Ryan International School, Noida Summer Holiday Homework - 2022-23 Class Xii English

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Read a novel/play of your choice. Please ensure that you inculcate a deep
understanding of the world presented in the book and relate it with the real world
around you. Try to develop an independent thinking and decision making ability through
your reading experience. After reading the book, please do the following activities as
part of your reading project:

* Short review of the book 

*Commentary on the characters 
* Role play as the author to defend his work 
* Extrapolate about the story after it ends.

Suggested reading 
* The Old Man at the Sea
     - Ernest Hemingway 
      - G.B.Shaw
*The Hound of the Baskervilles
      - Arthur Conan Doyle
* A Christmas Carol 
       - Charles Dickens



Q.1. Derive formula for Electric field intensity on Equatorial Line & Axial Line of an
Electric Dipole.

Q.2. Application of Gauss theorem in the calculation of electric field. 1. Electric field
intensity due to a thin infinite plane sheet of charge.. 2. Electric Field Intensity at various
points due to a uniformly charged spherical shell.

Q.3. Derive formula for Electric potential due to to a point charge.. 2. Electric Potential
on Axial Line & Equatorial Line of an Electric Dipole..

Q.4. Calculate capacitance of parallel plate capacitor (with or without dielectric


Q.5. Calculate expression for drift velocity and its relation with electric current.

Q.5. Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an
external electric field?

Q.6. What is the work done in moving a 2μC2μC point change from corner A to corner B
of a square ABCD when a 10μC10μC charge exists at the centre of the square?
Q.7. The Plates of a charged capacitor are connected by a voltmeter. If the plates of the
capacitor are moved further apart, what will be the effect on the reading of the
Q. 8. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of
. What will be the capacitance if the distance between the plates is reduced by half and
the space between them is filled with a substance of dielectric constant is 6..
Q.9. Keeping the voltage of the charging source constant. What would be the
percentage change in the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor if the separation
between its plates were to be decreased by Ten.

Q.10.  Why is constantan or manganin used for making standard resistors?

Q.11. What are ohmic and non-ohmic resistors? Give one example of each?

Q. 12. .A set of n-identical resistors, each of resistance R ohm when connected in series
have an effective resistance of X ohm and when the resistors are connected in parallel
the effective resistance is Y ohm. Find the relation between R, X and Y ?

Q.13. What happens to the resistance of the wire when its length is increased to twice
its original length?

Q. 14. Potential difference V is applied across the ends of copper wire of length (l) and
diameter D. What is the effect on drift velocity of electrons if
(1) V is doubled
(2) l is doubled
(3) D is doubled

Q. 15. Answer the following questions:

a A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross section of non-
uniform cross section. Which of these quantities is constant along the conductor:
current, current density, electric field, drift speed?
b Is Ohm’s law universally applicable for all conducting elements?
If not, give examples of elements which do not obey Ohm’s law.
c A low voltage supply from which one needs high currents must have very low
resistance. Why?
d A high tension (HT) supply of, say, 6 kV must have a very large internal resistance..
1. Prepare power point presentation on organic pesticides.

2. Make a project on any of the following topics

a. Composition of alloys b. Cation and anion in toothpaste c. To find out the
percentage of caffeine in different samples of tea

3. Bring out following conversations A. Aniline to chlorobenzene B. Propene to propan-

1-ol C. 2-Bromoproprane to 1- Bromopropane D. Toluene to benzyl alcohol

4. Differentiate between SN1 and SN2 reaction with examples.

5. Write mechanism of hydration of ethene to yield ethanol.

6. Write short note on wurtz reaction .

7. Draw structure of first organic pesticide.

8. What are ambedient nucleophiles. Give an example.

9. Why thionyl chloride is preferred phosphorus Penta chloride for chlorination of


10. Differentiate between invertion and retention of configuration.

11. Write short note on hydroboaration oxidation reaction.

12. Give the structure and IUPAC of the product from catalytic reduction of butanal.

13. Why arylhalide are less reactive towards nuleophilic substitution reaction?

14. d and l 2-Butanol is optically inactive why?

15. What will happen when formaldehyde reacts with grignard reagent?

16. Alkyl halides are immiscible with water, why?

17. SN2 reacts faster with primary halide, why?

18. Write structures of different dihalogen derivatives of propane.

19. Why haloalkanes are soluble in organic solvents?

20. Why benzylic halide show high reactivity towards SN1 reaction?
Q1. Name the techniques which are employed in following cases:
(i) Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor into the fallopian tube of another female who
cannot produce ova but can provide suitable environment for fertilisation and development.
(ii) Embryo is formed in laboratory in which sperm is directly injected into ovum.
(iii) Semen collected either from husband or a healthy donor is artificially introduced either
into vagina or uterus.

