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QA Program Learning Plan form

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Emily Moss
Name Registration Number

Third year “2nd semester”

QA Year Class

PRHC D2 - Palliative
Current Practice Setting Client Population

Learning Needs
What learning needs did I identify through practice reflection and peer input?
Identify a minimum of two (2) to three (3) learning needs.
Haven’t done practice reflection yet? Use
1. Improve coping skills (ie. stress during placement and at home) the Practice Reflection worksheet to help
2. Gain more comfortability with head-toe-toe exams you identify your strengths and learning
3. Improve critical thinking skills

Learning Goal #1
My goal must be based on my learning needs. Need help creating a goal? Review the
Developing SMART Learning Goals
While in nursing school, I will make a conscious decision to make healthy guide.
choices everyday. I can do this by choosing healthy food options (bringing Your learning goal must be based on
food to clinical days/ simulations), getting a minimum of seven hours of your current practice setting and one of
sleep every night, staying active as possible and participating in activities the College’s practice documents.
that improve my mental health. I will consider this goal accomplished if I Please list which practice document
can follow through 80% of the time (4/5 days a week).

Goal #1: Activities and Timeframes

How am I going to achieve my goal? Identify a minimum of three (3) learning activites with timeframes/timelines.

1. Communicate with close friends/ family on a daily basis. Have conversations that are non-medical and non-school

2. Go grocery shopping every Sunday, make sure to pick healthy options and meals/ snacks that can be brought to the hospital.

3. Put my phone on schedule for DND every night from 9pm-7am to help avoid distractions from sleep.

4. Participate in physical activity twice a week (non on clinical days - Thurs & Fri) (ie. yoga, lifting weights, pilates, cycling, etc.)

5. Every week participate in activities that relieve stress (ie. meditation, gardening, painting, reading, social interactions, deep
breathing, etc.)
Learning Goal #2
My goal must be based on my learning needs. Need help creating a goal? Review the
Developing SMART Learning Goals
I will practice head-to-toe assessments daily and note the parts where I am guide.
lacking while practicing on clients on the palliative unit. Each time I Your learning goal must be based on
assess a patient I will remember the details that I missed the previous your current practice setting and one of
time. I will consider this goal achieved whenever I missed less than two the College’s practice documents.
parts of the entire assessment. Please list which practice document

Goal #2: Activities and Timeframes

How am I going to achieve my goal? Identify a minimum of three (3) learning activites with timeframes/timelines.

1. Review head-to-toe/ specific system assessment cards and bring them to clinical practice every week.

2. During each clinical rotation, ask clients on palliative floor if they are comfortable helping me practice assessments by answering
some questions and having their vitals taken.

3. During simulation/ lab time complete thorough head-to-toe assessments with other students/ simulation patients.

4. Note what parts of the assessment I am missing and focus on memorizing these factors.

5. Review EPIC head-to-toe assessment documentation, to become familiar with data that needs to be documented.

Learning Goal #3
My goal must be based on my learning needs.
Your learning goal must be based on
your current clinical practice and the
By the first week of June, I will be able to comprehensively assess a
Nurse Practitioner practice standard.
patient and consider comorbidities and individual challenges when
formulating a plan of care. This goal will be accomplished once I can
complete this task without assistance from my clinical instructor.

Goal #3: Activities and Timeframes

How am I going to achieve my goal? Identify a minimum of three (3) learning activites with timeframes/timelines.

1. Ask questions when I do not understand during clinical and at home via. email.

2. Make connections between comorbidities/ symptoms/ medications/ treatment etc. on care plans every week.

3. Discuss patients condition, risks and expected outcomes with nursing leader/ clinical instructor.

4. Complete care plan on different condition every week to ensure I am learning as much as possible
How do my learning goals support my commitment to continuing competency?
How does my learning relate to the competencies of my practice?

My learning goals focus on making myself a better nurse for the future. I need to
expand my knowledge and understanding and be able to make connections Continue to maintain and update your
automatically. My goals are aimed at improving my individual sense in effort to Learning Plan throughout the year.
improve my competency as a registered nurse.

Evaluation of changes/outcomes to my practice

What did I learn?
What impact has my Learning Plan had on my practice?

My learning plan requires me to practice reflection. By reflecting on the positive and

negative aspects of my practice in a chronic setting I can better understand my strengths
and weaknesses. This allows me to better understand what I will be good at in the future
and what areas I need more work in.
You can print your Learning Plan for your
By strengthening my knowledge and skill set through making/ achieving goals, I will be records.
better equipped to practice independently in a clinical setting. Further more, I expect to
see an increase in my confidence by June.

OCT 2015

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