A Night With The Ceo

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🌹[in Bed with my Boss]🌹

One Night,
Just one Night,
Just one night with Alex changed Chloe's life


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Let's get to know them shall we?..

Alex Montenegro:He's just twenty six and he's a

billionaire already.Alex is the CEO Of PH group of
companies, he's rude,extremely hot tempered and
super handsome....

Chloe Henshaw:She's super clumsy and crazy at

even at the age of twenty three.Chloe is the new
inten of PH group of companies that doesn't seem
to get anything right..

Megan Montenegro:Alex's stepmother and worst

enemy,to cut the story short she's super evil and
plans on taking over PH one day...
William Dunbrook:Alex's best friend.He's the total
opposite of the rude CEO,friendly and handsome


**Skyler Benson:Alex's betrothed and wife to be

even against his wish.Skyler is the Super Model
that everyone wants apart from Alex.She's hot
tempered and proud....


Determined and focused on being a successful

business woman,Chloe signs as an intern in PH
group of companies.
She becomes the Personal Assistant to her
scary boss,Alexander Montenegro or should we
say THE GOBLIN and to be honest sparks fly....
Alex gets drunk on a particular night and Chloe
rushes to help him not knowing that that night
would change their lives for good....
[In Bed with my Boss]

Episode One
Chloe’s POV

‘Miss Chloe Henshaw wake up right now!!!’..I heard

my landlord say and I jolted from the bed….

‘good morning Mr brown’…

‘there’s nothing good about this morning you

wench!!!’..he screamed and i frowned….

‘it is too early for these insults Mr Brown,what can I

do for you’..i replied in a distressed tone..

‘I want to know why you haven’t paid this and last

month’s rent Chloe’..he said and I cleaned the drool
on my face….

It’s been three months since I lost my job and trust

me it isn’t easy getting a job in this area….

‘I’m sorry Mr Brown’…

A Night With The CEO

‘Sorry doesn’t count Chloe,where’s my rent??’..he
said in a stern voice and sighed….

‘My job interview is today Mr Brown and once I get

hired I’ll pay you all your money’..I begged…

‘You have a week to pay up Chloe or else you’re

outta here!!!’……

Alexander’s POV

‘you’ve gotta be kidding me Lauren!!!,I asked for

Lasagne and you’re giving me bread and tea!!!’..

‘I’m sorry Master Alex b..bu..but’…

‘But what?!!’..I screamed and threw the plates on

the floor….

‘you’ve been working for me for over ten years now

and that’s why I’m not firing you so get out!!!’..

She ran away with the broken plates and I sighed…

No one seems to be doing anything right today and

I have to interview some boring new interns

‘Jeremy!!!’..I screamed at the security guard but he

didn’t reply…
‘Jeremy!!!!’…again but no reply….

I walked to him and saw the airpods in his ears…

‘Jeremy!!’..I screamed and slapped him on his bald


‘Ohhhhh g…g..good morning Master Alexander’…

‘You’re a security gaurd Jeremy so act like one and

don’t rest when you’re on duty!!!!’..I barked and he

I sighed and walked away and he muttered

something like ‘cold bastard’…

‘Did you say something Jeremy??’…

‘N..No sir’.


Chloe’s POV

Oh Shit I’m really late for my interview….

‘Bye Mrs Cuddles’…I said to the neighbor that lives

close to me…
‘Bye Chloe,I hope you get that internship!!’..she

‘I hope so too’…

Ten Minutes Later

‘Hey watch it!!!’..A lady screamed as I ran through
the alley..

My interview is in ten minutes and I’m so going to

be late…..

I waited patiently on the side walk waiting for the

green sign to change…..

‘Ding’..I heard and i ran down the road and

suddenly a car almost hit me….

The driver stopped adrubtly and

my papers flew about on the road…..

Then a tall,lanky and handsome guy stepped out of

the car and I thought he wanted to help me…..

‘Are you blind?!!’..He screamed and I scoffed…

‘i should be asking that question Mr cause the sign
clearly showed red’…I said and stood up…

‘Oh really then Miss you should learn how to walk

slowly on the road with those cheap heels next
time’…he replied in his sleek voice and I fumed..

‘Excuse me Mr,you should learn how to talk and

stop acting like an asshole!!!!’..I fired back….

He sighed and drove away and I dusted my


He’s right..

They are cheap heels….

Five Minutes Later

I stood in front of the biggest company in New
York,The PH group of companies and smiled…

One day I shall have one just like this…..

I walked inside the large building and saw a

‘Good morning ma’am I’m Chloe Henshaw,one of
the internship applicant’.

‘Oh you’re lucky,he is waiting for you now’…

‘I’m sorry who?’..I asked and she raised a brow..

‘My boss’…she replied and ushered me through the

door and when our eyes met I gulped….

He’s the same person I insulted five minutes


Oh Shit!!

[In *Bed with My Boss* ]
*Episode Two*

Chloe’s POV

‘Uhhh g.. *good morning sir’..I said fidgeting and he

frowned looking at me intensely…*

‘Sit down’..he said coldly and I did…

‘Uhmm s..sir a..about five minutes ago’..

‘i don’t want to talk about it Missy,you’re in an office
so act professional’..he replied and sighed a sigh of

Me and my big mouth..

I pray he doesn’t use that against me cause I really

need this job…

‘So you’re Chloe?’..he asked and I nodded…

‘Well that’s a stupid name for you’…

I almost burst out my anger but kept silent as he

went through my file…

Who said i can’t put up with his attitude??…

‘So you’re 23 huh? and you can act as a personal

assistant?’..he asked again…

‘Yes’..I replied and he frowned..

‘That’s yes sir to you,always apply the sir cause

you’re the poor one here!!!’…he admonished and I
almost snapped…

‘y..y..yes sir’…

What an asshole!!!…
Alexander’s POV

‘Good wait in the lobby,I’ll get back to you’..I said to

her and she staggered away…

Well she’s pretty shocked to see me and that’s

great cause I can teach her a lesson…

I’m going to hire her and that’s for sure….

‘Send in the next intern please’..I said through the

intercom and William suddenly came in….

‘Hey goblin’…he said and I frowned.

‘Why does everyone keep calling me that?!!’..

‘Cause you’re scary so give them a break’..he said

in his usual cheery self and I sighed….

‘So what are you doing here?’..

‘Well Skyler asked if we could all go for dinner so I

came to inform you’..

‘Nah I’m not interested’..I grouched and he raised a

‘Ok fine but get ready for thunder, you know how
she is’…he said and left….


The last thing I want is dinner with my unwanted

fiance and my useless step mother….

‘Send in the intern please’..I said to the secretary…

‘Which one sir?’

‘Chloe Henshaw’…
Chloe’s POV

‘He’ll see you now’..she said and I breathed


Oh God I pray I get this job…

I opened the glass door slowly and peeked inside

and when our eyes made contact my heart

‘Come in’..

‘Uhmmm sir I’m sorry for the earlier incident and I

really need this job or else my landlord will send me
packing and…
‘You’re hired’..

‘Sir please I’m…what ??’

‘i said you’re hired,you start tomorrow at

8:00pm,lateness will not be tolerated’…he coldly
said and I leaped for joy…

‘Thank you sir,I won’t…

‘Leave my office now!!’..he replied and I ran out….


No wonder they call him the goblin…

The Next Morning 🌅

‘Brrriiiinnnnnng!!!!’…My alarm clock rang and I
woke up in a jerk.

Oh no it’s Nine already!!!…

Stupid alarm clock, always ringing at the wrong

‘I’m so dead,I’m so dead!!’..I screamed as I jumped
into something simple and didn’t bother

Twenty Minutes Later

I arrived at the office and i heard screaming from
his office …

‘i wouldn’t go there if I were you’..A guy known as

Mark said..

‘What is happening?’..I asked

‘Maria came a minute late’..he said and walked


Oh God she came a minute late and she’s getting

the shout of her life..

What about me??…


🌷[In Bed with my Boss]


💛Episode Three💛

Chloe’s POV cont.d

‘You’re fired!!!!’..I heard him shout and a middle

aged woman ran out crying…

‘Oh sorry Maria,at least you lasted for a week’..the

receptionist said consoling the crying woman….

‘i was only a minute late Sophie and he fired

me!!’..She cried out and I gulped very hard..

If he could fire a woman old enough to be his

mother for just being a minute late then what about

I’m so dead!!….

‘Where the hell is the new intern?!!’…i heard him


‘Chloe!!’..he screamed and I ran into his office

scratching my head and praying to God silently..

‘Uhhh…g..good..good m..morning sir’…I

stammered as he sat on his rolling chair with both
arms folded…

‘What is the time Chloe?’..he asked and I gulped


Oh God here goes nothing…

Alexander’s POV

‘I asked a question Chloe,what is the fucking

time?!!’…I screamed throwing a mug at the door
and she dodged…

Luckily it’s made of unbreakable glass so I can

throw anything I want to..

‘Uhhh I..it’s 9:45am sir’..she said fidgeting..

‘And what time did you arrive?’..

‘Uhmmm..Uhh sir my alarm clock misbehaved and


‘i asked a question so give me the answer I

want,What time did you arrive?!!’…I screamed
almost standing up and she sniffled….

‘9:20pm sir’..

‘What time were you told to start?’…

‘8:00am sir’…

I stood up and walked to the staff chart and

underlined her name with a red marker and put a
TARDY button by the side….
‘So you’re terribly late on the first day of work Miss
Chloe and you’re blaming your alarm clock?!!!, give
me one reason why I shouldn’t fire you!!!’….i
screamed and she winced….

‘S…sir it won’t happen again I swear’…she said

and I smirked…

‘Good now get me a Macho Coffee,light

foam,medium size’…I replied and she smiled….

‘T…thank you sir’…

‘You have 60 seconds and your time starts

now!!!’…I said and started the timer….

I’m gonna make her cry today..

Skyler’s POV

‘Are you okay?!!’..i screamed at the Light man as

he stepped on my shoe….

‘I am so sorry ma’am’..he begged and I slapped

him hard across the face…

‘These cost a million dollars and you can’t pay

cause you’re just a poor light man so next time
when you see SKLYER BENSON coming move
about ten meters away get it?!!!!’..I shouted and he
whimpered a yes…..

‘Antonio let’s get this shoot over with shall we?’..i

said to my photographer and he nodded…

‘By the way Miss Skyler,Uncle William

called’..Jane,my personal assistant said and I

‘Yeah we’re all going for dinner tonight’…i said and

she twitched…

‘Yeah that’s the problem ma’..


‘He called to cancel,he said that Master Alexander

said he isn’t interested’…she said and backed
away slowly to protect herself….

‘What?!!!!!!!!!!!!’…I screamed and everyone on the

set walked away one by one….

‘Cancel the shoot Antonio I’m going out!!’..I said

and he nodded…

‘Where are we going ma’am?’…

‘We are going to my fiancee’s office!!!’…

Chloe’s POV

‘This..this is your coffee sir!!’..I said panting heavily

and he glanced at the timer close to him and

‘You’re a minute late and it’s pretty cold ,get me a

new one!!’..he replied tapping on his computer…

‘b..but sir!!!’…I protested

‘60 seconds Chloe:
e said and I ran out of the office….

What a jerk?!!….

A Minute Later

I got in the office right before the timer stopped and
gave. him his coffee..

He took a sip and threw it in the bin close to him….

‘i said light foam Chloe!!!’..he screamed and I

almost cried out in frustration…

‘Go again’.he said and set the timer and I ran out to
the Cafe on the second floor…
‘Mr Alex right?’..the lady at the counter said and I
nodded panting heavily…

She smiled and refilled the order i gave her and I

ran back to his office..

‘Here’s your coffee sir’.I cried out and he sighed

draining the whole cup in the bin again for the third
time today…

‘I want tea this time,very hot tea and a plate of

croissants’..he said and I controlled myself from
almost quitting the stupid job…

I went back again for the fourth time and as I

approached the elevator a girl smiled at me..

‘Mr Alexander never changes’.she said..

‘How do you mean?’….I asked as i pressed the

elevator button..

‘i went eight times on my first day as his PA and I’m

so glad I got promoted, that man is a demon’…she
said in a Canadian accent and I smiled…..

‘I’m Chloe’.

‘Nice to meet you I’m Anna’..


I walked in slowly with a tray filled with the
condiments he asked for.

Oh God who knew the tray would be so


‘Walk faster and don’t keep me waiting!!’…he

screamed and I moved with fear cause I don’t want
to go twice….

I reached his table and then catastrophe struck!!…

I little bit of coffee was on the floor and it made me

trip and I spilled the hot tea all over him…..

‘Oh blood of Lucifer!!!’..he screamed and jumped

up from the chair….

Oh Lord have mercy!!!!….

🌙🌛 *A* *NIGHT*

🌷[In Bed with my Boss]


💛Episode Four

Alexander’s POV

‘Oh God I’m so so sorry sir!!’..she cried out

frantically and tried blowing my hot body…

‘Chloe that’s not helping,get an Ambulance!!!’..I

cried out and she paced around helplessly…

‘if only you just took the coffee I gave you sir this
wouldn’t have happened!!’..she said and i

‘Are you being serious right now,I’m burning!!’..i

screamed and unbuttoned my jacket and then my
shirt and then she did the unexpectable…

She poured a bucket of soap water on me!!!.

‘Chloe!!!!!!!’…i screamed and the I’m pretty sure

everyone heard me loud and clear….

Chloe’s POV

Oh God I came late on my first day of work,made

my boss coffee gone cold and now i poured hot tea
on him…
Is the devil trying to get me fired or what?!!….

Ten Minutes Later 💕

I waited at the lobby while Anna,the girl I met few
minutes ago attended to Mr Alexander…

Oh God I hope he’s alright…

‘Hey’..I heard her say and I rose up from the


‘H…how is he?’…

‘Uhh he’s gonna be okay,he just has a little

bruise,I’m glad you poured that soapy water on him
or else it would have been worse’…she said and I
bit my lip….

‘You know what?’..she said and bent down to

whisper into my ears…

‘I love what you did to him even if it was a

mistake,that dude needs something hot to heat his
cold attitude’..she said and I laughed softly….
‘Do you want to maybe go out with me and some
other guys in the office for some late partying?’..she

‘Nah I’m not a party kinda person but i could call

you if I change my mind’…i replied and she smiled
then walked away..

it’s nice having someone friendly over here and

Anna is….

‘Chloe get in here now!!!’..I heard my boss call and

I adjusted my skirt and breathed down heavily….

This is the moment of truth now…

Am I going to loose my Job or not??…

Megan’s POV

‘Your son says he ain’t coming for dinner’…

‘Point of correction,he’s my step son and who gives


uck if he comes or not?’..I replied to the butler….

‘But what *Edwardo,dish out the food,I don’t care if
he dies or not,I never cared about the bastard!!!’..* I
screamed and he walked away..

Hearing about him just makes me so mad…


Everyone thinks he’s the perfect step son…


Alexander’s POV

‘What do you have you say for your miserable self

Chloe??’..I said cooly as I rummaged through my
blond hair…

‘Uh..Sir..Mr Alexander Uhhh’..

‘Go to your desk,pack your things and get

out,you’re fired’…I said and she went down on her

‘Please Mr Alexander, I’m begging you sir I have no

other job and I have to pay my rent’..she said on
the brink of tears and I sighed…

‘So if you can’t pay your rent why live in a

‘Mr Alexander please!’..she cried and those blue
eyes made me soften…

‘Ok you can go,it’s time to go home now so go

home!!,don’t be late Chloe and for God sake
change those shoes’…I said and she smiled
exposing her unbrushed teeth…

‘Thank you sir,thank you sir!!!’..She cried out and i


My door suddenly opened and Skyler walked in

looking angry…

‘Why haven’t you been picking my calls Alex and

who is this cockroach??’…She asked pointing at

‘I haven’t *been picking your calls cause I’m busy

as you can see and who she is is none of your
business!’..* I fired back and she scoffed..

‘Leave here now!’..she screamed at Chloe and i


‘You’re in my office now so act like the guest and

not the boss Chloe stay!!’…

‘Ughhhh your mother would hear about this

insolence!!’..she cried out and left…
Chloe stood there looking blank until I screamed at
her too…

‘Why are you still here?!!,Get out!!’…

Chloe’s POV

At Home 🏠
‘How was work Chloe?’..Mrs Cuddles asked and i

‘it was hectic Mrs C,i need to just relax!!’..I replied

as I walked into my one room apartment…

What I need right now is a drink.

📞;Hey Anna
;Yeah,I’m in
;OK I’ll meet you at the BOOM club at eight…
;No I didn’t get fired,see you later….

I disconnected the call and went into my closet to

find something to wear….

Two Hours Later

‘Wooooooooo!!!’..we all screamed as Mark popped
the wine bottle…

Truth be told Anna’s friends are super nice and

funny too..

‘Are you sure you should drink that,this is your fifth

shot already?’…Anna asked and I laughed…

‘I have to after your useless boss almost killed me


‘C..Chloe’…she said looking shocked..