Q2.  Even though each pollen grain has two male gametes. Why are at least 10 pollen grains
and not 5 pollen grains required to fertilise 10 ovules present in a particular carpel?

Q3. The events of the menstrual cycle are represented below. Answer the following

(i) State the levels of FSH, LH and Progesterone simply by mentioning high or low around 13th
and 14th day and 21st to 23rd day.
(ii) In which of the above-mentioned phases does egg travel to fallopian tube?
(iii) Why there is no mensuration after fertilisation?

Q4. How are non-medicated IUDS different from hormone releasing IUDS? Give examples.

Q5. i) Explain the structure of a maize grain with the help of a diagram
ii) Why cannot we use the term maize seeds for maize grains?

Q6. Draw the embryo sac of a flowering plants and label:

(i) (a) Central Cell (b) Chalazal end (c) Synergids
(ii) Name the cell that develops into embryo sac and explain how this cell leads to formation
of embryo sac.
(iii) Mention the role played by various cells of embryo sac.
(iv) Give the role of filiform apparatus.

Q7. (a) Read the graph given below. Correlate the ovarian events that take place in the
human female according to the level of the pituitary hormone during the following day.
(i) 10th – 14th days (ii) 14th -15th days
(iii) 16th – 23th days (iv) 25th – 29th days
(If the ovum is not fertilized)
(b) What are the uterine events that follow beyond 29th day if the ovum is not fertilised?

Q8. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

Q9. Describe the hormonal control of human male reproduction system with the help of a
flow chart & highlight the inhibitory & stimulatory directions in it?

Q10. Answer the following questions on MTP.

i. Though MTP can check population growth, it is not meant for this purpose. Give reason.

ii. Why MTP is not legalized in many countries of the world?

iii. Why MTP is legalized in India?


Q1) Prepare a comprehensive project by taking the case study of a sole proprietor or a
partnership business, making its journal, ledger and final accounts and calculating
various ratios and depicting graphically.
The project should be made exactly on the guidelines issued by CBSE.
Q2) Revise Ch 2-5 of book 1 and practice all its illustrations in your registers.
Q3) Do the following questions in your registers
Q1) Prepare a project as per CBSE guidelines on any of the following topics.
- Business environment
- Principles of management
- Marketing of your own product
The project should be of at least 20 slides in a ppt format or minimum 20 pages in a
handwritten format.
Q2) Revise Chapter 1-4.
Q3) Do the following questions in your register.

Read the following news report and answer questions on the basis of the same.

Current Account may Turn Surplus in FY21. India’s current account could show a surplus
this year for the first time in several years, economists said, following a sharp decline in
domestic demand for investment and consumption goods. The slump in crude and
commodity prices and lower demand for them are also contributing to the decline in
imports. The surplus is expected to be $19- 20 billion in financial year 21, or around
0.7% of GDP.

The last time India had a current account surplus was in financial year 07.

(i) Current account surplus indicates net _____ of foreign exchange

(a) Outflow
(b) Inflow
(c) Flow
(d) None of these.
(ii) What do you mean by current account surplus?
(iii) Surplus in current account arises due to_______ transactions.
(a) Accommodating.
(b) Capital
(c) Autonomous
(d) None of these.
(iv) CAS signifies that the nation is a______
Q 2 Bank’s parking of funds with the Reserve Bank of India is close to record high
with them putting in over ₹7,00,000 crore daily in reverse repo reflecting the risk
aversion among banks even as the regulator is nudging them to lend.

Lenders are comfortable keeping funds at the safest possible option even though the
returns are meagre compared with what they might have earned from lending to

On Wednesday banks parked ₹7.05 lakh crores via are reverse repo auction with the
Central Bank show data compiled by India Ratings. While a majority of it is kept at a
fixed rate of 3.75%, the rest is through variable reverse repo. The previous high was
₹7.3 lakh crores on March 31st 2020.

(i) Define Reverse Repo Rate.

(ii) During deficient demand in the economy, it is better that commercial
banks park…. funds with central bank.
(a) More
(b) Less
(c) Same
(d) No.
(iii) Interest rate earned by commercial bank is ….in case of corporate lending
as compared to deposits with RBI.
(a) Lower
(b) Higher
(c) Same
(d) None of these.
Q 3 Answer on the basis of the following data:
Q4) Government takes measures to restrict autonomous imports of gold. Explain the
economic values desired to achieved from this.

