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Standards for Studies of Neurological

Prognostication in Comatose Survivors of
Cardiac Arrest
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
ABSTRACT: Significant improvements have been achieved in cardiac Romergryko G. Geocadin,
arrest resuscitation and postarrest resuscitation care, but mortality MD, Chair
remains high. Most of the poor outcomes and deaths of cardiac arrest Clifton W. Callaway, MD,
survivors have been attributed to widespread brain injury. This brain injury, PhD, FAHA
commonly manifested as a comatose state, is a marker of poor outcome Ericka L. Fink, MD, MS
and a major basis for unfavorable neurological prognostication. Accurate Eyal Golan, MD
prognostication is important to avoid pursuing futile treatments when David M. Greer, MD, MA,
poor outcome is inevitable but also to avoid an inappropriate withdrawal FAHA
Nerissa U. Ko, MD, MAS
of life-sustaining treatment in patients who may otherwise have a chance
Eddy Lang, MD
of achieving meaningful neurological recovery. Inaccurate neurological
Daniel J. Licht, MD
prognostication leading to withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment and Bradley S. Marino, MD,
deaths may significantly bias clinical studies, leading to failure in detecting MPP, MSCE, FAHA
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the true study outcomes. The American Heart Association Emergency Norma D. McNair, PhD,
Cardiovascular Care Science Subcommittee organized a writing group RN, FAHA
composed of adult and pediatric experts from neurology, cardiology, Mary Ann Peberdy, MD,
emergency medicine, intensive care medicine, and nursing to review FAHA
existing neurological prognostication studies, the practice of neurological Sarah M. Perman, MD,
prognostication, and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. The MSCE, FAHA
writing group determined that the overall quality of existing neurological Daniel B. Sims, MD, FAHA
prognostication studies is low. As a consequence, the degree of Jasmeet Soar, MA, MB,
confidence in the predictors and the subsequent outcomes is also low.
Claudio Sandroni, MD,
Therefore, the writing group suggests that neurological prognostication
Vice Chair
parameters need to be approached as index tests based on relevant On behalf of the
neurological functions that are directly related to the functional outcome American Heart
and contribute to the quality of life of cardiac arrest survivors. Suggestions Association Emergency
to improve the quality of adult and pediatric neurological prognostication Cardiovascular Care
studies are provided. Committee

Key Words:  AHA Scientific Statements

◼ cardiac arrest ◼ coma ◼ hypoxic-
ischemic encephalopathy ◼ outcome
◼ prediction ◼ prognosis

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.


Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702 August 27, 2019 e517

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

ignificant improvements have been achieved

in both resuscitation for cardiac arrest and


postresuscitation care, but mortality remains

high. According to the American Heart Association’s Determining prognosis after successful resuscitation is
“Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2019 Update,”1 a central component of post–cardiac arrest care. First,
there are ≈356 000 cases of out-of-hospital cardiac ar- families or surrogate decision-makers must develop
rest (OHCA) and 209 000 cases of in-hospital cardiac realistic expectations and make plans about ongoing
arrest (IHCA) in the United States. The survival to hos- intensive care. Second, prognosis determines the ex-
pital discharge was 12% for OHCA and 25% for IHCA. tent to which resources are mobilized or withheld for
For OHCA, survival with good neurological outcome individual patients; indeed, WLST remains the most
is 8%.1 The vast majority of patients successfully re- common cause of in-hospital death for patients resus-
suscitated from cardiac arrest present in coma or with citated from both IHCA2 and OHCA.7 Third, prognostic
an altered level of consciousness caused by the wide- tests can potentially be used for early risk stratification
spread nature of brain injury after cardiac arrest. Al- to identify the most appropriate population for clinical
though most of the deaths in patients initially resusci- trials so that the accuracy of prognostication may affect
tated from cardiac arrest are attributed to brain injury, research findings. Fourth, prognostic tests are used in
only ≈10% of these deaths meet the clinical criteria clinical intervention trials in which decisions to perform
for brain death.2,3 Instead, most deaths associated with WLST lead to death before the effect of specific inter-
brain injury after cardiac arrest result from active with- ventions studied can be fully appreciated, which may
drawal of life-sustaining treatment (WLST) because a bias research findings. In infants and children, prognos-
poor neurological outcome is predicted. For this rea- tication is even more challenging because long-term
son, accurate neurological prognostication in coma- outcomes are measured in years, not months, and de-
tose cardiac arrest survivors is of utmost importance pend on many nonmedical factors such as the age or
to avoid both pursuing futile treatments in patients development of the child and socioeconomic factors.
destined for a poor outcome and making an inappro- Accurate neurological prognostication in children is still
priate WLST in patients who may have a chance for crucial for all these factors and to help families prepare
neurological recovery. for potentially significant changes in their lives.
Unfortunately, the overall certainty in the evidence in Premature WLST based on poor prognosis can result
neurological prognostication studies is low. As a conse- in death for patients who can potentially recover. This
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quence, our degree of confidence that there is a correct clinical practice may present an immediate threat to pa-
association between the predictors described in these tient safety.
studies and the subsequent outcomes is also low. This In a clinical trial network that prospectively collect-
results from a series of biases that limit the internal va- ed the mode of death for 4265 subjects hospitalized
lidity of these studies. These biases have only recently after OHCA, about one-third had WLST in <72 hours
been highlighted in systematic reviews4–6 and are men- after admission because of perceived poor neurologi-
tioned later in this document. cal prognosis.8 The authors suggested that WLST for
The overall aims of this scientific statement include neurological reasons within 72 hours may be associ-
the following: ated with mortality in ≈2300 Americans each year, of
1. To examine the characteristics of neurological whom nearly 1500 (65%) might have had a functional
prognostication studies of comatose adult and recovery if allowed to live longer. The observation of de-
pediatric survivors of cardiac arrest and to illus- layed awakening of comatose patients >72 hours after
trate how biases affect these studies; hospital admission is increasing.3,9,10 One study included
2. To provide quality standards and reporting both IHCA and OHCA, with ≈40% of the cohort expe-
requirements for neurological prognostication riencing an IHCA. Of patients with early WLST (defined
studies of comatose adult and pediatric survivors as within 48 hours of return of spontaneous circula-
of cardiac arrest on the basis of existing standards tion [ROSC]), 48% had an OHCA, and 52% had an
for prognosis research; IHCA. The reasoning behind the establishment of WLST
3. To provide insights into the clinical elements cur- is not defined from this retrospective study.11 Although
rently used in neurological prognostication stud- WLST is undertaken in IHCA, it is not as well described
ies of comatose adult and pediatric survivors of as OHCA. In the Get With The Guidelines–Resuscita-
cardiac arrest to improve their relevance to clinical tion registry that focused on IHCA, WLST is a variable in
practice; and the registry, but it is optional information and has not
4. To provide suggestions to improve the scientific been consistently reported by Get With The Guidelines–
quality of neurological prognostication studies Resuscitation investigators.
in comatose adult and pediatric survivors of Learning whether a patient will recover and, if so,
cardiac arrest. with what deficits is important to families, caregivers,

e518 August 27, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

and patients. False optimism can worsen the psycho- Coma and Spatial Distribution of Brain

logical trauma of a poor outcome. Symptoms of post- Injury

traumatic stress or depression occur in ≥15% of family
members of patients who experience chronic critical ill- As the brain is subjected to global hypoxia/ischemia
ness,12 and these symptoms may be aggravated by poor with cardiac arrest, the injury pattern manifested is not
communication or engagement in decision-making homogeneous and is determined by the selectively vul-
with providers.13,14 Clinical care teams and surrogate nerable neuron subpopulations. The clinical spectrum
decision-makers are often divergent in their estimation of post–cardiac arrest neurological disorders correlates
of a patient’s prognosis in critical care units, which can well with the selective vulnerability of the cortex, arousal
contribute to communication problems. systems, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem to global
In pediatric patients, this communication gap is ag- hypoxia/ischemia. During the immediate postresuscita-
gravated by a lack of clarity about long-term (>10 years) tion period, coma and varying manifestations of disor-
outcomes and an inability to quantify neuronal plasticity ders of consciousness (coma, stupor, vegetative state/
in the individual patient. In addition, both patients and unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, minimally con-
their surrogates may have preexisting values and prefer- scious state, encephalopathy) are the most common
ences that inform their tolerance and desire for critical neurological manifestations of hypoxic/ischemic brain
care. Some patients may have expressed a desire not to injury. Coma is defined as unresponsiveness to inter-
receive aggressive critical care or prolonged support if nal and external stimuli with a complete absence of
permanent disabilities are anticipated. The sooner that arousal.23,24 Clinically, it is the complete failure of the
the risk of impaired survival can be determined, the less arousal system with no spontaneous eye opening and
exposure such a patient will have to unwanted interven- the inability to be awakened by application of vigorous
tions. The goal is to have an accurate, precise, and clini- sensory stimulation.23 Coma has been used as the cor-
cally applicable test for most patients after cardiac arrest nerstone in neurological prognostication because the
that can be reliably applied as early as possible after re- irreversibility of coma precludes a favorable outcome
suscitation. In the era of targeted temperature manage- and represents extensive injury to the brain.
ment (TTM), neurological prognostication testing may
not be accurately applied until several days after ROSC. Assessing Brain Injury and Prognosis
Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and developmental
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NEUROLOGICAL BASIS OF biology provide the clinical basis for determining brain
injury and its clinical manifestation and outcome across
PROGNOSTICATION ages. The most vulnerable area is the cerebral cortex,
Brain injury is the main determinant of functional out- followed by subcortical structures such as the thalamus,
comes in patients with critical illness.15 Neurological as- basal ganglia, and cerebellum. The least vulnerable is
sessments in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest are the brainstem. Different patterns of injury may appear
the basis for neurological prognostication.16–19 As an in pediatric populations, in whom subcortical structures
organ sensitive to ischemia and hypoxia, the brain is seem to play a larger role in neurological prognostica-
injured directly as a result of loss of blood flow during tion, and injury may inhibit plasticity and recovery.25,26
arrest (no-flow time) and the suboptimal flow that de- Consciousness requires the function of a complex
pends on the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation system that includes the cerebral cortex, subcortical
(CPR). Secondary neurological injury has also been de- structures, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, and
scribed as a consequence of reperfusion after success- portions of the brainstem.27 The degree of injury to
ful resuscitation. The neuronal injury cascade leading the components of the brain arousal system (previ-
to cell death involves many steps, including excitotoxic- ously known as the ascending reticular activating sys-
ity, disrupted calcium homeostasis, free radical forma- tem) such as subcortical projections, the thalamus, and
tion, pathological protease cascades, and activation of midbrain is key in determining poor prognosis. These
cell death signaling pathways.20,21 The extent of isch- areas can be assessed by use of short-latency somato-
emic and reperfusion injury and the temporal profile sensory evoked potential (SSEP), in which the N20 wave
of brain injury, its recovery, and its impact on clinical represents the thalamocortical connectivity and, more
manifestations that span hours to several days are very recently, electroencephalography (EEG) patterns. SSEP
important parameters to consider in the design of neu- has not been studied sufficiently in children to under-
rological prognostication studies.22 In pediatric patients, stand its prognostic value.
neuronal plasticity and capacity to recover function are The involvement of the brainstem in coma is assessed
poorly understood and add to the complexity of care. by evaluating key brainstem areas such as the cranial
The spectrum of recovery in children is broader and is nerve (Cn) III nucleus in the midbrain, resulting in the ab-
modifiable by the socioeconomic status of the family. sence of pupillary light reflex, and the trigeminal nerve

Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702 August 27, 2019 e519

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

nucleus, injury to which leads to the loss of the corneal against a clinical reference standard (or gold standard).

reflex. In preterm infants, the lack of pupillary reflexes Prognostic accuracy studies evaluate the index test

may be developmental and should not be used for prog- against the development of the predicted target condi-
nosis. In those with widespread cerebral cortical injury tion over the time interval from the moment when the
but with preservation of the brainstem, the patient may index test is recorded until the end of observation.
at best achieve an unresponsive wakefulness syndrome Most neurological prognostication index tests re-
(formerly known as the vegetative state). These patients ported in the cardiac arrest literature indirectly measure
remain unresponsive but with preserved brainstem re- the severity of brain injury after cardiac arrest.4,29 In a
flexes. Patients with some injury to the cerebral cortex patient who is comatose after cardiac arrest, a positive
but with preservation of subcortical and brainstem areas result of one of these tests indicates that the outcome
may present with varying cognitive and motor deficits. of that patient will be poor (death or severe neurologi-
In the very young, cortical plasticity is mediated by sur- cal disability). If this occurs, the prediction is correct,
viving subplate neurons, and injury to subcortical areas and the test result is a true positive.
may inhibit recovery through plasticity and cortical reas- In patients with brain injury after cardiac arrest,
signment.28 Neuroimaging is an evolving modality that avoiding a falsely pessimistic prediction is essential be-
may be able to identify the location and extent of brain cause treatment limitations are based mainly on predic-
injury but fails to identify function or loss thereof. The tion of a poor neurological outcome.30 In this context,
high susceptibility of the cerebral cortex results in a high the false-positive rate (FPR) of a neuroprognostic test
incidence of seizures in this population and watershed is the proportion of patients with good outcome who
ischemic injury. Because neurological function is defined are assigned a falsely pessimistic prediction, that is, the
by cell location and not necessarily by cell type, serologi- number of false positives divided by the total number of
cal and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) chemical biomarkers patients with a good outcome. The FPR is the comple-
that measure injury by cell types (neuron, astroglia, and ment of specificity (ie, FPR=1−specificity). Therefore,
cytoskeletal markers) continue to have significant chal- when specificity is 100%, the FPR is 0%.
lenges and limitations as reliable prognostic markers of When results of neuroprognostic studies are re-
brain injury after cardiac arrest. ported, positive predictive values and negative predic-
Neurological prognostication of unfavorable outcome tive values, or sensitivity and specificity, are equally ac-
is based on the absence or limitations of function of a ceptable, provided that the contingency table (ie, the
particular injured area of the brain as determined by clini- number of true- and false-positive and true- and false-
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cal assessment or diagnostic testing. This determination is negative test results) is also provided.
susceptible to errors caused by any one or a combination
of the following: (1) clinical confounders that may unduly
suppress that particular brain function (ie, hypotension,
Predictive Tests as Categorical or
hypothermia, concurrent metabolic derangement); (2) Continuous Variables
drugs (ie, paralytics, sedatives); (3) inappropriate timing Although the predictor variables of some neuroprog-
(ie, testing done before the peak of blood or CSF-based nostic tests are dichotomous (eg, presence or absence
biomarker); (4) lack of expertise in testing; (5) lack of ex- of a motor response), those of other tests are continu-
perience in interpretation; and (6) the developmental age ous variables (eg, the blood level values of a biomarker)
or baseline neurological capacity of the patient. or are expressed on an ordinal scale (eg, the motor
score of the Glasgow Coma Scale). However, to calcu-
late the sensitivity and specificity of these tests, results
DESIGN OF NEUROLOGICAL are usually dichotomized by establishing a threshold
PROGNOSTICATION STUDIES that divides positive from negative results. In this case,
test sensitivity and specificity depend on the threshold:
Prognostic Accuracy Studies A high threshold increases the specificity of the test and
The vast majority of studies on prognostication after decreases the sensitivity, and vice versa. This interde-
cardiac arrest are prognostic accuracy studies that as- pendence is expressed by the receiver-operating char-
sess the ability of the test under investigation (index acteristics curve and its relevant area under the curve.
test) to predict the occurrence of a target condition in However, this curve does provide sufficient information
a given population. For a test with a binary outcome, on the distribution of individual test results, for which
its accuracy comprises both sensitivity and specificity, boxplots are more appropriate.
which measure how well the test correctly identifies pa-
tients who will subsequently develop or not develop the
target condition, respectively. Precision
Prognostic accuracy studies differ from diagnostic Although achieving high test accuracy is desirable, this
accuracy studies in which the index test is evaluated result has little clinical value when the precision of its

e520 August 27, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

e­ stimate is low (ie, when the CI around that estimate is One of the most important messages to emerge

large). As for other clinical tests, precision essentially de- from the neurological prognostication literature is that

pends on the sample size of the study. The STARD accu- the relationships between predictor variables and out-
racy studies (Standards for Reporting Diagnostic)31 require comes are not linear, nor are they likely to be restricted
reporting the intended sample size of the study, along to a single approach for optimizing the prediction of
with the methods used for its calculation. Calculating outcome. Information that informs outcome prediction
sample size in the planning phase of prognostic accuracy can arise from a number of modalities, including clini-
studies may help the investigators obtain the degree of cal assessment, imaging, biomarkers, and EEG monitor-
precision that is considered clinically acceptable for the ing. All these factors are likely to contribute to predic-
test (eg, an upper bound of 95% CI of the FPR estimate tion to some degree, but none is likely to stand as a
not higher than 5%). This can be based on the hypoth- stand-alone tool. Given these circumstances, it would
esized values of sensitivity and specificity and the estimat- be important to quantify the relative contribution of
ed prevalence of the target condition in the population.32 each modality and to ascertain how they contribute to
Unfortunately, preliminary sample size calculation is neurological prognostication in combination with the
uncommon in accuracy studies.33 As far as neurologi- findings from each modality increasing or decreasing
cal prognostication after cardiac arrest is concerned, the likelihood of neurologically intact survival.
among a total of 87 studies included in 2 systematic re- To achieve this requires the contribution of multi-
views published in 2013,5,6 no study reported a sample modal modeling analyses that integrate multiple di-
size calculation. This gap in the literature probably re- agnostic and predictive strategies and that can yield
sults because most studies are based on a convenience a composite estimate of prognosis with estimates of
sample of all available patients. precision reported as CIs. A number of modeling and
analytic strategies can be considered and would cer-
tainly merit from both biostatistical input and evidence
Multivariable Models syntheses to inform model development. The applica-
Index tests can be combined with other tests or ex- tion of multimodal modeling can be envisioned as a
planatory variables in a multivariable model, with the web or smartphone application that clinicians can ap-
aim of achieving a more accurate prediction or to in- ply at the bedside and that would generate prognostic
vestigate the interaction between the index test and estimates based on the inputted results of multiple as-
these variables. In this case, the likelihood of identifying sessment modalities.
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the target condition on the basis of the presence of a

given predictor is reported with an odds ratio or risk
ratio. Compared with the univariable prognostic accu-
Current Measures of Neurological
racy study design, multivariable models are more com- Outcome
plex and generally require the inclusion of large sepa- Clinician-reported measures of neurological function
rate data sets for model development and subsequent after cardiac arrest include the modified Rankin Scale
model validation. Multivariable models are rarely used (mRS),37 the Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC),38
for neurological prognostication. An example is rep- the CPC-Extended,39 and the Glasgow Outcome Scale–
resented by the Good Outcome Following Attempted Extended.40 However, to date, only the CPC and mRS
Resuscitation score, developed from the Get With The have been used extensively in patients with cardiac ar-
Guidelines–Resuscitation registry and aimed to predict rest. The CPC includes 5 categories, from 1 (no or mi-
neurologically intact survival after in-hospital CPR.34 nor disabilities) to 5 (dead), and was adapted from the
Methods for sample size calculation for studies based Glasgow Outcome Scale, developed for traumatic head
on multivariable models35 differ from those of univari- injury. The mRS includes 7 scores, from 0 (no symptoms)
able prognostic accuracy studies. to 6 (dead), and was originally developed for stroke.
One important role for multivariable models is test- In children, the clinician-reported measure of neu-
ing whether a prognostic test offers independent infor- rological function after cardiac arrest is a comple-
mation in addition to other data available about a pa- ment of the Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category
tient. If a second test is associated with outcome even (PCPC),41,42 the King’s Outcome Scale for Childhood
when adjusted for a first prognostic test, there may be Head Injury (KOSCHI),43 and the Pediatric Stroke Out-
clinical merit in obtaining both tests. For example, EEG come Measure (PSOM).44 The KOSCHI (5-point ordinal
is independently associated with outcome even when scale: 1=death to 5=good recovery) and PSOM (3-point
adjusted for the baseline neurological examination of a ordinal scale: 0=no deficit to 2=severe deficit) are com-
patient.36 Improvement in diagnostic accuracy is some- mon outcome scales originally developed for traumatic
times reported as increases in area under the curve of brain injury and stroke, respectively. The Functional
receiver-operating characteristics curves for multivari- Systems Score assesses 6 domains of function (men-
able models compared with univariable models. tal status, sensory functioning, communication, motor

Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702 August 27, 2019 e521

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

functioning, feeding, and respiratory status) and has range of outcomes and can be used as a complemen-

recently been validated in children with various diag- tary measure to the PSOM.

noses.45–48 The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale score

was the primary outcome in the landmark THAPCA pe-
diatric trials (Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric
Dichotomization of Neurological
Cardiac Arrest). Although this instrument is validated in Outcome Measures
children, this parent report measure can take from 20 In much of the literature, neurological outcome after
to 60 minutes to complete, and children with a premor- cardiac arrest has been dichotomized into good and
bid baseline score <70 cannot be assessed after arrest. poor on the basis of a threshold. However, the specific
Other scales have been used in children but have not cutoffs used to make this distinction varied over time in
been thoroughly validated. published studies. Until 2006, most neurological prog-
According to the International Classification of Func- nostication studies defined poor outcome as a CPC
tioning, Disability and Health from the World Health score of 4 to 5 (vegetative state or death) as opposed to
Organization,49 assessment of health functioning and a CPC score of 1 to 3 (good neurological outcome and
disability includes 3 components: impairments, func- moderate to severe neurological disability), whereas
tional ability, and actual engagement in activity and subsequently most studies included severe neurological
participation. Compared with the mRS, which clearly disability (CPC score of 3) among the poor outcomes.61
assesses physical functioning ability, CPC is diffuse, In a survey published in 2015 on prognostication prac-
with scoring based on clusters of mental impairments, tices in Europe,62 poor neurological outcome was de-
ability to perform functions, and actual activity and fined as a CPC score of 3 to 5 by 39% of respondents
participation. Perhaps it is the lumping of multiple do- and a CPC score of 4 to 5 by 58% of respondents,
mains within the CPC that explains the lack of agree- whereas the remaining 3% used a different definition.
ment between CPC and patient-reported quality-of-life The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
measures.50 In addition, the CPC has limited ability to 2015 update of the Utstein Resuscitation Registry tem-
discriminate between mild and moderate postanoxic plates for OHCA defined good neurological outcome
brain impairments,51 which are better discriminated as a CPC score of 1 to 2 or an mRS score of 0 to 3.63
with the mRS.52 Finally, the CPC has been criticized The PCPC has frequently been dichotomized into 1 to 3
for evaluating activities such as traveling or preparing and 4 to 6, or favorable outcome is instead defined as
food that are impossible to assess when the patient is
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change in PCPC score <2 because many children with

still in the hospital.53 A recent advisory statement from cardiac arrest have premorbid disability.63,64
the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Although dichotomizing neurological outcomes
suggested using the mRS rather than the CPC to mea- simplifies both outcome reporting and statistical analy-
sure functional recovery after cardiac arrest.54 The mRS sis, it also results in a loss of granularity. In fact, the
should preferably be measured by face-to-face or tele- prevalence of individual outcome categories or scores
phone interviews with patients and their caregivers.55 remains unknown. This also prevents measuring their
The interrater reliability of mRS is substantial,56 and it evolution during follow-up, which is particularly impor-
can be further improved with the use of a structured tant because many patients continue to improve over
interview,40 a web-based tool with 9 questions,57 or an time, transitioning from poor to good categories, de-
mRS calculator.58 The PSOM, Functional Systems Score, pending on the time of measurement.65,66 In addition,
and KOSCHI can be quickly administered in a clinical the heterogeneity of outcome thresholds prevents their
setting by a nonexpert or estimated through conversa- pooling in a meta-analysis.
tion with parents.
The COSCA (Core Outcome Set for Cardiac Arrest)
writing group suggested the use of the mRS version in Reporting the Cause of Death
which category 4 (moderate severe disability) includes In common outcome measures, death is used as a neu-
inability to attend to one’s own bodily needs rather rological outcome. This corresponds to 5 for CPC, 6 for
than just inability to walk without assistance (“and/ mRS, 2 for PSOM, 6 for PCPC, and 0 for KOSCHI. How-
or” instead of “and”).54 The reason is that, compared ever, none of these measures specify the actual cause of
with stroke, outcome after cardiac arrest is less influ- death. Although most commonly the cause of death in
enced by locomotor problems. In a patient still able to patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest is attributed to
walk, this version will be more sensitive for identifying brain injury, as previously noted, this results mainly from
extensive dependency related to severe cognitive im- WLST based on prediction of a poor neurological out-
pairment. The IPSS (International Pediatric Stroke Study) come.8 WLST is a confounder in the assessment of neu-
and EXCOR study groups have used the PSOM in all re- rological outcome after cardiac arrest. To clarify the death
porting,59,60 but the PSOM has limitations in children <2 in relation to neurological prognostication, it is suggested
years of age. The KOSCHI is more sensitive to a broader that studies need to provide the (1) mode of death, either

e522 August 27, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

brain death or somatic death (cardiac death); (2) extent HRQOL assessment in the pediatric population is

of support at time of death, with possibilities including challenging because of the wide age range and the

full medical support or full medical support with “do not changing developmental capabilities of the patients
attempt resuscitation” directives or limited/nonescalating as they age. Although there are significant data on
medical support with or without “do not attempt resus- neurological outcome, there are no data on HRQOL
citation”; and (3) WLST, whether as a result of perceived outcomes in survivors after cardiac arrest in the pedi-
neurological futility, medical futility, or both. atric population by validated instruments. The Pediat-
Despite accounting for <10% to 15% of deaths ric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 Cores scales, Patient-
after cardiac arrest that occur before hospital dis- Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System,
charge,67 brain death creates opportunities for organ generic HRQOL measures, and the Child Health Ques-
donation67–69 (donors after brain death) and should be tionnaire, a generic functional status measure, have pa-
recognized and diagnosed in a timely manner. In addi- tient and proxy reporting, have a wide age range (2–26
tion to donors after brain death, an opportunity is rep- years of age), and may be administered in a reasonable
resented by those who die of circulatory collapse after time frame. In addition, these free and commercially
WLST, who can become controlled donors after cardiac available tools have been shown to be reliable, inter-
death. In a retrospective study of 530 patients who died nally and externally valid, and responsive in the United
in a cardiac arrest center and were referred to an organ States and many other countries after language trans-
procurement organization, 20 were donors after car- lation.78–83 Collectively, these measures assess HRQOL
diac death and 25 were donors after brain death.70 across physical, psychosocial, pain, fatigue, emotional
The second most common cause of in-hospital health, social health, and school domains.
death after cardiac arrest is cardiovascular instability, The Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory is a re-
especially during the first 3 days after resuscitation.71 liable, valid, generalizable, and disease-specific HRQOL
Along with multiple organ failure, cardiovascular fail- measure with patient and parent/guardian proxy re-
ure may lead to a WLST decision after cardiac arrest.7 porting and a wide age range; is easily self-adminis-
Extracerebral organ failure represents a confounder for tered in a reasonable time frame; and has an array of
neurological prognostication when its contribution as relevant constructs to describe and measure HRQOL in
a cause of death is not assessed separately, particularly the pediatric heart disease population84–87 in the United
if a patient died of extracerebral causes after neuro- States and United Kingdom. From a research perspec-
logical recovery had occurred. This is important for both tive, the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory will
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short- and long-term outcomes. In children, the most facilitate cross-sectional and prospective studies assess-
common cause of death in OHCA is hypoxic/ischemic ing HRQOL in pediatric cardiac patients who have had
brain injury, whereas cardiovascular failure is the most cardiac arrest.
common cause of death in IHCA.64
Timing of Primary and Secondary
Measures of Health-Related Quality Outcome Assessment
of Life When is the proper time to assess the impact of the
The recent International Liaison Committee on Re- index test on neurological outcomes in neurological
suscitation advisory statement on COSCA in adults prognostication studies? The important aspect in the
has considered 6 outcome measures of health-related timing of assessment is to ensure that the neurological
quality of life (HRQOL) after cardiac arrest.54 These in- deficit has stabilized and that other injuries from as-
clude the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey,72 12-Item sociated comorbidities have not occurred, which can
Short-Form Health Survey,73 the 15-dimension Quality bias the outcome. The 2015 Utstein update guide-
of Life questionnaire,74 the Health Utilities Index ver- lines63 recommend reporting survival after OHCA ei-
sion 3,75 and both the original and revised versions of ther at 30 days or at hospital discharge, according
the EuroQol.76 After evaluation, the COSCA group sug- to the ease of collecting this information within each
gested that ≥1 among Health Utilities Index version 3, healthcare system. Survival is a key component of
Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey, or revised version of neurological outcome measures after cardiac arrest,
the EuroQol should be used. and 30 days or hospital discharge should be adopted
The correlation between HRQOL and other neuro- as the minimal timing for measuring neurological out-
logical function measures after cardiac arrest appears come as well.
to be modest, but this has been investigated mainly Caution should be used during the collection of
for CPC,50,77 and further studies on this topic are war- outcomes at hospital discharge rather than at a fixed
ranted. HRQOL measures are essential to ensure that time point; status at hospital discharge is correlated
patient-reported outcomes, in addition to physician- with but not identical to 30-day outcomes. Specifical-
reported outcomes, are included in prognostic studies. ly, readiness for hospital discharge in patients who are

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

recovering from critical illness is determined by ability Table 1.  Proposed Timings for Outcome Measurement in Neurological