‘What I’m not lying,he’s a rude,cold and egocentric

bastard who doesnt have pity’..I continued and they
all gulped loudly…

‘You guys look as if Mr Ego is in the room with

us!!’…I laughed…

‘Uh Chloe look behind you’…Anna said and as I

looked back..

Mr Alex was standing close to me with his eyes red

in anger….

Not again!!!!!…..

🌷[In *Bed with my Boss* ]


💛Episode Five💛

Alexander’s POV

‘Go on Chloe,continue’..i urged her and she stood

up looking shocked…

The expression on her face is totally priceless…

‘G..good evening Mr Alex’..she stuttered and i


‘Good evening Chloe,so can you please continue

the speech you were saying?’..I said and I could
hear her teeth clattering …

‘Uhh she’s drunk Mr Alex,she doesn’t know what

she’s saying’..Anna put in and I gave her a daring

‘Chloe I said continue or do you want to loose your

job tomorrow?’..

‘N..No sir’..
‘Good then repeat what you just said’..

She turned around and looked at Anna..

‘i said that you’re an Egocentric, rude and Arrogant

bastard sir’…she said in shame and I smiled…

‘Good Chloe,make sure you bring a toothbrush

while coming tomorrow’..I whispered and walked

Five Minutes Later

‘Who was the girl you were talking to?’..William

‘it’s Chloe, my new Personal Assistant’..

‘She’s pretty
he said and I choked on the beer I was drinking…

‘C’mon dude you know she’s not your league and

besides she’s a total bimbo’…I replied…

‘Whoah dude Bimbo is a strong word for an

innocent lady like her?”..
‘No Will,she’s the clumsiest person I’ve ever
seen,she insulted me on my way to work’..

‘And then’

‘She found out that I was the boss,she came late

on her first day of work and poured hot tea on
me!!’..I said in frustration…

‘But you still didn’t fire her’..

‘Yeah what’s your point?’…

‘You like her Alex’..he said and I laughed out loud..

‘You know I’m engaged right??’..i added..

‘Yeah I know you’re engaged for like almost a year

now dude,you hate Skyler but you can’t break up
with her!!’..Will said and I frowned…

‘Fuck this place I’m going home’..I said and patted

him on the shoulder…

‘Go easy on your Personal Assistant Alex’..he

called out and I laughed…

There’s no way that’s gonna happen…

Skyler’s POV
‘Hello Megan’..I said as I sat on the luxurious sofa..

‘Hello Skyler,fiance of the son I hate what’s wrong

this time around’..she said and heaved out a puff of

‘Well your stupid step son refused to go to dinner

with me and when I confronted him he sent me out
of the office in front of some poor girl!!’..I replied
and she laughed…

‘Alexander has always been a pain in my white

ass,just like his late mother’..she said and I raised a

‘What do you mean by that??’..I asked and she


‘Well I was Alexander’s mother’s secretary that

slept with her husband and when she died
Alexander hated me for it’…she said without


Now I know why Alexander hates her so so


How can she be so vuglar with me?..

We don’t even like each other….

Well everyone knows Megan Montenegro as a


‘You may now leave Skyler, I want to smoke in


Chloe’s POV


‘Hey Anna’..I called out as I entered the building..

‘Hey babe you’re early today’…she said and I


I walked straight to my desk and arranged the

reports my boss asked me to…

‘Good morning sir’..I greeted as he came in and he

ignored me…

Well he’s a snub…

‘Wow Mr Alex looks handsome today’..Angel

‘He’s always handsome Angel,I’m happy he’s
returned to his natural hair color’…Her colleague


Mr Alex is not a natural Blondie..

‘Chloe come in!!’..he called and I went into his


‘Yes sir?’..

‘Did you bring the toothbrush?’..he asked and I


I wonder what he wants to use it for..

‘Good go get it’..he said..

I brought the toothbrush from my bag and went

back to his office…

‘Here it is’..I said and he stood up…

He walked over to the huge window and motioned

for me to come over…

‘You see that car over there?’..

‘Yes sir?’..
‘You’re gonna use the toothbrush to wash it’..he
said and I screamed…

‘With all due respect sir I can’t wash your car!!,I’m

your PA and not some car washer?!!’..

He snickered and walked over to his table and

brought out a piece of paper….

‘Take it’…he said..

‘What is this?’..i replied..

‘it’s your employee contract,look at number four

there’..he said

I looked at the colored paper and saw;

4•The Employee is obligated to do whatever the

boss may say or be advised to quit….

Oh my God..

I didn’t even bother reading the contract before I


‘Rule one of being a business man,always read

thoroughly through a contract before you sign’..

‘B…but Mr Alex?’…I exclaimed and he sighed…

‘Take the toothbrush and wash my car or you quit
Chloe,the choice is yours’…he said and tears
flowed from my eyes….

‘To hell with your stupid job and to hell with you I



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]
💛Episode Six

Alexander’s POV

‘Fine then,you have tw

o minutes to pack your things and leave the office

premisses now!!’..I screamed and she humphed…

I can’t believe that she just quit..

I wanted to just teach her a lesson and not make

her quit??..

Well to hell with her..

I can find a replacement in two seconds…

My phone buzzed and when I saw the caller I

📱:Hello Megan what do you want??..

📱:Hey I’m your step mom so I deserve some
respect from you…

📱:Why should i respect the woman who killed my

mother and married my father after that?!!…

📱:Look Alexander,I don’t have time for all this

nonsense,I need the pass code to the safe…

📱:No Megan,that’s my father’s safe and the

lawyer said that no one is entitled to open it until his
death anniversary…Now get off my phone and
never call me again!!!!….

I just can’t stand that woman…

She’s the reason why my parents never had a good


Now back to Chloe’s matter…

‘You’re still here?!!’..I asked as I stepped out of the

office and she frowned…
‘Don’t worry Mr Ego I’ll be leaving soon!!”..She
replied and threw a folder on the floor….

‘Hey pick that up!!’…

‘No I don’t work for you anymore!!!, Good

bye!!’..she screamed and and gave me a ‘fuck you’


Chloe’s POV

Stupid bastard…

He thinks that because he’s hot,handsome and rich

he can boss me around without conscience…

Wash his car with a toothbrush??..

I mean who does that??..

‘Taxi!!’..I screamed at a driver and he stopped..

I entered the car and then my luck ran out when my

heels broke…

Why now?!!…

‘Where to ma’am?’..
‘Cherry grove please’.. i replied and tried gluing my
shoe back….

This is my last pair of heels and now it’s broken…

Leaving that office has given me bad luck….

Alexander’s POV

An Hour Later

‘So we cut the shares by 5% and give it to the

highest bidders’..I said to Mark and he nodded..

‘Chloe!!”..I screamed.

‘Chloe Henshaw!!!’..

‘Where the f*ck is Chloe?!!’..I screamed and Mark

looked astonished…

‘Uhh sir’..

‘Chloe quit this morning’..he said


Chloe’s POV

‘We’re here ma’am’..the driver said and I sighed

opening the door..

‘Are you forgetting something?’..he asked

‘Ohh,how much?’..


‘50 box?!,that’s too expensive!!’..I shouted and he


‘This is a cab Missy and not a community bus,pay

my cash or I’ll call the cops’..he threatened and I

‘Ok fine’..i grumbled and gave him the last cash on

my hands…

So this is it…

I’m broke…
I quit my job and now here comes Mr Brown,my

Fifteen Minutes Later

‘And stay out!!!’..were the last words he screamed
as he threw the last of my things on the street…

Why are all men acting like bastards today?!!…

He gave me a 2-week ultimatum and now he threw

my things out…

What do I do now??

Anna’s POV

‘So this is the last minute of the Chicago briefing

sir’.I said to Mr Alex and he nodded..

‘Call Chloe for me please’..he said and I almost


‘Sir Chloe quit’..I replied and when he saw the

bemused expression on my face he frowned…
‘Get out Anna and not another word about this to
anyone,got that?’…

‘Yes sir’…

i left and before I could reach my desk I got a call

from Chloe..

📱:Hey babe what’s popping?..

📱:Hey Anna,I need your help…
An Hour Later
‘You mean your landlord did all this?”..I said in an
angry tone and she nodded with tears in her

‘i don’t know what I’m gonna do Anna,where do I

go?’..she cried out..

‘My home ofcourse,don’t worry we’ll get all your

stuff in my car’..I said and she squealed in

‘You’re an Angel in disguise Anna,what would i do

without you??’…
‘What are friends for,now be quick and let’s get all
this stuff away’..I said and she hugged me….


She really has a lot of stuff….

Chloe’s POV

At Anna’s home 🏡
‘Wow Anna,you

r house is great!’..I exclaimed as I walked in the

large sitting room..

‘Yeah it’s my parent’s house actually,I’m just

bunking here till I get my own’..she said and took
some of my stuff upstairs….

When she came down I was already seated on her

comfy sofa…

My sofa back home is like a rock..

‘So what’s your plan now Chloe?’..she asked and I

heaved a sigh…
‘i don’t know,maybe I’ll start looking for a job
tomorrow’..I replied…

‘You know what you need now?”..


‘A drink’..she smiled and I groaned…

‘Anna not again!!!’…

Two Hours Later

‘One last shot Chloe!!’..A guy I barely know said
and I downed the hot whiskey down my throat…

‘Uh Oh,Chloe look at your 9;o clock’..Anna said and

when I turned left I saw him…

My dear boss..

Seated at the bar counter, looking sad and dejected

with a bottle of whiskey in his hands…

‘i think he’s drunk,go talk to him’..Anna screamed

over the loud music…

‘No way Anna!!’…

‘c’mon what have you got to loose,you don’t work
for him anyways’..she said and I gulped hard…

‘Are you okay?’..I asked as I approached him and

he stood up looking very drunk..

I tapped him and the next thing I knew he fell on my

shoulders and dozed off…

What the?!!…..



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]
Episode Seven
Chloe’s POV cont.d

‘M…Mr Alexander wake up!!’..I whispered but he

didn’t budge..

Oh what am I going to do now??..

‘Anna come over here?!!’..I called and she came

over and when she saw the already asleep Alex
she laughed…

‘What’s funny?!!’..
‘Sorry Chloe it’s just that I’ve never seen Mr Alex in
a vulnerable state like this,he looks cute when
drunk’..she said and I frowned…

‘Not funny Anna,what do I do now??’..I asked and

she downed Mr Alex last shot of whiskey…

‘Just take him home,I’m too drunk to drive’..she

said and I sighed…

Even though I hate him there’s something I felt

when I saw him looking so sad when he was

‘Ok fine Anna,I’ll take him home but go home after

this,I don’t want you to be hurt’..I said and she
nodded and went back dancing…

I carried Mr Alex on my shoulders and God he’s so

fucking heavy…

‘What are you eating?!’…I murmured as I put him

inside his car and his head fell immediately..

God he’s so drunk..

‘C..Chloe is t..that you’..he called out as I drove the

car and I gulped hard..
‘Y…yes Mr Alexander,are you okay?’..

‘Just ta..take me home I have a fucking headache’..

he murmured and I drove faster…

The faster I drive the faster I’ll be able to get away

from this handsome devil…

Did he have to dress casual tonight?!..

Skyler’s POV

‘i said I want a tuna salad not this?!!’..I screamed as

I threw the plate of pasta on the floor. .

‘s..sorry madame Skyler!!’..the waiter said and I


‘Now go get me what I truly or else I’ll make sure

you’re fired!!’..I screamed and she ran away…

‘Cool down moi cherry,you don’t have to scream’..

Franco,my Italian boyfriend or should I say sugar
daddy said…

‘But she made me so mad honey bunch and no one

makes Skyler Benson mad!!’…I replied and he
kissed my ring…
‘Let’s leave here and go somewhere more
palatable’ ..he said and I knew what he already had
in mind…

All these rich married men and their over active


Well as long as he gets me what I want I don’t care

about Alexander Montenegro…

My Fiancee that I don’t plan on marrying soon…

I wonder what he’s doing anyway?…

Chloe’s POV

‘We’re here Mr Alexander’..I said as the electronic

gate opened and I drove in…

Oh my God!!..

His house is so humongous and beautiful,it’s like a

Disney castle on it’s own…
JOIN Newtons Library story page to read
interesting stories. Chat with me on 0244345690 or
0243213014 to be added.
‘Would you stop gaping at my beautiful house and
help me out??’..he replied in a weak tone…
I came out of the driver’s seat and opened his door
helping him out. He staggered a little bit but I held
him tight..

Once we were inside the house my mouth opened

in amazement when I saw his living room…

Wow so this is what being rich feels like..

‘My room’s upstairs’..he groaned and I carried him


I opened the door and marveled at his gold themed


Wow even his cupboards are gold,my ex boss is a

totally rich bastard…

‘Here you are’.. I said as I dropped him slowly on

the bed and he closed his eyes…

I turned to leave but he held me back and I fell on

the bed close to him..

‘Uhh Mr Alexander w..what are you doing?!’…I

asked totally shocked and he smiled…

‘Did I ever tell you that you’re the most beautiful

woman I’ve ever met?’..he said and I blushed a
No Chloe, don’t blush he’s just drunk..

‘Mr Alex I have to go’..I said but he squeezed my

hands tighter…

‘Your skin is so soft and your blue eyes just got

me’..he whispered and his breath sent chills down
my spine…

‘Mr..Mr..Mr Alex’..I stuttered and the next thing I

knew he crushed his lips down to mine kissing me
with an hunger that I haven’t felt in a long time…

‘W..we shouldn’t be doing this sir’…I said as my

limbs felt weak and he winced..

‘Why Chloe?,don’t you think we are compatible?’..

’N..no it’s not like that sir it’s just that?’..

‘Shhh’..he said as he unbuttoned my shirt exposing

my strapless bra..

‘D..don’t think Chloe’..he said again and unhooked

my bra..

‘Just feel’..he whispered and bent his lips down to

my puckered nipples…

Tonight is going to be……

Alexander’s POV


I woke up feeling a huge bout of headache and
muscle cramp..

‘What happened?’..I murmured and then when I

looked down the blankets I found myself naked…

Oh Shit!!!…

‘No,No,no!!’..I screamed as I bent down to my

bedsheets and I smelled semen on it…

Oh God Chloe!!!..

What did i just do??!!..

Anna’s POV

‘Hey girlie wake up!!’..i said to Chloe and she jerked

from the bed..

‘Hey Anna,when did you arrive’..she said looking

tired and I laughed…
‘I should be asking you that cause you didn’t come
home last night’..I said and picked up her shirt to
put in the laundry basket and a particular scent
coursed through my nose…

‘What?’..She asked when she saw the bemused

expression on my face..

‘Did you two?….’..

‘Yes Anna,I spent a night with the CEO and guess

what I made a big mistake’..she said.

‘You had sex with him?!!’..

‘Yeah Anna’..

‘Oh my God Chloe how was the sex,was his d**k

huge give me all the details!!’..I squealed and she

‘You’re a pervert!!’..

Chloe’s POV

Ten Hours Later

I was busy doing some gardening for Anna when I
saw a particular car drive in..

‘Uh can I talk to you for a second?’..Alexander

asked and I dusted the dirt on my overall..

‘Wh..what Mr Alexander?’..I said looking nervous

and he sighed…

‘Look what happened between us last

night..Uhh’..he said and I smiled…

‘It’s okay,you were drunk so I understand’..I said

and all of a sudden his countenance suddenly

‘You understand?, for crying out loud you took

advantage of me!!’..he screamed and I didn’t know
when the tears fell from my eyes…

‘W..what do you mean?’..

‘You slept with me thinking I’ll pay you when you

eventually blackmailed me right?!!’..

‘M..Mr Alex w..what are you saying?!!’..I cried out

and he threw some wads of cash on me…

‘That’s the cash you want so stay out of my life got

that?!!’ ..


🌷[In Bed with my Boss]
💛Episode Eight

Chloe’s POV cont.d

He left without even saying a goodbye and spilled

the cash all over my overall after raining insults on

Oh God he said I took advantage

of him,the bastard slept with me for crying out

I simply left the money and sat on Anna’s porch

and the next thing I knew tears started falling…

I came to New York with a goal to be a successful

businesswoman and now I’m being accused of
being a cheap whore…

‘Everything is going to be okay Chloe,you just have

to forget about him’..a little voice in my head said
and I cleaned the tears in my eyes…

I don’t care about anyone anymore,I don’t care

about falling in love cause true love is scum…
in fact all men are scum!!!..

‘Men are total scum!!!’..I screamed at the empty

street and crouched down crying again…

I’m not sure I’ll get over this….

Alexander’s POV

‘Look William I’ve taken care of the whole situation,

she’s not going to bother me anymore!!’..I said and
he choked on his coffee..

‘What do you mean by you’ve taken care of the

whole situation?,she’s not going to bother you
anymore?,Alex what did you do?’..he asked and I

‘i simply gave her some wads of cash and told her

never to bother me anymore’..I replied coldly and
he spilled the coffee all over me…

‘What the fuck dude?!!,you told the poor girl all

that,c’mon Alexander this just proves that you’re a
cold bastard!!’..he screamed and I frowned…
‘What would you have me do?,huh?,she was going
to ask me for cash later on!!!’..I fired back and he
groaned loudly…

‘You’re an idiot,a useless jerk and a fucking


‘That’s enough William you’ve said enough!!!’..

