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Individual Report

Submitted by :0006.
Centre number :MZ035
Broad topic: Sustainable Living
Research question: How can sustainable living affect lifestyle and social status?

Sustainable Living is the use of natural and renewable resources, instead of creating
excess waste and depleting resources for the future generations (Cheesman, 2014 ).
Here are some examples of sustainability ; stop using plastic, conserve water, cook food
by ourselves and eat locally, and find creative ways of reusing everything(recycle).

Sustainable living helps us to protect the environment and to reduce wastefulness.

Living sustainability is an important activity where people practice saving the
environment and using what we have (our resources) efficiently. Whether there is no
waste or just getting started , your individual practices can make a difference.

Human sustainability is focused on the importance of anyone directly and indirectly

involved in making broader stakeholders (the human capital of the organization) (Benn
et al., 2014) products or provision of services. People around the globe may be
positively or negatively affected by businesses activities or impacted by methods that
are used as raw materials. Human sustainability encompasses the development of
human capacity and skills to support the functions and to promote the well behavior of
communities and society.

Concepts of Sustainable development and Sustainable living

Sustainable development is a way of development which has the access needs of the
present, without compromising the ability of the future so that the next generations can
meet their own needs.
The concepts to accommodate larger views of the world in relation to communities,
cultures and globalization. To preserve future generations, and acknowledge we need an
impact on others and on the world. Having good conduct and social quality with
perceptions such as reciprocity, cohesion and honesty also contribute to the importance
of the relationship between humans. it can be stimulated and supported by laws. ideas,
and information of equality and rights. Social sustainability it's the idea of sustainable
development as defined by(UNSDG, 2000 ).

United Nations sustainable development goals. Sustainable development has a principle
of social and economic growth or improvement that can protect and save the
environment and to support equality , and so on the economy and society and the
ecological systems are mutually dependent (Diesendorf, 2000). Social sustainability is
in a area to improve social equality , economic sustainability aims to improve   standard
of living. As stated by the UK Government:
(Annual Report 2000, January 2001) states: “Maintaining  high and stable levels of
economic growth is one of the key objectives of sustainable development. Abandoning
economic growth is not an option. But sustainable development is more than just
economic growth. The quality of growth matters as well as the quantity ”.

Some critics may say that this model acknowledges have a great gap in modern
practices is not to include the cost of damage to the earth in market prices (Hawking
2010). To improve human welfare through the protection of natural capital (example:
land , air, water, minerals etc.)Initiatives and programs are defined that ensure that the
population needs are comprehensive without risk of compromising the needs of the
future. Generations. People who are used to living green at home are likely to practice
similar habits at work/jobs.

As Thomas Sigsgaard (2017) states that, “the most sustainable way of living is to not
make things. The second most sustainable way is to make something very useful and
significant, to solve a problem that hasn’t been solved”.

Lifestyle is determined by how families and societies adapt in life.

Lifestyle can have a big impact on economic capital-consumers have an inadequate
lifestyle that is a global problem, because each society wastes time, energy and money ,
but we can't forget that consumerism is a good political way ,it is a factor to waste
economic capitals. Human and social capitals can affect some human values and the
anti-values and then, social relationships are interrupted with unhealthy lifestyle,
physical and mental health.

The UN environmental programme referenced that by 2050 , the world's population
may have 10 billion and if more people are coming the more demand will be for
fashion, food, housing, travel and some aspirations. But lifestyle can cut across many
sectors like mobility, food, buildings and construction ,information, consumers, textiles,
tourism. They are compatible with an effort called One Planet Network that can take us
to account regional and urban differences.

Individuals to motivate and allow them and the organizations which work with people
to make more sustainable lifestyle choices. And also concerning the governments and
the private sector that will or can provide options and systems to meet needs on

Educational institutions to have a better daily decision that will not affect the world and
people around us , we should raise awareness and critical thinking .this involves
informal and formal education as also as developing evidence-based, nature-based
solution, climate impactful messages and push them out through urban initiatives, pilot,
curricula and campaigns.