Prognostication Studies
to walk, toilet, and attend to basic activities of daily

living. Because these same elements are used to mea- Neurological

Age Timing Outcome HRQOL
sure mRS and CPC scores, measurements at hospital
discharge may bias toward an overestimation of the All ages Hospital discharge/1 mo ✓ No

proportion of patients who have mRS score of 3 or a 3 mo ✓ ✓

CPC score of 2 to 3.88 Both scores may change over 6 mo ✓ ✓
the next month as patients continue recovery or are 1y Optional Optional
challenged by the home environment.65,89 Finally, it is
Neonate to 3 y Yearly * NA
impossible to assess function in complex activities or
participation in social activities while patients are still HRQOL indicates health-related quality of life; and NA, not applicable.
*Additional neurodevelopmental assessment.
in the hospital.
In pediatric patients, ongoing brain development
clouds neurodevelopmental prognostication. At the QUALITY OF EVIDENCE AND SOURCES
time of full-term birth, the brain cell density is as OF BIAS IN NEUROPROGNOSTIC
high as it will ever be, with an estimated 100 billion
neurons. Interneurons and neurons in the subven-
tricular zone support cortical-thalamic and cortical- One of the most important biases of neurological prog-
cortical connections, but the competition for con- nostication studies is the self-fulfilling prophecy. This
nections is intense and results in selective pruning type of bias occurs when the treating team is aware
(programmed apoptosis) of many neurons. Although of the results of the test and uses them for decisions
the true timing of events is not known, it is thought that affect the patient’s outcome (eg, decisions on
that neuronal proliferation and differentiation cease WLST) so that the results of the index test determine
at ≈18 months postnatal age, but cellular pruning those of the reference standard. The consequence is an
does not stop until adolescence. Connections inter- overestimation of test performance, especially as far as
rupted by brain injury can be compensated for, pre- its specificity is concerned. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a
sumably by altering pruning mechanisms. Thus, the variety of incorporation bias, and it is very common.
younger the age is at the time of cardiac arrest, the In a systematic review published in 2014,29 among 73
more challenging prognostication can be. Surrogate neurological prognostication studies, only 9 (12%) re-
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markers for developmental brain plasticity are lack- ported blinding of the treating team from the results
ing. In pediatrics, the primary testing tools (Bayley of the predictor under investigation. Ideally, to avoid
Scales of Infant Development) in children <6 years of self-fulfilling prophecy bias in neurological prognostica-
age are poorly predictive of academic achievement tion studies, the treating team should be blinded to the
or performance.90 Thus, assessments after 6 years of results of the test being investigated. However, this is
age are optimal, although they are challenging to ac- neither feasible for some predictors such as those based
complish under the restrictions of a 5-year National on clinical examination nor desirable for others such as
Institutes of Health grant. the EEG, the results of which can reveal the presence of
In neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest, potentially treatable complications (eg, seizures).
follow-up times >30 days are both desirable and fea- Ideally, to eliminate the risk of self-fulfilling proph-
sible. In 2 reviews conducted on a total of 87 adult ecy, comatose resuscitated patients should be main-
neurological prognostication studies,5,6 45 studies tained with full medical support until the time point of
(52%) assessed neurological outcome between 2 and the measured outcome as specified in the study. A spe-
6 months, and 10 studies (11%) assessed up to 1 year. cial context for conducting prognostic studies without
There is evidence that neurological outcomes evolve a self-fulfilling prophecy bias is represented by those
between 1 and 6 months after cardiac arrest.65,66 In an countries or communities in which WLST does not oc-
American Heart Association consensus statement on cur because of cultural or religious reasons.92
primary outcomes after cardiac arrest, the consensus Even when blinding is not feasible, establishing a
was to assess neurological outcomes at 3 months after strict protocol for WLST, complying with it consistently,
discharge.91 and carefully describing the causes of death in all pa-
As far as HRQOL is concerned, the COSCA advi- tients may help control for the self-fulfilling prophecy
sory statement provides that assessment be done at 3 bias during the conduct of neurological prognostication
months as a minimum, plus at 6 months and 1 year if studies.
resources allow.54 Longer periods are likely necessary for Another source of bias in neurological prognostica-
the youngest patients. Table 1 shows proposed timings tion studies is sedation and medications. With the ad-
for adult and pediatric outcome measurement in neuro- vent of TTM93–95 for comatose survivors of cardiac ar-
logical prognostication studies. rest, sedatives and neuromuscular blocking drugs are

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

used extensively to improve control of patient tempera- the assessment made with a penlight.101,102 A source

ture and to eliminate shivering. However, these drugs of inconsistency at the outcome level is the use of in-

may interfere with neurological prognostication assess- consistent thresholds of CPC or mRS score for defin-
ment, especially the clinical examination. There is evi- ing poor neurological outcome. Reporting the number
dence that in patients who have received sedatives <12 of patients per each outcome category or score rather
hours before the neurological assessment, there is an than solely dichotomizing outcome into favorable and
increased risk of FPRs for predictors based on the clini- unfavorable outcome groups will help prevent this bias
cal examination.96 The use of short-acting drugs in this (see COSCA 2018).54
context is highly suggested.29,97 Finally, the timing of outcome reporting is another
important source of inconsistency. Consistent reporting
times for both neurological function and HRQOL mea-
Indirectness and Inconsistency sures would help reduce this bias.
Indirectness in clinical studies occurs when either the
study population or the study outcomes do not com-
pletely correspond to the population of interest. In neu- Imprecision
rological prognostication, indirectness occurs with stud- Precision is an important component of prognostic ac-
ies that include patients who are not all comatose or curacy. A prediction is precise (and therefore reliable)
patients in a coma for causes other than cardiac arrest when the CIs around the predicted values are narrow.
(eg, sepsis). An example of indirect outcomes includes The width of these CIs is inversely proportional to the
studies in which a patient recovers consciousness after size of the sample population on which the predicted
cardiac arrest and then dies of a second arrest and neu- values are calculated.
rological outcome is incorrectly classified as having an There is no consensus on what represents good pre-
mRS score of 6 or a CPC score of 5 (death). This bias cision in prognostic accuracy studies. The American
should be prospectively addressed by describing the Academy of Neurology’s report “Practice Parameter:
cause of death and recording the best neurological out- Prediction of Outcome in Comatose Survivors After
come achieved by the patient during the study period. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (an Evidence-Based
Inconsistency in the literature on neurological prog- Review)” reported predictors of neurological outcome
nostication has been observed at both the predictor with FPRs <1%.16 In the current European guidelines,
level and the outcome level. Predictors based on EEG
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imprecision was graded as serious when the upper limit

such as status epilepticus (SE), low voltage, or burst of the 95% CIs of the estimate of the FPR was >5%
suppression have been defined inconsistently in prog- and very serious when this value was >10%.
nostication studies,5,6 and adoption of a standardized
definition and terminology is desirable. In 2013, the
American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) STANDARDS FOR REPORTING IN
published a statement on critical care EEG terminol- NEUROLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATION
ogy in which the definitions of low voltage and burst
suppression were standardized.98 A multicenter study99
showed that the interrater agreement in detecting the Incomplete reporting has been identified as a major
EEG signs of poor neurological outcome in comatose source of avoidable waste in biomedical research.103 To
survivors of cardiac arrest among neurophysiologists achieve a substantial quality of evidence, neurological
blinded to patient outcome was substantial (r=0.71) prognostication studies should adhere to highly sug-
for burst suppression and moderate (r=0.42) for low- gested reporting standards such as STARD or TRIPOD
voltage EEG when the ACNS guidelines were adopted. (Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction
Unfortunately, there is currently no universal consensus Model for Individual Prognosis or Diagnosis104), ac-
on the definition of SE on EEG. cording to the study design (univariate or multivariate
Another potential source of inconsistency may re- model).
sult from interobserver variation for predictors based
on the clinical examination. In a series of 5 studies re-
Prognostic Accuracy Studies (Univariate
porting the precision of the examination of comatose
patients in general, interobserver agreement was mod- Model)
erate to substantial.100 None of these studies focused STARD was first published in 2003 and updated in
on the post–cardiac arrest population specifically. The 2015.31 STARD has been developed to contribute to
assessment of pupillary size and reactivity to light can the completeness and transparency of reporting of
be standardized with a pupillometer. Clinical studies diagnostic accuracy studies, and it can be applied to
showed that the accuracy of quantitative pupillometry prognostic accuracy studies investigating the univariate
in resuscitated comatose patients is superior to that of association between prognosis and a single predictor or

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

a combination of predictors. STARD includes a checklist parameters to assess, and cost. To highlight the con-

of 30 items and a prototypical flow diagram for report- troversial nature of outcome selection, no consensus

ing study results. Some of the most relevant items in outcome could satisfy this working group of interna-
the STARD checklist are rarely reported in neurological tional and diverse experts in the field. Using various hy-
prognostication studies. These include sample size cal- pothetical scenarios, the group had different outcomes
culation, description of all outcome categories, cross- to fit study design, timing, and cost. Specific to neuro-
tabulation of the index test (contingency table), and logical outcomes, they found assessments to be highly
study registration in clinical trial registries. STARD has variable and to fluctuate over time. Global outcomes in-
been used for reporting diagnostic accuracy in several corporating CPC and mRS scores were most commonly
radiology105 and ophthalmology106 studies in pediatric used in adult studies and were suggested as reasonable
patients but has not been applied to cardiac arrest or neurological outcome measures, with measurement at
coma outcomes. 90 days after arrest providing a better assessment of
ultimate neurological recovery for neurological prog-
nostication studies. Pediatric assessments have included
Studies Based on a Multivariate Model the PCPC, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale II, PSOM,
Although modeling studies are not yet prominent in Functional Systems Score, and KOSCHI.
neurological prognostication, an important develop- Other aspects of neurological outcome are less stud-
ment in the standardized reporting of modeling re- ied but significantly affect quality of life in survivors.
search in prognosis comes from the EQUATOR Network As described earlier, the COSCA writing group has en-
(Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Re- dorsed the use of patient-reported quality-of-life mea-
search).104 In its TRIPOD consensus statement, specific sures.54 Neurocognitive testing is underused in current
checklists have been developed for the derivation, vali- outcomes assessment. Studies have identified deficits
dation, or combined evaluation of these clinical models in memory, attention, and executive function as most
that have been endorsed and republished in 11 other common after cardiac arrest. Cognitive impairment can
journals. This same group also developed the explicit occur in up to 50% of survivors and is most often mild
and transparent reporting standards for systematic re- to moderate in severity. Standard neuropsychological
views and randomized controlled trials—PRISMA (Pre- testing is the gold standard but is limited by in-person
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Me- testing by trained personnel. Highly suggested timing
for testing is at ≥90 days. Comprehensive testing bat-
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ta-Analyses) and CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of