‘No I’m not done with you Alexander,dude not all

girls are messed up like your step mother!!!,you’ve
got to let go of the past dude!!’..he and clapped his
hands in unison…

‘Here you go again with your philosophy Will’..I


‘You hurt Chloe’s feelings and brought her self

esteem and dignity down to ashes just because you
thought all women are like Megan Montenegro,
Look at what you are now Alexander,even your
staffs call you a goblin!!’..he screamed and i sighed
walking away…

‘This isn’t over bruh,we’re gonna finish this talk

later!!’..he called out and I gave him the fuck you

No one lectures Alexander Montenegro about Love

and Feelings…
Those things are just punishments given to us by

Anna’s POV

I walked down my lawn and found scattered dollars

everywhere and an open sprinkler…

What happened here?!!..

‘Chloe!!’..I called from the porch but I got no


‘Chloe!!,please come out now!!’..I called again and

when I didn’t get a reply I went into the house…

‘Chloe what is..Jesus are you alright?!!’..I screamed

when I saw her lying down crying…

Her eyes were so puffy that I almost thought it was

an easter egg or something..

‘Jeez baby are you okay,what happened to you?’..I

said as I joined her on the bed and she hugged

‘Am I a cheap whore Anna?’..she asked over her

loud sobs..

’No sweetie you’re not’..

‘Am I a slut?’..she asked again and I shook my

‘Tell me Chloe what happened here and why is

your eye so puffy??, have you been crying all
morning?’…I said and she sobbed harder…

‘He said that I wanted to blackmail him!!,he said I

took advantage of him when we had s*x
Anna!!!’..She cried and I covered my mouth with my
hands in horror….

‘Oh my God Alexander said all that?!!’..I asked and

she nodded…

‘I’m gonna give that bastard a fucking piece of my

mind!!’..I screamed but Chloe held me back…

‘Please don’t do this Anna,I beg of you’..

‘Why shouldn’t I babe?,the bastard broke your

heart into tiny pieces and disgraced you as a
woman and you say I should let it go?!!!,Hell no!!!’..I
screamed and she held me tighter…


‘Don’t do anything,I can’t allow you loose your job
because of my personal matters,please just let it
go’..she begged and I sighed…

‘Okay fine I won’t do anything but if he says one

annoying word against you I’ll break his nose

‘Promise,so now please let me brood’..she said and

I smirked..


‘i think I wanna cry more’..


Alexander’s POV


‘So that’s the end of the presentation!!’..I finally said
and everyone in the conference room clapped with
‘Wow Alexander you really killed it back
there’..William said and I smiled..

‘What about Chloe,I haven’t seen her lately’..he

added and I frowned..

‘You had to just ruin the moment did you?’..I said

and he laughed so hard..

‘So dude you couldn’t even give her a phone call

after breaking her heart and humiliating her?,that’s
messed up’.. he said and I sighed..

Truth be told I’ve been thinking about her but I

never really got the courage to pick up the phone
and call her…

How is she faring now?!!…

Chloe’s POV

‘Gdbhbjjhbbbbbhhhkhhh!!’..I vomited for the third

time today inside the toilet seat..

For the past two days I’ve been feeling under the
weather and I think I’m coming up with a cold…

I went outside to take out the trash and a middle

aged woman walked up to me…
‘Are you okay dear you seem a little bit pale’..she
asked and I nodded…

I turned to leave but she held me back..

‘i beg your pardon?’..

‘Look sweetheart I’ve got five kids already and trust

me when I say this’..

‘Say what?’..

‘You’re pregnant sweetheart,have you been feeling

any nausea lately?’..she asked and I nodded…

‘Yes but that doesn’t mean anything, I can’t be


‘When last did you see your period?’..she asked

again and I flinched…

‘Look I don’t know where you’re going to but I can

assure you that it’s none of your business!!’..I
lashed at her and she left…

Deep down I know that I haven’t seen my period of

two months now..

Maybe it’s stress or maybe…

Oh my God!!!..
I picked my phone and dailed Anna’s number and
she picked…

📱:Hey babe what’s the problem..

📱:Anna are you on your way home??
📱;Yeah why??…
📱;Please help me get a pregnancy kit from the

📱;Just do it please!!!…
I disconnected the call and bit my finger..

Am I really Pregnant?!!…



🌷[In *Bed with my Boss* ]🌷
💛Episode Nine

Skyler’s POV
‘Miss Skyler your boyfriend is here to see you’..my
Butler said and I jerked up from Fransisco’s thigh..

‘Who Alexander?’..I asked and he nodded..

Oh What am I going to to do now,Alexander has

never visited me before?..

‘Send him in’..I said and he bowed and left..

‘What are you going to tell him moi

cherry?’..Fransisco asked and I smiled…

‘Let me take care of this my sweet’..I replied and

gave him a soft kiss on the lips..

Alexander walked in wearing a casual sweater and

surprisingly faded jeans..

‘What are you doing here my dear future

husband?’..I asked sarcastically and he smirked
then removed his glasses…

‘Cut the sarcasm Skyler I have important business

to discuss with you and by the way,who the hell is
that dude over there?’..he asked pointing to

‘Uhh h..he’s my new manager’..I lied..

‘Really what happened do Edwardo?’..

‘H..Edwardo quit okay so skip the questions and tell

me what you have to say’..I replied

He brought out a gold envelope and handed it over

to me..

‘The Montenegro Gala is coming up Skyler and you

know my step mom loves to hand over invitations
the year before the event so here’s yours’..he said
and I took the parcel from his hands…


The Montenegro Gala is the biggest Gala in all of

New York…

it’s a Gala of the rich and powerful and I’m


Wow this will give a perfect opportunity to get a

new sugar bag cause Fransisco seems to be old

‘Okay thanks now please leave’..I said and

dismissed him quickly…

‘Hey Honeybunch get over here already’..Fransisco

called and I giggled…
‘I’m coming baby,take your clothes off’..

Chloe’s POV
e kit Chloe,you just have to dip it in your urine to
get the results. Anna said and handed the package
to me..

‘Thanks Anna’..

‘Are you sure you really want to do this Chloe, I

mean are you really prepared to find out?’..she
asked and I nodded…
JOIN Newtons Library story page to read
interesting stories. Chat with me on 0244345690 or
0243213014 to be added.
I walked Into the bathroom and peed in the little
container she gave me…

‘Here goes nothing Chloe’..I muttered to myself and

dipped in the instrument…

Megan’s POV

‘Are you sure you want to do this to your own son

Megan?!!’…Ariel asked and I laughed hysterically..

‘How many times do I have to tell you guys that

he’s not my son?!,I don’t even call him my step son
for fucking sakes!!’..
‘Chill Megan and take a cigar’..She replied and I
took the rolled piece from her…

‘Look Ariel I want nothing to do with him and when

my husband died I thought that most of the
properties would come to me but No!! the baboon
had to go give it all to his perfect bloody son!!!’..

‘So what are you going to do about it?’..

‘Simple,I’ll kill him after the Montenegro Gala’…

Chloe’s POV

‘Chill Chloe everything’s going to be okay’..Anna

cried as I rolled about on the floor…

‘Why me Anna!!!,for crying out loud I’m pregnant

and the one responsible for it wants nothing to do
with me!!’..I cried and she raised me up to the

‘Snap out of it Chloe Henshaw,the Chloe is know

may be clumsy but she knows how to work things
out and you’re gonna work this out!!’..she shouted
and I cleaned the snot out of my nose…
‘How do I work this out?,I have a living being in my
belly and I don’t have a job or an apartment for
crying out loud!!’..I replied…

She stood up and dragged me outside..

‘Now this is 30bucks,you’re gonna go to his house

and tell him about your condition and so God help
me if he does something funny gimme call!!’..she
screamed and shut the door on my face…

Anna sometimes can be so dramatic but she’s


The least I can do is tell Alex that I’m pregnant…

Thirty Minutes Later

‘This is it thank you’…I said to the driver as he
dropped me in front of Alexander’s mansion..

The sight of his huge house still marvels me till


I can never get enough of it’s beauty…

The electric gate opened since it recognized my
face from that night and I walked into the

I knocked on the door and a small man wearing a

tux walked up to me…

‘How may I help you pretty lady?’..he asked…

‘Uhhh I’m looking for Mr Alexander’..I replied and

he shook his bald head..

‘I’m sorry but he’s not been around for the past few
days’..he said and I turned to leave but a lady
called me back…

I turned to see and was marveled at the

sophistication of her dress…

‘G..good morning Mrs Montenegro’..I stuttered

cause she’s do damn intimidating…

‘Come in’..she said and I followed her into a small


‘You’re the first woman who came to visit my step

son so I presume it must be really urgent’..

‘Ye..yes ma’am’.
‘Tell me what’s the problem,did he fire you or do
you need a salary bonus?’..she asked and brought
out a cigarette…

‘Actually..I..I..I’m pregnant f..for him’..I said as I

clutched my purse and waited for her outburst…

‘Whoah I did not see that coming!!!, you’re pregnant

for Alex?!!!’..

‘Y..yes ma’am’….

She stood up and went to a small drawer bringing

out something like a cheque book and placed it on
the table….

‘Now this is a cheque book Chloe’..she said..

‘Yes?’..I asked..

‘Write any amount you want and take the fucking

cash?’..she said and tears fell from my eyes…


‘Cause I want you to leave Alex alone and never

tell him about the baby!!’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Ten

Chloe’s POV

‘What did you just say?’..I asked obviously shocked

and she lit a cigar with a smile on her face…

‘You know so

mething Chloe,I really like you so I’m doing you a

favor by doing this for you,take the cheque,leave
the country and never tell Alexander about the
baby’..she replied and I stood up…

‘i would love to but sorry ma’am,I can’t let my

unborn child be fatherless just because of your
selfish reasons’..I fired and she laughed…

‘Did you just call me selfish?’..

‘Yeah I did’..I replied and she laughed again…

‘I’m doing this for your own good honey,you know

well that Alexander wouldn’t accept you and your
bastard’..she lashed at me and tears flowed from
my eyes…
‘My child is not a bastard Mrs Montenegro and I’ll
prove it you!!’..I screamed and tore her cheque
book into tiny pieces and left the house…

‘You will regret this later on!!’..she called out and I

cleaned the last tear from my eyes…

Where could Mr Alexander be??…

Twenty Minutes Later

She tried to bribe me Anna’..I replied and she
bursted into laughter..

‘Wait so you’re trying to tell me that you went to his

house but he wasn’t there and instead you met his
step mom?’..


‘And you told her you’re pregnant,Jeez what the

fuck is wrong with you Chloe?!!,everyone knows
that Megan and Mr Alexander are sworn
enemies!!’..she screamed and I rubbed my hands
against my temples…

‘Look I was in fact I am frustrated Anna,I wasn’t

thinking straight when I told her and now I don’t
know how to contact my ex boss’..I replied and
drank the last bottle of Aspirin to cure my pounding
‘I know someone who can help us contact him’..she
said and I shifted my gaze..


‘His best friend, William Dunbrook’..

Alexander’s POV

‘I’ve told you countless times William that I don’t

care where she is so just leave me alone!!’..I said in
a rough tone and he smirked…

‘You don’t care about her do you?’..he asked and I


‘No I don’t,she just spent a night with the CEO and

that is actually me so I don’t see why this is a big
deal’..I replied and he laughed…

‘You need to see a shrink Alexander,I’m serious

about this,your depression is eating you up and it’s
turning you to a fucking robot’..he said and I

‘Here you go again with your Cock and bull lecture

please let me enjoy this short vacation William
Dunbrook’…I said and wanted walk away but he
held me back…

‘You have to talk to Chloe Alexander,I just have a

feeling that something’s not right’.. he said and I
wriggled my self free from his grasp…

I’m sure that wherever Chloe is she’s doing

perfectly okay..

Chloe’s POV

‘I am not okay Anna!!’..I cried out in frustration as

she gave me a cup of hot cocoa…

‘Look Chloe I have William’s number right here and

we’re going to call him and get Alexander’s phone
number’..she said and I sniffed…

‘But what if he doesn’t agree Anna?’..

‘William is not like Alexander babe,he’s a nice

guy’..she replied and dailed the number…

Anna’s POV

📱;Hello William..
📱;Hey Anna,the girl who went on a date with me
and never called back…

📱;Not funny William please can I get Alexander’s

phone number from you?..

📱;Why what’s wrong??..

📱;Well for starters promise you won’t tell him..
📱;I won’t I promise so what’s up?..
📱;Chloe is carrying his baby and from the look of
things she’s not ecstatic about the whole

📱;Shit Anna!!! I’ll send his number Via SMS

Asap,tell her to take care okay?..

📱;Yeah Bye…
📱;And Anna would you like to…
📱;Bye William…
I disconnected the call and a minute later a text
came in…

It was from William and he sent Alexander’s phone

‘Chloe I got it!!!’…

Chloe’s POV

An Hour Later
I stared at the phone number for about and hour
until I finally mustered the courage to dail it…

‘This is it Chloe,you’re gonna tell him you’re

carrying his child’.I said to myself and presses the
blue call sign….

His phone rang and after some seconds I heard his

voice over some loud music like he was in a club or

‘H..hello who is this?’..I heard him shout and I

breathed heavily before responding….

‘G..good evening Mr..A..Alexander I have

something important to say to you’..I said and it
seemed like he was arguing with someone else
over the phone…

‘Wh..What Chloe how did you get my number?!!’..

‘That’s not the problem sir I..I’m pregnant for
you,I’m carrying your child’…I finally said and I got
a huge bout of screaming in return…

‘Look bitch I absolutely want nothing to do with you

for crying out loud,you’re so shameless for stalking
me so just leave me alone!!!!’…he screamed…

I listened to his ranting as tears dropped from my

eyes and the phone fell from my hands…

I should have never spent that night with the




🌷[In Bed
with my Boss]🌷

💛Episode Eleven

Alexander’s POV

‘Just leave me alone you bitch!!’..I shouted at the

stripper who has been stalking me for days now…

‘Yikes dude, I just want a quick f**k that’s all

jeez!’..she replied and walked away…
‘H..hello Chloe??’..I said on the phone but it was

What did she want to say to me that was so

urgent,I couldn’t hear her because of the loud
music and the stripper who I was arguing with…

Everybody seems to my nerves lately…

Chloe’s POV

‘i can’t do this anymore Anna,I just can’t!!’..I cried in

her arms and she stroked my hair lightly….

‘Look Chloe everything’s going to work out,I’m

going to call Alexander and give him a piece of my
fucking mind!!!,of all my 24 years of living I’ve never
seen any man who would insult an innocent lady
like this!!’..she screamed and I cried harder…

‘I am going to terminate the baby Anna,I can’t go on

like this?!’..I said and she slapped me hard on the

‘L..look at me Chloe,do I look like a fucking goody

two shoes to you?,huh?!!,There’s no way you’re
getting rid of that precious life inside you Chloe and
if I have to smack some sense into you I
would!!!’…she screamed and I nodded….
She’s right…

There’s no point in terminating an innocent baby

who doesn’t know what it’s mother is going

I cleaned my tears and when I opened my purse I

found my childhood picture of when I was five…

‘Hey Anna’..I called out when she entered the


‘What Chloe?’..

‘I have made my decision’..

‘Yeah and what’s that?’..

‘I’m leaving’..

Skyler’s POV

‘What do you mean by she’s pregnant Megan?!!’..I

screamed and she snickered…

‘Look Skyler, you of all people should know that I

want nothing to do with you and now it seems like
we have to work together’..she replied..
‘Work together how?’..

‘You know that his personal assistant is preggy and

that means your engagement is going to be called

‘Hell No!!!,you know I knew that there was

something fishy about that poor PA and now she’s
pregnant for Alexander??’…I exclaimed and she

‘i even bribed the bitch and she tore my whole

cheque book and I’m sure as hell going to teach
her a very good lesson’.. She replied and I

There’s no way I’m letting a low life commoner take

away my man just like that…

No fucking way…

I,Skyler Benson want the power and if it means

killing that Chloe of a person I would…

She’s not gonna take my Alexander from me…

William’s POV

I was busy checking some files in my hotel room

when Anna’s call came through..
📱:Hey Anna did you finally call back to speak

📱:Hold it there Will I called you to warn that cold

bastardized CEO that I Anna is so gonna kill him!!!!.

📱:Hey slow down we’re talking about your boss

here, what did Alexander do this time?…

📱*Crying*..The bastard told Chloe to stay away

from him,he said she was a stalker and he doesn’t
want anything to do with her…

📱:Alexander wouldn’t say that,I know he’s cold but

he isn’t totally heartless?!…

📱:Well I don’t care all I just have to say is that you

should thank him cause because of his arrogance
Chloe is leaving!!!!!…

She hung up and I covered my mouth with my


Chloe is leaving??..

