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Multitenancy - Security Risks and Countermeasures

Conference Paper · September 2012

DOI: 10.1109/NBiS.2012.142

19 10,158

3 authors, including:

Wayne Brown Qing Tan

University of Eastern Finland Athabasca University


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Multitenancy - Security Risks and
Wayne J. Brown, Vince Anderson, Qing Tan

Athabasca University
Athabasca, Canada,,

Abstract— Security within the cloud is of paramount that one family may have access to another families space
importance as the interest and indeed utilization of cloud or information. Wood and Anderson describe multitenancy
computing increase. Multitenancy in particular introduces as the ability to run multiple customers on a single software
unique security risks to cloud computing as a result of more instance installed on multiple servers [1]. In the
than one tenant utilizing the same physical computer hardware.
multitenancy model, many users data and resources are
The purpose of this paper is to explore the specific risks in cloud
computing due to Multitenancy and the measures that can be located in the same computing cloud, and are controlled
taken to mitigate those risks. and distinguished through the use of tagging for the unique
identification of resources owned by individual user [1]. In
a typical multitenancy situation, the users are the tenants
Keywords: Multitenancy, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security.
and are provided with a level of control in order to
customize and tailor software and hardware to fit their
specific needs [1].

Cloud Computing is quickly being adopted by

organizations and businesses alike to help increase profit The fundamental security issue with multitenancy is the
margins by decreasing overall IT costs as well as provide very premise in which multitenancy is based upon; that is,
clients with faster implementation of services. The multiple tenants sharing the same computer hardware.
majority of the cloud service providers offer multitenancy Indeed, using a multitenancy approach for the development
to capitalize on the associated economies of scale which of public cloud infrastructure presents a number of
also translates into savings for the end user. In fact the challenges in terms of compliance, security and privacy [1].
competitive nature of cloud computing is such that cloud One of the main challenges of using this form of
service providers have to minimize the total cost of multiple services is ensuring data isolation. Data
ownership of their IT infrastructure, thus introducing management is critical as several users will be using the
multitenancy is a popular way to reducing total cost of same system but all require privacy and confidently [1].
ownership [7]. However, multitenancy introduces a unique Indeed multitenancy and lack of network isolation
set of security risks, which has yet to be fully among tenants make the public cloud vulnerable to
acknowledged as a serious problem by policy makers and attacks [5].
cloud service providers [1]. This paper will explore the Lack of efficient bandwidth and traffic isolation makes
risks associated with multitenancy and measures which can multitenancy in cloud computing vulnerable, since
be taken to overcome them. Multitenancy is the practice of malicious tenants may launch attacks towards co-resident
placing multiple tenants on the same physical hardware to tenants in the same cloud data centre [5]. Current
reduce costs to the user by leveraging economies of scale. approaches to access control on clouds do not scale well to
Tsai defines a tenant as a user in the cloud or a human multitenancy requirements because they are mostly based
being [6]. on individual user IDs [6]. By its very nature multitenancy
Multitenancy has made cloud computing popular by has increased security risks due to the sharing of software
allowing businesses to benefit from reduced costs yet and data by multiple tenants. As these collocated tenants
continue to gain access to data and applications within a may be competitors, if the barriers between tenants are
cloud environment [1]. Multitenancy is similar in nature to broken down, one tenant may access another tenant’s
multiple families in the same condominium. Generally data or interfere with their applications. Indeed, cloud
speaking each has their own space, however there is a risk providers are responsible for ensuring that one customer
cannot break into another customer’s data and applications and technology implementations that support security
[6]. policies. Consequently, this section will deal with
In a multitenant environment side-channel attacks pose countermeasures for three broad categories of risk:
significant risks in a cloud computing environment. Side-
channel attacks are based on information obtained from  Governance, Control and Auditing – these risks
bandwidth-monitoring or other similar techniques. Side- pertain to the CSP’s services and the roles that
channel attacks typically occur due to lack of tenants (clients, customers, or users) have in
authorization mechanisms for sharing physical resources. governing risk when using those services. These
The interference among tenants exists primarily because of risks are largely technology-agnostic, and derive
covert channels with flawed access control policies that from governance and control frameworks for risk
allow unauthorized access [2]. Indeed the multitenancy management that have their basis in conventional
architecture has increased the risk of database exposure “premise data center” computing. These risks are
