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3160716 - IOT and Applications

Unit 1 – Introduction to Internet of Things

Q1. Define the Internet of Things.

Q2. List the application of IoT

Q3. Discuss the characteristics of IoT. (IMP)

Q4. What are the “things” in IoT? (IMP)

Q5. Explain IoT Stack in detail. (IMP)

Q6. List the IoT Layers.

Q7. With neat diagrammatic representation, explain the IoT stack with appropriate examples for each

Q8. Elaborate Enabling Technology in IoT. (IMP)

Q9. What is the importance of Big Data Analytics in IoT?

Q10. What is the role of different protocols in IoT?

Q11. What are the challenges in building an application with IoT? (IMP)

Q12. Explain IoT Levels.

Q13. How does the classification of IoT as Level 1 to 5 happen? Explain. (IMP)

Q14. Compare Cyber Physical System (CPS) with IoT and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with IoT.

Q15. Enumerate the role of cloud in IoT. (IMP)

Q16. Explain the importance of communication protocols when it comes to IoT.

Unit 2 – Sensors, Microcontrollers and their Interfacing

Q1. What is a Microcontroller?

Q2. Define Sensor and list the different types of sensors. (IMP)

Q3. What is ARM? (IMP)

Q4. Mention the importance of sensors in IoT applications with appropriate examples. (IMP)

Q5. Take any reference and explain how a pH sensor can be used in an IoT application.

Q6. Mention clearly the procedure to interface the heartbeat sensor with any microcontroller of your

Q7. Assume you have a fan at your home. You wish to control the On/Off switch via the Internet. Design
a system for its control. Draw the system architecture. (IMP)
Q8. How is a microprocessor different from a microcontroller? Explain in detail.

Q9. Draw the architecture of 8051 and explain all the features. (IMP)

Q10. Explain the importance of program counter in any application where a microprocessor or
microcontroller is used.

Q11. Explain the architectural details of ARM7 while clearly mentioning the usage of CPSR.

Q12. Explain clearly the register structure of ARM7. (IMP)

Q13. Is ARM a microprocessor or a microcontroller? Justify.

Q14. Demonstrate the usage and interfacing of MQ-02/05 Gas Sensor with Arduino Uno. (IMP)

Q15. Write an Arduino code to detect presence of gas using MQ-02/05 Gas Sensor with Arduino Uno.

Q16. Explain the working principle of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sound Sensor. (IMP)

Q17. Write a code for Arduino to measure light intensity in the environment using LDR Sensor.

Q18. Explain the working of the following sensors (IMP)

1. GPS Sensor
2. Gyro Sensor
3. PH Sensor

Q19. Explain the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller.

Q20. List the features of 8051 microcontroller. (IMP)

Q21. Explain memory organization in 8051. (IMP)

Q22. List the features of ARM. (IMP)

Q23. Give a brief about the ARM Register Organization. (IMP)

Q24. What is the usage of the “Link Register”?

Unit 3 – Protocols for IoT – Messaging and Transport

Q1. Explain the importance of MQTT protocols with respect to IoT infrastructure. (IMP)

Q2. With NodeMCU, enumerate how MQTT can be used for the subscribe-publish process.

Q3. Explain how CoAP functions. Compare it with MQTT in operational aspects.

Q4. Discuss the CoAP message types with relevant examples. (IMP)

Q5. Draw the BLE stack and explain its components. (IMP)

Q6. What are the possible topological options with BLE? Draw the necessary diagrams and explain.

Q7. How is Li-Fi different from Wi-Fi? Give an option, which one would you prefer and why?
Q8. How important is addressing in networking? Explain with an example.

Q9. What is internet protocol? How many classes are there in IPv4?

Q10. If you are asked to identify a class of IP for your university campus, which class would you select
and why?

Q11. How is IPv4 inferior to IPv6?

Q12. Compare the packet format of IPv4 and IPv6. Explain all the fields in detail.

Q13. Explain the importance of URI in networking.

Q14. What is the difference between URN and URL? Cite an example and explain your views.

Unit 4 – Cloud for IoT

Q1. Explain Cloud Computing. (IMP)

Q2. What are the service models of the Cloud? (IMP)

Q3. What are the various cloud deployment models? List their merits and demerits. (IMP)

Q4. Discuss challenges of Cloud when IoT is integrated. (IMP)

Q5. List the challenges while opting for IoT and Cloud computing. How can we overcome them?

Q6. Discuss the selection criteria of the Cloud Service Provider. (IMP)
Q7. On what basis should we choose the cloud service provider? Are there any guidelines to be
followed? Clarify.

Q8. Explain Fog Computing. (IMP)

Q9. Explain the architecture of the fog computing model.

Q10. What are the benefits of Fog Computing?

Q11. Mention the advantages of fog computing.

Q12. Difference between Edge and Fog Computing.

Q13. How is Edge computing different from Fog computing?

Q14. Discuss security aspects in Cloud computing. (IMP)

Q15. What are the security aspects we should pay attention to in IoT infrastructure?

Q16. List the different types of cloud computing.

Q17. How is fog computing different from cloud computing?

Q18. Difference between Fog and Cloud Computing

Q19. Explain the procedure of generating AIO Key.

Unit 5 – Application Building with IoT

Q1. Explain common architecture of IoT applications. (IMP)

Q2. Explain Healthcare Application with IoT.

Q3. Explain IoT Application in Retail.

Q4. Discuss Driver Assistance Application with IoT.

Q5. Explain Collision Impact Detection Using IoT.

Q6. Explain IoT Based Application for Water Quality Monitoring.

Q7. Explain Smart Lavatory an IoT base application.

Unit 6 – Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Q1. Explain Arduino IDE in brief.

Q2. What is Arduino? Explain in detail. (IMP)

Q3. Give the pin description with example of Arduino UNO. (IMP)

Q4. What is the function of PWM pins?

Q5. Explain functionalities of all the A0 to A5 pins.

Q6. Explain functionalities of all the digital pins.

Q7. Explain the layout of Arduino Uno with its components. (IMP)

Q8. Give the technical specifications of Arduino UNO. (IMP)

Q9. What are Different Memories of Arduino UNO?

Q10. What are the Input and Output Pins of Arduino UNO?

Q11. Give the steps to upload sketch/program code into the Arduino Uno board. (IMP)

Q12. Explain void setup() and void loop() functions. (IMP)

Q13. Describe Serial.begin(), Serial.print() and Serial.println() functions.

Q14. Describe the following functions with syntax and example (IMP)
1. digitalWrite()
2. digitalRead()
3. analogWrite()
4. analogRead()
5. delay()
6. millis()
7. map()
Q15. What is Raspberry Pi? Explain in detail. (IMP)

Q16. Give the pin description with example of Raspberry Pi. (IMP)

Q18. Give the technical specifications of Raspberry Pi. (IMP)

Unit 7 – IoT Security

Q1. Explain IoT Security in detail.

Q2. Discuss IoT System Functionalities from a Security Perspective.

Q3. Discuss IoT Security Architecture (IMP).

Q4. Discuss security features across all the needed layers (IMP).

Q5. Discuss challenges in IoT securities (IMP).

Q6. Explain Mirai Botnet.

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