Soil Homogenization - March 2007

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Soil Homogenization

March 20, 2007

K. Budsberg

Homogenization is a preparative step that helps ensure that a subsample is representative

of the entire original sample. Microbes are not equally spread in soil and tend to make
“hot spots” of growth. This habit increases variability within site, soil, even in your
sample. In the field, it is important do your best while sampling to represent your site. In
the lab, take out coarse roots and stones before freeze-drying.

• Clean (DI-rinsed) and dry plastic vials, approximately 30 mL volume, with cap
• Ceramic beads (DI-rinsed)
• Freeze-dried soil samples
• Notebook
• Scoop for dispensing soil
• Brush for cleaning scoop between samples
• Plastic baggies for homogenized soil
• Note: All soil dispensing occurs outside the lab – in room 35 King Hall

1. Gather all needed materials and organize a station for yourself in room 35
2. Dispense approximately 20 g soil into a plastic vial – this should fill the vial half-
full. Add more and risk poor pulverization by the beads.
3. Add 2 ceramic beads to the vial
4. Securely cap and record the soil sample and cap number. There is no need to use
tape to label the vial as long as you have the caps numbered.
5. Place the vials into a vessel suitable for shaking and pad them with paper towels
or cotton.
6. Load into the shaker located in our lab and shake vigorously for 48-h.
Alternately, there is a roller near the greenhouses.
o While the soils are being homogenized, take the time to pre-label clean
baggies for the soil when it is finished.
7. Remove vials from shaker and transfer the homogenized soil to pre-labeled
8. Store homogenized soils at -20 °C.

Before using the soil in a subsequent assay, it is important to shake the bags to re-
homogenize the soil because heavier particles can settle to the bottom of the baggie, and
large particles can sort to the surface.

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