No,no,no I’ve got to talk to Alexander…

Fifteen Minutes Later

‘Hey Will’..he said as I approached him and the
next thing I knew I gave him a resounding punch
and he landed on the floor with a loud thud…

‘That was for your unborn child!!’..I screamed and

he stood up..

I raised my hand to punch him again but he held

me back this time..

‘What unborn child William?’..he asked and I


‘Oh so that’s what you’re going with,pretending you

don’t know about Chloe’s pregnancy?!!’..I fired and
he gasped…

‘Jesus Christ Chloe’s pregnant for me?!!!!’…he

screamed and stepped back a little bit…

‘Yes Alexander and she called to tell you but

instead you called her a stalker and told her to stay
away from you!!’..I said and he gasped….

‘Blood of God Will I wasn’t talking to her!!!’..

‘i was shouting at the stripper that was flirting with
me!!’..he screamed and raked his fingers through
his hair….

‘Oh God!!’..I said..

‘What William?!!’..

‘We might have a problem’..

‘Yeah and what’s that?’..he asked..

‘Chloe’s leaving!!’..

Chloe’s POV


I packed the last of my bags and dragged it outside
and put it inside the taxi..

Anna came out with a sullen face and glared at


I guess she’s still not happy…

‘Oh Anna’…I said with tears in my eyes as I hugged

‘you don’t have to do this Chloe,you don’t have to
leave,think about the baby’..she begged and I

‘There’s nothing here for me Anna but I’ll come to

visit when the baby finally comes’..I said and kissed
her cheeks…

‘I’ll miss you Anna’..I whispered and she started


‘I’ll miss you too Clumsy Chloe’…

Alexander’s POV

William and I rushed down to Anna’s house

immediately we got down from the plane..

‘Ding dong!’..the doorbell rang and when Anna saw

me she launched at me with full force…

‘You bastard!! you hurt her!!’..she screamed and

started hitting me until William took her away…

‘Look Anna there’s a big

misunderstanding,Alexander didn’t know about the
baby and when Chloe phoned him he was actually
shouting at a stripper!!’..William explained and she
calmed down…
‘Well you better be on your way to the Central
Airport cause Chloe is already on her way to only
God knows where’…she said and I jumped inside
my car…

I zoomed off without waiting for William and as I

reached halfway there was a huge traffic blocking
my way…

‘Chloe please pick up the phone’..I muttered as I

phoned her but it kept going to voicemail….

‘Oh God!!!’…I cried out as I tried again but it still

didn’t go through…

After some minutes the traffic was finally cleared

and I sped down the road like a mad man…

I finally reached the airport and I ran inside

searching for her…

‘Did any plane leave between 8 am?’..I asked the

flight attendant and she nodded…

I slowly cleaned the tear from my eyes and turned


This is it then…

She’s finally gone…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twelve💛

Chloe’s POV


‘Hey Mr Vandel!!!’..i said to the dog walker near

‘Hey pregnant lady,how’s the baby doing?’..he

asked and I smiled..

‘it’s been kicking lately and trust me it isn’t easy

going to work with a huge round tummy’…I replied
and he laughed….

‘You’re a funny lady Chloe and you’re the most

beautiful pregnant lady I’ve ever seen’..he said and
I smiled..

‘By the way’..

‘Who’s the father of your child,you’ve been here for
six months now and I haven’t seen a guy walk
through your door’..

I sighed and remembered Alexander’s handsome

face and perfect physique…

‘He’s dead sir,he died last year’..I lied and he

hugged me..

‘So sorry Chloe, well I’m always here for you

remember that,if you need anything call me’..he
said and I nodded.

in as much as I hate Alexander Montenegro I still

wonder how he’s doing right now…

Well this is my new life now and my unborn baby

will just have to live without a father…..

Alexander’s POV

‘The Gala is in two months time Alex,what am I

going to wear??’..Skyler asked as I pressed my
phone and I ignored her…
‘Alexander I’m talking to you!!’..she screamed and I

‘What do you want me to do Skyler?!,do I look like I

care about what you wear to the Gala for heaven
sake?!!!,please leave my office!!’..I lashed at
her and she left hissing very loudly…

God knows that when I get my head cleared out I’m

going to call of the stupid engagement cause
there’s no way I’m getting married to her…

I tried calling Chloe’s number again for the seventh

time today and it still didn’t pull through…

It’s been six months since she left New York and I
still don’t know where she is…

‘C’mon Chloe just pick up the phone today’..I

muttered as I tried calling her again but it still didn’t
go through…

‘Shit!!’..I screamed out in frustration and threw the

phone across the room..

‘Good morning Mr Alex’..Elena,my new secretary

said and I turned to look at her..

‘What do you want Helen?,be fast with it cause I’m

not in a good mood!!’..I said in annoyance and she
dropped a file on my table…
‘Sir the presentation for the new floor of Seattle’s
Central hospital is tomorrow and you’re needed
there’..she said and I nodded..

‘Okay Helen book me a flight to Seattle and tell

Edwardo to pack my bag for me’..I said and she left
walking away seductively..

She’s been flirting with me for months and it’s

totally disgusting…

My mind is just on the mother of my baby and I

would do anything just to talk with her for one

Chloe’s POV


‘Oh God!!!!’..I screamed as I felt a sharp pain on my

I opened my legs and the bed was kind of wet..

Oh God I think my water just broke!!..

But that’s not possible,I’m still a month early..

‘Mr Van!!!!’..I screamed and he rushed in with a
towel on his neck..

‘Oh my God Chloe!!,wait just wait I’m going to call

my grandson to bring his car over and we’ll take
you the hospital!!’..he screamed and left

‘Please be fast already!!’..I cried out as another

ripple of pain coursed through my body…

Oh God help me!!..

Five Minutes Later

‘Chill Aunty Chloe we’re almost at Seattle Central
Hospital!!’..Jeremy said as I screamed again…

‘You won’t understand Jeremy,you’re not the one in

labor here!!’..i replied panting heavily…

‘Just chill in fact we’re already here’..he said and he

parked in the hospital’s parking lot..

‘Oh God Jeremy please take me inside I can feel

it’s head already!!’..I cried out and he helped me
Alexander where ever you are I just want you to
know that you’re child is arriving…..

Alexander’s POV

At Seattle Central Hospital🏥

‘So the PH group of companies will make sure to
build the 23rd floor of your prestigious hospital Mr
Abel’..I said to the head doctor and he smiled…

‘To be honest Mr Alexander I’m impressed with the

floor plan you showed me’..he replied and I packed
up my files and wanted to leave when a nurse
rushed in…

‘Doctor Abel we need you now!!’..she screamed…

‘What is the problem?’..

‘Well there’s a young lady in acute labor pains and

we just can’t seem to get the baby out of her!!’..she
screamed and the doctor followed her…

I took my file and left the conference room…

‘Ahhhhhh!!!’..I heard a loud scream and it’s almost

pierced my eardrums…
I turned and saw a young boy of about sixteen
years of age biting his fingers in anxiety…

‘Hey what’s wrong!!’..I asked and he stood up..

‘i don’t know man my neighbor seems to be in

severe pains and her husband can’t even be with
her cause he’s dead’..he replied and I patted him
on the shoulders…

‘Just be there to help her okay?’..I said and he


I walked away from the loud screaming lady in the

theater and entered my car…

Maybe Chloe would have given birth already..

I just wish I could meet her..

Chloe’s POV

‘Push harder Chloe!!!!’..the doctor screamed and I

pushed harder…

‘Ahhhh!!!’..I screamed as I felt something coming

outta me..
‘it’s almost here Chloe just one last push!!!’..he said
and I used the last strength in me to finally push out
my baby….

‘Oh it’s a boy!!’..A nurse said and tears came out

from my eyes as I heard my baby cry…

Jeremy ran in and when he saw

the baby he smiled at me…

‘What are you going to call him Aunty Chloe?’..he

asked and I smiled weakly…

‘His name is Xander Jeremy,short for Alexander’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Thirteen💛

Chloe’s POV

‘Jeremy would you please help me hold xander for
a minute!!’..I yelled from the kitchen…

‘Okay Aunty Chloe but on one condition’..he



‘You have to help me prepare dinner for my date

tonight, Ronnie is coming over’..he said and I

‘Okay fine I will just help me hold him and don’t let
him fall asleep,I have to bathe him’..I said and I
heard Xander cry a little bit….

Having a baby to take care of and working is like

joggling a brick and a tennis ball altogether…

Mr Vandel and Jeremy really help alot but

sometimes it gets really lonely…

‘Hey Aunty Chloe can I ask a question??’

‘Yes Jeremy what is it??’..

He walked over with Xander in his arms and I

smiled looking at the both of them…
Jeremy has been like a junior brother to me ever
since I moved here..

‘There’s a guy that keeps calling the phone you

gave to me,who is he??’..he asked and I dropped
the spoon on the kitchen counter…

‘He’s no one Jeremy just ignore his calls’..I sighed

and chopped the onions..

‘Ohh OK I just wanted to ask’..

Alexander’s POV

‘Look Jake it’s been seven fucking months now and

you still haven’t found her?!!!’..I screamed at the
private investigator i hired and he sighed…

‘Look Alexander,I’ve tried my best but I couldn’t find

her’..he replied..

‘Okay fine you can go,you’re fired!!’..

‘I’m not fired Alex I quit!!!,she’s been gone for

seven good months and it’s better you just forget
about her!!’..he fired back and walked away…
I raked my fingers through my hair and tried calling
her phone number for the millionth time but she still
didn’t pick…

If I could just hear her voice and see if she’s doing

okay it would burn the guilt I feel inside of me…

‘Helen come over here!!!’..I called and she walked

in lifting her skirt up a bit…

‘These files are for the Montenegro Gala party

plan,take them to my Megan after work okay??’..

‘Okay sir anything else?’..she asked and I shook

my head..

‘You know sir I can do anything for you,I just

wanted to let you know’..she whispered and I raised
a brow…

‘Leave my office if you still love your job’…

Chloe’s POV

At Night🌃
‘Sleep my darling Xander,mommy loves you’..I
whispered as I laid him in his cot and walked out
slowly from the room…

Knowing Xander,he’s gonna wake up at the

slightest noise so I have to be quiet…

I walked to the porch with a book in my hands to

read under the moonlight and of course with the
bulb there…

‘Thanks for the dinner Aunty Chloe,it was

delicious’..Ronnie,Jeremy’s soon to be girlfriend

‘Your’e welcome Ronnie,now run home before your

daddy comes back’..I said and they both ran to the
middle of the road and I saw Jeremy kiss her….

Seeing them both kiss made me feel kind of


Ever since that night with Alexander I don’t know if

I’ll ever be touched like that again…

I sighed and closed the book that I was reading and

decided to call a long time friend…

📱:Hello Stranger…
📱:Hey Anna,I’ve missed you so so bad..
📱:Oh you did then how come you never called…
📱:Look Anna things have been complicated even
taking care of Xander is stressing me out…

📱:Who is Xander??!!…OMG Chloe it’s a boy?!!..

📱:Yes it’s a boy..
📱:Ohh that’s so sweet I wish I could see him…
📱:Don’t worry you would cause I’m coming to New
York tomorrow….

Anna’s POV

Chloe disconnected the call and I began cleaning

up the house..

Since I’m expecting a

baby in the house I better start shaping things up

I took all my clothes in the living room and stuffed

them in the attic including all my old shoes…

Then I began cleaning the Nursery when I heard

my doorbell ring…
I went to open the door and it was….

‘William??,what are you doing here??’..I asked

obviously shocked and annoyed at the same time…

‘Hi Anna,can I come in?’..he replied and I hesitated

a little bit but still let him in…

‘These are for you’..he said revealing a huge

bouquet of flowers and I frowned. .

‘What do you really want?’..I asked and he


‘Look Anna I just want to talk,why have you been

avoiding me lately??’..he said and I groaned…

‘William just leave please I have alot of cleaning to

do,Chloe is coming over tomorrow so bye bye’…I
quickly said pushing him out the door and he held

‘Did you say Chloe is coming over??’..

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‘No I said Louis is coming over,bye,thanks for the
flowers anyway’..I said and shut the door….

Yikes that was close….

Chloe’s POV


‘These are the keys to the house Jeremy,you can
host a party or do what ever you want with Ronnie
but don’t break or spoil anything’..I said and he

‘I am so going to miss you Aunty Chloe and my little

baby Xander over here’.he said and tugged at
Xander’s cheek which made him giggle slightly…

‘I’ll miss you too my love, give grandpa a kiss for

me’..I said and kissed his cheeks….

I entered the taxi and we both waved goodbye…

‘Okay baby Xander’..I said looking at him…

‘We’re going back to where you were conceived’…

Alexander’s POV

‘No!!!’..I screamed at Skyler..

‘C’mon the dress will be designed by Leonardo
Gabbana himself it’s just A billion dollars?!!’..she
said showing me the diamond encrusted dress on
her iPad…

‘Why would I loan you a billion dollars??, where do

you think money is from, trees?!!!’..

‘Money is you Alex,you are money, for crying out

loud it’s just a dress?!!’…she said and I laughed…

‘It’s not a wedding dress Skyler and I thought your

daddy is a multimillionaire so why coming to me??!!
“..I fired back…

She took her iPad from the table and hissed

walking away…

‘Stupid Asshole’..I heard her mutter and I winced…

My Timer ringed and I stood up taking my car keys

from the table and headed home…


I stopped at the famous COOKIE GIRL candy store
and bought some chocolate for myself and

We’re having a guys night out tonight…

I got what I wanted and when I walked back to my

car I saw a lady speaking to a taxi driver…

She was so engrossed in the conversation that she

didn’t see her baby stroller rolling away….

It went so fast on the walkway that I decided to run

after it and after few seconds I heard her scream…

I grabbed the stroller by the handle before it

reached the road…

‘How could you be so clumsy with your child do….’.

I was cut short when I saw the mother…




🌷[In *Bed with my Boss* ]🌷
Episode Fourteen
Chloe’s POV

I stood there frozen and looked like I just saw a


Oh God I think I made a mistake by coming


‘M..Mr..Alexander??!’..I managed to say and all of a

sudden Xander started crying…

‘Shhh Xander’..I cooed and he stopped


I raised up my head and saw a dumbstruck

Alexander looking at the both of us…

‘S..so this is your baby?’..he asked and I nodded as

tears flowed down from my eyes…

‘H…his name is Xander??’..he asked again and I

still nodded..

‘Can I carry him?’…he said and I still nodded trying

to control the tears in my eyes…

He picked Xander up from the stroller and cradled

him like he was holding a ch

ild for the first time…

The genuine look I saw in his eyes when he looked
at his son made my heart flutter..

‘He has your eyes’..he whispered with a wide grin

on his face and it kinda made me smile…

‘No he has your eyes’..

‘Well let’s just say he has a combination of both’..he

replied and I took Xander from him…

I placed him back on the stroller and wanted to

leave cause I couldn’t bear the pain but Alex held
me back…

‘Look Uhh Chloe we really need to talk’..he said

and I frowned..

‘There’s nothing to talk about Alexander so it’s

better you just stay away from us!!!’…

‘Look Chloe I’ve been searching for you for months

now and I’ve been nursing this feeling to apologize
to you’..he said and I laughed…

‘Just stay away from me please!!’..I said and

walked away..
‘I love his name!!!’..he called from behind and I
glared at him…

Is he being serious right now??..

After all I went through because of him he thinks he

can just walk into Xander and I lives??!!…

No way!!!…

Alexander’s POV

I drove back to my apartment in a frenzy and

parked my car immediately only to see William
staring at Anna’s photo on his phone…

‘Hey bro’..

‘Hey’..I replied…

‘Why do you look like you’re lovestruck or

something??’..he asked and I smiled.

‘i finally met the woman I’ve been searching for!!’..

‘Jeez Chloe is back?!!’..he stood up and I nodded…

‘It’s a boy Will,I met my son today, she named him

Xander’..I replied and tears came down…
‘Ohh that’s great Alex,now you can make it up to
her and spend time with your child’…

‘Yes Will..I’m going to make it up to her’…

Anna’s POV

‘Oh My God!!!’..I screamed as the taxi stopped in

front of my house and Chloe came out with a baby
in her arms…

‘Hey girlfriend!!’..she screamed and I hugged her..

‘Ohh God I missed you so so bad,you’ve lost

weight babe but you look a lot sexier’..I said and
she laughed…

‘Enough with the jokes already,say hello to baby

Xander’..she replied and i took the baby from her

‘Ohh he’s so cute,he has his father’s eyes’..

‘But his father said he has my eyes?’..she said and

I twitched…

‘Wait you met Alex??’..I asked and she nodded…

‘Yeah,he saved Xander from strolling away into the
middle of the road’..she said as we walked into the

Ten Minutes Later

‘You have to give the dude a chance babe,he’s
been looking for you for ages’..I said over lunch and
she frowned….