Reporting Trials), respectively—and have now created a teries both increase the sensitivity of study outcome
step-by-step guide for reporting this kind of research. measurement and maximize assessment decisions on
a standardized basis but are associated with higher
costs.107–109 The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Sur-
IMPROVING STUDY OUTCOMES IN vey and Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory have
been used extensively to assess long-term outcomes in
THE FUTURE pediatric patients.84,110 Engelmann and Jordan111 pro-
As resuscitation science continues to evolve, the out- vide a review of pediatric outcome measures.
come measurements to assess neurological recovery In addition to cognitive recovery, psychological out-
must also advance. Development of standardized neu- comes are meaningful to families and patients. High
rological outcomes validated in cardiac arrest survivors rates of psychological distress ranging from 14% to 61%
has lagged behind the discovery of multimodality pre- have been reported. Similarly, validated anxiety and de-
dictive tools and hampers the ability to correlate new pression ratings can also be incorporated into outcome
physiological measurements of brain injury after cardiac assessments in postarrest survivors, particularly in studies
arrest with outcomes. Patient-centric outcomes are in- measuring delayed outcomes. These cognitive and psy-
creasingly important to cardiac arrest survivors. Func- chological outcomes greatly affect the ability of survivors
tional, cognitive, and psychological outcomes are most to participate in and reintegrate into society.112–114
relevant to patients and their families, yet there are no To address this need for improving neurological
validated outcomes in these areas. prognostication outcomes for future resuscitation
In 2011, a diverse working group of experts con- studies, we can start by determining specific second-
vened to create a consensus statement on the primary ary outcome measures, with highly suggested timing
outcomes for resuscitation science studies on behalf of for repeated measures. Ideally, these outcomes could
the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovas- be correlated with a measurable physiological param-
cular Care Committee and the Council on Cardiopul- eter associated with the known pathophysiology of
monary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation.91 brain injury after arrest and with future measures to
The consensus statement focused on 3 areas related advance our understanding of global hypoxic/ischemic
to overall outcomes after arrest: timing, selection of brain injury. Learning from other neurological diseases

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

that have embraced the use of common data elements Timing of the Index Test

and standardized outcome testing such as stroke and
The first consideration pertains directly to when the in-

traumatic brain injury (National Institute of Neurologi-
dex test is best deployed to determine prognosis. The
cal Disorders and Stroke Common Data Elements),115
timing of when the index test is undertaken has to be
we can use similar validated tools to address the gaps
clinically relevant to the degree of injury and the mech-
in our current studies, specifically in cognitive and psy-
anism that the index test is attempting to measure. For
chological outcome domains. For example, the National
example, if a new biomarker that is mechanistically re-
Institutes of Health Toolbox116 currently requires all Na-
lated to recovery of cognitive function is elaborated 3
tional Institutes of Health–funded trials to incorporate
hours after ROSC, the study needs to capture the evo-
standard measurements of global outcome (mRS) with
lution of this marker during the recovery, and it should
quality-of-life scales (Quality of Life in Neurological Dis-
be measured against the function it was intended to
orders) and patient-reported outcomes.82,117
capture (eg, cognitive function) at the time when the
In addition, supplementary highly suggested scales
function has adequately recovered or manifested. Con-
for cognition range from screening tools (Montreal
founding variables that may affect the performance of
Cognitive Assessment) to comprehensive tests and can
the index test or when the index test can be evaluated
be selected according on the goals of the study.118,119
must be accounted for in the study design (ie, drug me-
The resources could provide specific data quality and
tabolism, temperature, circulatory shock).
validation of these outcomes tests that would begin to
address the goal of improving our current outcomes
and the quality of future studies. Length of Clinical Observation
After the index test has been undertaken, how long
should the study subjects be observed before the pro-
TIMING OF NEUROLOGICAL vider establishes futility or discusses discontinuation of
PROGNOSTICATION life-sustaining efforts? When is the appropriate time to
Ideally, neurological prognostication studies must al- consider WLST on the basis of the neurological prognos-
low for the natural recovery of comatose cardiac arrest tication? Some of the current practice recommendations
survivors until the best neurological status is attained include delaying neurological prognostication at least 72
or death occurs. Inevitably, the longer the time is that hours after ROSC as the minimum time that providers
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is allowed for neurological recovery after cardiac arrest must wait before they can explore neurological recov-
resuscitation, the higher the risk is of providing futile in- ery via multimodal testing, and longer if the patient had
terventions to patients with minimal or no chance for a been treated with TTM.19 Multimodal algorithms, similar
neurologically meaningful survival. On the other hand, to the algorithm applied in the TTM trial93 or the algo-
premature WLST decisions may introduce “censoring” rithm proposed by the European Resuscitation Council
and prevent researchers from evaluating the perfor- and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine,29 in-
mance of prognostic tests or the effectiveness of treat- corporate a stepwise approach to establishing an accu-
ments in clinical trials aimed to improve the outcome of rate neurological prognosis at an appropriate time during
comatose survivors of cardiac arrest. the span of postarrest care. However, secondary analysis
Neurological prognostication of the post–cardiac of the ROC PRIMED study (Resuscitation Outcomes Con-
arrest patient is a dynamic task, one that requires fre- sortium Prehospital Resuscitation Using an Impedance
quent evaluation and reevaluation to gauge recovery. Valve and Early Versus Delayed) has shown that despite
Although uncertainty may decline over time, establish- these recommendations, ≈30% of patients who died in
ing neurological testing algorithms and novel neuro- the hospital after cardiac arrest in the enrollment period
logical prognostic measurements that can be accurate (2007–2009) had early (<72 hours after ROSC) WLST.8
throughout a patient’s recovery is necessary. To ade- Brain death caused by cerebral edema from global
quately evaluate the accuracy of such testing, we must hypoperfusion occurs early, often within 96 hours after
address the question of timing of neurological prognos- ROSC.67,68 Approximately 80% of patients destined for
tication in study subjects. This can be divided primarily a good neurological outcome will recover conscious-
into 2 categories: in the context of the study design, ness within 3.5 days after ROSC,97 making neuroprog-
determining the timing when completion of the index nostic studies unnecessary if decisions were delayed
test can adequately predict neurological prognosis; and at least for 72 hours. Uncertainty will persist for the
in the context of patient care, determining when clini- remaining patients who are comatose after this 72-
cians should act on estimates of neurological prognosis hour mark.120,121 The subsequent phase of awakening
for study subjects to ensure that adequate time is given is slow, with the majority of patients recovering be-
for awakening and recovery before decisions are made tween 3.5 and 7 days after ROSC; however, delayed
to limit care or to undertake WLST. awakening does occur >7 days after ROSC,3,9 with pre-

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

vious ­literature citing the incidence of late awakeners arrest to establish neurological prognostication. Al-

as 11% to 32% of cohorts who receive TTM.3,9,122 It is though these studies offer a great deal of insight into

unclear how much of the observed delayed awakening the severity of the injury and its impact on survival, its
can be attributed to the natural speed of recovery of reliability in neurological prognostication is limited.16–18
the brain from hypoxic/ischemic brain injury or to addi- Some of these parameters such as age, comorbidities,
tional physiological factors, most notably residual seda- and lifestyle may affect the study design, test execu-
tion.97,120,123 What is certain is that before any form of tion, and interpretation of results of the neurological
neurological prognostication, it is critical to ensure that prognostication. Some of these parameters have also
the effects of confounding factors are eliminated, es- been associated with “do not attempt resuscitation”
pecially in the case of drug metabolism. In the pediatric directives, which will affect the intensity of care, sur-
population, the THAPCA trial found that cause of arrest vival, and outcome.
(cardiac versus respiratory), initial cardiac rhythm, dura-
tion of chest compressions, total doses of epinephrine
administered, and arrest on a weekday versus weekend INTRA-ARREST FACTORS AND
were all associated with a higher risk for death. Time to NEUROLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATION
awakening was not considered in this trial.124 Many cardiac arrest studies have been classified by the
The 2011 consensus statement on outcome measures place of arrest and the type of initial cardiac rhythm at
for resuscitation research mentioned above provided time of resuscitation. This classification has been useful
a timeline for neurological recovery that included the in stratifying the level of overall injury for intervention
postresuscitation phase (<72 hours after ROSC), the early trials, but its precise impact on neurological prognosti-
hospitalization phase (72 hours–7 days after ROSC), the cation still needs to be clarified.16,17
late hospitalization phase (>7 days after ROSC), and finally Although intra-arrest factors such as duration of car-
the discharge phase.91 Clearly, patients in the postresusci- diac arrest and presentation rhythm are associated with
tation phase and even the early hospitalization phase are overall survival, their significance in neurological prog-
very susceptible to perturbations in their hemodynamics nostication remains uncertain at this time. Some factors
and drug metabolism, as well as the persisting effects on that limit the use of these parameters include variability
their physiology of the cause of arrest that may be con- in the determination of the duration of arrest time and
founders of neurological prognostication. That statement duration of CPR, objective measures of quality of CPR,
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also specifies that the late hospitalization phase is when and patient characteristics during arrest. More studies
the neurological injury has become more established. are needed to define the precise impact of these pa-
Delayed reperfusion injury can be observed anywhere rameters on brain injury and quality of life in survivors.
between 4 hours and 7 days after ROSC, further support- The American Academy of Neurology practice pa-
ing the suggestion that neurological injury is established rameter concluded that cardiac arrest time, duration of
after 7 days.17 This period of observation was also applied CPR, cause of cardiac arrest (cardiac versus noncardiac),
in the TTM trial.93 It provided that patients did not have and type of cardiac arrhythmia are related to poor out-
formal neurological prognostication until 108 hours after come, but none of these variables can accurately pre-
ROSC, suggesting that patients require longer timelines dict neurological outcomes.16 Similar statements were
to establish neurological prognosis. made by the 2008 International Liaison Committee on
Estimation of prognosis may have a high uncertainty Resuscitation consensus statement “Post–Cardiac Ar-
for many days or weeks in comatose patients. To rule rest Syndrome: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Treat-
out a delayed neurological recovery and to ensure maxi- ment, and Prognostication”17 and by the “2010 Ameri-
mal prognostic accuracy, studies assessing predictors of can Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary
neurological outcome after cardiac arrest should extend Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.”18
the observation period to 7 days after either the end of
TTM or the suspension of sedation (whichever occurs
later). Furthermore, research studies on the accuracy of POSTARREST EVALUATION:
a prognostic test may be biased if observation is trun- NEUROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN
cated <72 hours afterward.
Defining the extent of the neurological injury is crucial
PREARREST VARIABLES: PATIENT in establishing neurological prognostication. The 2006
CHARACTERISTICS AND CLINICAL American Academy of Neurology practice guideline,
the 2008 International Liaison Committee on Resus-
FACTORS citation consensus statement on post–cardiac arrest
Numerous studies have been undertaken by using pa- syndrome,17 and the 2010 AHA guidelines for CPR
tient characteristics and clinical factors before cardiac and emergency cardiovascular care18 recommend that

