy Commissioner (Acad) a 7-~
Encl: As stated above
Copy to: PS to Commissioner, KVS(HQ) New Delhi for information.
Avinash Mishra lfffi'f mcfiR
Adviser (WR & LR), NRE, ~ 3fl<IT1T. ffilG lfrf
Tourism & Culture Panchayati Raj, I & B ~ ~-110001
Government of India
E-mail :
NIT! Aayog, Parliament Street,
New Delhi - 110 001

D.0. No.12074/1(14)/2022-E&F Dated 3rd June 2022


As you maybe already aware, the Hon'ble Prime Minister has constantly been advocating
the need for a sustainable lifestyle at different national and global forums. Most recently,
at COP 26 in 2021, he stressed the importance of individual behaviour change for
catalyzing climate action as part of the Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE) Movement.

To take this concept forward, the Hon'ble Prime Minister will be launching the LiFE
Global Call for Ideas and Papers on World Environment Day, 5th June 2022, at 6:00 PM

The LiFE Global Call for Ideas and Papers envisions making individual behaviour change
the centre of the world's climate action narrative and making sustainable lifestyles a
global mass movement. It will invite measurable and scalable behaviour change solutions
to drive climate-friendly behaviours among individuals and communities.

In this context, you are kindly requested to attend the launch event at 6:00 PM on 05th
June 2022. It is also requested that all the Kendriya Vidyalayas be directed to attend the
event. .fi. 0 -rt.. .......-~ ·
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,~.t I\~
~ff)OJ : Q . . . Yours Sincerely

(Avinash Mishra)

Ms Nidhi Pandey
Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi - 110 016, Email:

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