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For describing the radial flow of real gas in the reservoir. The following
two methods were published in 1966; these are

1- The Pressure-Squared Method (p2 formulation) by the Russell, Goodrich et.


2- The m(p)- Method [real gas pseudo pressure formulatio(real gas potential) to
the time t and the radius r. by the Al-Hussainy, Ramey and Crawford

1- The Pressure-Squared Method

Russell and Goodrich designed a numerical model of a single well draining a
radial volume element which itself was subdivided into finite grid blocks . The
flow equation as following

pwf = bottom-hole flowing pressure, psi

A gas well is producing at a constant rate of 7454.2 Mscf/day under
transient flow conditions. The following data are available:
Calculate the bottom-hole flowing pressure after 4 hours
2- The m(p)- Method (real gas pseudo pressure formulation)

Al-Hussainy, et al. (1966) proposed the following exact solution to the

diffusivity equation

Equation 6-108 can be written equivalently in terms of the

dimensionless time tD as:
The radial gas diffusivity equation can be expressed in a dimensionless
form in terms of the dimensionless real gas pseudo pressure drop D

The dimensionless pseudo pressure drop D can be determined as a

function of tD by using the appropriate expression

The dimensionless time(tD) is defined previously by Equation


A gas well with a wellbore radius of 0.3 ft is producing at a constant

flow rate of 2000 Mscf/day under transient flow conditions. The initial
reservoir pressure (shut-in pressure) is 4400 psi at 140°F. The formation
permeability and thickness are 65 md and 15 ft, respectively. The
porosity is recorded as 15%. Assuming that the initial total isothermal
compressibility is 3x10-4 psi-1, calculate, the bottom-hole flowing
pressure after 1.5 hours.

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