and thus, data protection today is more crucial than ever. equally applicable whether or not the target Cloud
Another security risk associated with multitenancy is is IaaS, PaaS or SaaS.
interference between tenants because of tenant workloads.
For example an overload created by one tenant may  Configuration, Design and Change
negatively impact the performance of another tenant Management – these risks are largely specific to
[7]. A third, and obvious, risk of multitenancy is resources multitenant Cloud architecture, although they may
being assigned to consumers whose identities, and have had their genesis in pre-Cloud technology
intentions, are unknown. Practically all virtualization areas like virtualization and internetworking.
platforms on the market today have a trusted Consequently, these risks are most clearly evident
virtualization layer that, if compromised, leads in IaaS and PaaS Cloud environments.
directly to full compromise of any of the virtual
machines running on the physical host [7]. This could  Logical Security, Access Control and
result in the inability to monitor activity on the virtual Encryption – these risks are, in most cases,
machine, and possibly allowing a malicious user to alter application-driven and as such are more applicable
the state of the virtual machine. Virtualization layers to PaaS and SaaS Cloud environments. They deal
are complex software systems. This complexity mostly in the design of security systems related to
inevitably leads to vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that could access to individual applications, data, or business
allow a virtual machine user to gain control of the function within an MTA-based Cloud service
virtualization layer, and from there gain control of all offering.
other virtual machines running on the same physical
host [8]. A fourth security risk inherent to multitenant 1. Governance, Control and Auditing
systems is uncoordinated change controls and
misconfigurations. When multiple tenants are sharing the Separation of Duties (SoD):
underlying infrastructure it is possible that changes may
lead to a security breach allowing one tenant to gain access Within an IT context, Separation of Duties (SoD) refers
to another tenants data or resources. A fifth security risk to the system’s ability to segregate a single task, function or
may result from comingled tenant data. To reduce cost, component into multiple areas of responsibility and
providers may store data from multiple tenants in the same assigning those areas to different roles or individuals. The
database table-spaces and/or backup tapes. In this scenario goal of SoD is to reduce or eliminate conflicts of interest,
a data deletion request may become a challenge resulting and to guarantee that no single individual is given the
on portions of data not being properly deleted. opportunity to assume powers or capabilities beyond those
defined for his or her role.
The risks surrounding SoD in a cloud computing context
center are mostly around role definition and clarification.
Due to the rapid evolution of Cloud technologies, and the
rapid uptake of commercial CSP offerings, there has been
The previous section of this paper has focused on little time or opportunity for SoD rigor to develop and
security risks that have surfaced in the Cloud computing stabilize into standard roles. An example is the CSP role,
model, as a result of Multitenant Architecture (MTA), and particularly with regard to administrative access and
as a result of MTA being implemented by Cloud Service security policy creation and enforcement CSP’s need to
Providers (CSPs). secure the services they offer, while not exceeding their
This section will discuss some countermeasures to Cloud customer’s authorities in any particular resource or data
security risks. In IT security analytics, it is rarely the case domain [4]. This extends to MTA environments, where
that there is a clear, obvious countermeasure to mitigate and multiple tenants may not have the same reliance on the
manage every risk. Most security specialists therefore CSP’s role in security management, or the same capability
advocate a holistic approach to security policy management to take the security role in-house [9].
This leads to ambiguity around the CSP’s role definition and the responsibilities of the CSP and themselves in
and SoD concerns. One emerging standards body, the security administration and governance [1].
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), holds that the CSP takes on
greatest amount of security responsibility in SaaS, least in 2. Configuration, Design and Change Management
IaaS, with PaaS requiring the greatest amount of fine-
grained control [4]. Trusted Computing Platform and Environment
SoD is “baked in” to many commercial security
products, including Enterprise Single Sign-On (ESSO) and The previous section introduced the concept of the
Identity and Access Management (IAM) software sites. In Trusted Computing Platform as implemented in a
general, current security products do not support adequate multitenant environment – MTCEM, or Multitenant Trusted
SoD separation for Cloud environments, since they are Computing Environment Model.
generally designed and implemented for a single security MTCEM implements the two basic concepts of trusted
domain in which the owner and user of IT facilities are one computing, in a Multi-tenant Cloud context: Transitive
and the same [4]. Trust and Platform Attestation.
There has been some research in bridging the gap
between the current state of distributed security products  Transitive Trust - In Transitive Trust, a
and MTA-based Cloud service offerings. Li, Zhou et al [4] computing platform can only boot or initialize
