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74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (2022)

Enrolment Reminder (Class N861 Registered Organisation)
第七十四屆香港學校音樂節 (2022) – 報名備忘 (項目 N861 註冊團體)

(1) It is the responsibility of competitors to ensure that information given on the entry forms is valid, complete and meet the
requirements of respective classes. The Association bears no responsibility for checking of the eligibility of the entry. Submission
of an entry implies consent from the members / competitors to abide by these Rules and Regulations and will strictly observe the
Rules and Regulations.
是否符合參賽資格。報名表一經遞交,即代表參賽者同意「比賽章程」 ,並會嚴格遵守。

(2) Competitors are required to video-record their performance. Competitors must strictly observe the procedures for submission, the
submission period and the specification of video stipulated in this Rules and Regulations in submitting the video.

(3) The performer(s) in the video must be the person(s) who entered the competition. Competitors failing to comply will be

(4) Any entry that is disqualified at any time because of not meeting the eligibility or violating the Rules and Regulations will not be
informed separately and no entry fees will be refunded.

(5) Competitors who are found to have violated the Rules and Regulations at any time will invariably bear consequences.
參賽者若違反「比賽章程」 ,不論任何時間,均須承擔不同後果。

(6) Entry Fee 報名費

Please refer to the Syllabus on the Association website for the entry fees of the classes.

(7) Entry Form Submission 遞交報名表

The entry form(s) must be submitted via email ( before 5:00 p.m. on 28 October 2021. To
complete the enrolment, please attach the scanned copy of the student’s ID card and Certificate of Registration of a Society to the
email. The Association will issue the Payment Advice via email upon receipt of the submission. Please note that your mail
server may consider the Association’s email as a spam mail, so please also check the spam mail box. If you have not received
any email from the Association by 1 November 2021, please contact the Association immediately at 2761 3877 on payment
arrangement to complete the enrolment.
截 止 報 名 日 期 為 2021 年 10 月 28 日 下 午 五 時 , 請 透 過 電 郵 提 交 報 名 表 至 本 會 ( 電 郵 地 址 :。提交報名時,必須同時附上學生證副本及社團註冊證明書副本。本會收妥以上文件後
將透過電郵發出付款通知書。請注意,你的電郵伺服器可能視本會電郵為垃圾郵件,請同時查閱垃圾郵件箱。如你於 2021
年 11 月 1 日仍未收到本會的電郵,請立即致電 2761 3877 聯絡本會查詢付款安排,以完成報名手續。

(8) The Association will issue the Entry Form Receipts and Competition Notifications to the competitors via email on
4 January 2022.
本會將於 2022 年 1 月 4 日透過電郵傳送「報名表回條」及「參賽通知」予參賽者。

(9) Competitors should take the initiative to visit the Association website ( for the Rules and Regulations, the
Syllabus and the latest information relating to the competitions.
「比賽章程」、 「比賽目錄」及比賽的最新消息,請參賽者自行瀏覽本會網站 (。

74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (2022) 第七十四屆香港學校音樂節(2022)

Class N861 Entry Form for Registered Organisation
註冊團體項目 N861 報名表
Form Code Area Code Class No.
Classes for University / Post- secondary Students will not be divided into districts and they
表格編號 地區代號 項目編號 carry area code “N” only.
所有大學及專上學院學生的項目不分區域,一律使用地區代號「N」 。
6 N 8 6 1
Competitors should study both the Rules and Regulations and the class descriptions of the Festival, the Enrolment Reminder and the following points
before completing the form:
參賽者於填寫報名表前必須詳細閱讀音樂節「比賽章程」 、項目細則、報名備忘及以下事項:
(1) This entry form is for registered organisation entering Class N861 only. (1) 此報名表只供註冊團體報名項目 N861 使用。
(2) Please complete the form in block letters. Incomplete entry forms will not (2) 請以正楷填寫。報名表上的資料若不齊全,本會將不
be processed. 處理。
(3) One entry form can only be used for one entry. (3) 每份報名表只限填報一項比賽。
(4) Please ensure you have obtained the piece before submitting the entry form.
(4) 遞交報名表前請確定已備有樂譜。
(5) For submission of own choice, please refer to Rules and Regulations
3.3.2 for details. (5) 有關遞交自選樂曲詳情,請參閱「比賽章程」3.3.2。
(6) Please refer to the Enrolment Reminder for the documents required for (6) 報名時須遞交之文件,請參閱報名備忘。

Competing Team’s Information 參賽隊伍資料

Name of Team in English


Name of Team in Chinese


Responsible Person’s Information (Must be a member of the competing team) 負責人資料(必須為參賽隊伍成員)

Name of Responsible Person

Phone No.

Email Address

Society Chop I declare that all information given on this form is complete and true; and that the entry
註冊社團印章 meets the requirements of the class of the current Festival.

Registration No. of the Society _______________________________________________________________________
Signature of Responsible Person 負責人簽署
Please email this form together with the scanned copy of the student ID card and Certificate of Registration of a Society to before 5:00 p.m. on 28 October 2021
請於 2021 年 10 月 28 日下午五時前以電郵傳送此報名表、學生證副本及社團註冊證明書副本至
This entry form will be destroyed before the next Music Festival
The personal data provided in this form will be used for the Music Festival and related purposes only

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