‘Is this really coming out from you??,you know what

he did to me Anna,he said I was a stalker!!!’..she
screamed and I smirked…

‘The main truth is that he wasn’t even talking to you

Chloe, he was talking to the stripper who was
flirting with him’..I replied biting into my pizza…


‘Yes he wasn’t talking to you,you should have seen

his face when he realized that you were gone,he
looked like he just lost a merchandize or

‘Really?’..she asked…
‘Yes Chloe,at least even though you hate him just
give him a chance to be a part of Xander’s life,this
little chubby wubby needs his daddy’..I added and
she sighed…

‘Ok I’ll think about it’..

‘Don’t think about it Chloe,do it!!’…

Alexander’s POV

At the Convenience Store 🏬

‘You’ve gotta chill dude,she isn’t going to
mars’..William said as I put some baby shoes into
my shopping basket…

‘i don’t know man I guess I’m just excited and

scared at the same time,I can’t believe I have a
son!!!’..I replied and put the diapers in the basket…

‘Ok fine but what if Chloe doesn’t accept you?’..

‘I’ll just take things one at a time but right now baby
Xander is the only thing on my mind’..I said and
dropped the goods on the cashier front…
‘i need advice’..he said and I turned to look at

‘if it’s about love then count me out,I know nothing

about that stuff’…

‘Eishh!!,no wonder you’re called the goblin’…

‘Hey stop it,I’ve gotta go now,see ya’…

An Hour Later
I stopped the car infront of Anna’s house and I saw
her on the porch…

‘Hi Anna’..I greeted..

‘Hey Mr CEO I see you’re here to see your baby

huh?’..she said and I laughed…

‘Yeah Kinda,uhh is Chloe here?’..I asked..

‘Hey Anna dinner is rea….what are you doing

here?!!!’..Chloe screamed as she came out and I

‘I just came to drop this for you’..I said and she

‘Look Alex I clearly said you should stay away from
us don’t you get that?!!!”..

‘Chloe give the guy a break,Alexander come

in’..Anna said and I smiled…

I walked into the furnished sitting room and sat

down awkwardly while I heard Chloe arguing with
Anna in the kitchen…..

‘Tell him to leave Anna!!’..I heard her say…

‘No Chloe don’t be stubborn and in fact I’m taking

Xander to him right now!!!’…she replied…

She brought Xander to me and I adjusted my pose

as if I didn’t know what was transpiring….

‘Here he is,you bought diapers right??’..she asked

and I nodded…

‘Good you can change him then,the bathroom is

that way’..

I carried Xander alongside with some baby stuff

and placed him on the counter…

I opened the diaper he was wearing and…

‘Oh my God this stinks so bad!!!!!’..I screamed as I
removed it and suddenly he started crying…

‘Shhh baby don’t embarrass me here’..I whispered

but he increased the volume instead…

Oh God!!!…

I cleaned the poop on him buttocks and brought out

a fresh diaper…

How do they wear diapers???!!…

I tried three times wearing it and it still didn’t stay

instead it just fell off..

Xander cried harder and I rubbed powder all over

his body and some poured on my body also…

I tried wearing the diaper one last time and all of a

sudden Xander urinated on my bed…

I think some of it entered my mouth.

‘Xander please stay one place for daddy’..I begged

but he just cried more…

this is a disaster!!!!!…

🌷 🌷
[In Bed with my Boss]

💛 💛
Episode Fifteen
Alexander’s POV cont.d

He cried so loud that even my eardrums went


I mean it’s just a common diaper then why do

women make it look like it’s so hard to do??..

‘Shhh Xander you don’t want to let mommy hear

you right?’..I whispered and he still continued

I turned to pick up the fallen diaper and when I

stood up Chloe was standing there laughing…

‘H..hey’..I simply said obviously embarrassed and

she kept on laughing…

Gosh this is so awkward…

‘Let me show you how to wear a diaper’..she said

and took a fresh one out of the bag..

She placed it on the counter and placed Xander on

top of it then raised the front side up then joined the
sides together…
‘Ohhh so that’s how you do it??’…

‘Yeah,uhh Alexander I don’t know what you really

want from us and to be honest this is really bad
timing’..she said and I nodded…

‘i totally understand I’ll be going now,see you

sometime later?’..I added and she nodded…

I turned to leave and she held me back…

‘Won’t you give Xander a good night kiss??’..she

asked and I blushed kissing the already asleep

‘Goodnight my Double-X’..I whispered..

‘Double X huh?’…she said and I smiled…

‘Goodnight Chloe’…

Chloe’s POV

He finally left and all of a sudden I started crying all

over again..

I just don’t get the feeling I’m having and I still don’t
know why I was so glad to see his face….
‘Hey are you okay?’..Anna came in and I nodded..

‘Look I know this is alot to take in but you have to

accept the fact that he’s part of your life one way or
the other Chloe,just give him a chance to redeem
himself’..she added and I smiled…

‘You’re a good friend Anna and I love you for that’..I

said and she hugged me..

‘Ewwwwww I think Baby Xander just pooped’…

‘Haha not funny Anna’..

Skyler’s POV

‘Uhh Miss Skyler I think we have a problem’..The

personal investigator I hired to follow Alex
around said…

‘What?’..I asked and he showed me pictures..

Alexander was holding a baby with a lady alongside

him that looked like…

Oh my God!!!..

Chloe’s back?!!!..

‘You can leave now thank you’..I said and left..

Megan has got to hear about this..

📱:Hello Skyler what do you want I’m at a bingo


📱:There’s trouble Megan and I think we need to

do something about it…

📱:What did Alexander do to you?..

📱:No it’s not about Alexander..
📱:Then what is the freaking problem..
📱:Chloe is back and she’s with a baby!!!…
Alexander’s POV


I woke up with a feeling that wasn’t there
before,something I’ve never felt before…

Yeah I think it’s called HAPPINESS…

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and
when I looked in the mirror an image of Baby
Xander flashed through my mind…

‘Wow you look like you just showered under the

rainbow’..William said as I walked downstairs..

‘It’s too early to tease me William,I’m going to

Chloe’s house today’..

‘Why I thought you saw her last night’..

‘Uhh I’m thinking of taking Xander to work with me

today’..I said and he laughed…

‘That’s so hilarious!!’..he said and when he saw my

face he stopped laughing…

‘Oh shit you’re being serious,you can’t take him to

work Daddy Xander,you’re rushing things you
couldn’t even wear him a diaper last night’..he said
and I sighed…

‘Look I know am an amateur but I hooked up an

online class for taking care of babies and I know all
it is to take care of them’..I said..

‘Really?,okay fine then’..he said and I took a piece

of toast from his plate…
‘You’ll pay for that !!!’…he screamed and I

‘Fuck you William’..

An Hour Later
‘Look Chloe I know that this is a rush for you but
please let me take him to work just for today’..I
begged and she shook her head…

‘No way Alex,what will people say when they see

you with a baby??!’..

‘They can say what they want to and besides I’m

the CEO so no one dares to say anything if they
really love their job’..I said and she crossed her

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to be honest,you

couldn’t even wear him a diaper yesterday’.. she
replied and I frowned…

‘i know I’m new at this so that’s why I took some

lessons online all night long’..I said and she

‘You really did that??’..

‘Yeah I did’..I replied and she picked Xander up
from his cot and he giggled a little….

‘This is his baby bag,everything you need is in

there,he should take a nap every two hours and
always make sure to sing him a song’..she said and
I nodded…

‘i have a lot of work to do with Anna since she just

opened her cafe so I’ll come pick him up at 5 is that
okay?’..she asked and I nodded…

We both walked to the car and she placed Xander

in the baby car seat…

‘Bye,take care of him and if anything goes wrong

gimme a call okay?!!’..

‘Okay Uhhh Chloe when you’re done with your

work can we hang out?’..I asked awkwardly…

‘No thanks I have plans’..she replied and I


One step at a time Alexander and maybe you’ll get

to understand this feeling you get when you’re near

William’s POV
At Anna’s Cafe … 🍵
I walked into the newly opened Cafe owned by the
woman I’ve been chasing for months and sat

She came out looking like the goddess she is and

when she saw me she frowned…

‘What are you doing here William don’t you have a

job?’..she asked and I chuckled..

‘I just came to grab a quick cup of coffee just like

every normal person and also to ask you out to
dinner’..I implied…

‘Look William you know that this isn’t going to


‘Anna I know I messed up big time so please let me

make up for it’.. I said and she smiled..

‘Seven pm sharp don’t be late’..she said and

walked away…


I just hit the jackpot!!!..

Alexander’s POV

At the Office …
As I walked in the office with Xander in my arms I
heard mumbles from almost ev

eryone I passed…

‘is that is son?,who is that cutie?,does he have a

child?,’..I heard and smirked a little…

I entered my office and brought down the privacy

blind thereby making my office hidden to

i don’t want any disturbance while working and

taking care of my son…

Ten Minutes Later 💕

‘Wuahhhhh!!!!!!’..he screamed and I jerked up
immediately from the chair and went to pick him
I took the baby bottle which was filled with his food
and put it in his mouth but he rejected it and cried

‘C’mon Xander you’re killing me here,when you’re

with your mother you act all innocent and while
you’re with me you act like a wild one!!’..I cried out
and he kept on crying…

I dropped the baby bottle and smelled his diaper…

Oh I see

he’s irritated cause his diaper is full..

I placed him on my desk and removed the diaper

and before I could bring a new one…

He pooped and some of it landed on my laptop!!!..

Why me?!!!…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Sixteen💛

Alexander’s POV cont.d
I took out the baby wipe and cleaned the poop from
his buttocks and cleaned my laptop also..

if there’s one thing I learnt from that online class is

that you should be patient with a crying baby…

I sighed and poured a little bit of powder on him

and he giggled…

I wore him the diaper correctly and to God be the

glory it stayed this time…

‘Okay Double X it’s time for your bottle’..I whispered

into his little ears and he giggled..

I smiled and reheated the bottle in the bottle

warmer and gave him to drink and before ten
minutes he was done…

I burped him and the next thing I knew he was



I think I’m getting the hang of this…

Chloe’s POV
At Anna’s Cafe .🏪
I was busy waiting some tables when suddenly the
woman I didn’t want to see stepped her foot into the

The woman I dreaded the most…

Megan Montenegro..

‘Oh hi Chloe’..she said casually as she sat down

and I dropped my gaze..

‘G..good afternoon Mrs Montenegro’..I greeted and

she chuckled…

‘Oh sweetie just call me Megan’..she replied and I


‘Can I get you anything?’..I asked..

‘No I’m here to see you, I want you to take that

bastard child of yours and leave New York’..she
said and I laughed..

‘I’m sorry but I can’t do that,what did I even do to

you?!,I just had a child for your step son and it’s not
like I committed a crime?!!’..I fired back and she
slapped me…

The customers in the Cafe turned to watch the

ongoing scene and I held my cheeks..

Tears slowly came down from my eyes and luckily

Anna came to the rescue…

‘Hey lady I don’t give a fuck who you are but I won’t
stay here and watch you harass a staff of
mine!!!’..she screamed and Megan cackled…

‘I can close this Cafe down with one phone call so

you better mind the way you talk to me you
slut!!!’…she lashed at Anna…

‘Just get your cheap ass and your fake Dolce and
Gabbana shoes and get the fuck out of my
shop!!!!’..she screamed and Megan wore her

‘It’s not over between us Chloe and you’.she said

pointing to Anna..

‘I’m going to deal with you’..

I slumped down on the chair near me and raked my

hands through my hair..
‘i knew from the start that I made a mistake by
coming here Anna,now I’m on her blacklist and you
know how she is’..I said and Anna laughed…

She sat next to me and rubbed my shoulders..

‘Look girl you’ve got to stand up for yourself and

besides you have Alexander to protect you’..she

I stood up and dusted my short apron..

‘Do you know what you need?’..she added..


‘You need a date’..she said and I laughed..

‘What?,a date?, you’re not being serious right

now,or have you forgotten that I have a 3 month old

‘You’re such a wimp!!!’…

Alexander’s POV

Baby Xander was asleep in his cot which gave me

enough time to finish the work I had on my hands…
I tapped on my laptop and suddenly Mr Dehenerio
walked in with his entourage…

Oh God this is bad timing..

Mr Dehenerio is one of the coldest billionaire ever

known and he’s a no nonsense person…

I’ve been trying to crack a deal with him for months

and now he’s suddenly here?!!..

‘Uhhh Good afternoon Mr D,this is totally an

unexpected visit’..I said nervously and he furrowed
his brow….

‘Yes Alexander I wanted to talk to you about that

Manhattan school deal so…’..he was cut short by
Xander’s wailing…

Oh God this isn’t good…

‘Uhh please excuse me for a moment please??’..I

said as I carried him…

‘You have a baby??’..he asked and I nodded

feeling kinda embarrassed…

Baby Xander cried harder and I burped him but he

still didn’t try to stop…
‘Uhh Mr D I’m so so sorry about this, I totally
understand if you leave and never come back’..I
said already disappointed but instead he smiled…

‘Infact I’ll aprrove the contract,I love a responsible

young man,others would have just ignored but you
choosed to attend to your baby,I like that’…he
replied and left…

Immediately he left Xander stopped crying

immediately and giggled which made me laugh…

‘Well Double X it seems like you’re good luck after


Chloe’s POV

I was busy packing the napkins when Alexander

carrying Xander walked in..


‘Hi’..I replied and went towards him..

‘Hello my little Chubby Wubby’..I said as I tickled

Baby Xander and he cackled….

‘You know he brought be some good luck

today’…he said and i looked up at him…

‘Yeah’..he replied and I smiled…

‘Who’s a good boy,yes you’re a good boy’..I cooed

at Xander and when I turned Alex was looking at
me awkwardly…

‘Uhhh Chloe would you like to go out to dinner with

me tonight??’..he asked and I was a bit shocked…

‘Uhh what about Xander??’..I asked and he tapped

his leg on the floor..

‘You can bring him along,if you want’..he said and I

smiled when I saw his looking nervous….

‘Ok fine’..


‘Yes I’ll go on a date with you Alexander’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
Episode Seventeen
Chloe’s POV
‘Anna I need your help!!’.I screamed as I walked
into the house and she came out wearing a nice

‘Whoah where are you off too?’.I asked and she


‘Will is taking me out to dinner tonight’.

‘Awwww you finally gave the Nigga a chance’..I

said and she frowned..

‘Hey stop teasing and why are you screaming my

name by the way?’..she asked and I blushed..

‘Alexander asked me out to dinner and I don’t have

anything to wear!’..I said and sat on the bed..

‘Awwwwww well that’s no problem,I have the

perfect dress for you’..she said and went into her

I placed the sleeping Xander in his cot and sat back

on the bed thinking…

Am I doing the right thing??…

‘Hey look at this’..Anna said breaking me from my
thoughts and when I turned I saw the most simple
and beautful gown..

‘Oh Anna it’s so nice,I can’t have this’.I said with

tears in my eyes and she frowned..

‘Take it before I spank,besides it’s black and it suits

you perfectly’..she replied.

‘Wh..what about baby Xander?,should I take him

along?’..I asked…

‘Yeah you should and besides I’m going on a date

too and you know how Xander is’..she added and I

‘You’re harsh Anna!!!!’..

‘Yeah but you love me anyway’.

Alexander’s POV
‘You’re going nowhere near that girl Alex!!!
’..Megan screamed from behind and I sighed..

‘Hey since when did you start dictating for me?,my

personal life is none of your business!!!’..I fired
‘You’re going to regret this Alex, don’t forget that
you’re engaged!!’..

‘Skyler didn’t tell you?,news flash step mom I broke

up with her today’..I said and shut the door..

Just when I was in a good mood she decided to

ruin it…

Ten Minutes Later

‘i parked in front of Anna’s house and waited for
Chloe to come outside and when she did….

My breath was taken away when I saw her in the

simple black gown and the worst part was that she
packed her hair..

‘Y..you l..look you look nice’..I stammered and she


‘Yeah you too’..

She entered the car and I tickled Xander a little bit..

‘Where are we going??’.she asked

‘You know what?, I’m not in the mood for dinner
anymore,let’s go to the carnival’..I said and she

‘Thank goodness cause these heels are killing

me’..she said and brought out a pair of flip flops
from her bags and I laughed so hard…

‘You’re one interesting person Chloe’..

‘And I like the new you, you’re not the cold goblin
everyone says you are’..she replied and I

Twenty Minutes Later

‘Oh God!!!’..she screamed as the roller coaster
moved and I laughed my heart out…

‘Xander is not even crying and you’re screaming

like a mad woman!!!’..I replied and she held onto
my shirt tightly…

‘Make it stop please!!!’..she cried out and then the

ride was over…

We both came out and the next thing I knew she

puked on the grass..
‘I’m never doing that again’..she said..

Xander began crying and she cradled him in her

arms but he still cried harder…

I turned and saw a small baby rattle in a toy shop..

‘Hey how much is it?!’..I asked the shop keeper..