have proposed the Multi-Tenancy Trusted Computing from a Core Root of Trust Measurement (CRTM),
Environment Model (MTCEM). MTCEM implements the which may be microcode, a hardware chip or
Trusted Computing Group’s (TCG: ROM module, or encrypted firmware that is Trusted signed by a certified authority and is assumed to
Computing Platform (TCP), a set of standards, principles be trustworthy. The initialization of a computing
and technologies that enable a data owner or steward to platform from the CRTM follows a pathway of
implicitly and explicitly “trust”, and hold accountable, the trust through a bootstrap process, whereby one
underpinning computing infrastructure that runs the level of initialization can implicitly trust that the
applications that create, store and manipulate their data. previous level is passing on a secure microkernel.
TCP contains two basic assertions: transitive trust and
platform assertion. These will be discussed in detail in the An example of Transitive Trust is as follows:
next section.
CRTM BIOSOS loaderOSApplications
Auditing and Client Controls
The TCP and the Transitive Trust model is part of
IT auditing frameworks like CobiT and Systrust rely on most modern operating systems. MTCEM asserts
logging and data capture to provide positive evidence of that this model can be extended to Cloud
adequate IT controls and governance. In essence, this computing. The Figure 1 summarizes what TCP
means that all actions that change or modify the data or might look like under MTCEM.
configuration of an IT system are logged, and that these
logs are subject to standard policies on access, retention,  Platform attestation – this is a mechanism by
archival and disposal. which a computing platform proves to a third
In conventional IT systems, this means auditing all party that it is trusted. Platform attestation refers to
administrative access to systems. In Cloud computing, this a system’s capability to deem trustworthy by other
may mean that all tenants of an MTA Cloud service are systems with which it must interact, or to in turn
audited in order to guarantee that they maintain a be deemed trustworthy by those other systems.
“minimum allowable security posture”. So even though a The challenge is to define a set of reasonable and
tenant’s policies may not require complete and verbose measurable metrics that can be used to determine
logging of administrative access, the CSP’s policies may whether a computing platform is trusted.
mandate just that. This countermeasure helps to ensure that Attestation prototypes specific to Cloud
a weak tenant’s lax security posture cannot allow an computing have been built [4] that determine
intruder access to an infection vector with which to exploit trustworthyness based on behavior history (i.e.
and compromise another tenant’s Cloud-based services. does the peer system’s request conform to patterns
Audit and access controls should therefore be part of the of normal or expected computing behavior) or
MTA’s usage terms and contract. Each client must be fully defined properties of the computing platform
aware of the security implications of moving to the Cloud, (memory status, checksum validation, etc.).
A potential countermeasure to these risks is to develop
SaaS solutions using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP).
AOP effectively removes or abstracts the security
implementation protecting the data in the service, from the
core underlying service functionality [1]. This approach
allows each client to implement different security measures
(encryption algorithm, cipher strength, authentication and
access mechanism) but use the same object code.
PaaS – in PaaS, each tenant in an MTA may have the
various layers of their hosted solution – business logic, data
access logic and storage, presentation logic – in turn hosted
across multiple physical servers. The risk with PaaS in a
multi-tenant environment is fundamentally one of lack of
configuration information – which part of a specific
tenant’s platform solution runs where?
This risk can be countered and partially mitigated by
Figure : Multi-tenant Trusted Computing
Environment Model (MTCEM) maintaining a dependency map for each tenant. The cloud
provider needs to have a dynamically managed and updated
The advantage of implementing MTCEM in a multi- mapping of underlying technical infrastructure to each
tenant environment, is that a given Host or Guest within an client’s virtualized servers or hosted run-time instances.
IaaS or PaaS Cloud can simultaneously belong to multiple, This helps at least in problem determination and
different security domains and serve multiple, different communication management; if a particular portion of the
security subjects through different security policies. infrastructure is compromised, the CSP can at least identify
(and potentially notify) the tenants that are affected by the
Securing Shared Services breach [6].
The overall multitenant risk for IaaS, PaaS and, to a
One of the basic underlying assumptions of Cloud lesser extent, SaaS tenants can be reduced and in some
computing is the concept of shared services. These cases eliminated by “Virtual Private Cloud”, whereby the
services are available to each tenant in an MTA and form CSP offers, potentially at a billable premium, a logically or
the fundamental value proposition of most CSP’s service physically segregated infrastructure upon which to run.
offerings. However, shared services take on different This countermeasure, however, has the effect of reducing or
meanings, depending on which kind of Cloud computing is eliminating the business case for Cloud computing in the
