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Week 4 10th Grade

Recursos: Web

Nota: Recuerda que puedes realizar tu tarea en formato digital o en formato de

tu preferencia.

Activity 5

I. Read and complete the blanks with the passive voice, according to the
corresponding conjugation: present, past, future. Do not forget that
the verbs must be written in the past participle.

The Unsinkable

The Titanic was an incredibly large passenger steamship that 1. was built in 1912.
The name Titanic 2. Was derived (derive) from Greek mythology, and meant
gigantic and powerful. It 3. _was designed__ (design) primarily to carry
passengers, but it also carried a substantial amount of cargo, including letters and
valuables, as well as the luggage of the passengers. The ship 4. _was thought __
(think) to be unsinkable at the time because of its new state-of-the-art design.
Because it 5. _was _believes_ (believe) to be unsinkable, it 6. Was stocked
(stock) with enough lifeboats for all of the passengers and crew. In fact, it only had
enough lifeboats to carry about one-third of everyone on the ship.

The Titanic departed across the Atlantic ocean, sailing from Southampton, England
to New York City, USA, on April 10, 1912. With the passengers and crew, a total of
2,240 people 7. __was aboarded _ (aboard) the ship. A few small problems
occurred on its first day on the sea. A small coal fire 8. _was discovered __
(discover) in one of the bunkers. The fire was put out by some crew members,
and the captain and chief engineer concluded that it probably 9. _was caused__
(cause) any damage. Another accident almost happened that day, when the
Titanic almost collided with another ship while at sea.

On April, 14th, four days after the Titanic 10. _was left__ (leave), disaster struck.
There 11. was_been__ (be) reports of ice from other ships, but the seas were
calm under a clear, moonless sky. A lookout saw the iceberg dead ahead coming
out of a slight haze, rang the warning bell, and called the captain. The engines 12.
Was reversed ___ (reverse) and the ship turned sharply. The hull 13. Was
damaged___ (damage) and the ship was going to sink. A quick calculation 14.
_was made__ (make), and they determined that the ship would sink in about an
hour and a half.

Women and children 15. _was boarded__ (boarded) the lifeboats first, and when
no women and children were nearby, men 16._was permitted___ (permit) to
board. Sadly, the lifeboats 17._was boarded__ (board) correctly or efficiently, and
18._was saved__ (save) as many lives as they had the potential to. Most of the
lifeboats 19. __was filled__ (fill) to capacity - the first lifeboat that launched only
carried 24 people, despite having the ability to carry 65 people. Only 705 lives 20.
_was saved__ (save) on the lifeboats and over 1,500 people drowned in the
Atlantic Ocean that night. Three hours after its collision with the iceberg, the Titanic
sank into the ocean.

II. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What's the text about? The text is about the titanic, when was built, when
was arribed and when was destroyed, with all the details.

2. When was the Titanic built? It was built in 1912.

3. What was the Titanic designed to do? It was designed to carry passengers

4. The ship was thought to be unsinkable. What were the consequences of it?
1,500 people drowned in the Atlantic Ocean that night because the titanic only had
enough lifeboats to carry about one-third of everyone on the ship.

5. How was the hull damaged? It was damaged with an iceberg

6. What happened to the ship after the collision? Three hours after the
collision with the iceberg, the Titanic sank into the ocean.

III. Read and find out which sentences are in active voice and passive voice.
Sentences in active voice must be written to passive voice.

- James Cameron directs Titanic in 1997.

- Before the release, the film is edited.
- The Titanic sank on April 12, 1914.
- Celebrities are often interviewed by journalists.
- The boom operator records the dialogues.
- Thomas Andrews built the Titanic in 1912.
- The script was written by the screenwriters.
- The actors played really well.
- The Carpathia rescued 706 people.

IV. Answer the questions

A. Do you agree with the controversy of the ending of the movie? Yes, i´m
agree with that.
B. Do you think Jack’s death is a good plot twist? What other final could
have had? Another final may have been that rose died and Jack
C. In your opinion, are there any other controversial movie endings?
Mention one and give a short description using the passive voice
Another movie with a contrversial movie ending could be ´´avengers
endgame´´, in this movie Thanos was trying to kill the half of all the life
in the universe, and ironman to avoid it was sacrificed, and no only
him, scarlett witch and gamora was sacrificed too, and this not liked
many people.

Te invito a participar de la siguiente auto evaluación.

Ítem ¿Por qué?

He leído el material de estudio antes de iniciar X

con la actividad.

He preguntado a la tutora las dudas que han X

surgido con el material de estudio o con la
Los temas de la semana los he comprendido X
He buscado las palabras desconocidas en el X
¿La pasas bien en el material de apoyo? ¿Te X
diviertes? ¿Encuentras siempre algo
interesante aunque el tema del día sea algo
He presentado esta actividad a tiempo (si no X
es así por favor indicar que sucedió.)
La tutora ha respondido oportunamente mis X
mensajes (consultorio, Skype, mensajero
¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la semana?
Has socializado la actividad con algún X
compañero de curso.
¿Participaste activamente del chat anterior? X
English Apps: Recuerda hacer uso de las
siguientes apps para fortalecer el proceso de
aprendizaje del idioma. ¡Cada semana
puedes utilizar una app diferente, animo!
1:British Council:
2. Duolingo:
4. Voxy:
5. ABA English:
6.Lingo Deer:
7: Beelingo:
8: Wordbit: https://wordbit-
9. Learn match:
10. Johnny Grammar Word Challenge:

¿Cuéntanos que actividad realizaste en

alguna de las apps? ¿Te gusto o no?

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