Extreme Words: Extremely Good/bad

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1 Extremely good/bad

Study the following adjectives and put them into the correct categories below.

appalling awesome brilliant dreadful

horrendous terrible terrific wonderful

Extremely good: awesome brilliant wonderful terrific

Extremely bad: appalling, terrible horrendous dreadful

If you want to make an extreme adjective sound more extreme, you can use the word ‘absolutely’,
e.g. absolutely brilliant, absolutely dreadful. But you cannot use ‘absolutely’ with ordinary adjectives.

Work in pairs. Take turns to describe something with an adjective above. Continue until all the
adjectives have been used. For example: "Spain’s performance in the World Cup was absolutely horrendous."

2 From ordinary to extreme

Match the extreme adjectives to the ordinary adjectives below.

agonizing 1 critical 9 effortless 2 filthy 3 hilarious 7

mouthwatering 6 penniless 8 perilous 9 spotless 5 vast 10

1. painful 3. dirty 5. clean 7. funny 9. dangerous

2. easy 4. large 6. tasty 8. poor 10. serious

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Complete the dialogue below with the extreme adjectives from page 1. More than one answer may
be possible in some cases.

A: So, how was your trip?

B: Well, I got to see lots of fascinating places. But I spent most of the time travelling by train —
large 1
the country is so !
A: I can imagine. And what was your impression of the cities?
B: You know, the cities are full of contrasts. The centres are so clean — in fact, they’re absolutely
spotless 2
. Yet if you go into the poor areas, you see some really filthy 3
A: And what were the locals like?
B: The locals were very friendly. Most people that I met were not particularly well-off, but some
of them were absolutely penniless 4
— they couldn’t afford more than one meal a day.
A: Did you try to speak the local language?
B: Well, I’d already studied the language for 5 years, so having a basic conversation was
effortless 5 . But longer discussions were still a bit challenging.

A: And what about the food?

B: The food was delicious. Some of the dishes I tried were absolutely . So I’d
definitely recommend the cuisine.
A: Sounds nice. Oh, I also wanted to ask — did you travel in the east of the country?
B: No, I didn’t. There’s a serious conflict going on there and I’ve heard that travelling in that
region can be really dangerous 7 . So I decided to give it a miss. But I visited the seaside.
A: How was the sea?
B: Well, unfortunately I got stung by a jellyfish on my first day. It took me a week to fully recover!
A: Was it painful?
B: Painful? Yeah, it was really agonizing !

Work with a partner. Take turns to describe a place you have visited using extreme adjectives.

3 Homework

Your friend wants to visit your home town or country. Write an email recommending which places
or cities he/she should visit, which areas should be avoided, the best time of the year to come and
when he/she should avoid coming. Use as many extreme adjectives as possible.

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4 Word families

Complete the table and then the sentences below with appropriate nouns like in the example.

Adjective Noun Adjective Noun

filthy filth exhausted exhaustion

perilous peril hilarious hilarity

vast vastness ecstatic ecstasy

effortless effort starving starvation

brilliant terrified terror


1. Matt was suffering from exhaustion after completing the marathon.

2. Jamie was filled with ecstasy after winning the lottery.
3. It was Mark’s first time jumping out of a plane. You could see the look of fear on his
4. Many people died of
starving during the famine.
5. You can truly experience the brilliance of the Pacific Ocean when you travel by ship.
6. He managed to win the match with a broken foot. Everyone appreciated the
his performance.
7. Google’s Translate tool can be the source of great hilarity . Some of the translations really
make you laugh.
8. This part of the town is filled with so much — nobody wants to come here.

Now choose 5 nouns from the table and make your own sentence for each word.

When my friend saw me there was a look of ecstasy on his face

He was so smart, it is brilliance of his mind

The vastness of the pyramids scares me

Her friends were in peril

Exhaustion forced me to sleep all day

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