in question. first place. If every risk-averse tenant demands their own
IaaS – In IaaS, each client’s hosted environment is physical infrastructure, then the CSP essentially becomes a
partitioned and controlled by a single instance or version of co-location provider and can offer little beyond the low-
hypervisor and virtualization software. Tenant environment margin benefits of shared rack space and HVAC to their
depends on the security, integrity and robustness of the clients.
hypervisor software to effectively partition them from other
tenants in the MTA. Network Configuration
However, several recent exploits, including “Cloudburst”
and “Blue Pill Project” have been used to allow a VMWare Network design and implementation in a Cloud
guest to escape to the host, and then compromise the environment is a relatively mature and stable discipline,
hypervisor through a rootkit-based approach [10]. since network protocols operate at a much lower layer than
The only effective countermeasure to these exploits is Cloud-based computing typically impacts. The network
eternal vigilance on the part of the CSP, in maintaining, configuration for IaaS and PaaS MTA Clouds leverages the
patching and upgrading their hypervisor software, and in expertise and best practices of conventional datacenter
implementing both network-based and host-based intrusion design. Secure routing, firewalls, VPNs, VLANs and other
detection and prevention systems that can detect, alert and network virtualization technologies are all used to securely
otherwise guard against such exploits. The state of the art in segregate client traffic, with network-level encryption
Cloud-based IDS and IDP systems is rudimentary: many ensuring that data in transit is secure for all tenants in an
CSPs and their tenants must rely on conventional IDS and MTA.
IDP solutions to provide bastion security capability. The consequences of poor network design within a
SaaS – In SaaS, each hosted application instance, on CSP’s network, however, put MTA tenants immediately at
behalf of each MTA tenant, shares a single instance of risk of compromise from within another tenant’s internal
object code. When mistakes are made or code corrupts in network, since there may not be adequate compensating
memory, potentially millions of clients may access private controls within a CSP’s network to detect, diagnose, and
data of other clients [6]. resolve attacks originating from one tenant and targeting
another. A paper by scientists at the National University of
Defense Technology in China [5] has outlined the forensics
of a so-called “shrew” attack within a Cloud environment, an extended period of time, during periods of high batch
where the extremely low number of packets constituting the activity. This behavior may be permitted, or even
attack payload, and the extremely short duration of the encouraged, given the “elastic compute” nature of Cloud
attack, makes the attack fingerprint hard to detect. service offerings.
Additionally, the countermeasures rely on very As a result, Batch workload planning and optimization
knowledgeable network administrators to implement at the may require multiple tenants within an MTA to sign up for
core switching and routing points of the CSP’s network. a centralized batch production scheduling service. Momm
One consequence of MTA, however, is the network and Theilmann [7] propose a four-step workload planning
access required by administrators and users of Cloud-based approach:
applications, originating from outside of the CSP’s network
address space. Typically, each tenant requires a discreet set a. Initial Performance Evaluation – the
of IP addresses, routable and accessible from the public characteristics of the batch execution environment
Internet, in order to access their applications and are first measured, gathered, and analyzed to form
administration consoles. The CSP is responsible for a performance baseline against which further
managing a limited pool of IPv4 addresses and subnets, and improvements will be measured.
must ensure that each tenant has their own dedicated
addresses. b. Tenant Placement – this step involves finding the
A phenomenon has been observed, however, where minimum set of required application server
CSPs, either through necessity or through neglect, fail to instances to serve multiple tenants while still
properly manage their address pools. As tenants are added, guaranteeing SLA performance levels to
and additional servers and application run-time individual tenants.
environments are provisioned and de-provisioned, it may
become possible for an IP address to be insufficiently c. Batch job planning – this step creates a “master
“aged” – that is, the underlying virtualized services of a de- job schedule” that can service all clients while
provisioned tenant may be available, for a short period of minimizing the penalties for time constraints
time, via their old IP address and port number [10].
The obvious countermeasure to this security risk is to d. Collect and analyze data for re-planning – this step
ensure that server and IP address provisioning and de- checks progress against the baseline determined in
provisioning occur in lockstep. This requires the step 1) and suggests further refinements in the
provisioning capabilities of server infrastructure (typically plan, forming a closed feedback loop for re-
handled by one group within the CSP) and network optimization of scheduling algorithms.
infrastructure (handled by another group) to be harmonized,
so that the environments are set up and torn down at the
same time. 3. Logical Security, Access Control and Encryption