‘It’s just 10 bucks sir’..she said and I gave her the


I went back to Chloe shook the rattle in front of

Xander and he giggled heartily…

Chloe smiled and looked at me and when I saw

those blue eyes I almost felt weak my self…

‘Is she your wife?’..some passers by asked and

before I could say anything else a small crowd
circled around us…

‘Kiss her!!!,Kiss her!!’..they shouted and I became


‘Kiss her!!!’..another one screamed and I turned

towards Chloe…

‘Uhhh Chloe c…can I??’..I asked nervously and

she smiled..
‘Yeah you can’..she replied…

I circled my arms around her waist and crushed my

lips to hers kissing her slowly and fireworks

Oh God I think I’m in love with this woman…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Eighteen💛

Chloe’s POV💋

An Hour Later💕
‘Goodnight Alexander’..I whispered as we both
stood on the porch…

‘Goodnight Chloe and my Double X’..he replied and

kissed Xander’s cheeks and surprisingly he kissed
mine too…

‘Bye’..he added and drove off..

The next thing I knew I began jumping on Anna’s
bed all because of my fluttering heart…

‘Xander I’m in love with your daddy,I’m in love with

your papa’..I whispered as I danced with him on my

So this is what love feels like…

I’m in love with the CEO…

‘I don’t want to talk about it!!!’..Anna cried as she

barged in the room..

‘Oh Anna what’s wrong?’..I asked nevertheless and

she buried her head on the pillow and I heard her

‘I’m never going out on a date with William ever

again!!,I hate him so so much!!’..she cried and I
dropped Xander in his pram….

‘Look Anna you can talk to me,I’m your best friend

remember?’..I replied and she took a tissue from
the box….

‘I’ll talk later okay but right now I just want to sleep
and cry alone!!!!’..she screamed and I took Xander
from her room and left…
What happened on their date?!!..
Chat Nath up on zero eight zero sixty-seven,
twenty-six, eighty-three, sixty-eight, to be adde

d to his group to enjoy more interesting stories

from there.

Alexander’s POV

At William’s House 🏡
‘Hey bro how was your date?’..I asked as William
walked in..

He slumped on the kitchen chair and I walked

towards him and gave him a cup of hot cocoa…

‘It was terrible Alex,Anna hates me now’..he

muttered and I patted him on the shoulders…

‘What happened?’..I asked..

‘I don’t want to talk about it,I’m going to bed please

lock up when you’re done’..he said and walked

Seeing the look on his face I know that his date

was a disaster…
I wonder what happened…


I woke up feeling kind of excited because Chloe is
coming back to work in the office today…

‘Hey Will’..I called as I knocked on his room door

and he groaned…

‘Go away!!’..he said

‘You’re gonna come out sooner or later,won’t you

go to work?!!’..I teased and he groaned again…

‘Leave Alex or I’ll kill you!!’..

Whoah he’s really depressed…

Ten Minutes Later 💕

‘Hey Anna where’s Chloe?’..I asked as I
approached her and she sighed…

‘She’s inside,she’s almost ready’….

‘What happened between you and Will last night?’.I
asked and she frowned…

‘i don’t want to talk about it, oh here she

comes’..she said as Chloe came out….

Before I could say more to Anna she walked inside

and cleaned the tears from her eyes….

‘Good morning boss’..Chloe said as she dragged

Xander’s stroller down…

‘Morning Chloe,is everything okay with Anna she

seems a little bit sore’..I asked and she smiled…

‘i think she had a bad date with William,let’s go

shall we?’..she said and I opened the car door for

An Hour Later 💕
‘So the mother of CEO’s baby is Chloe?!!,they look
so cute together!’..I heard Helen say and I smiled a

Chloe is resuming work but not as my PA but as my

PRO(Proactive Relations Officer)
I decided to promote her after all the troubles I put
her through during our last time…

‘Hey it’s time for me to go to my office boss’..she

said and when I looked down I realized that I was
holding her hands…

‘Oh sorry,let Xander stay with me for a while’..I said

and took my baby…

‘Thanks’..she replied and kissed Xander’s cheeks..

Chloe’s POV

An Hour Later💕
I was done with the work I was doing and decided
to drop the reports for Alexander…

I passed the cafeteria and ordered two cups of

coffee from Maria..

‘i saw your baby,he’s really cute’..she said and I


I took the coffee and went inside Alexander’s office

and all of a sudden I tripped and fell on the floor…
‘Jesus Chloe are you okay??’..Alex rushed towards
me and raised me up..

‘i I’m so sorry it was a mistake, I just wanted to get

you coffee’..I cried out and he cleaned my hands
with his jacket…

‘why would I stay mad at the woman I love?’..

‘W..what did you say?!’..I stammered and he


‘i said I love you clumsy Chloe’..

TBC 🙊🙊…
Oya you can jump on your bed now 💃💃..
😩😩 🌙🌛
He said he loves her .. A NIGHT

🌷 🌷
[In Bed with my Boss]

Episode Nineteen
Alexander’s POV

She just stood frozen without blinking as if the

world ended or something…

‘Look Chloe i..I’m sorry if…’..i tried to say but she

cut me off by kissing me….
I held onto her like my life depended on it and
deepened the kiss…

Just when things were getting good Xander started


‘Ohh’..Chloe chuckled as she broke from the kiss

and went towards the baby…

She picked him up and kissed his cheek lightly…

‘Well Baby Xander it looks like I’m in love with your

daddy too’..she said and my heart fluttered…

‘Come here woman’…

Anna’s POV

‘So how’s the pasta??’..William asked and I smiled
in return..

‘It’s delicious’..

I drank the last content of wine in the glass cup and

all of a sudden he asked me to dance….
‘Care to dance?’..he said and I placed my hands in
his and all of a sudden a lady walked in angrily…

‘So this is the new slut huh William

Dunbrook?!!!’..she screamed and i frowned…

‘i beg your pardon I am not a slut lady!!’..i fired back

and she laughed…

‘You look like a slut to me,so Will you decide not to

pick my calls after canceling our engagement and
now you’re going out with her?!!!!’..she screamed in
tears and i stood there looking shocked….

‘Anna wait!!’..he called after I ran out…

End of Flash back

I thought he was changed after our first date but I

guess a player is always a player…

‘Ding dong’..i heard the doorbell ring and stood up

reluctantly to open it…

i got to the door and when i opened it I was


‘Mrs Montenegro what are you doing here?!!!’..i

screamed and she laughed…
‘I’m throwing your and your stupid friend out Anna,I
own this house now!!’…

Chloe’s POV

‘You know if you take 10% of the deal it won’t be a

good idea,why don’t you take it 50-50′..i said to the
client and he nodded…

‘i like you Chloe and it looks like you’re single,would

you like to go out to dinner sometime?’..he asked..

‘No she will not,you can leave now Mr Sanchez’..I

heard and when i turned Alex was standing by the

‘Uh Mr Alexander this isn’t your business’..he said

and Alex scoffed…

‘You can leave now Mr Sanchez,PH won’t be

cracking any deal with you’…

‘Alexander?!!’..i exclaimed and he frowned when Mr

Sanchez left…

‘What? he was flirting with you!!’..he said and

before i could say anything else Anna called…

📱;Hey girl what’s up?!..

📱;You have to come over Chloe,Megan is
throwing our things out!!..

Alexander’s POV

Twenty Minutes Later 💋


I shut the car door in anger after Chloe came out

and we both walked to the crowded scene…

My step mom alongside with Skyler started

throwing Chloe,Anna and Xander’s things outside
and i fumed…

What is wrong with this woman?!!..

‘Megan stop this madness this minute!!!’..i

screamed as Chloe began crying…

‘Leave her alone Alexander it’s her house

now!!’..Skyler fired back and when Megan saw
Chloe she walked towards her….
‘So this is the bastard huh?!!’..she screamed as she
pushed Chloe…

‘Megan stop it!!’..

“So this is the little Xander?!!’..she screamed again

and pushed Chloe without feeling any remorse that
she was carrying a baby….

‘That’s ENOUGH!!!!!!’…I screamed as i slapped


I slapped my own step mom!!!…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
*Soo sorry about the* *omitted episode* ( 19)

💛 💛
Episode Twenty
Chloe’s POV

‘You slapped me Alexander?!!’..Megan screamed in

and he spat on the floor..

‘Yes i slapped you Megan and I’ll do it again don’t

you have any remorse?!!!,You didn’t even care
about my son when you were pushing her
around!!!’..he fired back as I sat on the grass

‘This isn’t over and you know it,and you Chloe

you’ve succeeded in brain washing my idiot step
son,I’ll deal with you guys later,Skyler let’s
go!!!’..she said and they all left…

this is all my fault…

‘Anna I’m so sorry’..I cried as i hugged her and she

patted my back…

‘it’s okay Chloe,that woman is a douchebag so i

totally understand’..she replied and i hugged her

Alexander took Xander from my hands as I picked

up the rest of his things that was thrown out….

‘i don’t want you staying here anymore Chloe’..he

said and i frowned…

‘What do you mean by that?!!’..i asked..

‘This place isn’t safe for you or our baby anymore

and you know how Megan is’..he added…
‘He’s right Chloe,I’ll be okay but you have to take
Xander elsewhere ‘..Anna said and before I could
object she put a hand on my lips…

‘Besides your little terror doesn’t make me sleep

well at night’..she whispered and i laughed…

‘You’re crazy so where am i going to stay Anna?’..i


‘Simple’..Alex replied.

‘You’ll be staying in my place from now on’…

Megan’s POV

‘You can’t let him go scot free Megan,you just

can’t!!’..Skyler said as i lit my cigar…

‘He slapped me Skyler,that idiot slapped me!!,I’m

so gonna kill him!!!’…

‘Yeah so what are we going to do??’..she asked

and i sighed..

‘i don’t know yet but I know that very soon I’ll take
everything Alex owns!!!!!’…

Alexander’s POV

‘B..but what if??’..she tried saying but I hushed


‘Shh Chloe,I’m here to protect you and Xander

cause i love you both’…i said and kissed her

‘Whoah what happened in that office?’..Anna asked

and i chuckled…

‘Let’s just say we FELL in hot Love’..I said and

winked at Chloe which made her laugh…

I just made a joke…

God I’ve really changed

Ten Minutes Later 💕

‘Okay your things are all in can we go now?’..I
called out to Chloe as she hugged Anna and
entered the car….

‘Bye Anna’..I said as we drove off..

‘Who’s a good boy,you’re a good boy’..Chloe cooed
and Xander making him laugh…

Funny enough I don’t know why I feel like I’m finally

in a real family…

Is this what love feels like??

‘Okay we’re here’..I said as I entered my mini


Oh who am I kidding,my house is goddamn huge…

‘Wow your own house is more beautiful than your

father’s’..Chloe exclaimed as she drooled over the

‘it’s actually our house now and truth be told you’re

the first woman I’ve ever brought over’..I whispered
and she giggled…

‘Does that make me special?’..

‘Yeah you’re special’..I replied and I opened the

door and to my own embarrassment the house was
a beautiful mess….

I totally forgot about the guys night out I had with

‘Uhhhh t..this isn’t what I intend on showing you’..i
said nervously and she laughed..

‘It’s normal,we’ll clean it up after I get settled in’..

I took her to the nursery I prepared when I first met

Xander and she placed him in the space themed

‘Now where’s my room?’..she asked and i frowned..

‘You mean our room?’.i corrected and she furrowed

her brows..

I opened my room’s door and…

Oh not again…

My clothes were littered on the including my


‘is that a??’..she tried to ask but i concealed the

spiderman underwear by the window…

I was so lonely that I didn’t even care about my


‘I’ll go prepare dinner so you can freshen up

okay?’..i said and locked the door behind me…

Alexander you’re the one acting clumsy now…

Chloe’s POV

An Hour Later 💕
I took a quick shower and fed Xander a little and
when i was done i went to the storage room…

I took out some cleaning napkins and liquid some

and started cleaning the windows…

Only God knows when last Mr CEO took a broom

or vacuum cleaner and cleaned his own room…

I sprayed the soap and got to work and a hand

circled around my waist…

‘hmmm your hair smells nice’..A

lexander whispered as he kissed my hair…

‘Let me clean please’..I said and he refused..

‘Let’s just stay like this for a while,you’re warm’..he

said and i smiled…

Staying like this is kinda comfortable…

‘Hey i think something’s burning!!’..


🌷[In *Bed with my Boss* ]🌷


💛Episode Twenty-One

___Andrew coughed loudly cause there was smoke


‘Go back Chloe I’ll handle this mess!!!’..he

screamed and i chuckled badly…

‘Don’t worry I’ll clean it up just help me take care of

Xander while I whip something up’…I said and he

‘i can’t believe I treated you so bad when we first

met,you’re one in a million Chloe and I don’t know
what I’ll do without you or Xander’…he replied and
planted a soft kiss on my lips….

I blushed lightly as he went upstairs and started

cleaning up his messy kitchen…

I opened his refrigerator and surprisingly there was

junk food everywhere…
From an half crust pizza to a big bowl of Vanilla ice
cream,there were even Five bags of Nacho

How does he eat all this and still manage to stay


Anna’s POV

I cleaned my tears as i put my stuffs into the mini

van Alexander got for me…

I’ve lived in this house all my life and now i *have to

leave all becsuse of that devil called Megan

‘Anna please wait!!’..I heard and when i turned

around it was William…

‘What do you want now William?’..I asked.

‘Look Anna I know you hate me but just give me a

chance to explain myself’..he begged and I

‘Okay spit it out,I’m leaving very soon’..I replied..

‘You’re leaving?,because of me?!’…

‘No Will,Megan is at her usual evil self again so I
have to leave to avoid problems,Chloe is with Alex
now’…I said and carried the last of my things into
the box…

‘Ohhh then you can live in my house,I have a spare

room’..he replied and I glared at him…

‘Do you take me as a joke or what?!!,after two

dates ruined you still expect me to live with

‘Anna please take it easy,the girl that came that

night was my ex,I broke ties with her long time
ago’…he said and stepped forward…

‘You sure?’..I asked with full uncertainty..

‘Yeah I’m sure so would you please stay with me

and let’s start over??’..

‘Ok fine’…

Skyler’s POV

‘Madam Skyler your dress for the Montenegro gala

is here’..Edwardo said and dropped the box on my
‘Ok old man you can leave now’..i replied and he

I opened the package and brought out the most

expensive dress in New York…

It was red in color and had real diamond encrusted

beads at the bodice…

Once Alexander sees me in this dress he is so

going to regret ever breaking up with me….

Alexander’s POV

‘Wow this salad is so good,I didn’t know you could

cook like this’..I commended Chloe’s food and she

‘Well i attended summer culinary school when I was

eighteen and I guess I’ve been a great cook ever
since’..she replied..

‘So why don’t you open up a restaurant or an

hotel,you have great PR skills’..I implied and she

‘I’m not ready for that yet and besides i have a baby
‘Oh well if you need me I’ll be in my study’..I said
and left the dining room…

I need to make an important call..

Chloe’s POV

Fifteen Minutes Later 💕

I was busy taking out the trash and to be honest..

Alexander’s house is so messy!!..

I walked through the hallway and stopped abruptly

when I heard Alexander speaking to someone on
the phone…

📲;No I want it to be very beautiful and there

should be diamonds on it…

📲;I don’t care how much it costs I just want it to be

delivered to my office tomorrow…

📲;Yeah yeah it’s for a special someone bye…

As soon as I heard his foot steps i ran into Xander’s
room and shut the door…
What was Alexander ordering and who is the
special someone??..

At Night🌃
I finished preparing dinner and warmed up
Xander’s bottle and when I went up to his room he
wasn’t there…

‘B..but he was just here a while ago’..I muttered

and checked my room but couldn’t find him…

Alexander came upstairs and I panicked when I

didn’t see my baby with him…

‘Alex do you have any idea where Xander is??’..

‘No I don’t I thought he was asleep!!’..he said and I

literally freaked out…

‘My baby,our baby is missing?!!!’..I cried out and he


‘That’s not possible,no one entered the house!!’..he

screamed and I held onto his shoulders…

‘I just dropped him on the bed to change his

diapers and ran down to check on dinner and when
i came back he wasn’t there!!!’…
‘Chill Chloe we’ll find him,I’ll call the police’..he said
and I cried loudly ..

All of a sudden I heard a baby giggle and when I

turned around i saw Xander…

And he was crawling out of the guests toilet?!!..

My baby is crawling?!!



🌷 🌷
[In Bed with my Boss]

💛 💛
Episode Twenty-Two
Alexander’s POV

‘Jesus Double X you almost gave your mom and

me a heart attack!!’..i said as Chloe picked Xander
up from the floor…

‘We just watched his first crawl Alex,our baby just

crawled’..she said and kissed Xander’s cheeks..

‘Yeah my Double X is a smart kid I’m only

wondering how he got down from the bed,this
means we’re gonna make some changes in his
room’..i added and tugged at both mother and

I just hope that the package I ordered for is

delivered tomorrow…

I really need to surprise Chloe…

Megan’s POV

‘You mean he ordered a Feoragamo dress of a

million dollars?!!’.i screamed and my designer

‘He even ordered a 12-carat diamond ring

ma’am’..she added..