Governments provide frameworks , futures forecasts and guidelines and to support the
establishment of sustainable policies and improve infrastructure. These are some ways
of motivation and options for people, to have a better introduction and options to make
sustainable lifestyle choices.

Cultural influencers , communication, and media organizations spread and compose

messaging in a creative , motivational and inspiring way , through some new platforms ,
media organizations in a time can design messaging and advertise through social media,
influencers, or documentaries to increase public awareness. Climate activists and
cultural influencers are the new important things to embrace.

Research institutions and non -governmental organizations-to increase and make
sustainable lifestyle and future forecasting. By bringing experts together to meet and
centralize or synthesize data , we can support an evidence-base that will feed us into
education , practice and policy.
Solutions ;
Down there as some ways how to improve sustainable living:


Make sustainable food choices

Foods that do not harm the environment, foods that can support and preserve rural
communities, that can give as nutritious and a healthy life, respect and preserve farm
animals, that can provide farmers with fair wages, are grown locally , do not affect the
health of farmworkers.

Use alternative transportation
Vehicles greatly increase air pollution levels that can cause some bad health problems
like premature mortality, cardiac symptoms, exacerbation of asthma symptoms , and
diminished lung affection. We should try to use current transportation choices , and try
to adopt more sustainable living methods of travel. We can also think about these
methods: Walking and bicycling , public transport, carpools , vanpools and telework and
alternate work schedules.

Purchase Green Product

There are many levels in a product's life cycle , and each one can have a negative
impact on the environment. Before making a purchase, we have to consider the full
impact of the product's material, manufacturing method , and usage

To convert raw or recycled materials into products , elements are processed, shaped, and
manipulated. These steps can consume energy and deplete nonrenewable natural plastic products are made from petroleum , a finite resource. Using fuel
burning vehicles for transportation products releases carbon emissions and contributes
to particle pollution. This issue can have an impact on our personal health. Many
products are affected in the environment throughout their useful life. Consuming and
using these items responsibility can reduce their environmental impact.

Green purchase checklist:

Contains 30% or greater post-consumer recycled content paper, is useful, is necessary

,is durable, and you can use the product for life, has minimal life cycle costs, and is
water-efficient. Recycle Electronics:

Electronics have an impact on human health. Fabricating and shipping electronics use
water and energy, and often create industrial waste. To prevent toxic leakage from
electronics look for e-waste recycling programs in your community. Programs in your
area to recycle: Batteries, televisions, wires , old laptops , mobile phones, tablets,
printers, some computer accessories, and plugs.

After going through my research I have now realize that sustainable living have a big
impact in our lives, sustainable living is here to make our life easier, I think we should
consume local food , because export things cause a high level of pollution ,and a
multiple of disease , it is not just because of producing to consume, if we start to make
things in our countries we can eliminate poverty , countries will be depended , people
will get job , the economy conditions will improve we would be able to do everything
without exporting.

As I said, local things should be used and consume foods, transportation and more, not
just because it is close but yes because we can prevent ourselves , recycling is a good
method to eliminate pollution. Nowadays we are getting more dependent on technology,
like our houses we are using more electricity and technology and the people who
produce will continue to do that because they know if more people are consuming we
should produce more and more so the sustainable living lifestyle will be high.

Word count : 1603.


1.Cheesman,D. “what is sustainable living”: The good trade. 2014. .
Accessed on 20th April.

2.Mason,M. “what is sustainability and why is it important”: Environmental science. ye.
Accessed on 6th April.

3.Bicknese,R. "benefits of sustainable living". Conserve Energy Future.

4. “Make Sustainable Food choices” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May 3,2018.
Accessed on 5th May.

5. “Why Sustainable lifestyles matter” UN environment programme.
s Accessed on 24th April.

6.Jensen M.(2007). Defining lifestyle. Environmental science:63-73.[ Google Scholar]


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