Availability in an MTA Environment Encryption protocols

Availability forms the third “pillar” of the so-called CIA MTA Cloud service offerings provide fundamental data
security pyramid, with Confidentiality and Integrity security and protection through strong encryption protocols,
forming the other two. MTA environments may pose with each tenant owning the encryption keys and in some
availability risks to some tenants, based on the activities of cases managing the creation, storage and destruction of
other tenants on the same infrastructure and platforms. their own keys.
For instance, there is risk to availability through lack of
concerted, global workload optimization, particularly for However, most CSPs suffer from a lack of “security by
batch processing (described below) and particularly within diversity”. In MTAs, the data of several (or potentially all)
SaaS CSPs. MTA clients is encrypted with the same encryption
Most Cloud workload management is based on algorithm, either AES, Blowfish, or any other industrial-
optimizing tenant resource allocations for interactive dialog strength encryption suite. However, a risk exists in that if
systems – e.g. online e-Business, social media, and time- the encryption protocol is compromised, or the cipher suite
sensitive human interaction. However, workload is actually “broken”, then the compromise of one tenant’s
optimization and resource allocation for batch-based encryption potentially enables or eases compromise of
systems is fundamentally different. Batch-based computing others [1].
typically involves single-threaded applications, Two possible countermeasure have been proposed by
asynchronous processing, serial execution of job steps, and Wood and Anderson [1]:
high rates of I/O to large sequentially organized datasets
[7]. This introduces a risk, exposed by SaaS offerings that  Predicate Encryption - each master key owner
use a single application server instance to service multiple has more fine-grained control over who gets
tenants. The potential therefore exists for one tenant to grab access to encrypted data. This allows segments of
more than their allocated share of computing resources, for
a data store to be encrypted and decrypted, so that To address the need to reconcile multiple RBAC
individuals may only have access to their hierarchies within a Cloud, Tsai and Shao [6] propose an
particular segments. Compromise of an individual “ontology-based” access control mechanism for
segment does not necessarily mean that all other determining user entitlements and extend RBAC to MTA.
segments are in jeopardy. In this approach, role hierarchies are reduced to
“ontologies” or distilled role properties, which are assigned
 Homomorphic Encryption – this is a mechanism to standard templates. In a given security domain, where
by which cipher text can be processed, without the multiple ontologies exist and must be enforced, the
need to decrypt data prior to processing. This templates determine similarities and differences between
eliminates or reduces the opportunity for a different ontologies at run-time. A resultant set of
malicious party to intercept decrypted data during permissions, inherited from multiple roles, can then be
processing. applied to a security principle (end user) at time of access.
This countermeasure, extended to MTA, can apply
Logical Authentication and Access Controls permissions to a role instead of a tenant, or an individual
role in multiple sessions with multiple tenants in an MTA.
Authentication and authorization form the basis for This is important where an agent, acting on behalf of the
application security. The security disciplines related to CSP, must execute a security function or audit process
enterprise identity management (authentication) and access across multiple tenants in the MTA.
management (authorization) are very mature in
conventional datacenter environments. Identity and Access Management
This rigor, however, is not always easily translated to
multi-tenant Cloud service offerings. Wood and Anderson Multitenant Cloud service offerings have a greater need
[1], supported by Tsai and Shao [6] demonstrate that so- for all the services of an integrated Identity and Access
called “virtual teams”, consisting of individuals from Management solution - single-sign-on, RBAC and
multiple geographies, cultures and backgrounds, are most delegation – every cloud implementation should include a
likely to use and support MTA Cloud solutions, and complete IAM solution [1]. IAM enables persistent
experience more frequent turnover and volatile membership authorization for customers in terms of their identity and
than conventional corporate teams. entitlement across multiple clouds.
The fundamental difficulty in access management is that There are significant challenges to applying standard
of 1). controlling many different data and application IAM standards and specifications to Cloud computing.
resources; 2). provisioning fine-grained access to those Mather et al [9] advocate the approach of “federating”
resources; and 3). designing an access control mechanism IAM solutions across multiple clouds, or across tenants in
employing a large number of authorization rules, across an MTA.
conflicting policy domains, for large numbers of users.[2] Federated Authentication - While standards are
These are precisely the environments serviced by large, generally weak and in development, some (for instance,
multi-tenant Cloud service providers. Open Authentication (OAuth and OpenID) have the ability
The most common countermeasure for this type of to extend consumer-based SSO to enterprise.[4] Users of
complexity risk is Role-Based Access Control [6]. RBAC social networking sites like Facebook are familiar with
involves two phases in assigning a privilege to a user: supplying their Facebook credentials to other websites (like
message boards, blogs, and third-party services like Twitter
 phase 1 – a user is assigned to one or a small and LinkedIn) in order to establish user privileges. Similar
number of roles: solutions for enterprise systems offer a similar passport-like
 phase 2 – privileges (i.e. access to resources) are experience to the end user, whereby their global credentials
assigned to roles, not users are recognized by services elsewhere in the Cloud.