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

postarrest neurological assessment is the most reliable correlating with poor outcome. However, this response

basis for neurological prognostication.16 has been drawn into question more recently, given its

We provide some key insights into the neurological relatively high FPR.125 Its role may be more as a screen-
assessment as it applies to neurological prognostica- ing tool than for definitive prognostication.29 Establish-
tion. These patients have significant critical care co- ing consciousness reflects integrity of the pathways
morbidities that pose significant challenges not only in involved in the ascending arousal system, including
clinical assessment but also in the interpretation of the projections from the rostral portion of the brainstem
test results. The assessment of neurological prognosis in (pons, midbrain) through the bilateral thalami to the
the comatose post–cardiac arrest patient requires strict cerebral cortices. The thalamocortical connections are
attention to detail for all testing performed, including the most susceptible to injury after cardiac arrest, so al-
the bedside clinical examination, neurophysiological though brainstem reflexes may be intact, some patients
testing, neuroimaging, and chemical biomarker testing. achieve at most only an unresponsive wakefulness state
Significant errors can occur with inaccurate testing. or minimally conscious state because of injury to the
Preferably, testing should be performed by experienced thalami, the cortex diffusely, or the white matter path-
and well-trained examiners, and the role and qualifica- ways between the two. In infants and toddlers (0–4
tion of examiners need to be described in the study. years of age), the conscious state can be compromised
Interpretation of results also requires adequate train- by medications and illness and is an unreliable exami-
ing and experience. Specifications for testing, including nation finding. Defining the spectrum of wakefulness
laboratory testing, should be to the highest standards. from coma to awake in this age group is not useful.
In this section, we also suggest ways to report the Reporting level of consciousness can be subject to
findings that will help minimize bias. In addition, the significant bias. One of the ways to minimize this is
physiological state (ie, blood pressure, temperature, ox- to use the Glasgow Coma Scale subscores as a way
ygenation), active medications (ie, vasopressors, sedat- to dichotomize the presence or absence of conscious-
ing and paralytic medications), and possible metabolic ness. The key component of coma is the ability to be
confounders (ie, creatinine, sodium, acidosis, uremia) at aroused and to provide a purposeful response to ex-
the time of testing should be reported concomitantly, ternal stimuli. A total Glasgow Coma Scale score <9
along with the date and time of testing in relation to is traditionally used as the cutoff for coma; however,
ROSC. this total score may reflect manifestations that do not
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indicate consciousness and may be a source of bias.

A better determinant of the patient’s ability to follow
Bedside Neurological Examination commands is the Glasgow Coma Scale motor subscore
Clinical signs that can be collected during a bedside of 6, which indicates the patient’s ability to follow com-
neurological examination are crucial in determining mands. As the patients emerge from coma, other scales
neurological prognosis. The clinical condition (eg, he- may be used to quantify their cognitive abilities during
modynamics, sedation, temperature, metabolic param- the acute period. Some examples include the Folstein
eters) of the patient must be meticulously noted at the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Montreal Cog-
time of the examination. nitive Assessment test. Although these tests provide
some objective assessment of the level of conscious-
Assessment of Consciousness
ness and cognitive function in the acute period, their
Consciousness is composed of wakefulness and aware-
precise impact on cardiac arrest survivors has not been
ness. The ability to establish wakefulness in the unre-
well validated.
sponsive patient after cardiac arrest is of central im-
portance because patients who awaken earlier after Brainstem Reflexes
ROSC typically have better outcomes. However, there Determination of the presence or absence of sponta-
are many reports of patients with later awakening (>3 neous breathing (medulla), cough reflex (Cn IX, Cn X
days and some >2 weeks after ROSC) who achieve [medulla]), gag reflex (Cn IX, X [medulla]), pupillary re-
good outcomes. Cortical responses are evidenced by sponse to light (Cn II, III [midbrain]), corneal reflex (Cn
responses that require integration or processing of sen- V, VII [pons]), and oculocephalic/oculovestibular reflexes
sory information. For example, ability to localize painful (Cn VIII, III, IV, VI [midbrain, pons]) can reveal the in-
stimuli, movements that cross the midline, tracking of tegrity of most of the Cns and brainstem. Heart rate
motion with the eyes, or orientation to voice are simple variability (Cn X, medulla) is also evidence of brainstem
signs. Ability to respond appropriately to commands integrity.126 The brainstem is the least susceptible to in-
and ability to communicate are signs of awakening. jury from anoxia. Thus, many patients, even those with
The motor response to noxious stimulation is a sign that poor outcomes, may have fully or partially intact brain-
has traditionally been valued in prognostication, with stem function; however, when dysfunction is present, it
extensor posture or no response to painful stimulus likely reflects more severe brain injury. Ischemic damage

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

typically occurs more in the rostral portion of the brain- are urged to use the formal definitions from the ACNS

stem, with a caudal progression either directly from an- for myoclonic SE, seizure, and SE.133

oxic injury or from central herniation with severe global Reporting seizures as part of a neurological prognos-
injury. From a prognostication standpoint, pupillary and tication study requires the use of EEG. EEG-confirmed
corneal reflexes have traditionally and consistently been seizures can be reported on the basis of both ACNS defi-
most valuable,16,19,29,125 and attention to technique in nitions and the response to interventions. Within the cate-
testing is paramount. gory of SE are conditions that may signify worse prognosis;
It is quite likely that the examination technique has these include intractable or refractory SE and superrefrac-
affected the validity of reported findings in many neu- tory SE. Refractory SE is defined as recurrent seizure activ-
rological prognostication studies; most do not routinely ity despite 2 appropriately selected and dosed antiseizure
describe techniques used, and the impact of this could drugs, including a benzodiazepine. Superrefractory SE is
be profound (eg, predicting poor prognosis with absent SE that continues or recurs ≥24 hours after the initiation
pupillary or corneal reflexes when the testing was inad- of treatment with anesthetic antiseizure drugs.134
equate/confounded).127 The advent of pupillometry has In newborns and infants, seizures are likely to be elec-
added to the validity of pupillary testing.128,129 At the trographic only, so EEG monitoring is necessary for detec-
very least, it can alert the clinician to a possibly reactive tion.135,136 Worse EEG background at 24 hours after ROSC
pupillary reflex that could merit further observation. was also associated with worse short-term outcomes and
However, it may also provide insight into recovery; a death, with the odds ratio of death being 3.63 (95%
present pupillary reflex can be quantified and followed CI, 2.18–6.00; P<0.001) and the odds of unfavorable
up serially. neurological outcome being 4.38 (95% CI, 2.51–7.17;
The absence of pupillary responses 24 hours after P=0.001).137 Late treatment of refractory convulsive SE
arrest (after hypothermia) in children was helpful in pre- with first benzodiazepine was associated with a higher
dicting poor short-term outcomes.130 In a report from frequency of death and longer convulsion.138
the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, absent pupil-
lary responses 24 hours after arrest (after hypothermia)
were helpful in predicting poor short-term outcomes.130 Myoclonus
Although automated measures of corneal responses Brief episodes of nonrhythmic jerks that are not a clonic
are not currently available, testing of this reflex is also seizure occur in a large proportion of patients after car-
diac arrest. Myoclonic jerks may involve just the eyes
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likely faulty and inaccurate. A maximal stimulus at the

proper location on the cornea is mandatory for declar- or face but can also extend to the torso and extremi-
ing the reflex present or absent. If other Cns are tested, ties. Myoclonic jerks that occur continuously and are
similar meticulousness with testing is encouraged to sustained for >30 minutes are referred to as status
best elicit the reflex. myoclonus. Older literature refers to this syndrome as
In the absence of objective measurement in other Cn myoclonic SE, but this term is confusing to nonneurolo-
reflexes, it is suggested to report Cn responses as either gists because these jerks do not necessarily have an
present or absent. A significant bias is introduced when electrographic correlate. Distinguishing at the bedside
Cn responses are assessed as partial, and the prognostic between myoclonic jerking and seizures can be quite
significance of partial response at this time is unclear. challenging, and EEG is required to accurately detect
and therefore treat seizures appropriately. The origins
of myoclonus after cardiac arrest are unclear; cortical,
Seizures subcortical, and even spinal sources have been postu-
Seizures occur in some patients after cardiac arrest and lated. The presence of persistent generalized myoclo-
can range from obvious tonic-clonic seizures to sub- nus involving the face, extremities, and trunk has tra-
tle twitching of eyelids or extremities. Nonconvulsive ditionally portended a poor prognosis,139,140 but more
seizures and SE also exist on this spectrum and may recently, many reports have surfaced of patients with
present with no motor component, thereby requiring these findings who achieved good outcomes.125,141–146
neurophysiological monitoring for detection. Seizures Reporting myoclonus as part of the neurological
may be harder to detect during TTM, particularly when prognostication study must include the objective crite-
paralytics are used. Seizures or other forms of electric ria of myoclonus type, duration, and response to treat-
dysfunction are likely reflective of cortical rather than ment. EEG results must be provided, and consultation
subcortical injury but do not necessarily portend a poor with a neurologist is suggested.
outcome because even patients with electrographic SE
have achieved good outcomes. Seizures may be related
to a worse prognosis131 but also may respond readily to Ancillary Testing
treatment with antiseizure medications, thereby allow- Ancillary testing augments the clinical examination but
ing recovery to a good neurological state.132 Clinicians does not replace its importance (except in situations in