A Diamond ring???..

A dress??..

Does it mean that??..

No it’s not possible..

‘Get Skyler on the phone,tell her there’s an

emergency and she should get here asap!!!’..i
There’s no way i would allow that poor secretary
attend the prestigious gala…..

No fucking way!!!!….

Chloe’s POV

The Next Morning 🌄


At the Office
I was busy going through some files when Maria
came inside with a box in her hands…

‘Chloe this came for you’..she said as she dropped

the box on my table…

‘Oh and what is this?’..i asked and she shrugged

her shoulders…

I opened the box and the first thing i saw was a


……Your CEO…
I smiled and brought out the most beautiful red
dress I’ve ever seen..

It had diamonds and everything…

This must cost a fortune!!!..

Ten Minutes Later 💕

‘You know I can’t wear this and I can’t come to the
gala Alex,it’s way out of my league’..i said and he

‘What do you mean by it’s out of your league,you’re

the woman I love so why won’t you be there?!!’..he
replied and i sighed…

Arguing with Alexander Montenegro is like breaking

a coconut with a plastic spoon…

‘W..what about your step mom,she would kill me if i

arrived there’…

He stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders

and tugged at my cheek…

‘Baby,we both have a son and that means you’re

basically a Montenegro’…he said and I forced a
‘if i don’t see you at the gala tonight then i won’t talk
to you ever again’…He warned…


‘No buts baby,I’ll send the driver to come pick you

up tonight,I’ve arranged for Maria to babysit
Xander’…he replied and i walked out from the

Well i have no choice but to wear the dress that

looks sexy and it’s also like a mosquito net….

Two Minutes Later 💕

I finished the work on my hands and waited outside
for a taxi with the box in my hands…

Alexander left an hour earlier to take care of the

gala preparation and he didn’t even bother kissing
me good bye…

I guess he’s pretty mad at me…

‘Excuse me’..a guy in a black hoodie said as he

passed me and then when I looked down the box
wasn’t in my hands anymore…
‘Thief!!!’..i screamed in tears but before i could do
anything else he was already gone….

My dress for the gala is gone?!!!!..

What do I do now?!!…

I grabbed my phone and called Anna with tears

flowing from my eyes….

📱;Hey Anna..
📱;This isn’t Anna,this is William,I’m at my fashion
house with Anna,we’re picking a dress….

📱;Oh OK..
📱;What’s wrong Chloe?..
📱;Will,my dress has been stolen…
Alexander’s POV

At the Montenegro Gala 🎇🎇

The party had already started with many celebrities
coming in with their best dresses on the red

Why is Chloe not here yet?!!!…

Twenty minutes gone and the dance had already

started,i just sat at a corner waiting for her but she
still didn’t show up…

‘Waiting for someone?’..i heard and when I turned

Skyler was standing there in a beautiful red

‘Leave me alone Skyler’..I muttered and drank a

glass of champagne…

‘I knew she wouldn’t come Alex,a poor bitch will

always be like that’..she said and i walked away…

I can’t believe Chloe would disappoint me like this..

‘Hey Bro’…William said as i grabbed the third glass

of champagne…

‘When I get home I’m going to give Chloe a piece of

my mind i can’t believe she ditched me’..I said and
he smiled…

‘You might wanna turn around’. He whispered and

when i did my head was almost blown away….
Chloe walked in wearing a white ball gown instead
of the red one bought for her and….

‘Oh my God!!!!’..i exclaimed as the glass dropped

from my hands…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twenty-Three💛

Skyler’s POV

‘M..M..Megan turn around’..i stuttered as the whole

guests marveled at Chloe’s dress…

‘Oh shit!!,i thought her dress was stolen!!!’..she said

angrily and I frowned….

‘It was stolen,I guess she got a much more prettier

one,look at the dress it’s so beautiful!!’…i replied
obviously angry and ashamed…

Why does every plan i make backfire?!!..

This isn’t the end Chloe,I’ll surely get you one day
and that’s a promise!!…
Alexander’s POV

Saliva was literally dripping from my mouth as my

eyes rested on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever

‘How do I look?’..Chloe asked as she approached

William and I…

I circled my arms around her waist and kissed her


‘Magnificent is an understatement babe,you look

out of this World’…I whispered and she giggled…

I wonder what happened to the other dress i got for

her but that doesn’t matter…

All I know is that she looks absolutely stunning…

‘Can I have a dance with you mi lady?’..a middle

aged man asked Chloe and she nodded..

My smile turned into a frown immediately as I saw

his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders…
‘Chill Alex,it’s just a dance?’..William teased and I

‘Look at the way he’s holding my woman,my

woman for crying out loud!!’..i replied..

The dance was over and before she could walk

towards me again another guy of my age group
approached her…

He said something that made her laugh and i felt

yucky inside…

So this is what jealousy feels like..

‘Uhh excuse me’..i said as i grabbed Chloe’s hand..

‘What’s the problem?’..she asked and i smirked..

‘i just don’t like it when you’re laughing with a guy

or dancing with one,it makes me feel somehow’…

‘Are you jealous?’..she asked crossing her arms

and I scoffed..

‘No I’m not’..

‘So you are jealous?’..she asked again..

‘Yeah i am,let’s go home this place is boring’..i

whispered and she nodded…
With the way things are going may God help me if I
don’t rip that dress of her…

William’s POV

An Hour Later at home 🏡

‘i can’t do this anymore William,it’s obvious that ‘us’
can’t work anymore!!!’..Anna screamed in tears as
she packed her things…

‘Anna it’s so disappointing to know that you don’t

trust me one bit,I thought I’ve explained this
before!!!’..i fired back…

She shook her head and walked past me taking her

cosmetics from the bathroom…

‘This is the third time she has ruined any intimate

moment between us and it’s pretty obvious you’re
in love with her!!!’…she screamed in tears…

‘i don’t love her Anna and as a matter of fact i think

I’m in love with you!!’..

‘I love you Anna and if you could just trust me I’ll
prove it to you’…

Chloe’s POV

‘Your baby is a handful’..Maria said as she handed

Xander over to Alex…

‘Thanks Maria you’re sure to get a raise

tomorrow’..he said and she smiled as she left..

I went into the bathroom and got out of the dress

William lent me from his fashion house as Alex put
Xander to sleep…

I packed my hair in a ponytail while I changed into a

pink night gown…

‘Who’s there?’..i muttered as i heard footsteps in

the room while combing my hair…

‘Did anyone tell you that you look prettier every

second’..I heard Alex say and smiled…

‘Awww thanks’..I replied and the next thing I knew

he started kissing my neck…

‘W..what are you doing?’..i stuttered as I stood up

and he circled my arms on his neck…
‘I’m just doing what every man does when there’s a
sexy lady near him’..

I sighed as he covered my lips with his and slowly

laid me on the bed…

It’s going to be a sweet night…

Alexander’s POV



At the Office

I was busy going through some files in the office

when William walked in…

‘Happy birthday bro!!,you’re finally 29 and as old as

Methuselah!!!’..he screamed and i laughed…

He always does this every year….

‘Thanks William,I feel kinda old now’..

‘Nah you’re still as hot as Channing tatum’..he

complemented and i smiled….
I stood up and then the small box in my pocket fell
and rolled towards him…

‘Whoah is this..??’..

‘An engagement ring yes’..i replied and he gasped..

‘i am going to ask Chloe to be my wife tonight’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twenty-Four💛

Megan’s POV

‘You heard what?!!’..i screamed as Ruth my

personal spy in the office said…

‘He said that he was going to propose to Chloe this

morning when uncle William visited’..she whispered
as she drank the last drop of coffee…

‘Ok Ruth thanks,I’ll send your cash through wire

transfer’.i said and she left…

So my dear step son is planning on making Chloe

his wife??..
And on his birthday?!!..

Not gonna happen on my watch?!!..

Chloe’s POV

‘Happy birthday!!!’..i screamed as i walked into

Alexander’s office with Xander in my arms and
rolling in a cake….

‘Awww thanks baby’..he muttered and the whole

staff followed me..

‘Wow thanks guys!!’..he gasped and they all


‘You may be a goblin sir but we still love

you!!!’..Mark added and everyone laughed…

I lit the candles on the cake and everyone began


🎶🍰Happy birthday to you(2x)

🎶🍰Happy birthday our CEO…
🎶🍰Happy birthday to you…
‘Make a wish’..i said and he blew the candles
making everyone clap…
Before I could even blink twice Baby Xander dipped
his hands inside the cake…

‘Xander stop it!!!’..i screamed and everyone

laughed…kindly hi ish on+2335544142683 to read
more stories from storyline, storybaze, unlimited
story platform, Novela and story room.
Alexander took him from my hands andXander
rubbed his hands all over his white shirt…

‘Ewwww!!’..He screamed and kissed my cheeks..

‘i love you guys so so much’..he whispered.

‘We love you too,I wonder what you wished for’..

‘Oh you’ll find out tonight’…

Anna’s POV

‘He’s what?!!’..i jerked up

‘He is going to propose tonight at his birthday party

Anna,now tell me which suits me more the red or
black tie?’..he replied
‘The red one is better and that’s so sweet of
Alex,they look so happy together’..I said as i

‘Yeah,nothing is going to ruin their perfect moment,I

just hope she says yes’..

I laughed and helped him adjust the tie he was

struggling to wear..

‘You’re sick,Chloe is sure going to say yes,she

loves the Nigga!!!!’…

Chloe’s POV

At Night🌃
I was busy trying to serve the guests for Alex’s
dinner birthday party when he circled his arms
around my waist….

‘W..what are you doing I’m busy here!’..i protested

and he frowned…

‘I’ve not even had enough time with the lady I

love,for crying out loud it’s my birthday so i should
get what ever I want!!’..he said and i laughed…
‘So what does Mr CEO want?!’..i asked and he
whispered into my ears..

‘You’re crazy there are people here’..I said and he


Crazy Alexander…

Who knew he could be so cheesy??..

Twenty Minutes Later 🍁

‘Chloe please come over here!!!’..i heard Alex call
and i went to the living room…

‘Now guys when I met this lady she was as clumsy

as a Trojan horse and now she’s the love of my
life!’..he said and everyone laughed…

‘Chloe Henshaw,the mother of the most wonderful

baby on earth?’…he said as he knelt down on one

Oh my God!!!!!..

‘i just want to ask one question’..

‘Uh-uh?’..i replied with tears in my,eyes…

‘Will you marry me??”…he asked and before i
could say yes the power went down and there was
total darkness….

There was a loud gunshot and when the power

came back!!!!….

‘Alexander!!’..i screamed in tears as he laid down in

a pool of blood with a ring in his hands….

He’s been shot!!!!..


🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷


💛Episode Twenty-Five💛

Chloe’s POV cont.d💋


‘Call 911,call an ambulance,call anyone!!!!’..i

screamed in tears as i knelt down and placed
Alex’s head on my thighs…

‘Oh my God Chloe how did this happen?!’..Anna

cried out and i shook my head…
‘i don’t know Anna,he proposed to me and before i
could even say yes the light went out and he was
shot!!!!’…i screamed..

‘The ambulance is here!!’..Someone shouted and

everyone gave way as the medics approached…

Megan’s POV

I was busy sipping the lemonade that was brought

for me when Gerard called…

📲;The deed has been done Boss…

📲;Oh thank you Gerard,i,hope you carried out the
deed very well and I hope he’s going to die…

📲;Oh he would die alright,just send the cash to

Jerry’s account…

📲;Okay bye…
As soon as i disconnected the call Skyler came
running in..

‘Oh my God Megan,you’re here?!!,Alex has been

shot!!!’..she screamed and i chuckled…
‘So should i make pot roast because i killed my
son?!!’..i replied and she gasped. .

‘How could you do that?!!,you’re so evil,i just want

to torture your step son and not kill him?!!!’…

I frowned and brought out a little knife that i got

from my visit in Istanbul…

‘This is way out of line Megan and i don’t want to be

a part of your sharade anymore’.. She said angrily
and i sighed…

‘i am going to miss you Skyler’.I muttered..

‘What?!!’..she said and I stabbed her on the neck…

‘Too bad you have to die bitch!!!’…

Chloe’s POV

Ten Minutes later at the hospital 🕐🏥 …

‘Just chill babe,he’s going to be okay’..William said
as he stroked my head and i cried harder…
Anna decided to stay home and take care of
‘He can’t die Will,he just can’t die,we have a baby
together and Xander can’t grow up without his
daddy?!!!’..i cried out and he hugged me…

‘Alexander is going to be okay,He’s as stubborn as

a bull horn so he will pull through’…William replied
and i sat on a nearby bench…

He proposed and i couldn’t even say yes..

Alexander please wake up just for me…

An Hour Later 🕐
‘How is he doctor??’..i asked as i stood up from the
bench and he smiled…

‘Well lady i would sure say that what happened in

the theater was a miracle’..he replied..

‘What do you mean?’..

He ushered me into his office and showed me

Alexander’s X-ray scan…

‘Well as you can see,the ring box he had in his

breast pocket and that it was made of glass’…
‘So??’..i asked..

‘The glass reduced the force of the bullet thereby

trapping it in the skin tissues,if it had gotten to his
heart then he would have died instantly’..the doctor

I covered my mouth with my hands and slumped on

the chair near me…

‘Does this mean that?!…’..

‘Yes Chloe,Alexander is okay but it’s going to be a

while before he wakes up’..he said and i jumped on

‘He’s going to be okay William,my sweetheart is

going to be Okay’..i cried and he smiled…

‘i told you before Chloe,Alex is a fighter and

besides who would want to leave a pretty lady like
you for the land of the dead’…


‘I’m taking Xander to see his daddy today Anna’..I
said as i combed my hair and she smiled..
‘You know you don’t have to do this babe,i can take
care of your baby’..she replied..

‘No I just want to take him there,I’m sure he misses

seeing his daddy am i right baby!!?’..I asked as i
tickled Xander and he giggled softly…

Alex has been out of danger but for two days now
he hasn’t woken up and I’m pretty worried…

I entered a cab and when i got to Alexander’s ward

Xander began crying…

‘Shhh baby you don’t want to wake daddy up don’t

you?’.i whispered as i rocked him but he cried

I turned around and walked towards my baby’s

sucker and he just increased the volume of his

‘Xander stop it!!’..i said as i hit him lightly on his


‘Leave my son alone Chloe,he just wants his daddy

to wake up!’…i heard a faint voice and when i

‘Alex you’re awake?!!!’..i screamed and he smiled..

‘Of course I’m awake,now before I get shot again i
just want to ask,WILL YOU MARRY ME?!!!’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
Episode Twenty-Six
Chloe’s POV

‘Yes I would marry you,I would marry you Mr

CEO’..I cried out and pressed my lips down to his..

‘Now I’m glad I woke up,I miss the taste of those

lips’..he muttered weakly and I blushed…

The doctor came in immediately and started

checking for some vital signs..

‘Please leave Miss,we have to run some tests on

him’..the doctor said and I nodded carrying Xander

I’m just so glad he’s awake..

William’s POV
I was busy going through some files when Anna
walked in looking tired..

‘Are you okay??’..I asked and she winced..

‘Yeah i am,I’m just tired with today’s afternoon rush

and now the owner of the building is asking for this
month’s rent’…she added and I smiled…

‘Let me give *you a foot rub’..I *suggested and

rubbed her tiny feet which made her moan and then
things started getting interesting* when I started
kissing her…

‘i think it’s time Anna’…

Megan’s POV

‘I don’t care about Alexander Mr,I just want half of

the properties to be transferred in my name’..I said
to the company’s lawyer and he smiled…

‘You know that’s not possible when he’s actually

alive and well Megan’…

‘How do you mean?!!’..I fired jerking up and he

chuckled softly..
‘So you didn’t hear that your son woke up this
morning??’..he said and I screamed loudly…

‘Get out!!!’..I said to him and he ran away…

I thought my goons are the best when it comes to

doing their job then how did they fail at this one….

‘Edwardo!!!’..I called out and he came in running…

‘Yes Ma’am’…
JOIN Newtons Library story page to read
interesting stories. Chat with me on 0244345690 or
0243213014 to be added.
‘Get me Nurse Anya’s phone number,I need her to
do something for me’…

Alexander’s POV

‘The soup here tastes like sweat Chloe,I want to go

home’..I wailed and she laughed…

‘That’s why I packed you this’.. *she* replied

revealing a cooler of Chicken Broccoli soup…

‘Oh God I love you so so much’..I said as the smell

of the delicacy wafted through my nose…
‘Aww I love you too,i have to leave now,I need to
pick Xander from Will’s place’…she said and I

‘But I’ll miss you’..

‘I’ll miss you too and I’ll be back tomorrow

morning,Nurse Kiki has given you your shot already
so you’ll be asleep in a minute from now’…she
replied and walked away….

She was right…

I feel sleepy…

‘Hi I’m nurse Anya’.was the last thing I heard as I

dozed off…

Chloe’s POV

I waited for a cab and the rain began falling..