Through RBAC, users acquire and accumulate Federated access management – under this model,
permissions by their membership in roles, which can be CSP’s delegate authentication to a third party through
dynamically assigned, re-assigned and revoked without Identity Management-as-a-Service (IDaaS) providers. This
changing the underlying permissions. In most cases, the can greatly simplify access management for MTA Cloud
total number of roles is typically much smaller than the service offerings. Federated access management relies on
total number of users. This tends to reduce complexity for security policy composition across multiple CSP’s (similar
access control within typical large enterprises. to service composition in SOA). This contributes to
Multi-tenant Cloud service offerings encounter this building a “global metapolicy” integrating the policies of
complexity at an even higher level. The complexity stems individual clouds. Amutairi et al [9] foresees this policy
from multiple role-based access mechanisms, or composition eventually resulting in a Virtual global
hierarchies, applying to the same user, or to the same directory service (VGDS) and a Virtual Resource Manager
resource. These hierarchies are potentially in conflict with (VRM) controlling distributed Access Control Modules
one another. (ACM) in different clouds, or on behalf of tenants in an
to create learning contents with the sensitivities. The 5R
adaptation framework [1] is adopted the system adaptation
CONCLUSION mechanism, which allows the mobile learning system to be
By increasing awareness of privacy risks in using cloud able to provide right contents to right learner through right
Systems, users will be provided with a better insight into device at right location and right time. Based on the 5R
the environment they are considering using to store their Adaptation framework, this paper presents a learning
personal and sensitive data before making final decision content generation platform for adaptive mobile learning.
in regarding to what service to use. [1] However, Section 2 discusses the 5R adaptation framework and its
before Cloud Computing can be considered for significance. The learning content generation platform is
widespread adoption as a tool to support those working discussed in section 3. Section 4 discusses the next steps
remotely there are a number of issues that must be and future research to be taken.The 5r adaptive
considered and addressed. Principally amongst frameworkConceptThe 5R Adaptive framework [1] is
these are the implementation of privacy and security in described as learning at the right location, using the right
the cloud to support multiple users. This becomes a device, at the right time by the right learner and having the
significant issue when CSPs adopt a multitenancy right contents. The 5R framework creates the platform for
environment for the implementation of their clouds. [1] an adaptive location based mobile learning. The location of
CSP can be self-interested, untrustworthy and the learner, device being used, the time learning is to take
possibly malicious. They might hide the truth of their errors place and learner’s learning profile, style, and progress are
to escape the punishment or degrade the service level to all brought together when choosing the right learning
reduce cost. [4] From this perspective, cloud computing content to deliver to the learner. SignificanceIncorporating
should have the capability to compartmentalize the 5R’s – location, learner, time, contents, and device
each customer and CSP and support security duty produces the right learning contents that are available at the
separation. [10] his growth in mobile technology right location and right time, as well as for the right learner
development has lowered the prices for mobile devices based on learner’s learning profile, style, and progression,
allowing them to be available to majority of people [3]. and the type of device he/she is using. The 5R adaptation
Mobile computing devices have become ubiquitous. framework enables the learning management system to
Current technologies have allowed for the access of provide adaptive and personalized content for mobile
information via wireless media such as mobile computing learners.SystemIn this paper, we present the learning
devices and mobile smart phones. One no longer needs to content creation platform that allows the learning content
be connected by wire to access the Internet for information. developers, such as instructors, to create the location-based
Information can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This learning contents with the 5R sensitivities. The platform
growth in the use of mobile computing devices has helped ensures that learning contents developed are a result of the
to gain the research interests in the areas of mobile learning combination of the 5R input ontology [1]. The inputs of the
technologies and applications. It has also opened the way platform and their metadata relationships are described
for more research on mobile learning theory and pedagogy based on the 5R ontology shown in figure 1 below:
[4].Mobile Learning helps complements traditional
classroom learning by shifting the learning process more to
the student and creating a learner-centered environment [7].
This type of learning environment encourages independent
learning among students as well as gives students the
opportunity to build onto what they have learned in the
classroom. Mobile learning can takes place anytime and
anywhere not only when the learner is at a fixed location
[2]. It providers a unique opportunity for integrating real
world objects into learning contents, which makes it
possible to provide location-aware and context-aware
contents to learners. To implement the location-based
adaptive mobile learning, the learning system has to be able
to provide the adaptive learning contents based on the
learner’s current location as well as other information, such
as learner’s profile. Mobile devices’ location awareness and
the capability of interacting with environment can be used
to sense or identify the learners’ current physical location.
On the other hand, the learning management system has to
have the learning contents with the sensitivities to be
retrieved through the adaptation mechanism. In this paper,
we present an adaptive learning content generation platform
that serves for the content developers, instructors and others


