Student Consent Form (8 X 11)

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For more copies, please tk Copsesby sepaingusan em notocopiet oF 3k for infowrotworlsorg SOF School Code Student Consent Form SOF Olympiads 2022-23 1. Student Name (Capital Letters) 2. Class Section Roll No. Gender: M[] F oan 3. School Name I EOI The participating student shall deposit €150/US$ 10 per Olympiad with the school which will retain the en conducting charges and remit the balance to SOF as per Schoo! Registration Form. oes Va alord [My child would like to participate in Please TICK the appropriate boxes) ‘SOF International General Knowledge Olympiad (Class 1 to 10) SOF International English Olympiad (Class 1 to 12) ‘SOF National Science Olympiad (Class 1 to 12) ‘SOF International Mathematics Olympiad (Class 1 to 12) Cras On ‘SOF National Cyber Olympiad (Class 1 t0 10) ‘SOF International Social Studies Olympiad (Class 3 to 10) ~ ‘SOF International Commerce Olympiad (Class 11 & 12) ~ Total/US$, INWORDS: 2/USS, | hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge. Ihave read and understood the terms of participation governing the 2022-23 Olympiads and agree that land my child shal @) abide by them, Date Student's Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Pg |ssiQ Level 1 Awards "hi paepang students recive aCercate of Pacpaton and a detaiedStudnt Performance Report owe 0M + Medal of isuncton&Certfeate of isunton orto 25 Zanal toppers pet ds pet exam or ech of 26 Zanes Schoo! "Gold Medal of Excellence” wil be awarded asunder CN) + For5 to regittaonscass ole Mea of Excellence to tp rankholder RE, + For l0to 2s regitrations/at- ld Meds of Excalencs to top 2 anchors eset + For registrations exceeding 25/clas-Gold Medal of Excellence to top 10% rank holders Level 2 Certificates, Medals, Awards & Gifts Tea stvinners | Gohaward of t5000 2250006 lteratorl Genito? Top i Tlopovter t.zsastrentng | MecasGaa sive | Guttandng Sudent respecivey bronze Pestorance icomroM Gathawardol 00 5 Topszenatanten, | siatwinnes | asooeciomafortszaae | ZoelMeda.Gols | Cento pares on rena SivertSronze | Zonal bxclance anal Rankers ve 10» | TROVE Wnres arena Tahara Tonal Rank Sts worth 5006 ae oval fankers 125" | a5 70 wine Cerca of Zonal Eclece Zonal Ranke aove25™ Tie eee Scholarships Bouin SOF Gul Chl Sebola Sehene GCS) owes soo gHiaes a SOF Delence Services Academician Scholrip(OSAS | _t5000eachwithWeahy [260 -tudens onsets SOF headeic Excelence Scholhip AES Ta00 ech with opty | 60st ia “Past sb ag fa an Pr Student Consent Form BBB «100 [= e100 [) e100 J e100 [] e100 x [aso HEB cic0 [e100 [J] e100 J e100 [J e100 [) x [aso [) HEB e100 [e100 [J e100 J e100 (J e100 [e100 [7 iso (7) HEB e100 [e100 [| e100 | e100 |_| e100 |_| too | eso |_| [EB e100 [= e100 [| e100 | e100 [| e100 |) e100 | erso TE e100 [= e100) e100] e100 [-} e100 [] e100 [e200 Bh x00 [cio [| e100 | e100 |_| e100 |_| r100 [e200 [EB e100 [= 100 [e100 | e100 [| e100 |) e100 [200 HEB 100 [100 [| e100 J e100 [| e100 |) e100 [e200 [| BB e100 (e100 [| e100 _| e100 |_| e100 |_|} e100 [e200 |} B25 e200 [200 800 200 [200 300 (J e200 [e200 (| a (J e200 [e200 (| TH ea00 (J e200 [e200 (| T es00 LJ eso [e200 (| L] 300 = 800 CJ eso [eo C] CT soo so [00 800 ‘eel ean (NSO,MO GED) sforcses 31012 * SOF promotes education, explores potential and develops competitive spirit among school children, SOF aims to assist students in widening their academic horizon beyond school books and prepare to excel in today's highly competitive environment. SOF conducts the following seven Olympiads: 1. SOF-- INTERNATIONAL GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OLYMPIAD (ISKO) 2. SOF- INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD (IEO) 3. SOF-NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (NSO) 4. SOF- INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD (IMO) 5. SOF- NATIONAL CY. 6 OLYMPIAD (NCO) SOF - INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL STUDIES OLYMPIAD (15SO) SOF - INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE OLYMPIAD (ICO) + Top 5% of students, lass wise who appear for the 1 level exam Internationally Tor ] UO I I (1 -Previous Year'Papers CI tatestPattem eSylobus, ModelTest Papers fal ] __TECHFESTIT BOMBAY parcneree SOF fr NSO through which INNOVATION CHALLENGE for students of cases, 9& 10 was conducted IeSipariners 30 to conduct he IO for ent of lees 11 & 2.15 Under the Ministry of Corporat Afi has been set up by an Me of Parlament. a + Top 25 rank holders from each Zone and each class. + Class topper, where atleast 10 students froma class appear Inthe exam & scores a east 50% marks + Second level Exams- May be conducted depending upon the feasibility due to prevalent Corona virus pandemic conditions in one or more states at that time. In case 2" level ‘exams are not conducted, results of 1" level exams wil be \weated as final results and winners will be finalized based on ranks in 1 level exams. SOF may, a its discretion, conduct audio/ video! in person interviews of select students to validate marks/ranks achieved in the 1 level exams. 2"level Olympiad exam will be held for I€0, NSO & IMO for asses 3 to 12 ‘Your chiles schools participating in the SOF Olympiads in 2022-23. To register, please return ths completed form to the school along with registration fee. For additional information, please contact the schoo! or Visit www sofworld org or wwnwfacebook com/sofworld ceive atest updates on exams, please open ili and submit: ree ec UT vee En ete ener

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