I ran quickly under a stranger’s umbrella and all of

a sudden I remembered that I forgot my house

‘Shit!!’..i muttered as i rushed back into the hospital

and when I got to Alex’s ward a nurse was there…
‘Who are you?!!’..I asked and she suddenly
knocked the tray over…

‘i..I I’m Nurse Anya’..she said and I became


My eyes darted towards her identification card and

the name I saw was different…

‘Okay’..I nodded slowly and when she wanted to

leave I dragged her back and used the tray to hit
her on the head….

‘Are you trying to kill Alexander?!!’..I screamed as I

jumped on her..

‘No no!!’..she wailed in protest…

‘No huh?!,then why is the syringe bottle labelled




🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twenty-Seven

Chloe’s POV cont.d
‘I..didn’t want to do this miss Chloe but Mrs
Montenegro forced me!!’..the nurse cried out and i
stood up from her body…

‘What do *you mean by Mrs Montenegro forced

you?!’i asked obviously shocked and* she

‘Mrs Megan kidnapped my only son Anwar and

threatened to kill me if i don’t do her will!!’..she

‘I’m going to call the Police’..i angrily said bringing

out my phone..

‘Please don’t call the cops ma’am,I’m just a worried

mother who wants the best for my son,if you call
the cops Megan will surely kill my son’..she begged
and i calmed down…

I totally understand her pain,i would do anything if

my baby Xander was in danger…

‘Okay i totally understand but you have to tell the

police exactly what you told me’…i implied and she
nodded scrambling to her feet and ran away….

I took the keys from the table and as i turned to

leave Alexander held me back…
‘Uhhh you’re awake?’..i asked awkwardly and he

‘Yeah,I heard what you just said,thanks for saving

my life baby’..he replied..

I wanted to leave but he still didn’t let me go..

‘Please stay with me tonight’. He begged..

‘What about Xander?’..i asked..

‘He can stay with Anna and William just for tonight
and you can pick him up tomorrow’..

‘Hmmm you sure??’

‘Yeah,so please stay with your CEO,please with

puppy eyes?!!’..he said and blinked his blue eyes
which made me smile..

‘Okay fine’..i said..

He shifted and I lied down close to him on his

hospital bed..

‘Hmm this is kinda comfy’..i muttered as i lowered

my lashes..
Megan’s POV

Immediately the clock chimed in my study I knew

that it was finally time to call Anya..

By now the deed should have been done and Alex

should have been dead…

📲;Anya is the work done?,is my son dead??..

📲;Uhhh the plan failed Mrs Montenegro…
Immediately she disconnected the call and i threw
my phone across the room…

That backstabbing nurse..

She thinks she can fail me and go scot free,hell


My phone began ringing and it was Daniel,another

assassin of mine..

📲;Hey chill mamacita,i just wanted to ask what we
should do with the boy…

📲;Anya’s son??
📲;Kill him…
Alexander’s POV

I woke up feeling uneasy and when I turned i

smiled realising that Chloe was sleeping next to

From her auburn brown hair to her little pink velvet

lips she just looks so beautiful…

‘Hey’..she said when she opened those thick lashes

exposing her beautiful blue eyes and I smiled…

‘Hi’..i replied..

‘Were you watching me sleep?’..she asked..

‘Yeah,watching you sleep is better than anything

else in this world’..i complimented and her cheeks
turned pink…

She raised her head up and kissed me softly and

before I could go deeper she pulled out and i

‘Before i forget i just want to ask’..

‘Ask me what?’..
‘Why do you hate Megan so much? And why does
she hate you more??’…she asked and i sighed…

i brought out my personal pocket book and showed

her some of my childhood pictures…

‘I’ve never shown anyone this book but I guess

you’re the closest to my heart,this here is a picture
of my biological mother’…I replied showing her the

‘Awwww now I know where you got those sexy

eyes from’..she commended and i smirked…

I closed the pocket book and lied down on the bed

and she laid her head on my chest…

‘Well Megan was my mother’s personal assistant

and also like her best friend,I never liked her
especially when she was babysitting me when my
mother was out of town,she always maltreated me
and when my mom was around she always acted
like an angel,then after sometime my mother fell
sick,she never took it serious and my dad surely
didn’t care.
I began suspecting both Megan and my dad when I
saw them both eating dinner while my mother was
in the hospital.My mother was finally discharged
and the day we both came home from the
hospital,there they lay…..Megan and my father
naked and on top of each other having sex.My
mother was shaken and right there she had a heart
attack and died in my own arms’…

I paused for a moment and then continued the


‘After my mother was buried my dad didn’t even

waste anytime marrying Megan,the painful part was
that i was locked up in a cage so that I couldn’t stop
the wedding,Megan and my father were officially a
couple and I suffered alot from her and when my
father died she thought he was going to leave
everything to her and Damian’..i added.

‘Who is Damian’..she asked..

‘He’s my stepbrother’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twenty-Eight

⭐⭐⭐Quarter Finale⭐⭐⭐
Chloe’s POV
‘Jeez you have a brother and you never told
me?!!,why?’..i spoke up feeling kinda sad that he
hid it from me…

‘Look Damian is kinda our family secret,He’s a

retard and Megan doesn’t give a shit about
him,He’s in a secret facility that even Megan
doesn’t know about’..he replied..


‘Well because Megan wants to kill him,He’s her

secret shame’..he added and i gasped…

As a mother the last thing I would do is try to kill my

own child no matter how abnormal he is…

I think it’s *high time Megan Montenegro is put

behind* bars…

Her tyrany has to finally come to an end…

‘I have to leave now Alex,I’ll be back soon’..i said to

Alexander and he frowned…


‘I have to go to the station’..

Anna’s POV

‘Awww baby Xander you’re so so cute’..i said as i

shook the rattle in front of him and he giggled…

‘Who’s a good boy,you’re a good boy’..I added and

William walked in with a drawl on his face…

‘Hi’..I said and he surprisingly ignored me..

‘What’s the matter??’..i asked and tears started

flowing from his eyes…

‘Uhhh Anna we might have a problem’..he replied..

‘Yeah what is it?’..

‘Remember Jane,my ex girlfriend?’..

‘Yeah i do,what about her?’..

‘She’s pregnant for me’…

Alexander’s POV

Chloe brought Xander with her to the hospital after

discovering about William’s predicament and after
that the cops followed
One of them began talking with her outside my
ward while i played with my baby and from the
looks of things i think there’s some trouble…

‘What is the problem officer??’..i asked and he

shook his head…

‘Well your ex girlfriend Skyler Montenegro was

found dead at your family house!!’..he said and I
jerked up…

‘What do you mean by that?!!’…

‘Well her body was cut to pieces and thrown into

the trash bin in front of your house so what do you
have to say about that Mr???’…he added giving me
a quizzical look…

I glared at Chloe and she was already in tears and

that made me angry…

‘Look here officer,I haven’t lived in that house for

almost three months now and you’re supposed to
know that!!’..i lashed at him and he smirked…

‘That’s okay Mr Montenegro so do you know any

close friend of hers??’..he asked .

‘Well i know she’s my mother accomplice in trouble

making so…’..
‘That’s all we need thank you!’..he replied and left
the premises…

I feel pretty bummed that Skyler is dead but deep

down it’s not that painful…

Skyler has always been a pain ever since i met


Megan’s POV

‘The Police are here ma’am’..Edwardo said and I

jerked from my bed..

‘W..what?!!..tell them I’m not around!!’..i said

quickly but he laughed…

‘I’ve told them that you’re around already ma’am so

you have to go answer them’..he said and muttered
something like ‘Bitch’…

‘Ohh just get out!!’..i screamed and he walked


I knew that throwing Skyler’s body in a trash bin is

a bad idea but i still went through with it..

Oh i have an idea…
‘Where is that rope?’.I murmured as I looked for the
escape rope and immediately I saw it i hooked it
around my waist…

Those cocky officers think they can catch the

powerful Megan Montenegro…

No way…

I am the master of shenanigance and i can’t go to


I slowly climbed down the house wall and all of a

sudden Edwardo came towards the window…

‘Edwardo lower me’..i whispered and he chuckled


‘Do you really think I’ll let you leave after all you’ve
done to Master Alexander?!!’..he screamed…

‘What the fuck are you doing Edwardo just lower

me and let me leave before i kill you!!!!’..i screamed

‘No Megan Montenegro, *because of you a

wonderful boy lost his mother,you’re a disgrace to*
womanhood!!!’..he cried out and cut the ropes…

I fell down from a storey and…

‘Oh my back!!!’..i cried out and two policemen
rushed over…

‘You can’t run from the law Megan

Montenegro,you’re under arrest!!!’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Twenty-Nine

Megan’s POV cont.d

Twenty Minutes Later☀

‘i want a lawyer!!’..i screamed at the interrogator
and he smirked…

‘You’re not getting any lawyer until you explain

explain how a twenty five year old lady’s dead body
is doing in your trash can!!’..he fired back..
‘It may be someone who put it there,how does it
concern me?!’..i asked and all of a sudden Anya
came in running…

Oh s


I was so occupied with some business that I totally

forgot about the Indian bitch…

‘You killed my son you monster!!!’..she cried out

and launched at me immediately…

‘What do you mean by she killed your son?’..an

officer asked and she slumped on a chair…

‘Anya don’t you say a word’..I whispered and she

ignored me..

‘She threatened to kill my son unless I Kill

Alexander Montenegro and when I was caught by
his girlfriend i decided to leave.I called Mrs
Montenegro and told her about her foiled plan she
killed my baby…
I’m so sorry officer but I’m just a worried mother
and my son is no more because of this
woman!!!!’..she screamed and the officers
‘Your statement has been recorded Mrs
Anya,justice will surely avenge your dead son’…he
said and I frowned…

‘She’s lying,they’re all lying against me!!!!’..i cried

out and he chuckled…

‘You will surely rot in jail Megan Montenegro!!!’..

William’s POV

‘Anna I know you’re pretty mad at me and I’ll

understand if you’ll leave me and go away’..i said
with a smirk on my face…

‘To be honest William i don’t know what to say or

do!!!’..she cried out…

I walked inside my room and took the small box out

of the drawer…

Two minutes later Chloe came in rolling Alexander

on a wheel chair…

I guess he was discharged from the hospital today..

‘What’s popping guys??’..he asked as Chloe eased

him into the sofa…
‘Well Alex,your best friend here has a pregnant
ex’..she cried out…

Oh here we go….

Anna’s POV

He impregnated his ex and he’s acting so cool

about it like he doesn’t even care at all…

‘I’m leaving’..i finally spoke up and ran inside the


‘Anna wait!!!’..Chloe called but before anyone could

do anything i shut the door and locked it…

‘Anna please open the door!!!’..Alexander called out

but i refused…

He’s even the one begging instead of my so called


I can’t believe I’ve been living with a bastard all this


i folded my legs and leaned on the door handle until

I heard Chloe scream…

‘William is unconscious,Alex help!!!’..

I opened the door immediately and rushed to the
living room but instead of seeing William on the
floor he was on his knees…

‘Is this a joke or what?!!,I can’t believe you would

stoop so low William!!’..I cried out and they all

‘That was just a joke Anna,no one is

pregnant,William just wanted to propose’…Chloe

‘He wants to what?!!’..i shrieked and when I turned

William opened a ring box….

‘From the moment you walked into that elevator

with me my life has never remained the same,i
wasn’t reliable and committed to you but I realized
that without you I am a nobody,ANNA ROBINSON
WILL YOU MARRY ME?!!!’..he said and I jumped…

‘Yes William Dunbrook I will marry you!!!’..i cried

out as he placed the ring in my finger…

Alexander’s POV

An Hour Later⭐
At the Police Station 🏪
‘Well I guess the law finally caught up with you step
mom or should i say fake mom?!!’..i said over the
glass window mockingly and she frowned…

‘Enough of the mocking son just get me out of

here!!’..she cried out and I chuckled…

‘So now I’m your son?? Very funny Megan I’m outta
here’..i replied and wanted to leave until she began

‘I’m so sorry Alexander,i just want to see my son

again’..she begged..

‘You know something Megan,Damian is doing fine

without you,I hope you die very soon Megan and
when you do greet the devil for me!!!!’…

I left the station feeling kinda good after that

confrontation with my step mother…

I’m finally happy that Justice has been served for

my mother…

I got home and walked into into the hallway and

stopped when I saw Chloe cradling Xander near
the window…
Funny enough she was even asleep and Xander
was awake.

I guess she’s been tired from taking care of me..

I took Xander from her hands and fed him till he


I placed him in his cot and turned towards Chloe.

With the sun ray shining on her pretty face she

looked like an Egyptian goddess…

‘Will you keep staring at me or help me get to

bed’..she murmured with her eyes closed and i

I carried her bridal style as she laid on my chest

and placed her on the bed…

‘Thanks’..she murmured and I kissed her softly on

her cheeks…

‘Only the cheeks?,you disappoint me Mr CEO’..she

added and i chuckled…

She circled her arms around my neck and I lowered

my head kissing her erotically…
‘Do you want to make another baby?’..i said

‘Yeah but we have a wedding to plan first’…



🌷[In Bed with my Boss]🌷
💛Episode Thirty💛

🐾⭐🐾⭐🐾Grand Finale\Final Episode🐾⭐


Chloe’s POV

Four ⭐Months ⭐Later

* **** *

‘Do you Chloe Henshaw take our beloved

Alexander Montenegro as your lawfully wedded
husband,in sickness or in health,in wealth or in
poverty till death do you part?!!’..the priest said…

‘I do’..i replied.

‘And do you Alexander Montenegro take her as

your wife and all other things i told your bride??’..he
asked Alex and i laughed…
‘Yes i do’..he replied..

‘You may now kiss the bride’..

Alexander pressed his lips down to mine and we

kissed deeply while the congregation cheered

‘Hey that’s enough you can do the rest on your

wedding night’…William screamed and everyone

William and Anna had their own wedding and it was

the most beautiful thing ever…

Alexander decided for our wedding to be at a small

cathedral and with a small congregation…

Oh God i feel like I’m crying…

Megan’s POV

At New York’s Maximum Prison 🎽

I watched in tears as I saw Alexander kiss Chloe on
the television…
The guards forced me to watch even though it was
against my wish….

‘Someone is here to see you prisoner 101′..a

warden said and opened the cell for me…

I dusted my prison clothes and followed him to the

visitation room and who i saw seated right there
sent shivers down my spine…

‘D..D..Damian??’..i stuttered as I sat down and he


‘Hello Megan or should I say mother?’..he replied

and I gulped..

He looked so handsome and just like Alexander


‘Damian I…’.

‘Don’t Damian me Megan,I can’t call you my mother

by the way because my stepbrother was there for
me and you weren’t,i just want to tell you that I’m
okay now and if you’ll excuse me i have a wedding
reception to attend’….

He walked away without even saying a goodbye

and tears flowed freely from my eyes…
I guess this is the price for evil..

I’ve been given a life sentence and my son hates


Alexander’s POV

Thirty Minutes Later


Its a beautiful night.

🎸🎼We’re looking for something down to do..

🎸🎼Hey baby..
🎸🎼I think i wanna marry you…
Chloe and I danced with the rest of the guests at
the house party and she giggled when i kissed her

‘Don’t you think we should end the party already,i

wanna go to sleep’..she said yawning..

‘Okay fine’..i replied..

I walked to the light switch and turned the lights off

and everyone groaned..
‘Sorry guys the wedding after party is over’..I said
and they all laughed…

‘Let’s go guys,Mr and Mrs Montenegro want to

make another Baby’ ..Damian commented and I

They all laughed and left the house one by one…

I went to the bar and decided to take in a little

whiskey and went upstairs…

Chloe wasn’t in our room and i walked into

Xander’s room and there she was singing a lullaby
wearing the most beautiful night gown…

What is wrong with me??..

‘Look Xander,daddy loves mommy so much’..she

said when she noticed me and i chuckled…

I walked towards the both of them and kissed her


‘Ma-ma-da-da’..Xander said and we both


‘Awww baby

he called my name’..Chloe said and I furrowed my

‘No babe he called my name’..i argued..

‘Can’t you hear!?,he clearly said mama!!’..she

added and I sighed…

I won’t let her win this argument this time…

‘He said Da-da take It or leave it’…

Two Years Later
‘Daddy,mommy’s belly looks like my
football’..Xander squealed as we walked to Chloe in
the garden.

‘Don’t tell mommy that okay?,you’re just three and

she’ll kill you if you say something like that’..i
replied and he giggled softly…

When we reached Chloe didn’t even notice us

because she was busy reading a book on a soft
‘Hey baby’..i said as I crouched down and kissed
her on the cheeks…
‘Hey honey,I’m just wrapping up with this book and
when I’m done I’ll prepare dinner’..she said and I

I bent down and kissed her protruding belly which

made her smile…

‘Ooh I think he kicked’…she said.

‘Point of correction it’s a she’..i countered..


‘She’..i argued

‘Maybe,I..its a baby boy and girlie Daddy’…Xander

said and we both laughed…

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