User Registration
5R Adaptive
Content Creation
(Mobile Virtual User


FK2 Content_ID
FK1 Object_ID
Learning_Object FK3 Material_ID Learning_Materials
PK Object_ID PK Material_ID

Object_Name Material_Name
Object_Pic Material_Content
Object_Description Material_Type
Latitude FK1 Device
Longitude Device_Features
Altitude PK Content_ID Content_Description
FK1 Locate_By Instructions
Locate_By_Text FK1 Major Assignments
Start_Time Content_Name
End_Time FK3 Course
Days Keywords

PK Position_By


Major Device
PK Major_ID PK Device_ID

Major_Name Manufacturer

PK Course_ID

Course_Name Fetaure
Risk Counter-Measure Lack of “security by diversity”. In Predicate Encryption -
MTAs, the data of several clients
Data isolation Data management protocols is encrypted with the same Homomorphic Encryption
encryption algorithm,
Interference between tenants 1 Platform attestation,
because of tenant workloads. 2 Vigilance on the part of the CSP, Access management - designing an Role-Based Access Control
in maintaining, patching and access control mechanism
upgrading their hypervisor employing a large number of
software authorization rules, across
3 Four-step workload planning conflicting policy domains, for
approach: large numbers of users.

e. Initial Performance

f. Tenant Placement REFERENCES

g. Batch job planning
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