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

which patients cannot be examined in detail because equate ­technique and transmission. Absence of cortical

of the inability to eliminate the effect of sedatives or responses suggests loss of integrity of thalamocortical

paralytics). Ancillary testing takes the forms of neuro- projections (the N20 potentials) and has correlated with
physiology (EEG and SSEP), biochemical markers, and poor outcome.167–173 Long-latency EPs, or the N70 po-
neuroimaging. tentials, measure the cortico-cortical pathways; they are
more technically challenging and not commonly used in
neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest.173,174
EEG is the recording of cortical electric activity; the rou-
tine use of depth electrodes to record from deeper in Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses
the brain is in its infancy for this disease state, and thus Brainstem auditory evoked responses test the integrity
conventional EEG reflects only cortical surface activity. of the sensorineural auditory pathways to the auditory
EEG may be recorded once (a 20- to 30-minute record- cortex. Their use in assessing patients with cardiac ar-
ing is typical) or continuously over time. EEG can be per- rest has been limited to date, but they may be a future
formed in the intensive care unit. The number of elec- method for providing complementary information.175,176
trodes placed on the scalp varies, with larger numbers Reporting of EPs in neurological prognostication
providing greater anatomic information and improved studies must include the presence or absence of the
ability to discriminate signal from artifact. EEG signals response tested. The extent of the delay in EPs or re-
can be interpreted by neurophysiologists according to duction in amplitude or asymmetry of results may be
a standard nomenclature (ACNS).133 In addition, auto- helpful in characterizing the injury.
mated software can calculate a number of quantitative
descriptors of EEG patterns based on amplitude, power,
frequency, spectral analysis, or other parameters. Biochemical Markers
Reporting of EEG results in neurological prognostica- Several chemicals are released from damaged cells in
tion studies must be consistent with the standard nomen- the nervous system. Increased levels of these chemicals
clature (ACNS)133 and interpreted by a certified electro- in blood or CSF may provide evidence of injury. Mea-
encephalographer. EEG reactivity is defined as changes surement of CSF biomarkers requires a lumbar punc-
in the signal in response to stimuli, but standardization ture, whereas serological tests may use routine blood
of reactivity testing is currently lacking in studies.147,148 sampling. Many studies have examined neuron-specific
To date, lack of reactivity has correlated with poor out- enolase (NSE), which is derived from neurons,177–180 and
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come.149–151 Reports may include electrographic pat- S-100 protein,181–185 which is derived from glia. Fewer
terns that may correlate with poor outcome and include studies are available for other neuron-derived proteins
malignant features152,153 such as burst-suppression pat- (creatine kinase-BB)186 or glia-derived proteins (myelin
tern,154,155 low voltage,156–158 SE,159–163 stimulus-induced basic protein187 and glial fibrillary acidic protein188). All
rhythmic, periodic or ictal discharges,164 and identical chemical biomarkers lack specificity for individual brain
bursts.165 If quantitative EEG is used, the presence and regions and rather are reflective of the degree of global
duration of quantified parameters should be reported. injury, regardless of the cell of origin. Serum biomark-
ers commonly face the challenge of contamination; for
Evoked Potentials
example, NSE is also found in red blood cells and plate-
Evoked potentials (EPs) are electric signals recorded in
lets, and post–cardiac arrest patients commonly have
different parts of the nervous system in response to a
hemolysis, which raises the NSE levels without neces-
stimulus applied in some part of the body.166 Multiple
sarily reflecting brain injury. Although harder to obtain,
stimuli are applied over time, and the recordings are
CSF samples have the advantage that the biomarker
signal averaged to eliminate noise and artifact. EPs can
need not be transported across the blood-brain barrier
be performed in the intensive care unit. The types of
for detection, thus greatly reducing the contamination
EP used in neurological prognostication are SSEPs and
brainstem auditory EPs. From a physiological stand- issue. Factors that affect the results of tests such as he-
point, EPs reflect the integrity of the neural pathways molysis with NSE need to be reported in studies.
from a peripheral point to a cortical location and thus Reporting of blood and CSF biomarkers must include
demonstrate peripheral nerve function, white matter clear definitions of normal ranges by age (if applicable).
tract integrity, and cortical function. Serial testing that reflects progressive injury (ie, worsen-
ing over time) is highly suggested rather than relying on
Somatosensory EPs any individual value.
SSEPs include tests with an electric stimulus to a sen-
sory nerve, typically the median nerve, to elicit an
electric response that propagates to the contralateral Neuroimaging
somatosensory cortex. Detection of the signal in the Imaging of the brain includes computed tomogra-
arm, brachial plexus, and cervical region confirms ad- phy, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission

Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702 August 27, 2019 e531

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

t­ omography, and single-photon emission computed to- POSTARREST VARIABLES AND


mography. Computed tomography is often performed


early in the admission to rule out a cerebral cause of the

arrest (eg, intracerebral hemorrhage) but is typically not Medications and Therapies
helpful for prognostication until several days after ar- Neurological prognostication studies should account
rest, given the typical delay in the imaging appearance for the alteration in effects of pharmacological agents
of hypoxic/ischemic changes early after arrest.189–194 Al- used in resuscitation and periresuscitation manage-
though magnetic resonance imaging, particularly with ment. The effects in the expected pharmacokinetics
diffusion-weighted imaging, is much more sensitive for and pharmacodynamics of drugs caused by decreased
detecting acute ischemia, it also can be normal in the temperature and multiorgan failure on expected time
first 1 to 2 days after arrest; thus, it is best performed to awakening or neural prognostication are not well
3 to 5 days after arrest.195–197 Neuroimaging can give characterized.200 During rewarming, the kinetic and
information about structural damage in specific brain dynamic parameters of drugs will also shift. Drug re-
regions, as well as the integrity of white matter path- ceptors can become more sensitive to drug effect, and
ways and quantitative information about the degree
the volume of distribution can decrease, resulting in
of imaging. However, it is not yet validated for use in
toxic concentrations and decreased efficacy, depend-
neurological prognostication in major guidelines.195
ing on the tissue versus plasma concentrations of the
The timing of changes on magnetic resonance imag-
drug.201 Several groups have attempted to identify
ing reflects the pattern of sequential injury seen on a
patterns of time to awakening on the basis of various
structural basis. In the first 24 to 48 hours after arrest,
pharmacological treatments. The studies are difficult
diffusion-weighted changes (reflecting acute ischemia)
to compare because awakening is defined differently,
are most pronounced in the basal ganglia and cerebel-
depending on the study.9
lum (Purkinje cells), reflecting their high metabolic rate
and sensitivity to early injury. On days 3 to 5 after ar-
rest, the cerebral cortex is more involved, particularly Systemic Organ Failure
the parietal and occipital cortices. At 10 to 14 days after
arrest, the white matter may reflect diffusion-weighted Neurological prognostication studies should define
changes, whereas the previous changes seen become how the parameter they are studying is affected by the
more prominent on fluid-attenuated inversion recov- degree and extent of organ failure in study subjects.
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ery sequences, reflecting more permanent injury.196–198 Up to 96% of patients resuscitated after cardiac ar-
Resting-state magnetic resonance imaging is a promis- rest demonstrate some degree of organ dysfunction,
ing technique in neurological prognostication after ar- with two-thirds having at least 2 extracerebral organs
rest. Positron emission tomography and single-photon involved.202 Nonsurvivors have a greater incidence of
emission computed tomography may be helpful for as- renal, respiratory, and cardiovascular failure on admis-
sessing patients in chronic states but are not typically sion than survivors. Similar patterns are seen in pa-
useful or feasible in the acute setting. tients with unfavorable versus favorable neurological
In a pediatric cohort (median age, 2.3 years), early outcomes.203
computed tomography with loss of gray-white matter
differentiation, basilar cistern effacement, and sulcal ef-
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
facement was highly predictive of death, and loss of gray-
white matter differentiation and basilar cistern efface- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is being used
ment were predictive of poor neurological outcome.199 with increasing frequency for patients with refractory
Reporting of neuroimaging in neurological prognos- cardiac arrest and those who achieve ROSC and have
tication studies may be provided as an objective quan- ongoing hemodynamic instability. Some studies have
tification of the volume of injury, as a qualitative as- shown that when used early by an experienced team,
sessment based on the site of injury in relation to the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation can improve
functional outcome and prognosis, or as a combination survival and neurological outcome in a subpopulation
of quantitative and qualitative assessment of injury. For of patients with cardiac arrest who would otherwise
qualitative reporting, it is essential that specific neu- uniformly die.204–206 Extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
roanatomic areas and laterality of the abnormality are ation programs have defined patient selection criteria
reported. For functional testing of specific areas of the to optimize the benefits of this intentionally lifesaving
brain, it may be reported either quantitatively or quali- therapy. Limited studies show that downtime, age, and
tatively. It is also suggested that neuroimaging studies presenting rhythm affect outcomes in patients under-
be undertaken multiple times during the patient’s ad- going extracorporeal membrane oxygenation resuscita-
mission to capture and quantify the evolution of the tion, but data on early prognosticators of neurological
brain injury. outcome are lacking.

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

Table 2.  Key Points and Suggestions in Neurological Prognostication Studies

State of neurological prognostication studies Overall, the quality of studies is low, and the confidence in prognostication is also low.

Neurological basis of prognostication It is desirable that the development of index tests be based on neurological functions that are directly
related to the functional outcome and contribute to the quality of life of cardiac arrest survivors.
Design of neurological prognostication studies Measures of accuracy and precision
 The contingency table (true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative) should be
reported, along with summary measures (sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values).
 For continuous variables, summary measures based on dichotomization (sensitivity, specificity,
predictive values, and ROC curve) and a dot plot showing the distribution of test values per each
outcome category should be provided.
 In accordance with STARD accuracy studies, both the intended sample size of the prognostic
accuracy study and the method used for its calculation should be reported.
Measures of functional outcome and cause of death
  The mRS should preferably be used to measure functional outcome after cardiac arrest in adults.
 The causes of death (mRS score 6, CPC score 5, or KOSCHI score 0) should be reported, specifically
as cardiovascular or neurological as the determining factor.
  Reporting measures of organ failure such as SOFA can be useful.
  Time of DNAR orders in relation to ROSC should be reported.
 In patients who die before hospital discharge, the rates of death resulting from WLST vs brain
death should be reported separately.
Timing of primary and secondary outcome assessment A combined assessment of both neurological outcome and HRQOL should be made at 3 and 6 mo at
a minimum, plus at 1 y if resources permit.
Proposed timings are provided in Table 1.
Quality of evidence and source of bias Reducing risk of bias
  Studies should clearly report WLST criteria and the rates of WLST with reasons.
 Investigators should report the protocol for sedation and ensure that sedatives and neuromuscular
blocking drugs are suspended long enough to avoid interference with clinical assessment.
 Research in communities where indefinite supportive care is provided because of cultural, ethical,
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or religious reasons should be encouraged.