Q5) Fiscal deficit can occur even if there is no Revenue Deficit? Defend or refute.

Q6) Why does the central bank intervene in case of managed Floating Exchange Rate

Q7) An American company has ordered readymade garments from an Indian company.
What will be the impact on their total import expenditure if there is an increase in the
foreign exchange rate?

Q8) If BOT is showing a deficit of ₹300 crores and the value of exports is ₹1,200 crores
then the value of imports would be?
Q9) According the recent media reports: ‘USA has accused China of currency
devaluation to promote its exports’. In the light of the given media report, comment
how exports can be promoted through the currency devaluation?

Q10) Indian Government has taken steps to channelise household savings into financial
system. Do you agree with this? Discuss its economic value in the context of Indian

Q11) If the total deposits created by commercial banks is ₹10,000 crores and legal
reserve requirements is 40% then amount if initial deposits will be________.

Q11) What is the other name for ‘Money Multiplier’?

Q12) Prepare any one project as per the CBSE topics & guidelines.
Make a project on any One of the following topics,

1 The mysteries behind the mound of dead- Mohenjodaro

2 Buddha’s path to enlightenment.
3 Insight and reflection of Bernier’s notion of Mughal empire.
4 An exploratory study to know the women who created history.
5 Mahatma Gandhi- a legendary soul.
6 The emerald city of colonial India- Bombay.
7 Help, humanity and sacrifices during partition.
8 The process behind the framing of the constitution.
Follow the instructions given below,
The project topic should be made in a group.
Devote time into collection of data and information to explain the chosen topic.
Communicate data in the most appropriate form using a variety of techniques.
Develop skill to comprehend and interpret historical evidence.
The project should be in a neat folder with at least 30 pages.
Guidelines of cbse regarding bibliography and certificate should be strictly followed.
Depiction of information with the help of a map can be a useful tool.
Remember the project will develop the skills of coordination, self direction and time


Q. Do some research and Prepare an introduction to your case profile by referring to the
format given at the back of NCERT.

Q.Select 5 persons whom you most admire (either from real life or History.) Identify the
characteristics in their personality which have impressed you.Write down and discuss
the same in class. 

Question for Home Assignments 

1)      To make five recipes for different age groups of people (one each)
i)        6 to 12 years
ii)       Teenagers
iii)     20 to 40 years
iv)     40 to 60 years
v)       Above 60 years

 2)       To make a puppet on any character with a meaningful message to society.

Q.1 Draw and Label a diagram depicting field and equipments, rules, terminology and skills.
Prepare a record file for the same and also create a PPT presentation. (Any one game of
your choice from the given list)
*Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Cricket

Q2 Find out the procedure for any two Asanas related to lifestyle diseases along with their
benefits and contraindications. Enter the same in a record file.

Q.3 Draw the fixtures for 21,26,14,17,22 on knockout basis.

Q4 Draw the fixtures for 9,11,8,15,20 on round robin/cyclic method.

Q5 Draw the fixtures for 13,11,7,23,27on staircase method.

Note: Question no.3,4&5 you have to do it in a separate folder.

1. Draw and Paint using watercolous, 2 Still Life Painting from a fixed point with following
a. One painting should have 3 daily utensils and 2 different coloured drapes.
b. One painting should have 1 potted plant, one ceramic plate and 2 different
coloured drapes.

2. Draw and Paint figurative composition of the following using watercolour medium.
a. City in Summers
b. Vacation

3. Make 20 sketches of random objects, nature and people .



Questions Solutions
Q.1- Given the following Series1
A 100
B 200
C 300
D 400
E 500
Write the command to create above Series and
then double the value in series and store in
another series named Series2
Q.2- State whether True or False
a. A series object is size mutable.
b. A Dataframe object is value mutable

Q.3- Consider a given Series , Series1:

200 700
201 700
202 700
203 700
204 700
Write a program in Python Pandas to create the
series and display it.
Q.4- Consider the following Series object, s
IP 95
Physics 89
Chemistry 92
Math 95
i. Write the Python syntax which will display
only IP.
ii. Write the Python syntax to increase marks
of all subjects by 10.

Q.5- Consider a given series : SQTR

QTR1 50000
QTR2 65890
QTR3 56780
QTR4 89000
QTR5 77900
Write a program in Python Pandas to create and
display the series.

Q.6- What will be the output produced by the

following programming statements 1 & 2?
import pandas as pd
print(S1>40) -->Statement1

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