Standards for reporting neurological prognostication studies
 In prognostic accuracy studies, STARD and TRIPOD are suggested, according with the adopted
predictive model (univariate or multivariable, respectively).
Improving study outcomes in the future In studies reporting a dichotomized neurological outcome, the number of patients in each
neurological outcome category should be reported.
When neurological outcome is dichotomized, it is suggested that good outcome is defined as an mRS
score 0–3, CPC score 1–2, KOSCHI score 4–5, and PCPC score 1–3 vs change <2 or no change in
neurological status.
For functional outcomes, studies should describe which domain of classification of functioning (ie,
impairment, activity, participation) is measured and the psychometric properties (concordance with
other measures, interrater and test-retest reliability).
The time point and method used to assess the outcome should be described (ie, via face to face,
telephone, case note review).
Secondary outcomes should include, as a minimum, HRQOL and screening measures of cognitive (eg,
MoCA, CAMCI) and psychological (eg, HADS) outcomes at a minimum of 90 d after arrest.
Timing of neurological prognostication The timing for assessing index tests should be based on the time course of the underlying
neuropathological process they are presumed to reflect.
If the patient satisfies death by neurological criteria, cessation of interventions that sustain systemic
functions can be undertaken at that time.
To ensure maximal prognostic accuracy, studies assessing index tests should extend from the
observation period to 7 d after either the end of rewarming after TTM or the suspension of sedation
(whichever occurs later). Ideally, patients should be allowed to recover toward the predefined period
for assessment time as identified in the study.
Prognostication testing for clinical use should be done by an independent assessor (ie, a healthcare
provider who is not directly involved in the neurological prognostication study).
Using the index text under investigation as the prognosticator for clinical use in study patient is

(Continued )

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

Table 2. Continued

Prearrest variables and neurological prognostication For prearrest variables, neurological prognostication studies need to carefully consider the

interference of age and other patient characteristics in neurological prognostication, intensity of care,
and DNAR decisions.
Studies need to account for prearrest lifestyle and comorbidities for their possible effects on
neurological and systemic injury and impact on neurological prognostication.
Intra-arrest factors and neurological prognostication The intra-arrest factors may help provide information about the extent of systemic injury, but they are
not reliable surrogates of neurological injury.
The intra-arrest factors should be included in neurological prognostication studies because they
provide a clearer definition of the patients and their clinical circumstances.
Future research needs to look into the refinement of prognostication across the spectrum of location
and intra-arrest factors.
Postarrest evaluation and neurological prognostication Postarrest neurological assessment in comatose survivors is the basis for neurological prognostication.
Testing should consider the age of the patient and appropriateness of the test.
The index test should be undertaken in a blinded fashion whenever possible.
Testing should be specific to brain injury with minimal contamination from other injured organ
systems or medications used in the post–cardiac arrest patient.
The physiological variables (ie, temperature, hemodynamics) that are active during prognostic testing
should be carefully recorded.
Medications administered during prognostic testing that can interfere with neurological assessment
should be reported.
Studies should account for organ failure and how it may affect prognostic testing.
How the developing interventions (ie, ECMO) will affect neurological prognostication should be
How the test being studied complements or improves on existing technologies should be considered.
Special consideration: patients and families Families should be prepared for a WLST discussion with openness in relation to the current state of
neurological prognostication studies and the spectrum outcome of comatose survivors of cardiac
Necessary support should be provided for families and surrogates during study.
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As appropriate, informed consent must be obtained from a legally authorized representative.

CAMCI indicates Computer Assessment of Memory and Cognitive Impairment; CPC, Cerebral Performance Categories; DNAR, do not attempt resuscitation;
ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; KOSCHI, King’s Outcome
Scale for Childhood Head Injury; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; PCPC, Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category; ROC,
receiver-operating characteristics; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; STARD, Standards for Reporting of
Diagnostic Accuracy Studies; TRIPOD, Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis or Diagnosis; TTM, targeted temperature
management; and WLST, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment.

unit, the literature in relation to the process of WLST

SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: PATIENTS and families in intensive care units is still very limited.208
AND FAMILIES In preparing families for the discussion of WLST, it is
Because suggestions were made related to the design of important that clear conceptualization of the relation-
neurological prognostication studies, we also add that ship between the medically focused WLST and patient/
to undertake a clinical trial, the applicability of informed family–centered end-of-life care is undertaken.209
consent from a legally authorized representative must Families need to be prepared for WLST, with the key
be included. As applicable to the study and community issue that quality of neurological prognostication stud-
setting, investigators may also opt for “Guidance for ies currently is low, which may result in unreliable pre-
Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and diction of outcome. Furthermore, the spectrum of pos-
Sponsors: Exception From Informed Consent Require- sible clinical outcomes in relation to recent advances in
ment for Emergency Research.”207 postarrest care, with the need for a longer observation
Family members or surrogates are called on to help period and proportion of late awakeners, also needs to
make decisions about the care of the comatose survi- be addressed. To support the family during this period,
vor after cardiac arrest, which may include the deci- some recommendations include family support coor-
sion related to WLST. Often, the family is unprepared dinators, structured communication programs, sug-
for this role and relies on healthcare professionals to gested communication interventions, open or flexible
clearly communicate and provide guidance in decision- visiting hours, a comfortable physical environment for
making. Although there is growing literature on family- the family, information leaflets, and family participation
centered care and decision-making in the intensive care in daily rounds.210 In addition, Kon et al211 recommend

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Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

that shared decision-making start at the time of hospi- ARTICLE INFORMATION

talization and include setting clear goals, using the best The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or po-

evidence, and basing decisions on the preferences of tential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or
a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel.
the patient, family, or surrogate. Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and
submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be
perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.
This statement was approved by the American Heart Association Science
CONCLUSIONS Advisory and Coordinating Committee on April 1, 2019, and the American Heart
Association Executive Committee on June 4, 2019. A copy of the document is
Although efforts to improve cardiac arrest resuscitation available at https://professional.heart.org/statements by using either “Search
and post–cardiac arrest care have increased significantly for Guidelines & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area. To purchase ad-
over recent years, the mortality of cardiac arrest survi- ditional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail kelle.ramsay@wolterskluwer.com.
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as fol-
vors has not been reduced substantially. We are real- lows: Geocadin RG, Callaway CW, Fink EL, Golan E, Greer DM, Ko NU, Lang E, Li-
izing that a major cause of death in cardiac arrest sur- cht DJ, Marino BS, McNair ND, Peberdy MA, Perman SM, Sims DB, Soar J, Sandro-
vivors is related to WLST, which is heavily dependent ni C; on behalf of the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Committee. Standards for studies of neurological prognostication in comatose
on neurological prognostication. With the low quality survivors of cardiac arrest: a scientific statement from the American Heart Associa-
of existing neurological prognostication studies, errors tion. Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702.
The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific
are more likely. This is an area of opportunity for posi- statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by the
tive change. Suggestions (Table 2) are made at multiple AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines
levels of study design, execution, and interpretation of development, visit https://professional.heart.org/statements. Select the “Guide-
lines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication Development.”
tests. The writing group hopes that these instructions Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/
will improve the quality of neurological prognostication or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express permis-
studies, which will, in turn, improve the quality of care sion of the American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission
are located at https://www.heart.org/permissions. A link to the “Copyright Per-
provided and affect clinical outcomes and the conduct missions Request Form” appears in the second paragraph (https://www.heart.
of clinical investigations in this area. org/en/about-us/statements-and-policies/copyright-request-form).

Writing Group Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

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Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory

Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Romergryko G. Johns Hopkins University School NIH (research grant None None Medicolegal None None None
Geocadin of Medicine funding provided consulting*
to his institution)†;
Claudio Università Cattolica del Sacro None None None None None None None
Sandroni Cuore (Italy)
Clifton W. University of Pittsburgh NIH (grants to study None None None None None None
Callaway emergency care)†
Ericka L. Fink Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh NIH† None None None None None None
Eyal Golan Mackenzie Health (Canada) None None None None None None None
David M. Greer Bedford VA Medical Center, NIH (cardiac arrest None None None None None None
Boston University School of research R01)*
Medicine, School of Public
Nerissa U. Ko University of California at San None None None None None None None
Eddy Lang University of Calgary (Canada) None None None None None None None
Daniel J. Licht Children’s Hospital of None None None None None None None
Bradley S. Ann and Robert H. Lurie None None None Legal firms* None None None
Marino Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Norma D. Retired None None None None None None None

(Continued )

Circulation. 2019;140:e517–e542. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000702 August 27, 2019 e535

Geocadin et al Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors

Writing Group Disclosures Continued


Other Speakers’ Consultant/


Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory

Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Mary Ann Virginia Commonwealth None None None None None None None
Peberdy University
Sarah M. University of Colorado School of NIH/NHLBI (research None None None None None None
Perman Medicine funding)†
Daniel B. Sims Albert Einstein College of None None None None None None None
Jasmeet Soar Southmead Hospital North None None None None None None None
Bristol, NHS Trust Bristol (United

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if
(a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the
voting stock or share of the entity or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than
“significant” under the preceding definition.

Reviewer Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Robert A. Berg Children’s Hospital of NICHD (NICHD R21 grant to evaluate None None None None None None
Philadelphia pulmonary vasodilator therapy for
hemodynamic-directed CPR)†; NICHD
Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care
Network (CHOP site PI, analyzing data
on appropriate BP targets during CPR)†;
NHLBI (co-investigator on grant to study
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the effects of debriefing on outcomes

from pediatric IHCA; my comments on
references problems and inaccurate
pediatric IHCA incidence information
are unrelated to my grant topics)*
Michael Washington University None None None None None None None
Diringer School of Medicine
Stephan A. Henry Ford Health None None None None None None None
Meyer System
Jerry P. Nolan University of Bristol, None None None None None None None
Royal United Hospital
(United Kingdom)

This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more
during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns
$10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

2. Dragancea I, Rundgren M, Englund E, Friberg H, Cronberg T. The influ-

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